Harry Potter and the Loss of Innocence


Story Summary:
Harry is stuck at Privet Drive and has much to think about. A crazed wizard out to kill him. The death of his godfather and friend. The Prophesy looming in front of him. And not even one note from his friends. That's been Harry's summer holiday thus far, so can you blame him for wanting it to end? But should Harry really be looking forward to a year filled with surprises of all kinds and not all of them good? *HP sixth year fic following OotP and not incorporating HBP*

Chapter 34

Chapter Summary:
Harry responds to the letter he wrote Ginny and has a talk with his friends about it. Ron lets Harry know about his lesson with Thia, Tonks, and Remus and Harry has a very informative time with them. He spends the week taking different tests with Snape... Why, for what purpose, and what are the results?
Author's Note:
A huge thanks to Pixie, my favorite busy beta ever! I can't believe you're still have technical problems! Another huger thanks to F. Pixie, Lara, and Andrew who help Pixie find the little mistakes by finding the bigger ones... And of course a huge thanks to my beta readers, Cassie and Chris... who twist my arm so that I keep writing!.... and I just wrote this in the wrong box...

Chapter Thirty-Four: Death Parade

I lie awake on a long dark night
I can't seem to tame my mind.
Slings and arrows are killing me inside.
~Creed: Weathered

Ginny made her way over to a rather vacant Harry the next morning. She sat next to him and snuggled into his chest, offering all the comfort she could to him. He smiled at her weakly and leaned into the embrace. He was so happy to have such a great girlfriend.

They sat like that for the better part of an hour, before Hermione made her way over to them. She greeted them and they returned the greeting. Hermione sat across from them and observed the other two. Hermione loved to watch Ginny take care of Harry like she did. Harry was so love-starved, that watching the two interact was priceless. Several others came down from the dormitories as they waited for Ron. None of them stayed, but heading down for breakfast instead.

Ron, finally, made his way down and Hermione made room for him on her armchair. He maneuvered her onto his lap. Hermione snuggled into his chest, thankful that all was well between the two of them.

Harry stood, glancing at Ginny meaningfully. Ginny stood and glanced over at Ron and her. Harry looked over at them, and Hermione could see the indecision clearly on his face. What was going on between the two?

"I want to talk to you guys," Harry said and grabbed Ginny's hand tightly. What's this about? Hermione thought to herself, feeling her incurable curiosity begin to take hold of her.

Harry led them to the Room of Requirement and they waited patiently as he paced before the wall. They entered the now familiar door and settled under the large oak tree. Harry took his normal spot looking out to sea and Ginny sat next to him.

As Harry hesitated, Hermione's thoughts wandered over their surroundings. She knew Harry would get around to saying what he wanted; she'd wait. But in the meantime she was stunned with the feelings of beauty and loneliness this place invoked in her.

She couldn't deny that the views were spectacular or that she loved the ocean, but somehow this place seemed so lonely. They were in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by emptiness. Harry found solitude here, a place to think clearly. She always needed to be around others to think the clearest. She didn't like loud noise, but a quiet murmur or slightly louder was a comfort.

Up here, it was all but silent, unless there was a storm. There was no storm today. The grass, wind, ocean, and everything else seemed to be exhausted. She had picked up on the connection the weather had to Harry's mood. She and Ginny had talked about it more than once. This new change of weather worried her; Harry was so listless lately and his eyes showed his exhaustion so vividly. She hoped it was just physical tiredness and not emotional. However, she wouldn't be surprised if he was emotionally drained as well.

At least he had had Ginny this past month. She was hurt that Harry had turned to Ginny; at least she had been at the beginning. She had been Harry's friend a lot longer than Ginny had, but he hadn't turned to Ginny for a friend. He turned to her for the comfort only a girlfriend could give and the acceptance that only a girlfriend could give. Once she realized that, she had resigned herself to wait the two boys out. Hermione didn't want to find herself in the middle of their fight, just as she had been in fourth year.

