Nell'oscurità Che Temiamo

Jay Chambers

Story Summary:
Harry has always seen things for what people tell him. He believes quidditch is the best game in the world when he's never even seen another, and that certain people are not to be trusted. Some think Harry needs a wake up call, and he might just get one. It's time for Harry to see the other side of things, that everything bad is not always his fault, and that he is not the only one attacked as a child. The darkness is waiting...

Chapter 01 - A New Idea

Chapter Summary:
The story begins. Dumbledore has new plans for togetherness, and the whole school is thrown for the loop.
Author's Note:
This is my first story and doesn't really begin until the third chapter at least. That is when characters will develop and Harry will see things differently.

The village was overwhelmingly still. The snow fell steadily and silently. Figures were dotted along the streets, lookouts on every rooftop. No one dared move. No sounds of shoppers came. No gossiping witches on the corners. No jolly merrymaking from the pub. The presence there was enough to make a person choke on their breath. A watcher stirred, looking up to see-

"They're coming!" she yelled down to the people below. A blinding pain erupted at the back of her head. She tripped over the side of the house, she was falling...

"HARRY!" Ron yelled, shaking him as hard as he could.

Harry's eyes snapped open, staring at Ron in shock.

"Oh good," breathed Ron. "For a minute there we thought you'd never wake up. You've been screaming for at least 6 minutes." Neville came to his other side.

"We would've got McGonagall," Neville yawned, "but Ron said it wasn't that bad."

Harry said nothing, just rolled over and stared at the sheets.

"Okay guys," Ron said in a loud voice. "Time for bed, c'mon."

"If he does that again," grumbled Seamus, pulling the blanket over his head. Ron sat on Harry's bed.

"Hey," he whispered. "You alright, mate?"

"Yeah," choked out Harry. His throat was dry from screaming. "Yeah, I'm alright."

Ron patted his shoulder and clambered back to his own bed. Once he was sure everyone was asleep, Harry drank from his water glass and got out a piece of parchment to write his letter.

Dear Remus

You wanted updates, and there's one already. Big surprise, right?

I had a dream about some town named Vectress. There was aurors all over the place. One woman looked up and said 'they're here' before she was hit from behind. It wasn't a 'Voldemort's point of view' or anything. It was just a really realistic dream. Ron says it took a few minutes to wake me up through the shouts.

Things have been pretty easy here the first few weeks. The Patil twins were brought to Hogsmeade by their parents, and Justin Finch-Fletchly isn't even coming back. There seems to be this one group of students made up of outcast Slytherins and some Ravenclaws. They're a pretty nice group, according to Hermione, but I've seen them with Malfoy so.

I'll try to write more, just to keep in touch. Sorry it took this long, but the first month of N.E.W.T. classes was the worst. At least it's a new month.

Happy early Halloween,


He rolled up his letter and got his cloak to take it to the owlery.


"Harry, your cup's overflowing."

"What?" Harry looked down to see juice forming a puddle around his cup. "Oh!"

"Here," sighed Hermione, and cleaned the extra milk up. Ron took the Nightly-Profit and started checking the obituaries for familiar names. They were supposed to wait for Dumbledore to make his daily announcements. Finally, the aforementioned pushed his plate away and stood up.

"And again, we meet on a new month's start, with many more to follow. Now, I hope you have remembered what I warned you of at the term start," he looked around the Great Hall. Students dropped their heads down. "Our houses must be united, because only then can we begin to overcome this treachery. But already I've seen Slytherins mocking others, and Gryffindors being hardheaded, letting no outsiders into their ranks. No more than nine people have put forth an effort. I have seen that more drastic measures must be taken." Murmurs rushed over the hall as students denied the claims or stared around, looking for the peace makers. Dumbledore had a harsh gleam in his eye.

"We must take action upon us. From now on, there will be no house tables. We must get the house unity on a roll." Several students, Ron included, swore loudly and a small amount of pandemonium occurred before Dumbledore silenced them.

"Also, a Halloween ball is in order. A week before the ball there will be a Hogsmeade trip. I have already talked to the shopkeepers and they happy to sell items pertaining to events. This will be a costume ball. All students fifth year up will be given money to buy two outfits a piece. Shops will be carrying supplies for costumes, as well as dress robes and masks if you don't wish to deck out in as much Halloween spirit.

