Motivations for Sex


Story Summary:
Voldemort has started a diversity campaign to pull the wool over the eyes of Wizarding public. Draco does his part by starting a Gay Straight Alliance at Hogwarts. So Harry decides to seduce Draco to discover the secret plans of the Dark Side. This should all go as planned, unless Harry gets too romantic and catches feelings for Draco… H/D

Chapter 03 - The Dursleys Went to Church

Chapter Summary:
Why exactly is Draco starting the Gay Straight Alliance? He goes to his dad for advice. Also, Harry tries to get closer to Draco by sharing a personal story.

CHAPTER THREE: The Dursleys Went to Church

Early Wednesday morning, before anyone else in the Slytherin house had woken up, a Hogwarts house elf popped onto Draco Malfoy's canopy bed and gently shook him awake.

"Master Malfoy," the little elf squeaked, easily keeping his voice to a whisper. "You is to be getting up now!"

"Uggghhh," Draco moaned, rolling over and burying his face into his pillow. "Clockles, what time is it?"

Clockles the house elf kept shaking at Draco's bare, milky-white shoulder. "5:25, sir," he said. "I is waking you up at this time just like you asked."

"I've changed my mind," Draco groaned. "Now leave and let me sleep!"

The house elf kept shaking the young Slytherin. "You is saying before that you would give this excuse. And you is also saying if you kept trying to send me away, I should rip the covers off of you."

Draco let out another moan, this time long and loud and with a garble of unintelligible sounds laced throughout. He swatted at Clockles, trying to get him to go away.

Clockles sighed and, with one deft movement, grasped the top of the silver-green covers with his spindly hands and ripped them clean off Draco. Draco moaned even louder and curled into the fetal position, grasping at his pillows.

"You is not to be sleeping naked, Master Malfoy," Clockles scolded him. "You will catch a cold!"

"Nothing Madame Pomfrey can't clear up with a Pepper-up Potion," Malfoy muttered irritably. "Besides, I like it. The satin sheets feel luxurious against my perfect skin. Now go away, let me sleep."

Clockles sighed and lifted his slender foot, gingerly placing it on the crest of Draco's round butt. Then he slid his toes down the creamy skin and tried to work them into the crack.

"CLOCKLES!" Draco yelped, suddenly wide awake. "What are you doing?!"

"You is saying, Master Malfoy," Clockles explained wide-eyed, "that if you still wouldn't wake up, that I should be putting my foot inside your bottom."

"I said 'put a foot up my arse!' " Draco snarled. "It's a figurative expression! You're not supposed to actually put your foot inside my anus!"

"Oh," Clockles said humbly. "Well, you is awake now."

"I sure am," Draco said with a death glare. "Now get me my fucking clothes. And make sure to put together a good outfit!"

Once Draco was dressed, he and Clockles went over to the Slytherin common room. It was deserted, clean and pristine from a night of house elf cleaning. It was also completely silent except for the crackle of the fire, which was low but still smoldering, its orange flames laced with flickers of emerald green.

"I need some privacy now, Clockles," Draco said. "Stand watch by the door and make sure no one comes in."

"How should I stop them?" Clockles asked.

"I dunno, just make up any old excuse," Draco replied irritably.

"What kind of excuse?"

"Any kind of fucking excuse!" Draco hissed. "Tell them I'm wanking it, whatever--I don't give a fuck. Just keep them out for fifteen minutes!"

Clockles bowed his head in deference and scampered off to guard the entrance to the dorm hallways. Draco, meanwhile, hastened over to the fireplace and glanced at his watch. It was 5:32am.

At that precise moment, the emerald green flickers suddenly consumed the whole fire, and Lucius Malfoy's head appeared amidst the flames.

"You're two minutes late, father," Draco said coolly.

"No, I'm not," Lucius denied, his voice containing a fair dose of the petulance that he'd passed on to his son. "Anyways, I'm sure you just got into the room yourself. Merlin knows you're bad at waking up early."

"I don't see why we couldn't have Flooed last night," Draco whined. "It's bleeding early as twat!"

