Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley Ron Weasley
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 02/12/2004
Updated: 08/26/2004
Words: 25,937
Chapters: 11
Hits: 15,194

Snogs Galore!


Story Summary:
It’s the beginning of February and a Slytherin has gotten their hands on Cupid’s bow and set of arrows. The plan goes awry and the arrows are being found all around school. Love is running amok and no one is safe. NO ONE! This fic will contain numerous ships.

Chapter 01

Author's Note:
A huge thanks to my Beta Gianfared~she helps me focus and keeps me on track. Also to my support group at LJ ~ Cindale, Ginnydarkside, Kaz814 and Gianfared.

Chapter One

Pansy looked cautiously around the corner. She watched her prey striding purposefully down the hall with his lackeys in tow. Her usual dour face relaxed into a wistful expression, punctuated by a soft sigh. Just the sight of his silver locks could do that to her. A simple smirk from his lips could turn her all warm and gooey inside. And a smirk was all she could hope for from that one. For seven years she had been merely a comrade, a housemate, an old family friend. Even though to their Slytherin housemates it seemed as if they were close. But that one didn't let anyone too close. That was soon to change, she thought with a wicked gleam in her eye.

While she had been home for the holidays she had stumbled upon a secret chamber in her father's study. That was where she had found it, Cupid's bow and arrow. It had been locked away in an old chest. The inscription on the lid had been in Greek. After some research she and translated enough to realize what lay inside. This was the answer to her prayers. After a bit more time looking into the myth and reality of this ancient matchmaker's weapon, Pansy had figured out how to make it work. All she had to do was apply a drop of her blood to the tip of the arrow, then take aim at her love. Once their blood mingled, his heart would be intertwined with hers forever.

Pansy ducked behind a knight's armor. She rubbed her hands together in anticipation. The unattainable heir of Slytherin would be hers. She checked his progress down the hall; he had stopped approximately 3 meters away from her hiding place. He was taunting Potter and his redheaded sidekick. Oh, how she loved to see him at work.

Pull yourself together girl. Her hand reached under her robes to pull out the bow and arrow that she had prepared earlier. She notched the arrow in the bow and pulled it back. Breathe deeply, aim straight. She let it fly.

"No!" she screamed in horror.


"Oy, Weasel! Where's your third wheel?" Nothing pleased Draco more than a chance to aggravate this hot-tempered Gryffindor.

Never one to pass up a chance to confront the obnoxious Slytherin, Ron turned to face him. "Sod off, Malfoy."

"What's the matter Weasel, touchy subject?" Draco sneered.

Harry shook his head and grabbed Ron by the sleeve. "C'mon Ron we don't have the time for this," Harry sighed.

"Since when don't we have time to put this prat in his place?" Ron asked with surprise. He was unaware that Draco and Harry had called a truce, of sorts, before the Holidays.

Dumbledore had called Harry to his office before he was to leave for the Burrow. He had explained how Draco had been secretly working for the Order all year. After the events of their sixth year, Draco had realized which side he should be on when the time for the Great Battle came. Voldemort was insane and he was dragging his followers, Lucius included, down with him. As Draco had nonchalantly informed him, it wasn't a matter of wrong or right. It was a matter of coming out on top, which he intended to do.

Dumbledore felt they should try to bury their animosity for the greater good. That, of course, didn't mean that Draco had to give up his fun of annoying Ron.

Hermione was briskly walking towards them. "Ah, here she comes now. My, she has grown up. What exactly is it you three do in the back of the library?" Draco questioned with laughter while Crabbe and Goyle guffawed stupidly.

Ron looked to Hermione and saw her blushing. He seized the front of Malfoy's robes and threw him against the wall. Just then they all heard Pansy's scream. A second later Ron was doubled over in pain, clutching his side.

"Malfoy, what did you do?" Harry yelled.

"Nothing, Potter! I was the one that was smashed against a wall," Draco spat looking offended.

Pansy looked on in horror after her arrow struck Ronald Weasley directly in the side. Then to her surprise she watched it disappear. The only thing left of it was flecks of dust floating in the sunlight, which was streaming through the window. She was a bit bewildered by that. Nothing in her translations said anything about the arrow disappearing. In fact she had been worried as to how she would explain its existence. Her hope had been that Draco's undying love for her would stop that from being a problem.

Draco, she thought, and looked over at her golden boy. How had this happened? She ran off sobbing. Not realizing at the time, that an arrow had fallen out of her robes as she turned and rolled beside a statue of Godric Gryffindor.

They all had bemused expressions on their face as they watched her exit.

"Crabbe, Goyle, follow her and see what's wrong," Draco stated with authority. After all, it was his job as head of Slytherin house to watch over its students.

"She's barking mad, that's what," Ron said. He was still holding his side and crouching on the floor.

Hermione turned to the momentarily forgotten Ron. "How are you feeling?" she asked with concern.

"Like I've been attacked by a Blast-Ended Skrewt," Ron winced in pain. Harry leaned down to help Ron up. He draped his best mates arm over his shoulder and stood up.

Hermione positioned herself under Ron's other arm. "Let's get you to Madam Pomfrey and have her look at you."

The trio headed off towards the hospital wing. They hadn't even made it to the corner when they ran into Ginny and Luna. The two girls were headed to their Potions class, which was shared by the sixth year Ravenclaws and Gryffindors.

