Nell'oscurità Che Temiamo

Jay Chambers

Story Summary:
Harry has always seen things for what people tell him. He believes quidditch is the best game in the world when he's never even seen another, and that certain people are not to be trusted. Some think Harry needs a wake up call, and he might just get one. It's time for Harry to see the other side of things, that everything bad is not always his fault, and that he is not the only one attacked as a child. The darkness is waiting...

Chapter 02 - Doves and Shadows

Chapter Summary:
The ball. Harry and his elven friend face probable humiliation in the form of dancing. Harry's mask leaves him a chance to be someone other than 'the Boy-Who-Lived', and ghosts have sword fights.
Author's Note:
Yes, I know, my story stinks. But I already know whats going to happen and have everything planned out. So this will be a good story (with possible sequal) unless I get hit by a car and lose all my memory or something. *knocks on wood* he, he ,he...


The Great Hall was vastly decorated with everything from jackolanterns to a large web of spiders that almost covered the full moon on the ceiling. Small tables were scattered around the hall, a large one against the wall by the teachers' area. A band was setting up where the teachers table usually was.

Harry and Ron sat at a table near the Great Hall doors, waiting for Hermione to come. They were amazed at the different costumes people had come up with. A rock star walked in with an Egyptian princess slung around his waist, a raven haired dark spirit actually stopped to observe them before going to a nobleman, and Harry would bet Gringotts that one of the people setting up the band equipment was a piece of rock candy. A quartet of medieval royalty floated through as ghosts. Ron guessed you got a small amount of power depending on what you were.

When Hermione finally showed up, almost the whole school was already there. They shared a table with an ice warrior and two girls in ninja clothes. At least, they think they're girls. When Dumbledore started the feast (wearing robes a violent shade of lime green), Ron had already been complaining about hunger for a half hour.

The feast was much the same, and personally, Harry was sure someone would recognize Ron by how much food disappeared into his stomach. Harry was getting quite a few glances his way from the female population, though for once he didn't mind. It was as if the costume had given him a chance to be someone new, and he took it.

At the feast's end, Professor McGonagall called all the younger students to her and they took off to their party. Two boys had tried to stay back, but Professor Sprout then prohibited them from both parties. Dumbledore stood up and waved the tables over to reside on either sides of the doors, filled with refreshment and charmed against spiking.

"I know how eager you all must be to start the ball, so I'll just warn you." Dumbledore looked around the hall. "No horse play is allowed, or we shan't do this again. Now you may reveal your identity if you wish, but it takes away the thrill. Think of a way you'll contact one another after the party. I know many young ladies have purchased pairs of rings and bracelets that glow when near their twins. Maybe a piece of parchment will suffice. Without more to say, begin!"

An explosion of sound echoed around the room, the jackolanterns blew out, and the only lights came from the stage. All at once, girls rushed over to the stage, most pulling boys with them, or their other friends. The four ghosts traveled up under the spider web, where the two men floated a short distance away. They started battling it out with their swords, leaving the woman fanning themselves while they chatted. Fairy folk fluttered just over the crowds, and Hermione grabbed Ron's hand and pulled him away before he could look at the refreshment table. Harry enjoyed just watching the crowd, spotting different creatures and mythical folk.

"Would you like to dance?" Harry's heart stopped as he jumped around to see who had talked to him. A girl stood there with very pretty light blue eyes set into a pale face. She had white-gold hair and a beautiful white gown. The sleeves continually changed from being long and open to being feathered and tucked at her sides. It took Harry several moments to realize she was, in fact, a dove.

"D-dance?" Harry stared at her. She laughed lightly and took his hand.

"Yes dance. So will you?" She looked up at him with these big blue eyes.

"I-I can't really dance-"

"I'll show you!" She grabbed his hand and led him into the group. As the music changed to a new song, Harry felt his costume-confidence take over. He no longer cared if he couldn't dance. As the Dove took his hands to lead in an upbeat dance, he just went with it. After a minute or so he found it was he who was now leading. The song ended and Dove leaded him to the table of drinks.