"I had to stop by Durmstrang for the week," his dad explained. "I'm two hours ahead of you. It's a perfectly reasonable time over here."

"7:30 in the morning is bleeding early, too!" Draco protested.

"For a sloth like you, yes it is," Lucius countered. "Now what is it you could possible want to talk about, if you're so much against getting up at this hour?"

"I already told you, father! It's about the club you made me start. I wanted to report on the first meeting, and I wanted to tell you: we have a problem."

"The magical fag club?" Lucius said.

"Father!" Draco snapped. "It's called a Gay Straight Alliance! You shouldn't use words like that--after all, it's the Dark Lord's idea to start this whole diversity campaign to neutralize the moderates. And it was you who told me to run a Gay Straight Alliance here at Hogwarts."

"Yes, I did tell you to do that," Lucius conceded. "But I didn't tell you to badger me with every little detail. The task is simple: start a club, get the students sympathetic towards the Dark Side, and in a few months, once the Wizarding World's guard is down, we'll do a complete takeover."

"But father!" Draco said. "I have a problem! Harry Potter has joined my club."

Lucius's head bobbed up and down in the flames as he laughed heartily. "Harry Potter?" he chortled, tears streaming down his cheeks and hissing in the embers. "Harry Potter's a wandsucker?"

"Stop it, father!" Draco whined. "Wandsucker is not an appropriate term for gay wizards! Anyway, Potter says he's just an ally."

"An ally of what?"

"An ally of the gay community, father! You should be on top of this terminology."

"No, I shouldn't, Draco. I'm not responsible for the anal outreach arm of the diversity campaign."

"It's LGBT outreach, father! Not... not... anal outreach? Jesus fucking Christ, what's wrong with you? Anyway, an ally is a straight person who aligns themselves in support of the LGBT community. And Harry has joined the club under this pretense."

"So?" Lucius said. "Why's that a problem?"

"He's obviously spying on us," Draco said. "He's the Dark Lord's biggest enemy. He could threaten the whole operation!"

"Then neutralize him."

"How, though, father? I can't kill him--that'd destroy the entire moderate image we're trying to cultivate."

Lucius rolled his eyes. "Draco," he said, his voice laden with impatience, "this is a task I delegated to you. It's your job now. And it's not a hard one! Run the club, cultivate our image in Hogwarts, and do whatever it takes to make sure Potter isn't a threat."

"Daaaaddd," Draco whined, "Give me an idea! Give me a real, concrete idea I can go off of."

Lucius rolled his eyes and threw Draco a smirk. "Seduce him."

"Stop joking, father!"

"Who said I was joking? That nancy Potter boy seems like a wandsucker to me. Maybe he is spying, but I'll bet he has ulterior motives to show up at that club of yours."

"Merlin's beard, dad," Draco muttered, running his fingers through his hair. "Merlin's fucking beard."

Lucius glared at Draco. "There's my concrete idea, Draco! That's more than you deserve. This is your task. Figure it out."


But suddenly there was sound just outside the doorway to the dorm hallway. Draco jumped in fright and hissed, "Someone's coming dad! Go!"

"Finally!" Lucius muttered, and he obliged much too quickly for Draco's comfort. One second his head popped out of view, and the next second Pansy sidled through the doorway into the common room.

"Hiya, Draco," she said brightly. "I heard you were wanking it."

"Goddammit," Draco muttered, cursing Clockles' existence. "Then why the fuck are you in here?"

"Thought you might need a hand," Pansy said slyly.

"Go bugger a Muggle," Draco snapped. And he stormed across the room and out of the stone door that served as the entrance to Slytherin House.

Draco was so angry at his father for blowing him off. All he wanted was a little bit of guidance and just a little bit of support--was that too much ask? After all, Draco was personally helping his father to further the Dark Lord's cause here in Hogwarts. He was due a little respect!

He stormed up a flight of stairs, out of the dungeon and onto a landing beside a windowed alcove. Outside he could see the lake, shrouded in early morning fog that the first glimpses of sun had not yet chased away. Though visibility was poor, he did see something moving along the edge of the lake--a figure, a person.

