A Mark of Betrayal


Story Summary:
Every year when Harry returns to Hogwarts there is always an adventure waiting for him. It is known worldwide that almost anything can be overcome if you stick together. This story shows just what can happen if that isn't the case; if friends don't stick together, but listen to the tempting voices of the mind. This is a story about betrayal.

Chapter 02 - One Dreadful Joke

Chapter Summary:
Love Potions are banned at Hogwarts, but that doesn't mean it won't come up in NEWTS. Find what ghastly situations await the trio in a Charms class in which they are introduced, and subjected, to a certain charm.
Author's Note:
Hi readers! This is one of my favorite chapters but I apologise to those who don't like romance in advance, as this chapter contains alot. I'd like to say thanks to all my reviewers- you make me feel great!

One Dreadful Joke

"Sorry about that. Where was I?"

"I was losing spectacularly to you."

"Ah, yes!"

"I give up; it's obvious that you're going to win,"

Ron chortled, happier than he had been in a long time. It was weird, but he'd been cheered up by the episode earlier on with Harry and Cho. "No, I want to see you lose."

A frown flitted across Seamus' face. "Okay, Okay, pawn to b-4."

Seamus was losing... losing as Ron had at so many times at other things. If there was one thing Ron was best at, it was Wizards Chess, even if he was beaten at everything else. Ron had to admit it was petty, but he still wanted to beat Seamus.


As usual, Hermione was daydreaming of Harry. Her thoughts turned to scheming as a scene of Harry and Cho kissing flashed across her mind. Maybe Harry and Cho would split up now. Then she could ask Harry to the Christmas ball and tell him how she felt about him. Maybe they would split up... Her heart thumped in her chest. She smiled a sly secret smile; maybe it would all work out... Maybe Harry would confess that he liked her too...


Harry forced a smile and tried to sound enthusiastic "So how're things going with the wedding?"

Hagrid grinned, a glazed look settling on his face "Oh fine, you know. Everything's going to plan. I'm nearly ready for the big day."

Harry blushed scarlet as he began to speak "Well, listen Hagrid. I'm really happy for you. You deserve this"

"I don't know about that, but thanks Harry. I couldn't have done it without you three. Where are Ron and Hermione? Were they busy?"

"Hmm... So, are you still going to stay on as our Care of Magical Creatures teacher and Gamekeeper?"

"Yeah, all back to normal after the honeymoon."

Harry frowned at him all of a sudden, "Hey, I just noticed. How come you're talking different?"

Hagrid bit his lip, looking forlorn. "English lessons, I've been having them since a few weeks back. I decided to when, you know, last year some people said they couldn't understand what I say."

Harry had a vivid memory of Slytherins reporting to the High Inquisitor that they couldn't understand anything he said. Having first been put on probation, Hagrid had then been sacked, partly because he was half-giant, more than anything else. Harry's fists tightened as he thought back to it.

Hagrid sounded annoyed. "And what's with all the questions?"

"Oh nothing, just being my usual interfering self, as usual,"


"Just now in our Common room, with Cho, I started to..." He struggled to find the right words. "I started to harass her, like being really nosy... she said she'd been busy thinking, I asked what about, she said it was none of my business, and I-I shouted at her...in the end she burst out that her cousin had passed away. Maybe it's just me but something weird is going on..." He set down his mug of tea and slumped back in his chair baffled and lost for words.

Hagrid looked at him with a look of deep concern on his face.

"These things happen Harry, It's not your fault; it's normal to be curious about what your girlfriend is thinking."

Harry found his tongue. "It's not just that either. It's everyone, they're all acting odd, I mean, Ron and Hermione have changed, it's like, before I could almost tell what they were thinking half of the time, but now, they're so guarded. Something's wrong Hagrid, I can feel it..."

"Maybe it's not that everyone's acting odd, maybe it's... you. You're growing up and you've got lots to think about and exams coming up too. When the pressure gets to be too much it can make you a bit... moody. It's absolutely normal to feel moo-"

Harry jumped up from his seat as anger coursed through him in an almost drug-like way, his voice heated and vicious. "I'm not moody Hagrid! Whatever is going on isn't normal and if you won't believe me I'll have to find someone else to talk to."

Harry kicked open the door and turned to an expressionless Hagrid, spitting out his words in rage before he slammed the door shut behind him. "Goodbye Hagrid!"

