Harry Potter and the Loss of Innocence


Story Summary:
Harry is stuck at Privet Drive and has much to think about. A crazed wizard out to kill him. The death of his godfather and friend. The Prophesy looming in front of him. And not even one note from his friends. That's been Harry's summer holiday thus far, so can you blame him for wanting it to end? But should Harry really be looking forward to a year filled with surprises of all kinds and not all of them good? *HP sixth year fic following OotP and not incorporating HBP*

Chapter 26

Chapter Summary:
Boxing Day arrives with an invitation to Neville's for a couple of days. Over those days, Harry learns a few important things, particularly that Rita is still up to her old tricks. What does the cow write this time? Could it possible be nice, kind, courteous, and gentle? Yeah right!
Author's Note:
A huge thanks to my wonderful alpha readers Chris and Babe. Another huge thanks to my beta's DM, RR, and Pixie. I'm not sure what I'd do without you five...

Chapter Twenty-Six: Good Old Rita

I took a walk around the world
To ease my troubled mind.
~3 Doors Down: Kryptonite

"Hey," Ron said, shaking Harry awake. "Quit the yelling." Harry awoke, trying desperately to figure out where he was. He saw Ron and reality sunk in. He was sixteen, not five. He was at the Weasley's, not the Dursley's. He wasn't the object of Dudley's scorn anymore. "You okay there, Harry?" Ron asked worriedly.

"Yeah," Harry answered hoarsely. He couldn't figure out why his voice was so sore. He didn't think last night's nightmares had been all that bad. He had just watched a showing of Dudley's and Uncle Vernon's put-downs over the years; it hardly deserved his screams.

Once downstairs, Ginny and the other ladies gave him worried glances. He wanted them to stop, but knew that they never would. He sat down and started eating his breakfast. An owl flew in through the chimney and landed next to Ginny. After depositing the letter in Ginny's hands, the owl flew to the stand where Errol and Hedwig were sitting. Ginny opened it curiously and read it quickly.

"Mum, can we go to Neville's tomorrow and spend a few days there?" she asked once she was finished reading. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley traded a look and glanced quickly at Harry.

"We'll see," Mrs. Weasley answered uncommitted. "We'll need to talk about it."

"Neville needs a response by tonight," Ginny informed her mother. "He's sorry about the lateness of the invitation, but he sent them as soon as his grandmum gave him the okay."

"We'll see, baby girl," Mr. Weasley said. Ginny knew she wouldn't win and stopped talking. "Well, I'm off to work."

"But dad," Fred argued, "it's Boxing Day!"

"I know," he replied wearily. "But I have loads of work, and I need to get it done. See you all tonight." He kissed his wife and daughter goodbye and floo-ed to work.

"I can't believe he has to work," Mrs. Weasley said to herself. "It's not like he's an Auror. He's just concerned with the misuse of Muggle artifacts. It isn't like he has to go in to work today."

Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny left the kitchen as knives started whizzing through the air. They went into the living room and sat near the fire. "I haven't seen her so worked up about dad's work habits before," Ginny said quietly.

"I have," Bill told her from the chess game he was playing with Charlie. "He used to work a lot before you were born."

"Yeah," Charlie answered just as pensively. "Basically every day and late into the nights. But everyone was at that time. If you worked for the Ministry, you were always working."

"What happened to change that?" Ron asked.

"Voldemort fell," Harry answered before the other two could. They nodded in agreement. "I wonder what life would be like if that hadn't happened?" The others quietened as they contemplated that. Harry wouldn't have grown up with the Dursley's, but he guessed that he would have spent the years in hiding. What would have happened to Wormtail?

"I don't think I want to know," Bill answered quietly. "It wouldn't have been good." Harry nodded in agreement. As much as he wanted his parents, he couldn't help but wonder if there would be a magical world to live in at all had Voldemort not fallen then. There was a long heavy silence as the group's thoughts turned towards the possibilities.

"Whoa," Fred said coming into the room. "It's way too somber in here."

"Let's go outside," George suggested brightly.

"I'll teach you how to stop, luv," Ginny told him, grabbing his arm and pulling him up.