"Some of the finest designers shall be making outfits tailored to what you wish. Remember, the point is to meet new people, so suit up well. No one should be able to recognize you. The fifth through seventh years shall partake in the dance here, and the younger shall proceed to another area after the feast

"If this dance goes off without anything happening, two more dances will be aloud this year. Now bed is in order, and be warned, tomorrow there are no more house tables. All houses will sit at all tables. Anyone not respecting this decision will be assigned a table and will not take part in the festivities." He stepped off the teachers platform, the other teachers following suit, leaving the students to get themselves up to bed.

"Well," Ron said. "I think this will be interesting. But I'm telling you, if I get stuck with Malfoy-"

"You won't," snapped Hermione, starting for the door. "You boys are all lost causes. Everybody should have given up on you by now on that case."

Ron spent the whole walk mumbling about conceited know-alls that shouldn't just assume they know people.

"So Harry," Ron started putting on his pajamas. "Who're you taking to the dance?"

"No one. You?"

"Erm," Ron started blushing. "I don't know."

"Why don't you ask Hermione? That way you have an idea of what you're getting into," Harry added, seeing Ron's glare. "I mean, you don't want it to go like last time, even if you go as 'just friends'. If you meet some one new, great. If you two hitch up, even better."

"Yeah what about you?" demanded Ron. "You know, Ginny's broken up with Dean. You can ask her, as 'just friends'."

"Goodnight," Harry said promptly, lying down with a pillow over his head.

"No-Harry-I just meant-"



"Okay, what?"

"Um, maybe you could..."

"Give you a push in the right direction?" offered Harry, suddenly interested. He sat up, watching Ron shift uncomfortably.

"Just a small push."

"'Course. Goodnight," Harry said cheerfully, flopping back down.

"Harry, small-"


"Okay, forget I asked! Obliviate yourself-"



Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked into the hall to see a humongous table in the middle of the hall. It represented a broken up doughnut and was lined with colored stools. The table was big enough to fit the entire school, and half of the kids already down here were trying in vain to move the stools around.

"Hey!" the looked around to see Neville running to them. "Come on, there's Gryffindor have room here."

They went over to a section of the table where some were already sitting.

"Hello Harry," came the voice of Luna Lovegood. She was sitting between a Slytherin girl with black & white hair and a copper-brown haired Ravenclaw girl talking to a russet Slytherin boy across the table.

"We don't exactly know how this works yet," said Neville, Counting the red seats near by, "but we know this much. The seats can't be moved in any way, plus you can only sit on a cushion your house color. You can sit on either side of the table, though.

"Any ways, everyone," he called the attention of the group, "this is Ron, Harry, and Hermione. This is Blaise Zabini," the tan Slytherin solemnly raised his hand, "Mandy Brocklehurst," the Ravenclaw at his side smiled sweetly, "Chasie Stebbins," a very blond Hufflepuff smiled and waved, "Trisana Chambers," the Ravenclaw next to Luna looked intently at their faces, "and Daphne Greengrass," the Slytherin girl nodded.

The three of them sat down, Hermione by Daphne and the other two by Mandy. Neville rushed off to talk to Hannah Abbot when she called from on the other side of the hall. Luna finished eating and left the hall with a quick goodbye, and Ron grabbed some ham.

"Hello," said Mandy brightly. She had long golden hair flipped over her shoulder and was smiling brightly. Ron froze with his mouth full. "Isn't this seating idea the greatest? Now we can sit with whoever we want. Er-" She looked past Trisana. "And you can get away from people you don't. Well," she announced, "I'm off. See'ya later!" She ran off, taking a roll with her. Her sudden departure became apparent as Draco Malfoy came and sat next to Trisana, sliding an arm around her shoulders, which she dubiously ignored, continuing her conversation with Blaise.

"Harry," whispered Ron, "we're with all Slytherins and a very scary Ravenclaw, who's obviously evil if Malfoy's interested. Plus Hermione is having a very long conversation about runes with a Goth Slytherin who looks like she'll curse you without a second glance. Am I in some alternate universe?"

"We must be," Harry smiled. "You're not eating anything."

"Shut up," Ron said. Trisana stood up, everyone else following.

"Well Draco," she drawled, her r's rolling off her tongue, "it's been just lovely, but I have some important matters to attend to. Everyone." As she walked away, Draco came over to their side sitting 2 spaces away from Hermione.

"Get lost Malfoy!" yelled Ron as Harry grabbed his shoulder.

"Stay away from my friends, Potter," he said, smirking. "Especially Trisana. She's in a different league then you and I don't want your goody-goody morals to pollute her mind. She's mine."

"Oh yes," Hermione rolled her eyes. "Because she seemed to have such a jolly time with you slung over her."