"Harry," Ron said, breaking the silence. Hermione shot him a warning look. Harry needed to push himself to action. Ron ignored her and continued once Harry acknowledged him. "Thia wanted us to tell you that she, Remus, and Tonks expect to see you at noon for a training session. She also wanted us to thank you for whatever it was you said to them last week." Hermione started and looked at him; she had completely forgotten.

"That's good," Harry responded with a small smile.

"And she found a place for the wedding," Ginny said brightly. Hermione could tell she was worried for her boyfriend.


Harry was relieved that those three had started talking once again. He hoped that he would have a productive session with them later. And Thia found a place for the wedding, "That's great!" he said in a voice as cheerful as he could make it.

He knew Ginny heard the forced out cheeriness, but all she did was latch onto him tighter. He was gathering up the courage to tell them the nightmare that had plagued him the most. He thought that maybe the reason for the frequent showings was that he hadn't told Ginny or anyone else about it. He hoped it was the reason.

Hermione was saying something, but he wasn't really listening. He had to start speaking soon or he'd never get the courage to start. He waited for Hermione to finish whatever she was saying, but he became too impatient.

"I'm ready now," he said interrupting Hermione. He knew she'd forgive him eventually. "Can we go sit on the beach?" Ginny nodded and the two jumped off the edge together. They landed softly and the other two followed quickly.

Harry led Ginny down to the water's edge and they sat where the water just touched their toes. (They had quickly taken their shoes off.) Ron and Hermione sat on the other side of Ginny and looked out at the horizon with him. He thought about how to start, but couldn't find the words with which to start.

"What's bothering you, luv?" Ginny asked softly. He gave her a glance filled with all of his problems, but soon he had the walls up to keep her from seeing them.

"That stupid dream from Christmas break," he finally answered. "I just don't know how to start."

"The beginning's as good a place as anywhere," Ron said, pretending to stroke a long beard. Harry smiled at him gratefully and looked at the hand he had entwined with Ginny's.

"I don't know if I told you guys about a dream I had in a Dark Arts class at the beginning of the year," he said, looking at them. By their blank stares, he knew he hadn't. "Well, the content of that dream doesn't matter, except that the place it took place in is the same place this dream takes place."

"That's too many 'places', Harry!" Ron exclaimed. "You shouldn't use a word more than once in any given sentence."

"Sorry," Harry said, smiling his first true smile all week. "It's a huge room and the only light coming in is from a window near the ceiling. The light from it is shining directly on me. The room is empty except for me. And then the door opens and in walks Bill. He's..." Harry stopped, looking around frantically. Ginny tightened her grip on his hand and started whispering calming words to him. "He's dead," Harry continued, silencing Ginny. "He's limping 'cause he's missing a foot. He's glaring at me, accusing me. Charlie follows him in, burnt. Completely burnt," he mumbled hoarsely. "Shacklebolt walks into the room and he looks fine, except he has a hole through his gut."

He stopped and collected himself. He felt the revulsion from Ginny and knew the silence from his best friends was caused by shock. "Then Fred and George enter, holding onto each other. They're each missing a side of them and are supporting each other. They join Bill, Charlie, and Shacklebolt circling me, and sending silent condemnations my way. Then Remus walks through the door carrying Tonks. She's limp and torn. Remus looks fine, except for his eyes. They're looking at me with so much hatred."

He went through each of the things he saw: Mrs. Weasley, Ron, Mr. Weasley, and Dumbledore. He paused when he got to Ginny, Hermione, and Thia. Somehow he couldn't say it. Not with them sitting right next to him. He leaned back, not caring enough to hold himself up any longer.

"What happened to me?" Ginny asked quietly, laying down next to him and softly running her fingers through his hair.

"Hermione and Thia enter, supporting you, just like Ron and Mr. Weasley were holding Dumbledore," he started. "I've never seen you three anything but strong, but here in this dream..." He thought slowly about the pain radiating from them. "You're defeated, broken." Ginny paused her stroking for only a second and then continued, sensing Harry's need for touch and comfort.