"I don't know, Gin," Harry said carefully. "I don't know if my body can take the battering." She laughed at him and dragged him up the stairs. He grabbed his cloak and put on several socks and his boots. They spent the time before lunch skating. Hermione and Ron laughed each time Harry landed in a snow bank or fell on his bottom. He gave them glares, but it only caused them to laugh harder.

Remus and Tonks joined them on the ice about an hour before lunch. They skated together happily and Harry's resolve to see Operation Wedding, as the twins had named it, completed was strengthened. These two deserved the surprise and everything they had planned. Mrs. Weasley, on that fateful shopping trip, had convinced Tonks to go into a wedding gown store saying that the sooner she got ideas the better. Remus and Ron (who were along) were bored out of their minds, but when Tonks came out with one gown on they were speechless. She had returned to her natural looks (which she only did if she absolutely had to and hadn't for the other dresses) and looked stunning. Fred and George had gone back that Monday and bought the dress.

"What are you thinking of, luv?" Ginny asked as they passed the slow moving couple.

"How happy Remus and Tonks are," he answered her. "I'm glad we have the dress."

"She wants it on the beach," Ginny told him quietly. "I wonder who we know with a beach residence."

"I can't think of anyone," Harry answered after a while. "Do you think they'll be pleased?"

"I'm positive, luv," Ginny said as they passed them again. Harry looked at her and smiled.

"Lunch is ready!" the loud voice of Mrs. Granger called out over the grounds. The group changed from skates into boots without incident and walked amiably up to the house. Lunch was a loud affair. Everyone was talking over everybody else just so that the person next to them could hear. Harry smiled happily; this was the way he had imagined a family should be.

After lunch they went back outside and built snowmen and snowwomen. Fred and George made one who looked a lot like Snape, and then proceeded to hit its head with snowballs until it bounced off. Harry didn't laugh as hard as he would have a week before. Charlie and Bill used some magic to create a snow-dragon and everyone loved it. Harry was happy rolling huge snowballs with Ginny and helping her put them on top of one another.

They went in for some hot chocolate and stayed inside. The weather was turning nasty again and Harry guessed that a storm was brewing. They sat calmly in the living room, talking about nothing in particular. Finally, Harry's mind worked its way back to the invitation from Neville.

"Is it because of me that you can't make a choice about us going to Neville's?" Harry asked, already knowing the answer.

"We need to get it cleared through Dumbledore," Mrs. Weasley said wearily. "I know you all really want to go and I'm sure it'll be alright. The Longbottoms have always been outspoken against the Dark Arts and particularly You-Know-Who."

"Remus left to go talk with him," Tonks added helpfully. "I'm sure they'll be able to work something out."

The afternoon passed and it was soon supper. That passed without the return of Remus or Mr. Weasley. Mr. Weasley was in some kind of meeting according to the grandfather clock in the corner. Everyone was guessing that Remus was still talking to Dumbledore about the trip.

As Harry was watching the newest clock hand pointing at home, he noticed Mr. Weasley's hand move from meeting to travelling. He was expecting it to move right on to home, but it went to the visiting spot.

"I wonder where he's gone to," Mrs. Weasley said, for she too was watching the clock. An hour passed and Harry watched Mr. Weasley's hand move to travelling again and then it stopped at home. Harry saw a brief look of grief pass over Mrs. Weasley's face. He looked back at the clock and saw why; there were nine hands at home and one with Percy's name on it pointing towards prison.

Mr. Weasley entered the room and sat down wearily. "You three," he said pointing to Ron, Ginny, and Harry, "are allowed to go to the Longbottoms for three days."

"What about Hermione?" Ron asked confused.

"It's up to her parents," he told the red head. Hermione turned to her mum and dad and they nodded their consent.

"I'll come home after that," she promised them. They smiled at her.

"We're leaving tomorrow," Mrs. Granger told everyone. "We really need to get back to the practice. We'll have so many make-up appointments, it isn't even funny."

"I'm sorry you missed work," Harry apologized.

"Don't be," Mr. Granger said with a smile. "It was a joy meeting Hermione's friends and their family. And you all are welcome to our house whenever you'd like." Hermione hugged her dad and smiled at him.