It was Harry Potter, dressed in jogging shorts and a tank top, doing an early morning run around the lake.

"Merlin's twat, does he really get up this early?" Draco muttered to himself. He hoisted a knee up on the alcove so he could get closer to the window.

Fucking Potter, he thought furiously, glaring at the figure. Why's he have to be so fucking perfect? Beats the Dark Lord--not once, not twice, not even three times, but FIVE times. Has best friends who would die for him--fuck knows Crabbe and Goyle wouldn't do that for me! Teachers love him. And--holy Merlin, are those muscles?

Harry Potter was building muscle mass! Draco shivered in the cool morning air and grasped at his slim, pale body in a sudden wave of self-consciousness. He wasn't tan and built like Potter. He wasn't a teacher's pet, except for that greasy old Snape. And he wasn't nearly as powerful. Potter had everything, and now he was trying to ruin his club--the one thing Draco had to prove to his father that he was worth something.

"Goddamn you, Potter," Draco murmured.

He had to take that boy down a peg. He couldn't let Harry succeed in taking over the Gay Straight Alliance for the side of the Light.

Maybe my father's on to something, Draco mused. Maybe Harry is ripe for seduction.

And as he kept his eyes locked on the dark-haired hunk running around the lake, he let an idea form in his mind.


After running around the lake twice, Harry retreated to the Quidditch locker rooms, where Oliver Wood had set up a weight room a few years back. Harry didn't used to be the type to weightlift, but during training over the summer, he found out that he quite enjoyed it. He loved the strain of pushing himself, he loved the alone time, and he sure as hell loved the results.

He stripped off his tank top and tapped the Wizarding wireless in the corner of the room a couple of times until it changed to the Magical Dance Music station. To his delight, Celestina Warbeck's new single "Leviosa Lover" started just as he positioned himself on the mat to do some pushups. Hermione and Ron hated this song--they said it was a shallow song about Wizarding clubs and dancing and party charms. Hermione said the song went far past innuendo and became bluntly sexual and revolting. Ron hated the third verse featuring American hip-hop wizard Lil Lethifold. They both thought that the old Celestina Warbeck was "so much better." They both agreed she sold out with her new album.

But Harry fucking loved it.

The song was a fast-paced song, so Harry's reps were equally fast-paced, and as he pushed himself up and down in rhythm with Celestina's crooning voice and the beat's throbbing bass, he imagined that Draco was underneath him, his cute Slytherin butt pointed north and his pale face buried in the mat. He kept count of his reps, but he got so excited he went past his usual fifty, and by the time Lil Lethifold's verse hit, he realized he'd done close to 100 pushups.

Feeling the pleasant burn in his chest and abs, he bounced to his feet and bobbed up and down to Lil Lethifold's flow. Then he switched over to the free weights for some bicep curls.

After nearly an hour on the weights, Harry turned the radio up even louder and went to rinse off. He stripped himself naked a good twenty feet before he actually reached the shower, always subconsciously hoping that someone would stumble in unaware and be forced to admire his body.

When he was done with his shower, it was 7:30. He dressed quickly and ran off to the Great Hall for some breakfast. He had a free period for his 9:00 block, but he and Dumbledore used that for training, plus they started an hour earlier. Harry cursed himself for letting slip that he regularly woke up at 5:00 and rarely slept more than 4 or 5 hours a night anyway.

So at 8:00 sharp, he was in front of the gargoyles that led to Dumbledore's office. "Password?" the gargoyle asked. He hadn't spoken in the past, but he knew Harry by now.

"There's a new one, isn't there?" Harry said.

The gargoyle neither confirmed nor denied Harry's question. He just smiled and waited for the young Gryffindor to remember.

"Oh yeah! Oh..." Harry winced as he remembered. "Chocolate anuses?"

The gargoyle nodded and swung aside to let Harry up the spiral staircase. Harry stood on the first step and let the moving stairs take him to the headmaster's office.