"And you told me you couldn't dance?" the dove teased as she passed him a glass. "Were you just nervous?"

"Maybe I was," Harry gave a small smile. "But I'm not anymore."

"Well," she set her glass down by the bowl, "I've got to get back to my friends. See ya around." She gave a small wave before rushing over to giggle madly with her various friends. Harry just turned back to the crowd as a strange slow song came on and couples paired off.

"You're free, I see." The shadow girl from earlier was drinking her punch right next to him.

"So it would seem," Harry finished off his punch and set it down as several used glasses were replaced with new, clean ones.

"Just what I wanted to hear,' she smirked up at him. "Let's dance!" The shadowy figure grabbed his arm and he was led to the edge of the crowd. She placed her feather-light arms around his neck and looked up. Instinctively, he put a hand on each of her hips. Now that he paid attention, he could see a violet mark on her forehead like a sun, and was thankful again for the concealment of his scar.

"So what your name," Harry whispered, swaying along with this new girl. She just chuckled.

"Let's just call me a shadow priestess. And you, oh Prince of Darkness?"

"You may call me just that."

The music came to a sweet ending and abruptly changed into what could only be described as a swing dance. Couples broke apart and looked at each other before scurrying off. A few did stay though and groups gathered around to watch the fray. Harry was turning to go when the priestess pulled him into the space where they were dancing. Harry's heart started beating rapidly.

"What are you doing!" he hissed through clenched teeth. The Priestess took his hands and smirked.

"Just follow my lead. When I repeat he same steps, copy me. We'll just do the 'Man Pole'."

"The what?!"

Shadow priestess just started dancing around him, whispering when to move his feet and when to copy her moves. The band extended and changed from this song to one a bit more upbeat. Shadow gave him starting positions as she pulled him one way or the other. Like when dancing with Dove, he found that the proper footing just came to him when she made certain motions and dips. As the song began to climax, she pulled away and gave him quiet directions. Five beats later, she charged foreword, and he slid her under him before pulling up and her doing a hand stand on his shoulders. When the music slurred downhill, she cart wheeled off him slowly and the made their last pose for the song's ending.

Applause echoed around the room as people rushed fore word to congratulate those who had danced. The other dancers had done their own dances, too, and Harry had no doubt that the group of two girls and one guy had been the best, by what they were hearing. When Shadow Priestess suggested they get drinks and cool off, he kindly obliged.

"Where on Earth did you learn to dance like that?" Harry asked over the beginning chords of the bands next hit. "You must have studied for years."

"My parents had all of their spawn practice a great many dances and singing and anything else that would impress those who attended their parties." The Shadow moved to the snacks and he trailed behind her. "It's curious, you know. I have to ask, did you come up with this costume all by yourself?"

"Actually, I was given a gemmed crown that pulled it out of my mind. Why do you think that this is curious?"

"What is curious," she turned toward him and slowly stepped forward, "is that our gems would come so close to matching our souls, all but stature."

'Great,' thought Harry. 'She either thinks I'm pathetic or some higher being.'

"That you are a prince of Dark," She slowly circled him, eyeing him all the while, "shows that either you have a fabulous imagination, or that your sorrows are greater than the mere priestess'. What is it that causes the soul such sadness?"

At that moment, an upbeat song Harry was familiar with came on. "W-would you like to dance?"

She looked at him suspiciously before moving for the dancing crowd. They spent the rest of the night dancing and chatting about small things such as Quidditch. When it was near midnight, Dumbledore announced that if tokens of recognition were to be exchanged, do it now before the evening's last song.

Harry turned to Shadow cautiously. "I wished I had something to give you-"

"It's fine," she dug into her pocket. "I do." She brought out a silver ring. It was molded with vines across the front and a icy blue diamond cut into a tipped oval. "You may have this. If you where it, I'll be able to Identify you within at least two weeks." Harry was stuck with a wonderful idea.

"And for you," he smiled and reached behind him. He pulled of a single, shadowy feather, holding out to her like a treasure. Her eyes opened, amazed, as she took it between he thumb and fore finger, placing it within her bodice.