"Welcome," a stately witch said, ushering them inside the house. "It's a pleasure to see you again." She was an old witch with grey hair and a bony face, wearing a long green dress and what was most definitely a vulture on top of her hat. "Remus, it has been too long since you've been here."

"It has," Remus replied sadly. "It's nice to see you, Mrs. Longbottom." Harry had found out this morning that Remus and Tonks were coming along as his personal guards. He wasn't all that pleased with it, but he knew he'd never win the battle to go alone with his friends.

"Neville is up the stairs in Frank's old room," she told Remus. "Will you take these four up there? I can't handle the stairs too often any more." Remus nodded and they followed him up the stairs.

"You knew the Longbottoms?" Ron asked quietly. Remus glanced down at Mrs. Longbottom and nodded.

"Frank was a year ahead and worked with Thia for awhile when they were Aurors together." He stopped at the top of the stairs and looked at them tiredly. "Alice was in our year and she was a good friend of Lily's. You wouldn't believe how excited those two girls were when they found out that they were pregnant at the same time. I think they nearly drove James and Frank insane." He smiled and headed down the hallway. "Here we are. This is the room."

Remus knocked on the door and Lavender opened it. "Hey, Professor Lupin. Congratulations on your engagement."

Tonks started laughing at the dumbfounded look on his face. "How'd you guys find out about that?"

"Harry told us, back in November," Dean called from the window seat. "What are you doing here and who's the girl with purple polka-dotted hair?"

Harry got everyone inside and laughed at Remus' face. "This is Tonks, his fiancée." Tonks started to laugh harder when Remus blushed ever so slightly. Harry tried to keep a straight face, but was failing. "They're here because a certain Dark Lord has taken a liking to Potter-shish-kebab so I get guards. It's kind of annoying, but there are worse bodyguards."

"Tonks," Parvati said, as if tasting the name. "That's an odd first name."

"It's my last name and if any one of you tell them my first name, I'll flay you," Tonks threatened, brandishing her wand.

"Now, Nymph, we all love your first name," Remus teased her.

"Her name's Nymphadora, but--" Harry started, but he had to put a shield up to block whatever she had sent his way. "The only problem with the guards I've been given is that they try to kill me too." Tonks launched herself at him playfully and got his arms behind his back.

"And maybe you should remember that and try not to provoke us," she told him threateningly.

"Tonks, let him go," Remus told her, rolling his eyes. She let go of him warily, but Harry held his hand out for a truce. "You can beat him up once the school term starts again." When Tonks nodded the others gave the three an odd look.

"Tonks and Remus help Thia with my lessons on the weekends," Harry explained. "Seeing that all three of them are loads better than I am at dueling, they win every time." He turned to Tonks and told her boldly, "Wait 'til I learn to fight properly, then I'll pin you." Tonks laughed harder at him.

"How did you dye your hair like that?" Lavender asked curiously.

"Watch," she said screwing her face up in concentration. It turned neon pink with black spikes.

"Cool," Dean said in awe. "How'd you do that?"

"You want pink hair, Thomas?" Ginny said teasing him. "I know a handy spell that'll turn it pink for you."

"No!" he said holding his hands up in submission. "I want to spike it with neon green for Quidditch games."

"I'm a Metamorphmagus," Tonks explained. "It's an inherited trait that allows me to change my appearance at will."

"You're too cool for Remus," Ron teased the couple. "I don't know why you won't go out with Bill or Charlie."

"Could it be because Bill actually really likes Melissa or Charlie won't shut up about his little Romanian cupcake?" Tonks asked, feigning thought. "Or maybe it's because I actually love Remus, so I don't really have a choice in the matter."

"Glad you want to marry me," Remus complained. Tonks laughed before hugging and kissing him. Harry and Ron groaned loudly and Ginny and Hermione ahhh'd annoyingly. The others just watched in either horror or confusion.

"Gross, isn't it," Ron said once they were done. "They've been doing that all break."