When he entered, Dumbledore was waiting by Fawkes's perch, cooing as he petted his beloved phoenix. "Hello, Harry," he said when the boy entered.

"Hi, Dumbledore," Harry responded. "Listen... about your new password. That's not a real Muggle candy, is it?"

"It sure is," Dumbledore assured him. "Look it up. They're more delicious than they sound. Which makes sense--after all, they're pure chocolate, even if they are in the shape of an anus."

"I'll take your word for it," Harry said dryly, though he secretly thought it would be funny to try one. "Let's just get started on training. What do you have for me today?"

"It's a review day," Dumbledore said. "We're going to go over all the attack spells you've learned. But first I must ask: Have you given any thought to how we might raise 50,000 galleons to counteract Voldemort's airtime for his Pureblood diversity campaign?"

"Has anyone else thought of ideas?" Harry said, dodging the question.

Dumbledore sighed. "They sure did," he said. "I've gotten at least two dozen Patronuses since the meeting, and every idea has been awful. Tonks suggested we tithe our salaries towards buying up some ad time, which would be a bigger burden on those of us with a lower income. Not to mention, it's so much already to ask our Order members to put themselves in danger, much less give up their hard-earned cash. And then Mundungus Fletcher suggested we rob a Muggle bank and exchange the cash for galleons."

"To be fair," Harry said, "We could get away with that one."

Dumbledore knew Harry was joking, but he still leveled a frown at him. "That's unethical, Harry. We shouldn't abuse our powers."

Harry shrugged and tried to hide a smile. "Maybe we just have to go along with Fred and George's idea and run a burlesque show to raise money."

Suddenly a Patronus came bursting through the window in the form of a raggedly old mutt, and it glided up to Dumbledore. Elphias Doge's voice came forth, saying, "I've got it, Albus! We hire a bunch of street canvassers to raise the money for us! I was reading a book about Muggles, and that's how their charities raise money sometimes."

Dumbledore took a full three steps back from the Patronus and coughed very loudly. He threw shade at the Patronus and said, "Let he who suggests street canvassing pick up the first clipboard!"

Harry cocked his head and said, "You know, that's not the worst idea in the world. I saw it in the Muggle world all the time."

"We're not a Muggle nonprofit, Harry," Dumbledore said. "In the WIzarding World, asking for money on the streets is gauche. The community's too small for that--it's downright awkward."

"Fair enough," Harry said. "I mean, yeah, I wouldn't be able to approach people on the streets and ask for money myself. But that's because everyone knows who I am, and it would just be weird."

"Speaking of which," Dumbledore said, "are there ways in which you could use your fame to help us raise money?"

"Come up with a solid ad campaign idea first," Harry said swiftly, "before I even consider that."

Dumbledore humphed a bit at Harry's rejection, so Harry quickly fumbled around for a change of subject. "So, uh... so I went to the first meeting of the Gay Straight Alliance yesterday," he said quickly.

Dumbledore perked up. "And how did it go?"

"Okay, I guess," Harry said. "The club isn't that big yet, so maybe Malfoy's influence won't extend very far. I just need to find out some way to get close to him and find out how I can make him less of a threat."

"You want my advice, Harry?" Dumbledore said. "Befriend him. I know I called him a little ferret last time we talked, but everyone has a little bit of good in them, even Malfoy."

"Even Voldemort?" Harry countered shrewdly.

"I mean," Dumbledore waffled, "maybe something about Voldemort is good. He's, uh, sure worked hard to get where he is, even if he did the wrong thing. It shows... work ethic?"

"You're reaching, headmaster," Harry said dryly.

"You get my point, though. Open up to Draco--within reason, of course--don't go giving away Order secrets or making yourself absolutely vulnerable. But show Draco you care about him."

"I don't, though," Harry pointed out. "I think he's a snake."

"Good thing you speak Parseltongue, then," Dumbledore said with a chuckle. "But seriously, my dear boy. Wouldn't the most complete way to neutralize Draco be to win him over to our side? I do sincerely believe there's good in Master Malfoy."