Breathless, he leant against the door of Hagrid's Hut, going over what had just happened. It had been so fast; it was difficult to recall. He gasped as the pieces came together. It had happened again, he had shouted at Hagrid... over something so small... so trivial. If he didn't stop shouting, there'd be no one left to talk to...


Dean plopped down on a chair beside him. "So what's so wonderful Ron that you're sitting here on your tod, smiling like a maniac,"

Ginny sat next to Dean chuckling, "Yeah, it's obvious that it isn't your Defence against the Dark Arts essay that's in your bag and has to be finished by tomorrow"

"Shut up, in fact I just won Seamus at chess and now I was just remembering a funny joke Harry told me at breakfast."

Dean brought together his hands and begged, "Tell us, I'm dying to hear it."

His brain worked hard, but it didn't amount to much as he stammered, his ears turning red. "Umm... there was this wizard who went... erm... into a muggle pub and umm... asked for a Butterbeer... erm... guess what the... erm... barman got him?"

"No idea."

Ron's mouth spewed out the first comical climax that came to mind, "He got him butter and beer."

Dean raised an eyebrow and tutted.

Ginny sounded pitiful. "Terrible."

"That is one dreadful joke."

Ron scowled after them as they sauntered off towards Neville, noting, with a tinge of anger, that they were holding hands. It had been so apparent he'd been lying, and that joke, phew, he was awful at making up jokes... butter and beer? Ginny had got it right... terrible.

He went back to his thoughts before Dean and Ginny had interrupted him. Harry wasn't so popular now, in one day mucking his up-until-now-so-perfect relationship by shouting at Cho. He spent a happy moment speculating whom Harry was raging at now, and then shook himself. What was he thinking? He, Ron Weasley had turned on his best friend because he was jealous. Wondering where Harry had got to, Ron shook himself for a second time and got up; Harry could do with some company.


Hermione sat in the library; her head bent down over her recent History of Magic essay, which unlike usual was under a foot long. Her narrow eyes moved across the page in a relentless fashion as she scanned over what she had written so far.

"Hi, Hermione..."

She turned the page and glanced up. "Hi Ginny,"

"You've been doing that for about an hour now, aren't you finished yet? Neville, Dean and I were wondering whether you wanted to go tease the giant squid."

She dived into her bag and heaved a large volume onto the table. "As a matter of fact, I've been doing this for an hour and ten minutes."

Ginny frowned "Okay..."

"Do you know how dangerous that is? Teasing the giant quid, I mean."

"Where's the fun without some risk? Anyway, you've been working too hard. Have some fun."

"It makes no difference how much I work. I can't comprehend a single word I've read, understand a single fact I've checked, I can't even acknowledge what word I'm reading. It's hopeless."

Dean popped out from behind Ginny, "Whoa Hermione, it sounds like you're about to have a breakdown"

"You're not helping, Dean. Whoever said time flies when you're doing something you like? Do they even realise how wrong they are? I've been studying for god-knows-how-many hours, and time does not fly - it moves at snail's speed."

"Hermione, you should have a break. You're just overworked..."

"My essay is short! Can you believe it? I mean, I've never written a short essay!"

"Everyone has off days, or weeks, it's not unusual."

Hermione stood up, shoving her books into her bag as she looked up at the worried threesome before her. "I'm going to the library. Have fun at the lake."

Trudging up the stairs, she felt dizzy and sat down on the stairs in haste, thinking she may keel over at any moment. She was exhausted from trying to concentrate; she might as well not have tried at all for as much as it worked. Harry popped up in her mind, seeking attention, asking her things in the most persuasive tones, in the end she just crawled upstairs into her bed and drifted into an uneasy sleep, where Harry appeared again, up to his usual tricks.


"Lavender Brown...?"

"Yes Sir."

"Seamus Finnigan?"

"Here, Sir."

"Hermione Granger?"



Still no answer; Professor Flitwick looked over to his best pupil's desk, only to see her with her head down on her desk, her breathing slow, as she slept.

There was a pause, and Harry, who was sitting next to her, shook her gently, a look of sheer confusion on his face. He couldn't believe that Hermione really was asleep in class. She awoke with a start, looking around in a confused manner, and noticing everyone staring. A pink tinge could be seen on her cheeks "Sorry sir won't happen again."