"Well, we do have to compete with you four love birds," Tonks said viciously. "I mean the only reason this one-up-man-ship even started was because Harry and Ginny freaked out her brothers at the start of the holidays." Harry felt his cheeks burn and watched as Ginny's also lit up.

"I should go talk with Mrs. Longbottom," Remus said before Tonks and Harry started another fight. "Come with me, Tonks." He led her out by the hand, nearly dragging her.

"They ain't so bad," Seamus said approvingly.

"Yeah, but walking in on them making-out is not something I ever want to do again," Ron said in disgust. "It's worse than walking in on Harry and Ginny."

"Thanks mate," Harry said punching him. "It's not like you've caught us all that much."

"And when exactly have you been manhandling my sister?" Ron asked teasing him. Harry felt his cheeks burn redder and just about hexed the smile off of Ron's face.

"And it would be none of your business, Ron," Ginny told him warningly. "I believe it's worse catching you, but you don't hear me complaining."

"Okay," Neville said, speaking for the first time. "Don't make me send you home."

Harry looked around the room and noticed that every Gryffindor from their year, plus Luna and Ginny, were present. They spent the day talking to one another, filling each other in on what they had done the first week of break. Lunch was an informal affair, sandwiches and some fruit eaten in Neville's room.

Harry liked Neville's room. There were pictures of his mum and dad up everywhere; Neville said that they were there since his dad used the room. There was a lot of Gryffindor memorabilia and some Chudley Cannon stuff. Ron had never known that another Cannon fan shared his dorm, but he did now. There was a bump-out window with a window seat covered in Gryffindor-red pillows for reading. There was a small fireplace with two extremely comfortable chairs in front of it.

That evening they all went downstairs for supper. It was rather formal, but they survived it. Mrs. Longbottom and Remus talked about days long gone and Harry was hit by how lonely Remus truly was. Tonks listened to the stories; obviously she had only heard a few of them. Neville and his friends talked amongst themselves, but Harry caught Neville listening as much as he was.

"Remember Christmas of Frank's seventh year?" Mrs. Longbottom said with a smile. "When he proposed and nearly scared Alice out of her mind."

Remus laughed, "James gave Lily that promise ring even though they had never dated once. I felt so bad for those two girls that year. Thia and Sam spent the rest of Christmas calming them down."

"When did Alice actually say yes?" Mrs. Longbottom asked curiously. "They never told me." Remus laughed long and hard causing the conversation at the other end of the table to stop.

"I don't think she ever did," Remus answered once he had calmed down. "When she ran up the stairs that morning she still had the ring in her hand. Some time shortly after Valentine's Day it showed up on her finger. Frank told us that he hadn't asked her again. He was just grateful that Alice hadn't thrown the ring down the drain or out a window. It gave James some hope."

"Is that ring, the one that Ginevra's wearing, the same one?" Mrs. Longbottom asked shrewdly.

"Why, yes it is," Remus answered surprised. "I can't believe you recognized it after all those years. James gave them to me to give to Harry, just in case," he added sadly. She nodded in understanding and a deep silence filled the room.

Supper was a quiet affair after that, the adults stuck in sad remembrances and the teens in embarrassed silence. Once the teens were done with dessert they went to the den to play games. Harry watched Ginny beat Luna at a game of chess.

"So," Lavender started quietly. "Where'd you get that ring?" Harry felt his cheeks redden and watched as Ginny twirled the ring on her right hand.

"Harry gave it to me," she answered. "It was his mum's," she added needlessly.

"That was nice of you, Harry," Parvati said sweetly, batting her eyes at him sarcastically. Harry wanted to crawl out of the room. "Why'd you give it to her?"

"'Cause I wanted to," Harry responded a little too harshly. "Sorry," he mumbled, "I've had to deal with her brothers for two days now, so I'm a little sore about it."

The room fell silent and everyone returned to their respective games. After midnight they all went upstairs. "Luna'll show you to your rooms," Neville told the girls and they followed her down the hall to a room on the right. The guys entered Neville's room, which was now filled with beds for everyone.