"Bill tells me that I was only reason that you all died," Harry went on in a small voice. "Charlie tells me that Voldemort found it amusing that he died from burns that weren't caused by dragons. Shacklebolt tells me that the spell that destroyed his abdomen didn't kill him; that he died slowly and painfully. The twins said in a monotone that they didn't find Voldemort's take on Siamese twins amusing. Remus had to watch as they tortured Tonks to death right in front of him, but then the Death Eaters didn't find him worthy enough for anything more than the Avada Kedavra. Mrs. Weasley told me that she was dead long before she was finally killed; the news of her sons' deaths had destroyed her. Ron, you... you..." Harry couldn't continue. He couldn't.

"What did I say, Harry?" Ron said in quiet disbelief.

"You blamed me for it all. For everything," Harry said in a monotone very similar to the one the twins had used in the nightmare. "Then your dad said that I should have protected you all, because you had taken me in as your own. Dumbledore had failed me and in failing me, failed the world. He had grown too old. But..." He stopped; there was no way he wanted to continue.

"Thia, Hermione, and Ginny stopped circling and so did everyone else," he continued. "Thia and Hermione yelled at me to look at you three and see what he had broken you three into." Harry rolled away from Ginny's touch and stood up to pace.

"What did I say, luv?" Ginny asked from where she now lay on her stomach. Harry looked at her briefly and then away. He shouldn't; he couldn't; he wouldn't. "Please, luv?" she begged quietly.

"You try to say something, but can't get it out," Harry started. He wondered when his brain had given his mouth permission to speak. "That I had let something happen. You stopped and then asked me how I could let that happen. Your voice was filled with betrayal." Ginny stood and hugged him tightly.

For the first time since they had started dating, he jerked away from her embrace. "Let me finish!" he said angrily. Ginny sat back down, a study of dejection. "Bill and Ron screamed at me, telling me that I let them... that..." He screamed in frustration. "They raped you three," he finally got out in a voice so small and so filled with suffering that Ginny felt her heart break once again for the man she loved. "I tried to apologize, but you guys wouldn't accept it. Bill said that it did little good to you now."

He stopped pacing and turned to face them. They sat in horror of such a nightmare. No wonder he had been running on empty. That kind of habitual nightmare would wear anyone out.

"I think it's just a 'normal' nightmare, not a vision or anything from Voldemort," he finally said.

"Harry Potter!" Ginny said standing up briskly. "I want a hug!" He looked at her with surprised and then hugged her fiercely. He needed the hug as much as she did. "I wish your subconscious wasn't out to get you," she said angrily. "It's just not fair to you! It is just a dream! Remember that, luv! None of us blame you for anything that Voldemort decides to do. You need to stop taking on extra worries and concentrate on the worries you already have!"

"She's right, mate," Ron said standing. "I promise to hate you only for things you do yourself. I'm not going to hate you for something Voldemort does!" Harry smiled thankful for his friends. He turned to Hermione, who had remained silent throughout the whole telling.

"A Knut for you thoughts," Harry said to her.

"Harry, I know you're not going to like this, but I'm going to say it anyways," she started and Harry felt himself brace for whatever she was about to say. "You need help with your nightmares. You're trying to stop the visions and one must expect some caused by trauma, but all these extra ones. Harry, you need to start actually sleeping at night. You need to get some help."

"I'm coping," Harry said angrily.

"No, you're not!" she yelled, standing up to face him. "You're exhausted. Your grades are below average. You don't sleep. You're hardly eating. Harry, why can't you see your need for help?"

Harry stared at her hard. He didn't need help! "She's right, luv," Ginny's small voice came from below his chin.

He sighed. "Alright, but talking has helped with other dreams. This one's been the worst lately, so maybe it'll go away now." The others nodded, unsure about his words. "I'll tell you if they don't get better," he promised them. He glanced at his watch and nearly jumped. It was almost noon. "I've got to go!" A door appeared in the cliff and Harry left running to his training session with Thia, Remus, and Tonks.