"There's nothing good in Malfoy at all," Ron said. It was four hours later, and he, Harry, and Hermione had just left Transfiguration class to go to lunch. "You may have to seduce him, Harry, you poor devil. But keep your guard up! Make him think you're letting him in, but don't actually do that."

"I'm not dumb, Ron," Harry said. "And no fucking way am I letting my guard down around Malfoy."

"You better not," Ron said ominously.

"But you do need to do what Luna suggested," Hermione said, "and find him and make more of a connection with him."

"What it is she suggesting we talk about again?" Harry asked.

"About his motives. About how you think he's starting this club because he knows someone gay. And then you tell him that that's your motive, too--throw off the scent a little so he doesn't think you're just in it to spy on him."

"Okay," Harry said cautiously.

"Make up a gay friend or relative if you have to," Ron said. "Or whatever. Just find Malfoy and start talking to him."

"Okay," Harry said. "I actually think I have a real story already--I won't have to invent anything. But I need the Marauder's Map to find him, though. Hermione, you were using it last?"

"Yeah," Hermione said. She would borrow it every now and then to find Ron and surprise-snog him. "I have it in my bag."

And, despite the mess of books and quills and toiletries in her oversized tote, she pulled out the raggedy old map in half a second flat and handed it to Harry. "There you go," she said. "Find the ferret."

"Sure thing," Harry said. "Oh, and Ron... congrats on the Transfiguration essay. You got an O?"

"He sure did," Hermione said proudly. She grabbed her boyfriend gently around the ribs and gave him a kiss on the neck, just below his ear. "I'm very, very proud of him," she added, directing her words more towards Ron in a husky half-whisper.

"Eurgh, me too," Harry said, "but forgive me, mate, if I don't nibble at your ear because of it."

"You probably couldn't do it as well as Hermione anyway," Ron said.

"Don't tell me I can't do something, now!" Harry warned. "Or I might try to prove you wrong!"

"Yeah, well prove me wrong by doing it to Draco, not to me," Ron said. He scrunched his face up as he imagined it, though. "Eurgh back at you, mate. I can't believe I just said that."

Harry laughed at Ron's revulsion, but his heart fluttered as he imagined nibbling at Draco's ear. He would nibble just below the lobe, right where it met his neck. And maybe he'd try to hold himself back, but he'd be none too gentle. He'd bite a little. And at the same time, he'd grab Draco around the waist and hold him close so their hips would grind together as the twinky little Slytherin writhed underneath Harry's ministrations. Then Harry's hands would run around to the small of Draco's back, then down the curve of that sweet, sweet buttock--

"Oi, Harry!" Ron said, snapping his fingers in front of his best friend's face.

Harry jumped, completely thrown out of his daydream.

"You look like you're a million miles away, mate," Ron continued. "Come back to earth, find Draco, and... and... do whatever you gotta do."

"Sure, sure," Harry said quickly, trying to hide any guilt in his expression. "I'll, uh, get going, then." And he held up the Marauder's Map to find Draco.

Ron and Hermione went off ("to study," Hermione insisted, though Harry guessed they were going to go snog somewhere). This left Harry on his own with the map, and after a minute of searching, he found Malfoy's ink dot meandering around the lake.

He folded up the map and slipped it in his robes pocket. Then Harry left the castle, striding purposefully through the halls, out the double-door entrance, and down the grassy hill towards the lake. It wasn't long before he saw his Slytherin rival, idling by a weeping willow that bent down so far that its leaves lapped at the lake water.

Harry gulped and steeled himself. He was so much better at taking action than at making conversation. He'd rather just grab the Slytherin boy and pull him in for a bruising snog. But he had to win him over before he did that. Talking was a necessity.

"Fancy seeing you here," the Gryffindor started out, slowing his pace as he approached Draco.

"Potter," Draco said. The word, far from being spat out as it normally was, came with a guarded tone. He was much more subdued than normal, and he eyed Harry almost as if he'd never seen him before.

Harry felt a little short of breath out of nervousness, and he tried to hide it as he took an extra gulp of air. "I've been thinking, Malfoy," he said, "about why you started the Gay Straight Alliance."

