Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley Ron Weasley
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 02/12/2004
Updated: 08/26/2004
Words: 25,937
Chapters: 11
Hits: 15,194

Snogs Galore!


Story Summary:
It’s the beginning of February and a Slytherin has gotten their hands on Cupid’s bow and set of arrows. The plan goes awry and the arrows are being found all around school. Love is running amok and no one is safe. NO ONE! This fic will contain numerous ships.

Chapter 03

Author's Note:
To my loverly Beta, Gia, a huge thanks! You’re awesome. To my fabulous friends at LJ you guys are great. And to everyone who reviewed. WOW! ^-^ I’m amazed. Glad you’re enjoying this. Many thanks to Indigo Starfire, Lady Regan, Tiniwiel, Polyxena, Louise, Euphoria, lacey weasley, Ginnydarkside (loff you muchly), DarlingVioletLestat, Melantha Barton, SilkSpire, Grey Eyes, SuperFireChild, Cathryn, SkoosiePants (* SQUEEE!*), DMTABF, HoGwArTsISrEaL007, Libby, Roxieca18, Looney Lynn, sexypadfoot, Potters Girl21, Tasha granger, monkeysrock, chappy, Thalia17, ismea09, dracoandharrysgirl(here come the snogs), hermione girl111088(you’ll find out how Pansy’s dad got it in a later chapter), for taking the time to review.

Chapter Three

Hermione walked into the library and asked Madam Pince to direct her to the enchanted weapons sections. Once there, she began looking for a book that might have Ginny's arrow in it. Luna had drawn a picture of how she remembered the arrow to look. Hermione now had that drawing in her hand so she might be able to find something comparable. She picked one out, a tome titled 'How to Enchant Everyday Weapons' and headed over to the nearest table.

She was dismayed to find someone else at the section's table. He sat slouched in his chair. The only thing visible above the large book he was reading was the dark loose curls that covered his head. Why him? He always seemed to be here in the library whenever she was. It had gotten to the point where she had found herself distracted by his very presence. Many nights she would be sitting at a table, pouring over her books and homework only to find her gaze drawn to him. He would be seated directly in her line of vision. He always slouched just a bit, much like he was now, as if he was trying to hide his large six foot frame. Not possible, she thought. His muscular build always caught the eye of every female in the room.

She sat down opposite him. His blue eyes glanced up at the intrusion, and then quickly looked back at what he was reading. Hermione looked at the book he was so engrossed in, 'Enchanting Weaponry: What You Should Know'. Interesting, she thought as she opened up her own book and started looking through the index.

Blaise smiled to himself, he couldn't believe his good luck. He had just been talking about her with Draco and now here she was. As he heard her sit down he stole another look in her direction. "Interesting choice of reading material," he smirked.

Hermione placed the drawing in the book and laid it down on the table. She tilted her head to the side. "Funny," she said, "I was just thinking the same of you." She clasped her hands on top of her book and leaned forward. "I consider myself a rather intelligent individual."

Blaise put his book down. He couldn't wait to see where she was going with this, although he had a pretty good idea. He waved her on with his hand. "Please, continue," he said with a slight smile.

Hermione raised one eyebrow. "What do you think the odds are that both of us are here reading similar books, yet not looking for the same thing?"

" Pretty slim," he said. He leaned closer to her, keeping his eyes locked with hers. "I tell you what." He reached forward and skimmed a finger over her knuckles. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

Although Hermione considered herself intelligent, for that one instant though her mind went blank. She lost all train of thought. She blinked rapidly a couple of times, and slowly wet her lips. This action brought his gaze down to her mouth and he leaned closer. He was reaching for her hand when she shook her head and pulled back. "Oh, no, you don't. I'm not falling for the Zabini charm," she chuckled. "I tell you what. You show me yours first, then I'll decide if I want to show you mine." She pulled her book back into her lap and waited for his response.

He sat back in his chair and stroked his chin. "So what you're saying is." He bent forward and put his elbows on the table, flashed that dazzling smile and said, "I'm charming."

Hermione dropped her head into her hands. She couldn't believe it. Granted he had good reason to be so full of himself. Dark curly hair, tan good looks, and an amazing smile all wrapped up in a superb package of muscle. She gave him her patronizing look, which she had perfected on Ron. "Show me your picture," she sighed.

With a smile he slid the drawing across the table to her. Hermione picked it up and tried her best to hide her surprise. Even though she had been pretty confident that they were looking for the same thing, it was still shocking to see the same arrow. Wordlessly, she pushed her drawing towards him.

"Well, it would seem we are both in search of the same information." He reached forward for her hand. "What say we work together on this?"

Hermione pulled her hand from his. "I'll have to check with someone first." There was no way she would work with this Slytherin without asking Ginny first.

Blaise stood up and placed his hands on the table. He leaned forward. "I'm sure Ginny won't mind. After all two heads are better than one." He reached over and lightly ran his fingers down her hair and cupped her chin. "Let me know when you're ready." He turned and walked out of the library.

Hermione was still sitting there with her mouth agape as she watched him saunter out of the library. She grabbed up both pictures, since he had conveniently left his behind, and headed towards Gryffindor Tower.


Pansy had proceeded to skive off the afternoon's classes. After that horrible experience in the Great Hall at lunch, she couldn't chance running into Ron Weasley. She snuck through the halls and into the library. There had to be a way to reverse the effects of the arrow.