By the time Harry arrived in the Dark Arts room, he was late, but not as late as he could have been. If he hadn't been running around the lake twice a week he would have collapsed on the way.

"I'm sorry I'm late," he gasped out to the tree adults. "I was talking about stuff with Ron, Hermione, and Ginny."

"What kind of stuff?" Tonks asked him. He looked at her and then sat hard on the ground.

"Can I have some water?" he asked. "I just ran here from the Room of Requirement."

"That's a fair distance," Remus said surprised.

"Not, really," Harry shrugged. He gulped the water Thia gave him in one go. "I run the lake twice a week, at the least."

"That's Bryant's work?" Thia said with a smile. Harry nodded. "He's impressed with your work ethic. He's the only one of the three though."

"Yeah, I had a bad month," Harry mumbled.

"That's what I told them," Thia said. "Okay, you're going to fight Tonks. Let's see how this goes." They spent the two hours dueling, discussing, and joking. Harry was happy to have all three adults back. Tonks was the jokester who could make him laugh no matter what his mood was. Thia had the immense knowledge he wanted to know. And Remus was the male presence and link to his parents that he needed.

After they were done with the training, they sat around the fire. Each was sipping a cup of tea. "So, I'm glad you two are back," he said to Remus and Tonks.

"It's good to be back, Harry," Tonks responded. "I missed you, kiddo." Harry bristled at the kiddo comment, but Tonks just laughed at him. "So is all well with you and Ron?"

"Yeah," Harry answered. "I'm glad that's over with."

"How are you doing today, Harry?" Thia asked concerned. He couldn't look her in the eyes. "What's the matter?"

"Friday night, I took a Dreamless Sleep Potion," he told them. "I needed sleep so desperately and Ginny really wanted me to take it, so I did."

"That's good," Remus commented.

"Yeah, but it didn't work properly," he told them about the odd effects it had on him.

"I don't think that's normal," Tonks commented. Harry just shook his head at her. "Hey, I'm just trying to be helpful."

"That's not good, Harry," Thia said softly. "That's not good at all. Either you've built up a resistance to one of the ingredients or the dreams were too powerful. I'll talk to Dumbledore and Madame Pomfrey about this. I should probably talk to Snape too."

"Don't talk to him," Harry pleaded. "We've actually gotten along lately and I don't need anything to ruin that. It makes my Mondays much easier."

"What's that like, getting along with Snape?" Remus asked curiously. "I've never had the privilege."

"I'm not sure," Harry answered. "He doesn't ignore the Gryffindors, but he doesn't single us out for punishments. If anyone does get singled out, it's the bad Slytherins who get it now. And I'm enjoying the new curriculum. We're learning about how to come up with antidotes for poisons we don't know and how to identify others."

"Snape is free to act as he wants now," Remus stated. "Are you still singled out?"

"Only when I don't watch my mouth," Harry informed them. "Then the punishments are only a little harsher than normal ones, but at least I'm actually committing the crimes I'm being punished for."

"That would be nice," Tonks agreed. "How did your Valentine's date go with Ginny?"

"Horrible," he grumbled.

"What went wrong?" Thia asked, trying desperately to hide the grin. Harry glared at her. "I'm sorry, but I don't think your parents had one Valentine's date go well."

"I couldn't keep my eyes open," Harry told them, ignoring Thia's smile. "I was so exhausted and I couldn't come up with anything special. So we went through the shops and spent the afternoon with Hermione and Ron in the Three Broomsticks." He stopped and looked at Thia. "I was thinking of doing something after the D.A. meeting, but you know how that went." Thia nodded. "I didn't mean to blow up."

"You had every right to," Thia told the boy. "They were asking you to do stuff they had no right to expect."

"I know, but I shouldn't have yelled at them," he muttered looking at his shoes.

"Harry, look at me," Remus commanded. Harry wouldn't look up, so Remus forced his chin up. "You're exhausted, anyone can tell that. They'll forgive you for losing your temper. And sometimes it's helpful when you do lose control. It's the only way we find out what's truly on your mind."

"If you say so," Harry mumbled back.