Draco narrowed his eyes slightly, but otherwise ignored the fact she was there at all. "Just a warning." He stood up, striding to where Blaise and Daphne were walking away.

"Sorry about that," said Neville, running back and taking a seat near them. He looked from their confused faces to the now empty chairs. "Did I miss something?"


The two weeks before Hogsmeade weekend dragged on, without another run in with Malfoy or his 'friends'. Nobody wanted to do as much studying as they were doing in 5th & 7th year. Students were mailing home for extra money for the trip. Groups of giggling girls gathered to discuss costume ideas, some of which were a bit scandalous. Many girls were put out when Dumbledore made the announcement that said the designers weren't making costumes that were obese, prejudice, or inappropriate. Guys shifted around nervously, trying to decide between just 'meeting people' at the ball, and asking a girl out. Neither of these ideas seemed very fun or safe.

The morning of the Hogsmeade trip dawned with more students than Harry had ever seen so ready for the trip. Each student was given a small enchanted bag that only let out enough money to buy whatever you are purchasing at the time.

"So," Hermione said as they trundled along in the carriages, "What kind of costume do you plan on getting?"

"Probably an elve," stated Ron. Hermione blinked at him. "You know, one of those pointy-eared guys with the bows and arrows."

"Really?" Harry asked. "That's a... imaginative idea."

"It's marvelous! And you Harry?"

"Um...It isn't that I haven't thought about it. It's just that I couldn't think of a really good idea. I was going to ask the designer what they think would be best. They'll know more than I do."

"Good idea," said Hermione, thoughtful. "I can't choose between two ideas I've come up with. Oh, we're here!" Students were running from carriages to the village entrance. "Well come on!"

Hermione ran to the sign next to the first shop, Harry and Ron in tow.

"This says that the costume shops are over by Honeydukes," she said, running off in that direction, leaving Ron and Harry panting behind her.

"Do you think she's a little too exited?"

When they reached the right street, they saw that all the shop doors were opened with huge groups huddled outside. A smaller shop on the far corner had a fairly small group, so they headed that way. Shop windows along the way were filled with Halloween treats, crowns (Eases pain from dancing all night!), amulets, swords (safety charms in case of wild parties), and other enchanted accessories. The corner shop had what they called preview crowns. A soon as they went inside, a stitch-witch directed them to different sections, girl-boy.

"Alright, here are your preview bands," said the witch they were sent to, handing them squat gold crowns. "Just place them on your heads and think of what you'd like to be, then look in the mirror and see if it looks alright. When you've decided, call Madame Kirin and she'll whip up that outfit and add what you want."

"Er," Harry stammered, stitch-witch kindly waiting. "What if- if you don't really kn-know what you want?"

"Then you need one of these," the woman took his crown and replaced it with one with a topaz set into the pewter circle. The witch hurried over to Hermione behind the other screen.

"Okay," Ron breathed. "You just...just think it." He placed the crown on his head and closed his eyes. The morph from wizard to elve was amazing. Harry stared as the red hair grew out, fading into a sun-gold; the freckles faded away, leaving a pale peach; and his nose got shorter as his clothes changed blue.

"Is it over?" Ron asked unsteadily, opening his eyes. He stared at the drastic transformation. The only clue that this was still him was the bright blue eyes. Even the crown had turned curling and silver, a dark blue gem hanging down on his forehead. "I think...that this is good."

"Yeah," awed Harry, still staring at what was his best friend. "It's fine."

"'Scuse me deary," another witch came over. "Is this what you want?"

"Pretty sure," Ron ran a hand through his hair.

"Alright let's pick a small elf mask to go with it, and then I'll take you to Madam Kirin." As Ron was away Harry turned to his mirror. 'What do I want to be? Something new, something interesting.' Harry set the crown on his head. The topaz was sent through a variety of colors before settling on a burgundy color.

The change was immense, and felt like a blanket was being set over him. His crown had somehow slipped down onto his neck, tightening into a black strap choker; his sleeves disappeared, his clothes turned black, and they even fit better; a high collar opened up to frame his face; three black bracelets were on his right wrist, and two straps on either side of a long, black arm piece covering his elbow, silver buckles glinting; his jet black hair turned into a deep, dark shade of violet; and his eyes turned into a soft, cherry red, glasses melting from his face. The biggest surprise was that there were feathery soft, black angel wings protruding from his back. Looking at his hands, he saw black leather gloves.

It wasn't at all what he was expecting. It wasn't like Ron where most of his face had stayed the same; Harry looked like a totally different person. He was leaner, taller, and was (sadly) more handsome.

