Astronomy Tower
Lavender Brown Neville Longbottom
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 06/29/2003
Updated: 11/03/2003
Words: 13,980
Chapters: 8
Hits: 6,450

The Road Trip


Story Summary:
It's the summer after Seventh Year. Five friends. One summer house. A weekend getaway without parents or rules. Leave your significant others at the door and watch as the wackiness ensues...

Chapter 08

Chapter Summary:
It's the summer after seventh year. Five friends. One summer house. A weekend getaway without parents or rules. Leave your significant others at the door and watch as the wackiness ensues...
Author's Note:
This is it. The last chapter. Thanks to everyone who has stuck through and reviewed since the beginning and has put up with the space between updates. I really appreciate it. Enjoy!!!

Chapter Eight - The Aftermath

I dropped my bag on the floor of what would soon be my livingroom - my livingroom. Not the livingroom in my parent's house, or the Gryffindor Common Room, but my livingroom. Has a nice ring to it doesn't it?

Harry dropped a box on the floor and came over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He kissed me soundly before asking, "So what do you think?"

I looked around the room. We'd spent the entirety of the previous week painting the house starting with the hallways and working our way around to every single room. I swear, I got more paint on my clothes then on the walls (I hit Ron with the paintbrush by accident. Needless to say, it began a paint-war, complete with cans being overturned over my head and rollers being thrown across the room.)

I turned my gaze back to Harry and smiled. "I think it's great."

Harry smiled at me and kissed me again. I dropped the book I was holding and wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands wrapped around my waist pulling me closer.

I could hear footsteps behind me before a proclamation of "Ugh - get a room will you?" and a box dropping on the floor.

I laughed against Harry's lips and we both turned, still wrapped up in each other, to Ron. "We have a room, thank you very much," I said cheekily.

"Yes, and we have every intention of breaking in said room tonight," Harry said winking at Ron suggestively.

"Harry!" I said, eyes widening and smacked his arm before pulling out of his arms and walking across the room. Harry and Ron laughed at me before giving each other a high five and what could only be considered a "manly" hug.

I rolled my eyes. "Boys," I said, although you could hear the laughter in my voice.

"You know you love us," they said in unison (which scared me just a bit).

I put my hand on my hip and said, "Honestly, you two are absolutely impossible," before grabbing a box from the floor in the kitchen and bringing it up to my bedroom.

Although Harry had just joked about us sharing a room, the three of us had opted for our own bedrooms in the house. Mine was the one with the balcony that Harry had brought me to the night after the party. I smiled remembering the afternoon that followed before shaking my head and getting changed. Lavender and Neville decided to throw us a house party and were coming over any minute with food and music to "get the party started" as Lav so blatantly put it - why am I so afraid when she says that?

Oh, it could have something to do with the amount of drinking that is probably going to occur.

Or the fact that I am probably going to be seeking shelter in my room by midnight in order to get away from all the complete insanity.

Or maybe it was just because we were trying to cram twenty or thirty people in a newly-painted room built for less then ten.

Yes, that's probably why.

There was a knock at my door just as I was putting on my shoes. "Come in."

Harry opened the door and stepped in with a smile. "You look nice," he said as I walked over to him.

"I'm glad you approve," I purred and kissed him soundly. I smiled at him and leaned my cheek against his chest. His chin rested on the top of my head and I would have been completely content to stay that way for the rest of the night, basking in the silence of just me and Harry. But, of course, there's always an interruption.

"Harry, Hermione? Come on down - people are starting to arrive!" Ron called up, followed by voices of at least five of our friends.

I groaned and snuggled closer to Harry. "Do we have to go?"

He laughed at me and I grinned. "I'm afraid so." He kissed my forehead and took my hand. "C'mon - time to greet the guests." He tried to walk out the door, but I pulled him back.

"Wait!" He turned to me questioningly and I smiled. "I love you."

He smiled back at me. "I love you too. Now, Ms. Granger may I be your escort for this evening?"

He offered me his arm and I giggled. "Of course Mr. Potter. I wouldn't have it any other way."

As we walked down the stairs together, I couldn't help but grin. I was starting a new life, and you know what? I couldn't have been happier. I was making a life for myself on my own and was finally with the man that I love. Life looked like it was going to be a party.

So, as Lavender said - let's get this party started.

~* End *~