After searching for hours, she had found little information that would be helpful. She walked out of the library; so wrapped up in her dismal thoughts, she didn't see him entering.

Ron, Harry and Luna were looking for Hermione. She had said she would be in the library doing research. Ron was still bickering with Harry regarding Draco's guilt, when he plowed into someone heading out. He grabbed the person's arms to steady himself and keep them both from falling.

"Watch where you're going!" Pansy snapped. She looked up into the face of the one student she was trying to avoid.

"Um. . . sorry, Pansy," Ron stammered. He didn't seem to be able to let go of her though. Pansy reached out with her hands to push him back. However, once her hands touched his chest, instead of pushing him away she grabbed a handful of robes and pulled him closer. They stood there staring at each other. Ron hesitantly moved his right hand up Pansy's arm and settled it on the nape of her neck. They both stepped a little closer to the other.

"I'm having a strange feeling of déjà vu," Luna said with exasperation.

Harry turned to her with a confused look on his face. "You've seen them do this before?"

"Not them," Luna said, "the two I watched this morning were more intense."

"The two you watched th morning? You don't mean Ginny and Malfoy?!" Harry blurted.

Hearing his sister's name linked with Malfoy's momentarily pulled Ron out of his trance. He turned to see what Harry was talking about. Pansy also had a moment of lucidity and took the opening to wrench free and run out of the library.

Ron tried to catch her arm. "Pansy, wait!" His gaze wavered between Pansy's retreating form and Harry and Luna. "Sorry, I've got to go after her," he said slightly amazed and took off.

Ron was quickly catching up to her as she wound her way through the castle and down to the dungeons. She had just reached the corridor that led to the Slytherin common room entrance, when he grabbed a handful of the back of her robes. He pulled her backwards into his embrace. She struggled. He laid his head on top of hers. "Please stop. We need to talk."

Once she stopped struggling he turned her in his arms. Using his finger, he tilted her face up, only to see silent tears trailing down her cheeks. He wiped the one trembling on her upper lip with his thumb. "What is it Pansy? I don't know why, but I care. Please talk to me." He gazed into her eyes. "Can you explain what is going on between us?"

She shook her head. There was no way she was going to tell him. She didn't want him to know what she had done. Thanks to that stupid arrow she cared what he thought of her. "No, I can't. I'm not sure I like it either." She tilted her chin up defiantly.

"Who said I was enjoying it?" Ron countered. He tightened his hold around her waist. "Although," he said with a grin, "I can think of a way we could both enjoy it." His lips captured hers in a tentative kiss.

Pansy's eyes opened wide at the first touch of his lips. Once Ron increased the gentle pressure she closed her eyes and kissed him back. Stupid, stupid arrow, was her last coherent thought. She looped her arms around his waist and with the palms of her hand pressed his back to bring him closer. She ran her tongue along his lower lip to get him to open up. When he complied their tongues touched her knees went weak and she thought she would collapse.

Ron felt her knees give and he backed her up against the wall. He continued his assault. His hands were everywhere, on her back, in her hair. His hand shook as it skimmed the curve of her breast, she moaned.

"My, my, what do we have here?" said a silken voice from behind.

"Bugger off, Malfoy!" Ron snarled. Pansy jumped at the sound of Draco's voice but Ron would not let her go. Instead he leaned in and shielded her from view. While resting his forehead against hers, he could see the panic in her eyes.

"Fine, I've got better things to do than watch two Gryffindors snogging. I suggest that next time you stay in your own tower. I might not be in such an affable mood again."

Once Pansy got herself under control she looked into the brown eyes across from hers. He gave her a cautious smile. She couldn't help herself. She smiled back. "I've got to go get ready for dinner," she said softly.

Ron stepped back away from her but held onto her hand. He raised it to his lips. "I'll let you go for now; however, we will need to talk about this eventually."

"Tonight after dinner, I promise." She caressed his cheek as she turned away to enter the Slytherin common room. Ron watched her enter then headed back to the library. He whistled as he skipped each step on the way up.


Luna and Harry stood dumbfounded for a minute after they watched Ron take off.

"What in bloody hell was that about?" Harry looked to Luna for an answer.

"I honestly don't know," Luna shrugged. "Maybe it has something to do with this morning. Pansy did scream when Ron got hurt. You don't suppose they have been seeing each other on the sly?"

Harry seemed to be considering this. "He would tell me if he had been seeing someone. Wouldn't he? I mean I'm his best mate."

"Would he tell you he was seeing someone, if that someone was a Slytherin?" Luna arched an eyebrow at Harry. "Let's find Hermione. Maybe she can shed some light onto all of this."

After taking two turns around the library they couldn't find Hermione but they did find Neville. He was sitting at a table reading while twirling a golden arrow.

Luan rushed over. "Neville where did you get that?" She grabbed the arrow out of his hand, catching a bit of skin in the process.

"Ow! Luna be careful," Neville winced.

"I'm so sorry. Here let me see it." She said as she handed Harry the arrow. Neville extended his hand for inspection. "It's just a small nick." She proceeded to pull a handkerchief out of her pocket and dab at the blood.

Harry was looking closely at the point of the arrow while sliding his finger down the edge.

"Harry!" Luna cried. "Be careful!" She forcefully grabbed the arrow out of his hand.


They all three watched in amazement as the arrow faded away.

"Not again," Luna muttered reaching for another handkerchief.

Author notes: Would you do me the kind favor of reviewing?
Thank You!