The final tune was strung up, a slow melancholy song, Shadow wrapped her arms around his neck, and he her waist. They slowly shifted form foot to foot, and she laid her head upon his chest, sighing softly.

It came to him that this was the last he would see of her in this way, with no boundaries, pride, or companions getting in the way of someone looking at him for just being himself, Harry, not Mr. Potter, or the boy-Who-Lived. Just Harry.

Shadow lifted her head up. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Why?"

"You're wings are drooping and your shirt is tinged gray. Are you worried?"

Harry sighed. "How do you know this won't be changed when we learn who the other is?"

She only looked at him. "I don't," she said simply. "I don't know why I'd act like that, and I hope that it won't be you who questions me. You probably will if you see me in anything other than true light."

"I know the feeling."

As the music died down and everyone slowly made their way to the exit, Harry whispered, "You promise?"

Shadow grimaced. "Nothing is certain but anything can happen. Goodnight my Prince." She placed her hands on his shoulders and reached up to place a soft kiss on his lips. She then drew away and disappeared into the crowd.

"Well, it looks like you had a good time!" Elf-Ron came and rested a hand on his shoulder.

"Huh?" Harry just stared at the space she'd disappeared.

"I don't think he can here you Ron," Hermione teased, pointing to Ron's pack. Getting the hint, Ron reached to his back pouch and pulled out an arrow, handing it off to Hermione.

"Ouch!" Harry rubbed his arm and turned around to see his laughing friends. "What did you do that for?" Ron just laughed harder and Hermione lead the two boys to the door.

"Ooh," Hermione said eyeing Harry's gleaming ring. "You did meet someone rather special, didn't you?" Harry was sure that if he hadn't been cloaked under the crown, his face would be glowing.

"Yeah, and what about the two of you?" Harry returned, moving the conversation away from him. "Looks like you guys hit it off well."

Hermione smiled at Ron. "Yeah, I had fun." Ron attempted to make a reply, but only succeeded in making squeaky sounds and comical facial expressions.

When they reached the common room, Harry said goodbye to his friends, leaving them time to decide where to take things. He took off his crown on the stair well, heading up the the sixth year door. The other Gryffindor 6th years were already there. Dean was staring at his bracelet skeptically, Neville had passed out on his bed with his crown askew, and Seamus was sitting on his bed with two faerie girls (presumably Lavender and Parvati). Harry placed his crown and ring carefully under his clothes in his trunk, pulling the curtains around his bed to get changed.

When he finished, the girls had finally gone, leaving Seamus dead asleep, and Ron had plopped down on his back on top of his burgundy blankets. Harry smirked as he pulled back his own blankets.

"Things going well then?" asked Harry, casually.

"She said yes," Ron said distantly, staring dreamily at the canopy over his bed.

"She did?" Harry replied, mocking shock.

"I know, right?" Ron sat up, taking off his crown. "So how are you going to find this girl then?" Harry's glasses missed the side table, skittering under his bed.

"H-how?" Ron nodded. Harry had been sure Ron had forgotten about Harry's mystery date. "Well, she-she said she'd find me."

Ron stared openly at Harry. "You can't trust that! She might meet someone before she finds you!"

"Ron'ss righ' cha know," Neville mumbled from his bed, catching their attention. "Mushy chick disease is connom in jell-o peans."

Harry and Ron looked from Neville to each other before cracking up. After a few minutes, Harry sobered up a bit.

"Okay, I'll wait a week, and then I'll start looking for myself." Ron just shook his head as Harry picked up his glasses and set them down.

"Whatever you say, man. But I'm warning you."

"Yeah, yeah. Goodnight."

A/N: It’s not as long as the last chapter, but has a lot more stuff relating to the eventual plotline. Yes, this is slight H/OC, but I’m using names found in the books and putting my own characters there. Also, the story will contain information that wasn’t in the books, but is straight from JKR’s website. (At least the basic ideas.) Happy trails! X3