"I do," Remus replied. The corners of Harry's lips curled up in a smile. "Now, that's my boy."

"You could take her on a 'one week anniversary' date," Tonks advised him.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked quizzically.

"On Saturday, it'll be one week since your first Valentine's Day together as a couple," Tonks explained. "She'll love it. And it'll give you a second chance."

"Saturday's the Quidditch game, but that's a good idea," Harry admitted. "But what should we do?"

"Now that, Harry," Remus said sagely, "is completely up to you. Ginny would hurt us if we helped you."

"She wouldn't have to find out," Harry bargained with them.

"Do you really think you could keep it a secret?" Thia asked him.


"There you go," she replied with a laugh. "Don't worry, Harry, you'll come up with something."

"Thanks for all your help," Harry informed them, honestly. "Do you think I should take a Dreamless Sleep Potion tonight?"

"As of right now, no," Thia said thoughtfully. "I'll talk to Poppy as soon as you leave and then I'll talk to Dumbledore. If they say it's okay, then I'll let you know. If they say no, then I won't talk to you until Monday during class. Deal?"



As it turned out, Madam Pomfrey said no to Harry taking the potion without further testing. Of course, the person who had to administer the extra testing was Professor Snape. After classes on Monday and Tuesday, Harry walked down to the dungeons.

The tests were varied and numerous. Some tests consisted of taking blood and having that tested. Others included injecting substances into Harry's skin. Snape wasn't all that bad, but Harry could tell that Snape felt he had better things to do. Snape did give Harry a bit of extra homework, though he didn't mind that much. He was supposed to map how the Dreamless Sleep Potion worked and how the different ingredients affected the body. Harry enjoyed that part of the new Potions class, so he didn't care.

The only thing he hated about this arrangement was that he had to cancel a lesson with Thia and skip a Quidditch practice the week of a game. There was the added problem that the tests left him tired and cross. Getting needles stuck into one will do that to a person. Finally, though, Wednesday came and Harry welcomed it gratefully. There were no tests that day; only the last Quidditch practice before their game against Hufflepuff that Saturday. The practice went smoothly and Harry and Katie felt confident in their team.


Thursday morning dawned bright, but Harry wasn't worried about the beauty it held. He was more concerned about the sword swinging at his head. Pulling his sword up just in time, Harry blocked Bryant's swing. Moving smoothly from the block into an attack of his own, Harry tried to sweep Bryant's legs from underneath him. Bryant blocked it and swiftly disarmed Harry and had his sword at Harry's neck.

"Surrender," Harry said, and Bryant brought his sword down.

"That was a sloppy attack," Bryant informed him. "You need to remember your defenses even while you attack. By attacking my legs with that form, you opened yourself to disarming and death."

"Yes, sir," Harry told him, taking in every word Bryant said.

"Your mind isn't on you sword work at the moment," Bryant let him know. Harry nodded. "Why?"

"I'm thinking about my tests," Harry replied.

"Don't," Bryant instructed him. "The second you pick up a weapon to fight with, you must forget everything else. Anything, but the fight at hand, is a distraction that will get you killed."

"Yes, sir," Harry mumbled.

"What about these tests have you worried?" Bryant asked pulling his sword up to start the new duel.

"I'm just thinking about it," Harry replied, collecting his sword from where it had fallen. "There isn't much to worry about."

"Then let it go," Bryant instructed. Bryant went for his head again, Harry blocking it with a stroke. Moving fluidly from the defensive position into an offensive one, Harry went for Bryant's right side. Bryant blocked it and their swords got stuck at the hilt. The two combatants pushed with all their might, trying to over power the other. Harry found the effort too much, so he broke away, preparing for the attack he knew was coming. And come it did.


The next two days passed quickly and it was soon Friday night. Harry made the slow climb to the Hospital Wing alone. He hadn't told anyone that he'd be receiving the test results that night.