The next day everyone had a grand time, playing in the fresh snow and skating on the large pond. Harry and Ginny even found time to sneak away to "talk". Harry was just happy to be alone with her for a short time. This break it seemed that someone was always around when they were together. Lunch was spent warming their fingers and toes up only to have them freeze again outside afterwards; they spent the afternoon sledding down the hill that bordered the pond. Supper was the same formal event, though there were a few more relatives today than yesterday. Harry watched Remus talk to a few as if they were old friends and Tonks listening to them raptly. He wondered what they were talking about.

Afterwards they went to the den once again. They started an Exploding Snap tournament and Harry found himself out after the first round. He cheered Ginny and Ron on (Ginny was playing Hermione, so he picked his girlfriend over his other best friend) and watched the other games.

As he was looking around the room during a slow moment his eye caught the magazines and newspapers lying next to the couch. He realized that he hadn't read a paper for weeks, not since Rita's article at the start of the month. He went over and sat next to the pile picking up the top copy of the Daily Prophet.

Friend or Foe:

Potter's "fights" the Dark Lord

By Rita Skeeter

Just yesterday the village of Hogsmeade was wracked
by the visit of the Dark Lord. He and his faithful Death
Eaters nearly destroyed all of Main Street in the fight
that ensued against the Aurors. But what is most both
surprising and disturbing about this is the major role
Mr. Harry Potter, currently a sixth year at Hogwarts
School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, played in the events.

Witnesses tell this faithful reporter that Mr. Potter exited
the Three Broomsticks moments before the first of the
Dementors arrived. The witnesses go on to report that he
was nearly kissed before his Patronus, in the shape of a
stag, came to his rescue. The Patronus saved many lives;
but, unfortunately, Mr. Potter was not able to save the
lives of four innocents.

The next event has this impartial reporter the most
puzzled. The Dark Lord arrived with several of his most
faithful and trusted Death Eaters, including Hogwarts'
own Potions Master, Professor Severus Snape, for the
Dark Lord requested him to remove his mask. Mr. Potter
and the Dark Lord had a small conversation and then Mr.
Potter drew his wand to challenge the most feared Dark
Lord that has lived in centuries.

What type of sixteen-year-old would do this? For that
matter, what forty-year-old man would? I ask you this,
not to make trouble, but to make you wonder about the
situation, to make you think about it in another light.

What if this whole thing was a ploy? True, Mr. Potter
did dodge several of the most Unforgivable of curses
and was even hit with the Cruciatus at one point. Yet,
Potter's life was not saved by one of the Aurors, who
apperated to the scene moments later, but by the
turncoat Severus Snape. How can we be sure about
his loyalties? Can we let such a man teach our children?
Could Potter and Snape be in this together? Or could
these two possibly be following orders from the
same master?

Take the events of this Friday with a grain of salt.
Go ahead, if you want, and believe the propaganda
put out about the fight without once considering the
details. But don't say I didn't warn you.

Harry was furious; he crumpled the paper in a tight ball and threw it into the fire. He almost dies and she writes crap like this!

"That's what my grandmother thought," Neville said looking at Harry in understanding. "We started getting the Prophet when they printed the good stuff, but she cancelled the subscription after that article. Rita has no tact. Read the article in the Quibbler though; it's a good one."

Harry picked up the most recent addition of the Quibbler, the magazine Luna's father publishes, and stared at the photo of the aftermath of the battle.

Harry Potter Saves the Day!

By Vachel Mente

I must begin by emphasizing the sad state the
publication that I previously wrote for has come.
As you all remember, last year at this time the
London Daily Prophet was forced to print slander
against Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter by
none other that the late Minister himself. Well,
after several months of freedom the newspaper
is once again under pay. This time the source of
the money is not as obvious; in fact, I'm not sure
who is actually forcing the editors to print the
garbage that they are, but it is pathetic.

Only two long days ago, Hogsmeade suffered two
attacks, a Dementor and Death Eater attack. Many
souls and lives were saved by the quick thinking
and wand work of Harry Potter, only a sixth year at
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The Dark Lord appeared and Harry did one of the
bravest things I've ever heard of: he challenged
the same Dark Lord we all cringe in fear of to a
duel. My replacement at the Prophet has gossiped
that it was only a ploy to strengthen our trust in
Harry Potter, but I know the truth.