"Oh?" Still very guarded. Draco's body was turned towards Harry, as if inviting him to talk, but he did not make eye contact.

"It must be for the same reason I joined," Harry said. "You know someone who's gay."

"So that's why you joined, is it?" Draco said. "You know someone who's gay." He didn't believe for a second that that was Harry's real reason, but he was a little intrigued as to what Harry would say next.

"Yeah," Harry said. "When I got back to Privet Drive at the beginning of the summer--that's where my aunt and uncle and cousin live--"

"I know that," Draco said a little impatiently.

Harry glared at the interruption. "Anyway, when I got back to Privet Drive, I found out that the Dursleys were going to church."

Draco laughed. "To church?"

"Yeah, it's a Muggle thing," Harry said. "They have this thing called religion, where they believe in God, but it's also weird because they believe in all sorts of different versions of this one God, and they break off into groups and meet up every week in a building that they call a church. But that's just one religion called Christianity: there's others that--"

"Harry!" Draco snapped. "I'm not completely fucking retarded. Though apparently you are--there's lots of witches and wizards who are also religious. Some are Mudbloods that cling to their Muggle religions, but there's also Pureblooded religious ideologies, too. A lot of us believe in a higher power."

"Oh," Harry said, truly feeling stupid. "Oh. Um... don't say Mudblood. That's a slur."

"I know it is, you minge--that's why I used it."

"Shut up, you git," Harry snapped back. His temper flared, and he wished even harder than ever that the two of them could just stop talking. He really needed to dominate that Slytherin boy and teach him a lesson.

"I'll shut up when you stop displaying the intelligence of Goyle," Malfoy countered.

Harry flexed his fingers and almost grabbed his wand out of the invisible holster he kept strapped to his left wrist. But instead he turned his mind back towards his goal and continued his original story. "Anyway, as I was saying... I came back to Privet Drive, and my aunt and uncle and my cousin Dudley were going to church. I was a little shocked, because they never went to church before, and none of them had really expressed a belief in God.

"But then I went over to have tea with my neighbor Arabella, and she told me that Dudley's friend Piers Polkiss had come out as gay over the school year. Apparently Dudley didn't have a problem with it--in fact, he accepted Piers just as he always had, and that made my aunt and uncle angry. They hate anyone who's odd or different, and that includes gay people.

"Anyway, after calling Piers a bunch of nasty names, then calling Dudley a fag enabler, they forced him to go to church with them. They said it was the only place left that still had the right idea about those fags. Dudley was beyond livid--my aunt and uncle have spoiled him rotten his whole life, and he's never been forced to do anything (other than that ludicrous diet of his). He screamed and cursed all the way to the car, and when they got home, he refused to talk to them."

Harry looked out at the lake. He could see a thestral splashing around in the shallows at the other side.

Draco cleared his throat. "What then? What happened next?"

"Oh," Harry said, "that's all. That's the end of the story."

"Well, that's not much of a story," Draco groused. "There's no end to it. What happened to Piers? Did Dudley stop accepting him? Did Dudley stand up to his parents and stop going to church?"

"I dunno," Harry shrugged. "I was there for barely a month. It just struck me, is all. My aunt and uncle have always been closed-minded and cruel, but it was the first time I saw their anger directed so specifically at gay people. So when I learned you were starting the club, I wanted to join."

Draco nodded slowly. "That's... that's a story, Potter. Not a particularly enthralling story, and (as I said before) there doesn't seem to be any point, and you sure brought it to a maudlin conclusion. But good on you for oversharing."

Once again Harry felt his temper flare up, but he bit his tongue. To calm himself, he imagined throwing Draco to the grassy ground and ripping up his robes so he could tear apart Malfoy's shirt and scratch at his--

Well, damn, this wasn't actually calming Harry down at all. He casually rearranged his robes to hide the fact that he was actually pushing down a growing erection.

"So, Draco," Harry said, licking his suddenly dry lips. "Do you know anyone who's gay?"