He entered the room and walked between the beds until he reached Madam Pomfrey's office door. He knocked and was told to enter by Professor Dumbledore's voice. Along with Dumbledore and Pomfrey, Snape, McGonagall, Thia, and Ginny were in the office. Ginny glared at him, but made room for him to sit next to her.

"Good evening, Mr. Potter," Madame Pomfrey said happily. Harry responded in like. "Well, we have your test results back."

"And?" Harry asked after a slight pause.

"Well, we're not sure what happened," she answered. "You haven't built up a resistance to any of the ingredients and you are not allergic to any."

"My guess, Mr. Potter," Snape said politely in his oily voice, "is that the dream or dreams were too strong to be countered by the potion. It is an uncommon occurrence among one as young as you, but you have seen things to give many nightmares to anyone." Harry nodded.

"Harry," Dumbledore said in his paternal voice, "I'd like you to answer a few of Professor Snape's questions. Thia is here in Molly's stead. Molly did not like the prospect of you answering these questions alone. Minerva is here as your Head of House and Ginny is here for your support. Do you agree to answer the questions?"

Harry thought about it a moment. True, Snape hadn't been his normal evil self since Christmas, but did he really want to answer all of Snape's questions? He looked down at Ginny. How did she find about this? he asked himself. "Do I have to answer every question?" he asked out loud.

"It would be helpful if you did, but you don't have to answer if you don't want to," Dumbledore answered. Harry looked at Snape. Snape didn't seem all that happy about being here.

"Alright," Harry agreed. "But if I don't want to answer, I don't answer."

"Very well," the old man agreed. "Severus, you may begin."

"Was there more than one dream that night?" Snape began in a voice sounding very clinical.

"By more than one, do you mean different dreams or one dream repeating itself?" Harry asked.

"Different ones."

"Just one," Harry answered.

"I take it that this dream repeated itself," Snape guessed.


"How many times?"

"I don't remember," Harry answered and then he tried to count. "More times than I want to remember."

"Good enough." Snape wrote something down. "Is this a new dream or is it a repeat from another night?"

"A repeat."

"I see, and when did it occur first?" Snape asked while writing.

"Last few days of Christmas break," Harry answered, thinking back to that first night.

"Are you positive?"


"I see," Snape said absently, writing something down. "Does this stem from a real event?"

"No, not really."


"It involved people I know, but the events were created by my subconscious."

"I see," Severus mumbled quietly as he wrote something down. "And what would those events be?"

"No answer," Harry replied slowly. He wasn't about to go into detail with Snape.

"It would be helpful, Mr. Potter," Snape said glancing up at Harry.

"I know it would be, Professor Snape," Harry said respectively. "But I don't want to talk about it."

"I see," Snape responded softly. He looked back at the papers in front of him. "Have you spoken about this dream to anyone?"

"Before Friday night, no," Harry answered. "Since then, yes."

"To whom?"

"My friends."

"I see." Snape glanced quickly at Ginny and then back at his papers. "Has the dream bothered you since speaking about it?"

"Once this week," Harry responded, looking at Ginny guiltily.

"Is this more or less than normal per week?" Snape asked ignoring the glare Ginny was giving Harry.

"Less," Harry answered. "Last week, I dreamt it every night. Normally though it's only two or three times."

"I see." Snape glanced at Thia before asking the next question. "How are your Occlumency shields?"

"They're just fine," Harry responded. "It keeps out nightmares from Voldemort."

"And this isn't from Voldemort?"


"I see."

"Could you stop saying that?" Ginny asked annoyed. Snape looked up at her with polite astonishment. "Could you stop saying, 'I see?' It's getting annoying."

"I will try," Snape replied politely. Ginny seemed to be at a loss for words as were Thia and McGonagall.

"Say 'thank you', Gin," Harry said with a huge smile.

"Thanks," Ginny said still stunned.

"What makes you so sure that it isn't from Voldemort?" Snape asked in a voice Harry would have called amused had it been anyone but Snape using it. Harry thought about it for a moment and then shook his head; he wasn't going to answer that question. "Well, that will make it difficult. Are you sure this was from your own subconscious?"