My sources gave me a copy of the exact letter
the Dark Lord sent Harry and the letter Harry sent
back. I'm afraid to tell you that the Dark Lord
admitted to seeking Harry's death since BEFORE
the boy was born. I'm also afraid to tell you that
all those he loves are in danger because of the
response he made.

In a public letter (I'm told most of the school heard
it read aloud at least once) Harry made a complete
mockery of the Dark Lord's offer. He informs the Dark
Lord of all the "plans" he has once he joins, but first
let me quote to you my favorite.

"I like to say insolent remarks at inopportune times.
I've already planned some for our meetings with our
Death Eaters. After you tell them our plan, I'll say
out loud, 'As easy as taking candy from a baby,' but
then under my breath but loud enough for all to hear
I'll say, 'but some of us have problems with that.'"

They all run along that line of thought; things he
would do to annoy the crap out of the Death Eaters.
He wrote a total of six plans. The list would include
playing knock-and-run, reading The Ugly Duckling
every night, eating the Dark Lord's pet snake, asking
whether the Dark Lord ever had a girlfriend, and giving
the Dark Lord the new nickname, "The Seriously Dark
Wizard Who Let The Boy Who Lived Live."

But it is the Post Script that inspires me the most. And
against all my better judgment, I am going to print it for
you all to read. "Go! To! Hell! Love, H. Potter T.B.W.L.
(The Boy Who Lived)"

It is this that strengthens my deep-rooted faith in the
boy. He is not the Boy Who Lived To Join Voldemort, but
the Boy Who Lived To Fight Voldemort. Even though he
moved himself to the top of the Dark Lord's death list,
(arguably he has held that place for 16 years now) he is
willing to stand up for what he believes in.

At the moment of this writing, Harry Potter and Severus
Snape lie in the infirmary of Hogwarts, both near death.
It has been revealed to me that Severus once again took
up the mantle of spy and has saved many lives since that
fateful summer just two years ago. One way or another,
Severus broke the Cruciatus Curse that was very slowly
destroying Harry's mind and body. For that he has my
confidence and well wishes.

You may believe the lies printed in other publications
or you can believe the truth. You get to choose. But just
remember the choice Harry Potter made when given the
easy option and the hard option.

For Harry's full letter, see page 27
For details of the Battle of Hogsmeade see page 39

Harry stared at the magazine in awe. "They printed his name," he said breathlessly. He had never once seen the name printed before. In fact, the only time he had seen it written out was when he or one of his friends had taken the time to write a note.

"Yeah," Luna said dreamily, "dad agreed with Vachel that it was appropriate. After everything else they might as well."

"Did you guys know about this?" Harry asked his three friends. They wouldn't look him in the eye. "Why didn't you tell me?" he accused them.

"Mum didn't want us to upset you, luv," Ginny said calmingly.

"Why would this upset me?" Harry asked angrily. "I was the one who accidentally dropped the copy of my letter and Voldemort's for Dumbledore to pick up and give to him. I actually was all right with this article. It's Rita's that's stupid."

"Oh," Ginny said surprised. "Well, how were we supposed to know that?"

"You still could have told me about it all," Harry argued. He pointed at the burning embers that were all that was left of Rita's article. "I mean, this cow accused me of being a Death Eater. Don't you think I deserved to know that?"

"She already did that though, Harry," Hermione argued with him logically.

"But not in so few words," Harry told them. "I mean, she might as well have titled the article, 'Harry Potter Joins Voldemort: Fight a Ploy To Win Our Trust!'" Hermione and Ron looked away guiltily, but Ginny stood up and faced the furious boy.

"It's not like we had a choice," Ginny told him angrily. "We were told not to and if we wanted to see you that Tuesday we had to follow orders."

"You could have told me," Harry repeated lamely. "I'm sick of not knowing things about me; of having people keep secrets about me. No wonder Rita finds it so easy to print this crap; I don't even know everything about me, but everyone else does."

"But no one believes that, Harry," Dean told the still angry boy. "We all know it's only lies."