"Ron, what's wrong?" Before anyone could answer, Ginny's eyes narrowed at the blonde Slytherin behind her brother. "Malfoy, what did you do to my brother?" She stepped around her injured brother and charged up to Draco. She poked her finger at his chest. "C'mon, spill it! If you come clean, I might go easy on you." She had repeatedly poked at him until he was backed up into the wall, again.

"Weasel, call off your bodyguard!" Draco looked quite uncomfortable at being on the receiving end of Ginny Weasley's ire.

Ron turned his head a little to take in the scene. "No, don't think I will," he said with a slight chuckle despite the pain it caused. "Don't make her mad, Malfoy. Even George and Fred don't dare do anything to make her angry."

Ginny took her eyes off of Malfoy long enough to give her brother a huge grin. "Harry, go ahead and take him up to the infirmary. I'll be along shortly," she said with amusement. As Harry and Hermione wobbled under Ron's weight, Ginny turned back to glare at Malfoy.

"Out with it. What kind of spell did you use? Did you sucker punch him when he wasn't looking? Well?" She still had her finger pressed into his chest.

Draco grasped Ginny's offending finger in his left hand. "I did nothing," he said with quiet menace.

Ginny was unsuccessfully trying to pull her hand out of his grip. "I find it hard to believe you didn't have anything to do with my brother's problem."

Draco pulled her hand forward and trapped it against his chest. "I was merely taunting him, a bit. When, true to form, he lost his temper. He threw me into the wall, like this." He dragged her closer, and before a word could be uttered he had her turned around and against the wall. He leaned in so his face was mere inches from hers. "So you see, Red," he reached up with his free hand to play with one of her auburn curls, "I was helpless. Much like you are now." His lips inched closer to hers and their eyes locked.

Ginny didn't know what was wrong with her. She was supposed to be the one in control. What had happened? It started when her hand had been placed on his chest. She felt warm, and it had nothing to do with the sunshine pouring in the window across her face. It was a cold February, and she was in an old castle. No, she was afraid it had to do with Malfoy's sudden proximity. This wasn't right, not Malfoy! Stupid, stupid hormones. Now was not the time for them to rear their ugly head.

The closer he got, the farther common sense went out the window. She could feel his breath tickle her lips as he leaned in. Merlin help me, she thought with despair, and closed her eyes waiting for the kiss.

"Ahem," Luna noisily cleared her throat.

Ginny jumped at the sound; she had forgotten her friend was there. She was feeling confused and didn't know whether to curse Luna or thank her. Draco stepped back from Ginny, but would not release her hand.

They both looked over at the eccentric girl to find her pointing behind the statue they were beside. "That looks like it could cause some trouble."

Ginny looked down. There beside her foot was a golden arrow. She went to pick it up at the same time as Draco. In the process the very sharp point nicked her palm and drew a spot of blood. "Ouch, watch what your doing, you stupid prat." She grabbed the arrow out of Draco's hand. "I thought you said you didn't do anything?" she stated accusingly.

"That's right," he said casually.

"So then where did this come from?" Forgetting about what she still held in her hand she poked at him. Once again the sharp point found a target, Draco's chest. Fortunately it only barely broke the skin causing a small amount of blood on his robe. Shocked at what she had done Ginny dropped the arrow to the ground. All three students watched in fascination as it slowly disappeared.

"Bugger Weasley, what did you do to me?" Draco opened his robes and unbuttoned his shirt. There was an inch long mark on his chest. Much to their surprise it was diminishing. Ginny tentatively reached out her finger to trace its outline as it vanished. He sucked in a breath.

"Does it hurt?" she whispered with apprehension as she drew her hand back.

"Not in the way you're thinking Red. How's your hand?" he gently turned her palm over, but there was no mark to be found.

Luna walked up to the pair and looked down at Ginny's hand. "Most unusual."

Draco was tracing his finger over Ginny's palm causing her to shiver. He glanced up and caught her staring at his chest. He moved to button up his shirt, keeping his silver eyes locked with her brown ones.

"Hellooo," Luna waved her hand in front of their faces. "Isn't anyone else curious to know what happened here?"

Ginny pulled her hand away and turned to face her friend. "Right. Yes, I am. Curious. Are you going to tell us, Malfoy? Or do I have to go to Dumbledore?" she looked at him intently, but her voice lacked the malice of before.

"By all means, go to Dumbledore. Tell him I attacked your brother with some arrow and then hid it. But you, being the clever minx you are, found it. Of course you then attacked me with my own weapon which, along with my wound, promptly disappeared afterward." He raised an eyebrow at her. "Can I please go with you when you make a total arse of yourself?" he begged with sarcasm.

"You know Ginny he has a point. Besides, we're late for potions and we still need to check on Ron. Let's go." Luna grabbed her friend by the arm and started pulling her in the direction the trio had headed earlier. Ginny didn't take her eyes off of Draco until she rounded the corner.

What in the name of Merlin just happened? Draco thought to himself. It had started out as a fun flirtation, as a way to annoy the youngest Weasley. But when he had her against the wall, his body had reacted. Why shouldn't it though? She was a beautiful witch and he was a red-blooded wizard. Then it became something more. She touched his chest and his heart had jumped. He had gained too much satisfaction from making her shiver with his own attentions. What about that strange arrow? Where had it come from? And what had happened to Ron Weasley? All good questions, but now he was extraordinarily late for his meeting with Dumbledore. He was supposed to meet with the headmaster to discuss the report his father had owled him this morning. With one last glance in the direction Ginny had gone, he turned and walked off to his appointment.

Author notes: Go ahead . . . Click it . . .you know you want to. . . Everybody else is doing it. . . . Review ! !