"As confident as I can be," Harry replied. "I know the events haven't occurred and I don't think Voldemort is planting anything in my head."

"Are you positive?" Snape asked again.


"Fine," Snape said writing something down. "And in severity, was it as bad this week?"

"No, not really."

"And have you had any dreams that repeat as often and with such ferocity?" Snape asked, looking up at Harry's face for the answer.

"Not recently," Harry replied quietly. "This one has had the spot of worst for weeks."

"Now, did you know you were in a dream?"

"Not the first time I had it, but since then, yes."

"And did you know you had taken a Dreamless Sleep Potion that night during the dream?"

"Yes, I tried to wake myself up."

"I take it that that didn't work."


"Very unfortunate," Snape answered in a monotone.

"Don't be rude, Snape," Thia said bitterly.

"He's not, Thia," Harry told his friend, "so back down."

"I'm not," Snape responded in his own defense. "I have had my own share of problems with this potion and know that feeling well. It is very unfortunate." He turned from Thia to Harry. "When did you take it?"

"It was about 9:40," Harry said after a little thought.

"And when did you wake up?"

"I think it was like 5:20. But I'm not sure."

"That would be 7 hours and 40 minutes, correct?" Snape asked. Madam Pomfrey nodded. They waited patiently as Snape read through his notes. "Well, Mr. Potter, I'd say you could try it again, but I'm not promising anything." Harry nodded in understanding. "Though, I would suggest you have someone try and wake you five hours after you take it. If it's working properly, you'll barely regain consciousness and then fall back to sleep. If it's working improperly, you'll regain full consciousness and that's better than dreaming the whole night."

"Alright," Harry said thankfully. "And if it doesn't work what do we do?"

"There's a stronger dose," Snape answered carefully. "But it's highly addictive and extremely strong, so I would recommend not using it except when you absolutely have to."

"Alright," Harry said again. "Thank you."

"Would you like a dose for the night?" Madame Pomfrey asked gently.

"I think so," Harry said wearily. She stood and started rummaging through her cupboards.

"And why that tone of voice, Harry?" Professor McGonagall, asked the worry evident in her voice.

"There hasn't been a Revelry since last Friday, so I'm expecting it," Harry answered. "Either tonight or tomorrow night."

"I'd say tonight," Snape agreed with him. Madam Pomfrey handed the vial filled with the potion to Harry.

"There you go, dear," she said with a smile. "Play well tomorrow and don't end up in here."

"I'll try not, Madam Pomfrey. Goodnight, everyone." He stood and he and Ginny left the office.

"Why didn't you tell me about this meeting?" Ginny asked before they were even five feet from the office door.

"I didn't want to worry you," Harry answered. "I should have though. I'm sorry. How'd you find out?"

"Thia, and don't you dare change the subject," Ginny said angrily. "I was already worried for you, luv, so don't get all high and mighty with me."

"I'm sorry," Harry repeated once again.

"Of course you are, luv," Ginny said lovingly, "but you have to stop trying to protect..."


The door to the infirmary shut and the adults (minus Severus) exchanged smiles. "Poor boy," Minerva said softly. "I don't know what possessed him to date a Weasley."

"So, what do you think, Severus?" Albus asked the man who was pouring over his notes.

"I'd be more sure of what to tell you if I knew the dream," Severus responded. "But going on what he told me, I'd say he'll be fine."

"What potion were you talking about?" Thia asked him.

"A potion I created once I found the Dreamless inadequate," Snape answered. "I'd rather not give it to him though. It's very dangerous."

"Why did you tell him about it then?" Thia asked curiously.

"If he wants to take it, then I'll give it to him," Snape answered. "I'll give him the choice, but not until we exhaust every other option first."

"How did Miss Weasley find out about this?" Albus asked the room in general, but he knew Thia had something to do with it.

"I told her, sir," Thia answered. "I thought she deserved to know about it and that Harry should have her here."

"I'm not angry with you at all, Thia, because I completely agree," he said, the twinkle bright in his eye. "And I believe Harry's in for an earful from dear Miss Weasley. How are Harry's grades?" he asked turning to Minerva.