"No," Harry stated simply. "There are people out there that believe those lies and they think I'd turn my back on them. They believe I'd take the easy way out!" Harry was yelling once more and Remus came running into the room, followed by Tonks.

"What's going on?" he asked calmly, getting everyone's attention instantly. Harry shoved the article into his hands. "I thought you'd like that one," Remus said with a smile. "After all..."

"It's not that one that I'm angry about," Harry said dangerously. He was glad Rita wasn't in the room, because he wanted to hurt her as much as he could. "It's Rita's article."

A cloud passed over Remus' face and he nodded. "I see, well, in that case, I'm sorry we kept it from you," he said in understanding. "But those who make the decisions about your health chose not to tell you and blackmailed the rest of us into it. I'm sorry."

"And who's that?" Harry asked hotly.

"Mrs. Weasley, Madame Pomfrey, and Professor Dumbledore," Remus replied evenly, though Harry heard the note of bitterness added to Dumbledore's name. Harry knew he wouldn't get his temper under control by talking to these people.

"I'm going for a walk," he stated, heading for the door. "Though, I'm sure that I need a baby-sitter, so which one is coming?" Tonks and Remus traded a look worried look.

"I am," Ginny said before they could reply, "and Tonks." Remus nodded and the two ladies hurried after the retreating form of Harry; he hadn't waited for them to choose.

Ginny caught up to him and wrapped her arm around his waist. Tonks walked on Ginny's other side and they walked in silence. Harry set a fast pace, but he had a lot of pent up frustration to burn off.

"You'd think," Harry said after a long time, "that with everything that happened in my life it would gain me a bit of respect." The two girls kept quiet and decided to let Harry talk it out. "I mean, I lost my parents and temporarily delayed the rise of a Dark Lord before I could walk or talk. I saved the Philosopher's Stone, you, Gin, and Peter's life all before I turned fourteen. I survived the Triwizard Tournament and the graveyard the next year. I put up with their crap all of fifth year only to have it proved true, at the cost of Sirius' life. But I can't even properly mourn his death, because I'm supposed to hate his guts for betraying my parents." He stopped suddenly and ran his hand through his hair. Ginny and Tonks had to turn around to stand next to him; they had both walked several feet before they realized what had happened.

"Why does she have to write stuff like that?" Harry asked suddenly.

"If you don't tell Molly, I'll tell you why," Tonks bargained with him.

"I won't," he promised.

"The Prophet is in You-Know-Who's pay," she told them. "Not officially, but as far as we can tell, rich, still secret Death Eaters are paying them to print that stuff so that the public loses faith in you. Vachel quit the paper as soon as he found out earlier this month." Harry stared at her, dumbfounded; he had never thought that Voldemort spread his influence so far.

"Can't you do something about that?" Ginny asked after a long moment of stunned silence.

"We don't have any proof that they are Death Eaters," she responded. "We have the proof that they gave money, but no proof that they are actually Death Eaters. Several reporters have quit and a few have joined the Order and write for the Quibbler now. Luna's father joined the Order earlier this month."

Harry shook his head in anger. Voldemort was slowly ruining every part of his life without even trying. He couldn't spend a day with Ginny in Hogsmeade, he had to have bodyguards, he needed extra lessons, and he had to either become a victim or a murderer. He only wanted to live with his friends, laugh at their jokes, and just be a regular kid. He just wanted his family back, to live with them, to gain support from them, and to just be a kid. Was that too much to ask?

Ginny and Tonks moved away from the boy slowly, both in awe of what they saw. Radiating from Harry like rays of light was power, pure and commanding. Harry didn't seem to notice it, but it was surrounding him in a halo of energy.

Harry thought back to his third year when he had first heard his parents die. He thought about the nightmares about their deaths he'd experienced since first year, and the vague ones before that. He thought of the stories Remus, Sirius, and Thia had told him about his parents. He thought of every person who had told him that he looked just like his dad; well, except for the eyes, which were his mum's. He even thought of every time Malfoy, Voldemort, and Snape had insulted them.

He wanted that family, the one that was taken from him. Not that the Weasleys weren't good enough; they just weren't his parents. He wanted to meet them, to talk to them, to have the chance to judge them, and learn to love them.