"Have you made your choice?" a witch asked behind him.

Angel-Harry smiled devilishly. "Yes, I'll take it."

The witch took him to the back where se gave him a small mask that was swirled black and purple like smoke. A green-haired witch, presumably Madame Kirin, put a series of enchantments on the neckpiece, to hold the costume at that shape when the crown was worn. After paying the cashier and thanking the ladies for their help, Harry went outside where both Ron and Hermione were waiting for him.

"So what you guys decide on?" Ron asked, holding his crown and a powder blue mask.

"How about we show each other our costumes when we get back?" suggested Harry.

"Okay," Hermione squeaked excitedly. "Let's hurry back then!"

They entertained themselves on the way back by giving each other really bad hints and puns to what their costumes were. Filch came running over to them to check their bags, and was obviously dismayed when they ran up to the common room detention free. They all headed to the boy's dormitory, which was helpfully empty.

"Okay," Hermione said sitting down on Harry's trunk. "How about you go first Ron, since we already know what you'll be."

Hermione's reaction to Ron's costume was to be expected, as she squealed and hugged him tight as he took the crown off.

"So who's next?" Ron asked, obviously pleased with himself. "How about you Harry."

Harry slowly stood up and got his crown. Closing his eyes, he put the crown on his head, feeling it slip down as everything else changed around him and two wings sprouted from his back.

When it was over, Harry opened his eyes to see both Ron and Hermione staring, mouths agape. 'I shouldn't have gotten it,' Harry thought. 'They obviously can't believe I chose this. It's just so-'

"A black angel?" gasped Hermione, disbelieving.

"Yeah, I know it's sort of stupid. It's just that I wanted-"

"How come I didn't think of that!" she exclaimed, surprising Harry very much. She sighed. "Oh well, here's mine."

Hermione took out a dainty tiara, placing it on her head. It changed into a veiled silver band as her hair got longer, darker. Her shirt sleeves turned into shear green fabric. Within a few short seconds, a green clad Arabian princess took the place of Hermione, her black curly hair going half-way down her back, hazel complexion .

It took Ron several seconds and several severe nudges on Harry's part to get him to shut his gaping mouth. "It's uh-uh-"

"It's beautiful," Harry interrupted. "So gorgeous that it's a shame we don't know anybody that you could go with. You know, like a date. You know, a tall date?" Ron's ears flamed as he tried to murder Harry with his mind. Interestingly enough, at least to Harry, Hermione blushed and looked away fiercely.

"Well," said Harry, stretching out. "I have tons of homework that I need done for Monday, so I'll just go down stairs and get started." He grabbed his bag and went out the door, adding, "Don't do anything on my bed!" before shutting the door.

'Is that a small enough push?' Harry thought gleefully, bounding down the stairs.


All any students could talk about was the dance. "What are you wearing?" Who are you going with?" "Did you here what Eddie Carmichael is wearing?" "Do you think it's too much?" "Look at this necklace!"

Harry's head was spinning every time he went in the common room. Hordes of girls seemed to multiply, giggling in every direction. It made it hard for Harry to concentrate on anything, even just copying Hermione's work when Lavender and Parvati dragged her away to gossip. This obviously annoyed her, but also left time for him to pester Ron about what happened after he left. Harry just hoped his bruise Ron gave him faded before Friday.

Girls couldn't have been more excited if the leader of the band Flamed Ice decided to teach at Hogwarts. For the other half of the school, thoughts about the ball steadily changed as the hour drew near. Five days to go. I'll be fine. Four days to go. It can't be that bad. Three days. Maybe they'll cancel it. Two. Why am doing this?

When Halloween finally came, all the students were let off of classes early. Teachers rushed to the Great hall to decorate with some students, while most girls rushed to fix their hair and makeup. Other girls, such as Lisa Turpin and Stacie Moon complained loudly that there was no point as the masks would hide their faces if the costume crowns didn't disfigure them first.

Harry and Ron didn't head up until an hour before the feast. Once the crowns were in place and the masks on, they headed down the stairs, making way to the Great Hall.

A/N: TADA! This is only the first chapter don’t kill me. I know, the ending’s abrupt, but I wanted to fit the ball into one chapter, and that’s when some characters finally begin to develop. THE STORY HAS NOT BEGUN YET >( Don’t give up on me yet! ...That is, if there’s anyone out there… Tell me how horrible it was. Wait- don’t. Just review…PLEASE! You know, the only way I know if I should continue sending these stories in unless your reviews tell me someone somewhere reads them. Make my life worthwhile and at least one person review.X3