"Better," she answered. "Though not what they were before Christmas, they are better than I expected after that vision he had on the sixth."

Albus nodded. "And what do his trainers think?"

"I've explained it to them," Thia answered. "They understand that events deserve second considerations and they've seen how miserable he was last month. Bryant was actually pleased with his progress. I believe Harry threw himself into the physical activity to burn off his anger. I know his dad used to do that. Keene said he could only give Harry another week, though. If Harry doesn't improve by then Keene's going to leave. Althea says she'll give him until the end of the month."

"That is generous of them," Albus said rubbing his fingers at his temples. "Hopefully the four will realize how much stronger they are together than apart. Harry will not be able to accomplish his goal without their help."


"...Don't you ever keep something like that from me again," Ginny told her boyfriend angrily. Harry nodded, completely scolded. He realized that they were at the Fat Lady's portrait already.

"Come with me," he said grabbing her arm. He led her back around the corner. "Hey, Gin, how about I take you on a date tomorrow night?" he asked her, catching her by surprise. "That is, as long as we aren't still playing."

"I'd love to, Harry," she said happily. He kissed her and started to lead her back to the common room. "Harry, wait." She pressed the Journal into his hands. "Don't forget to read this tonight before you take the potion. And why don't you ask Neville, Dean, or Seamus to wake you up. That way Ron can get a full night's rest before the match tomorrow night."

"I will do as you command, my lady," Harry said with a huge smile on his face. She hit him softly, but kissed the tip of his nose.

"C'mon, they'll be waiting for us."


Dear Luv!

You know... when I say or read, "I'm glad you took those tests" I think I'm talking to some old codger who's on the downhill path to death... sorry... but that's what I think... not that you're old, a codger, or dying, but hey, that's what I think of.

I forgive you for Valentine's Day. I'm just glad I was able to spend it with you and not someone else. Especially any other guy. I had a great time with you, even if you were asleep the whole time. I just wish you had fallen completely asleep so that I could have put make-up on your face! Have I ever told you the time I did that to the twins and had everyone pretend nothing was wrong? I need to tell you that story; it was great!

Harry, I want you to get this through your head right now, okay? I AM NOT GOING TO LEAVE YOU!!! Not voluntarily, at least, and it'll be a heck of a fight. Neither will Ron or Hermione. So stop playing high and mighty, alright? Just tell them how much you appreciate their help and support. They'll get the drift. I promise. But I ain't telling them for you, so don't even consider it!

I wonder where Thia located that beach. She won't tell me anything about it. I'm getting so excited about the wedding! I hope they don't run off and elope. That would be a huge let down!

Thanks for letting us know about that dream. I know Ron and Hermione appreciated being let in. You should tell them a bit more. Ron's a bit jealous that you've stopped talking to him about stuff and I told him that for the past month and a half he's been out for your head, so of course you stopped talking to him. He got a little defensive, but then he said it had started way back during summer break. Just a thought.

And my last thought for this letter (but no promises) is quite simple. YOU ARE IN NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM BURDENING ME BY TELLING ME WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND!!!! Get that through your thick skull!!!



Harry smiled as he shut the book and cleared it. Ginny sure had a way with words. It was the perfect ending for a not so perfect day.

Author notes: And, seeing that I'm sick and not feeling all that great, I'm gonna keep this short and sweet and to the point...

The biggest possible thanks I can give is to you, my readers! Especially to those of you who reviewed! You know who you are, but if you forgot... DannyBoi, Erika014, hermz, Jodice 03, mzaznesther, and jeep044 is the short list this week, but that's only 'cause 33 isn't up yet! I luv you all!

This chapter ends the long chapters without getting anywhere... but you'll understand more when you read the next few chapters... I wish I could say that nothing horrible is in the works, but... well, that would be a lie... Next chapter though, is "Spring Break" so it can't be bad... right? I hope you don't hate me...

Well, night, and I wonder how long until you read this...