He thought of his dream, or whatever that was while he had been close to death. He had had a chance to talk with them, for the first time. He had seen Sirius once again. He almost couldn't believe he had come back. So much of him wanted those three people, but the other, slightly smaller, part wanted to live with his adopted family and protect them from what would happen if he didn't destroy Voldemort.

His thoughts turned to his new family. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were wonderful adopted parents and loved him as if he were theirs. Bill was a great brother and had a good mind to figure out puzzles. Charlie was the most like Ron and was the most athletic. The twins were great, they had helped him laugh when he needed to, but they also knew when to step back and let him be. And what could he say about Ron? Ron was the brother he never had and a loyal friend.

His thoughts then turned to Ginny. She was special; whether or not he actually loved her, he didn't know. He did know that she was special and he would hate to lose her. She wasn't afraid to stand up to him and tell him when he was wrong. She knew how to praise him without embarrassing him. She knew how to listen without commenting on everything he said. He turned and looked at the girl standing a few feet away. Her face held apprehension, awe, and a little fear.

"What's the matter, Gin?" he asked concerned. She glanced at Tonks and sighed in relief as the power resided.

"Nothing, luv," she responded. "Are you ready to go inside?" He looked at her and then at the house.

"Well," he started, looking at Tonks. "Can the both of just walk for a bit? Without a guard?" Tonks looked at him and nodded.

"Don't do anything that'll get me in trouble with her brothers," Tonks told them both with a wink. "I might be able to handle one or two, but not all of them."

Harry smiled and promised that they wouldn't. Tonks returned to the house and Harry walked over to Ginny. "Thanks for coming along," he told her truthfully. She smiled at him and took his hand. Harry led her to the pond and they walked along its edge until both were frozen. Harry went to bed soon after and dreamed once again of his parents' deaths.

Author notes: Oh how I hate Rita.... and Voldie, but that's a separate subject. She's such a sleeze bag... but that's her job, so what can you expect from her?

If I could think of a viable way to bring back the Potters I would! Truely I would... but I can't think of a way and seeing as I'm sticking to cannon, I can't bring them back....... I can only nearly kill Harry so that he's on the brink between life and death. That's the closest I can get.

It was pointed out to me by my alpha/betas and a few reviewers that I never said whether Hedwig was alive or not... and the first thing I thought was "Yes I did! How dare you say I didn't!" Looking back at the past few chapters I realized that you were all correct and I was wrong! I did right a scene with Hedwig returning in chapter 20, but I re-worked that late one night (during Christmas holdays, so what can you expect) and I think I deleted it without really realizing that I had...... If I'd put it in the way the chapter ended, it would fit in after Harry started his Occulmency lessons with Thia... just one more thing to make his week better. All it was basically was Harry being surprised when an owl flew into him as he walked outside (or even in the halls just for more drama) and it was a thoroughly scared but otherwise alright Hedwig. Harry then ran to Hagrid and the man would then take care of her for a few days, so that she could recover. Of course, Hedwig being a strong feminine presence in Harry's life would have none of that and instead follow him around for a few days....

I'll have to re-write the "official" version and then post the chapter again.... I wish my beta's would have asked sooner than chapter 23 and 24, 'cause I would have been able to add it in weeks ago...

Well, a huge thanks for the new reviews Phoenix Run, a;sldkfj, and Melindaleo2000! I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as they did, but seeing as I haven't given you alot of time, what can I expect? A billion reviews? No way! But I can always hope!

Just a reminder (and the last one) that the good old fashion give-a-way ends when you get to read 27... I hope one of you guess it and I'll just say someone came very close to the right guess... very close, yet not right enough for the prize...

Well, all that's left to do is plug the next chapter.... which I feel obligated to tell you, is Chris's favorite, not 19 as I had said before... though his favorite is not the version you have... It's changed since then and mostly on his advice...

But back to the point.... please hang around for chapter 27 "A Little Carried Away" where a few worst nightmares are realized... but that's all I'm saying on that.... Mwhahahahahaha.......

*clears throat* sorry
