Imperfections of Perfection


Story Summary:
"It’s a sad thing, really, that we all strive for the perfection we can never reach. Even the stars themselves struggle in their attempts of outshining the sun in the night sky." Sometimes the question that you should ask is if perfection is really worth it. HP/DM

Chapter 03 - Chapter Two: In Shadows


Added note/disclaimer: I also use quotes from other places. If you find a quote that wasn't cited, please notify me.

"Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury.


In Shadows

I was tired... so tired of flattering Harry. Stupid Harry - why couldn't he see? He was the brightest star here. I'm not as bright. I'm nowhere near his level. I'm not talented.

I'm not particularly brave... I don't have a way with people - Harry does.

Harry's born for fame and me...

I'm just the hero's sidekick - nothing special.

Hermione turned to look at me, with a smile on her face. She took my breath away.

I felt a twinge of an awful sort of triumph - I'd gotten her and not Harry. I was Head Boy and not Harry Potter. Hermione was Head Girl - it worked out, and I was happy.

It proved that somebody thought I was better than Harry.

There were times I wanted to storm up to someone say: Hi. My name's Ron Weasley - I helped Harry Potter defeat Voldemort - where's my glory? Why I am shunted into the shadows? What's so great about Harry bleeding Potter! I'm his best friend and I'm telling you - he's a selfish little brat who bitches and moans all the time about how unfair his life is. Now - WHAT ABOUT ME? Don't you care?

No, of course not.

Nobody cares about a faithful sidekick as long as they're faithful and loyal. Nobody cares about a sidekick because they're the background support. They're no one special. They haven't anything that would make them remarkable except they're the hero's best friend.

It was these thoughts that tumbled through my brain as I walked through the second floor corridor, making sure no one was breaking curfew.

Somehow, I ran into Draco Malfoy, of all people. He was coming out of the boys' bathroom and he hit me with the door. I expected him to laugh and sneer something awful to me. Call me Weaselby or Weasel or Potter's bitch - some insult he hadn't said yet.

He looked at me then, opening his mouth as a puzzled expression came over his face. He closed his mouth then opened it again. He looked like he was trying to say something.

"Spit it out, Malfoy," I snarled. "So then I can give you your detention for being out so late."

"I...," Malfoy said. "I'm sorry."

I stood there in shock as I watched him whirl and run back into the bathroom. To my surprise, I heard him retching.

Something's wrong with Malfoy, Hermione had told us on the train.

"Ugh... Malfoy, go to Madam Pomfrey if you've got the flu," I said.

He cleaned himself of whatever he'd thrown up, before he looked at me and said coldly, "I'm not sick. Go away."

"Mal -"

"GO AWAY!" he screamed at me.

I backed away.

He seemed like he was about to lose his mind - if he hadn't lost it already.

"Okay," I muttered as I walked away. I'd tell Madam Pomfrey, I thought as I wearily finished making my rounds and headed up unenthusiastically to the Gryffindor Tower.


It's interesting, how I can remember that scene now, but... in the morning when I woke up, I'd forgotten.

There's lots of things I can remember now, but I'd forgotten, or hadn't consciously noticed back then... but I suppose... it's the nature of life.


"So... are you still up for trying out for Quidditch?" Harry asked me cheerfully.

"Erm... yes!" I said instantly.

"Ron, don't talk with your mouth full," Hermione scolded me. I swallowed and smiled at her brightly, before leaning in and giving her a quick and chaste kiss.

When I pulled away, I could see the stars shining in her eyes.

"Yes," I told Harry. "Yes, I'm still up for it."
"Good," said Harry, a smile on his face. "I wouldn't want to do the try outs without you trying for the team. You'll come and watch, won't you Hermione?"

"What?" asked Hermione, "Oh, yes. Yes, I'll be watching you."

She seemed distracted, frowning as she looked over across the Great Hall. I guess she must've been in deep thought.

"I... have to go," said Hermione abruptly. She stood up and I started to stand, even though I wasn't finished with my lunch yet.

"No," said Hermione, waving at me with her hand, gesturing for me to sit down again. "You can stay here, Ron."

Harry looked mildly surprised. "What? You mean you're actually going somewhere alone, 'Mione?"

"Yes, Harry," said Hermione. Finally she sighed, saying, "Look, I have to go to the loo."

"Oh," we said and blushed as she walked away.

I watched her until I noticed Harry watching her walk away with a look in his eyes I didn't recognize. I watched him watch her walk away.

He gave a small sigh, turning to me, saying, wryly, "I get the feeling... she's not telling us something... you know?"

"Yeah," I said. "I get the same feeling. Maybe it's just some girl thing."

"Yeah," said Harry, "maybe."

But he didn't sound convinced.

- Shakespeare

A/N: Ron... my guess would be that he's always felt inferior to Harry. He's not - he's a good kid - he just doesn't see it. Anyway... just so you know, I highly doubt they're canon, so I'm saying they're OCC.


1. The chapter quote comes from Macbeth