"No," Draco said shortly. "I started this club out of the goodness of my heart. The Wizarding World doesn't understand LGBT people very well, and I wanted to spread some awareness. So many of the ancient spells are centered around tribes and blood magic, and a lot of Purebloods look down on gay couples for cutting bloodlines short."

"That's silly," Harry said. "Aren't there spells or potions for in vitro fertilization?"


"Gay Muggle couples do it all the time," Harry said. "For lesbians, they find a man to donate sperm, and then they fertilize an egg and have their own biological child. Gay male couples do sort of the same thing, except they give one of their sperm to fertilize an egg, and then they pay a woman to carry the baby for them."

"Get the hell out of here," Draco marveled. "You're pulling my leg. That's not possible."

"Muggles do it all the time!" Harry insisted. "Ask Hermione--she knows everything."

"But that's magic! Muggles can't do magic."

"It's science," Harry corrected him. "And Muggles have gotten so fucking good at it that half the time they don't even need magic to live like we do."

"Damn," Draco said. "I've never said this before, but for once, Muggles have actually impressed me."

Harry smirked. "Oh Malfoy, that's just the beginning. Muggles do a hell of a lot more than that! You should take a Muggle studies class."

"Full schedule!" Draco said swiftly. "Anyways, Purebloods are still better."

"That sounds an awful lot like the Purebloods who say straight people are better," Harry said shrewdly.

"No, it isn't!" Draco said quickly. "It's different. It's just... different."

Harry smiled a wry smile and allowed himself to step closer to Malfoy. "Sure, Malfoy," he said sardonically.

Draco noticed that Harry stepped closer. But instead of retreating, he also took another stride towards Harry. The Gryffindor boy raised his eyebrows just a little, clearly not expecting the advance.

Draco flashed Harry one cold, quick smile, then took another stride until their faces were barely two feet away. Then he swept past him, brushing down the length of his arm as he bent down to retrieve his schoolbag, which was lying next to Harry's feet.

"I won't say it's my pleasure," Draco said as he stood up, brushing against Harry again before maneuvering away, "but I'll see you later."

And he quickly strode off towards the castle, leaving Harry a little stunned. Draco smirked, knowing he'd done a good job. If he was to seduce Potter, this was exactly how he should do it: slowly and teasingly, insulting him and jabbing him throughout. The boy was really reacting to it!

"You were tenting, Potter!" Draco marveled to himself as he skipped up the slope. "You were actually turned on!" And, though he hated the boy, this was a huge boost to his self-confidence.

To be honest, Draco wasn't sure why he'd decided to seduce Potter. Maybe it was because his father suggested it, and he wanted to prove to his father that he could follow through. Or maybe he wanted, finally, for once, to actually have control over Harry Potter. Maybe he wanted to make Harry fall for him, at least physically if not emotionally, and once the Gryffindor had been fully taken in and turned to putty, Draco would take great pleasure in dropping him in the dirt.

But the reason that kept cropping up in his mind, no matter how much he tried to push it back, was this: he fucking wanted to do it. Beyond any machinations, he wanted badly to get fucked by Harry Potter. He hated the boy's guts, and yet he could not lie to himself: he daydreamed all the time about making Harry fall for him.

Of course Draco had lied during the first Gay Straight Alliance meeting. He wasn't straight. He was gayer than a bag of dicks, and he'd realized this since at least his Third Year, if not subconsciously sooner. He just wasn't out yet--not to his friends, not to him mom, and definitely not to his dad.

And he'd be damned if he didn't want to find the hottest, most powerful man in the world to fuck him. He was a Slytherin, after all--he deserved the best! And, though it pained him to admit it, Harry Potter was the best. He was the hottest, most powerful boy in the whole school. He was the best Seeker Hogwarts had seen in nearly a century. He had fought Voldemort five times and survived. And he was built like a statue of a Greek god.

And what of the problems in the way?--the fact that Harry hated him, the fact that neither of them were out. Mere inconveniences. He would overcome.

Draco was determined to seduce Harry Potter.