His voice was thick with concern "Miss Granger, are you all right?"

"Yes sir."

Harry looked at her and was taken aback to see the sight of her, she looked a lot like Malfoy; what with her dishevelled state and unhealthy look.

Professor Flitwick seemed to have recovered and looked around the class. "Right, well..."

His eyes sparkled as he surveyed the class, his voice squeakier than ever. "Today we are going to be practising a charm I'm sure you young ladies have been waiting for and perhaps, some of you young men as well,"

Harry saw Parvati and Lavender exchange giggly glances out of the corner of his eyes. At least they, even if no one else did, knew what on earth the professor was talking about.

"I am of course talking about the famous Ardour charm."

He paused as various other students exchanged the same amused glance. Ron's face had turned scarlet with embarrassment, while Harry sported a puzzled look.

Professor Flitwick continued, "In the first part of today's lesson we shall be taking notes on it. The Ardour Charm can turn disastrous when used in the incorrect way. Then we shall pair up, boy and girl, and practise the charm. There is one crucial thing you must remember and that is that when the spell is put on you, do not yield to it. If you do, then you may be placed in an awkward situation with that particular individual when the charm is taken off you. We will then round off the lesson by trying to resist the temptations and then write notes according to what we have found out. We've got a lot to fit in today, so full steam ahead please."

Harry got the vague idea that the Ardour Charm was something like a love spell, and judging from the uncontrollable giggles emitted from Parvati and Lavender, he was just about spot on.

There was a sudden scramble as everyone rummaged in their bags for their quills, inkwells, and parchment. Harry collected his from his bag, and then straightened up, his stomach contracting all the while; he faced the front of the class, his quill poised to start taking notes as he tried to absorb it all. They were going to have to be put under an Ardour Charm... he could feel the heat rising in his face and could feel a lump forming in his throat; he had a sudden sense of foreboding...

"Right, the Ardour Charm is sometimes confused with the Love Potion. However, they vary from one another. The Love Potion makes the drinker fall in love with the person whose essence resides in it. The effects wear off after a few hours, while the Ardour Charm makes the person fall in love with who cast the charm, the effects last... well forever, until of course the charm is taken off by the person who cast it, and only that person."

He looked around the room, frowning. "That's it for notes; please remember Love Potions, The Ardour Charm and all derived spells are banned within the school grounds so bear it in mind not to indulge in any extra practise. You are permitted to practise today, however because it will come up in your N.E.W.T.s and you are under supervised conditions."

"And before you ask, I have no idea as to why they insist on having these charms in the syllabus, when performance of them on school grounds could result in expulsion, consequently the examiners don't expect you to be any good at performance, but are only looking for the theory behind it."

"Get out your wands; we'll practise without them at first." He paused as people followed his instruction. "The incantation is Lamadoursis Carmento, repeat after me, Lamadoursis Carmento."

"Lamadoursis Carmento," they repeated all together.

"Good, now with your wands, we flick twice, swish, rotate clockwise, and then flick once more." He demonstrated in a lazy manner, smiling when he'd finished, as if he had just done something quite simple. Harry grimaced; this Charm was complex; he looked over to Hermione to see how she had reacted and wasn't at all surprised when he saw she was looking at Professor Flitwick in an odd way. Her eyebrows were raised, her eyes bulging and a look of pure horror on her face. Harry almost felt like she looked; the fact that the charm was complex to even Hermione, and that it was a love charm totally knocked him over. Even Malfoy looked put off; he was looking at Professor Flitwick with a look of nothing short of distaste.

"Right, something about all your smiling faces makes me feel we should begin."

Several boys shot him venomous looks, and he comprehended these not-so-smiling faces then cleared his throat before continuing.

"All right, now pair up boy and girl." There was an awkward silence, no one moved an inch; if truth be told; no one knew who to pair up with. Parvati and Lavender burst out giggling, sneaking glances at various boys in the class, causing them both to laugh even harder, and they clutched their aching sides in mercy.

Unlike the usual, Hermione's hand was slow to rise, her voice tentative. "Perhaps it would be better if you put us into pairs, Professor?" A few people nodded in agreement; this way it would not seem as though they liked the person they paired up with.

"I suppose I'll have to," he said sighing. "I take it that all of you are embarrassed." This time boys and girls shot him venomous looks, and he cleared his throat.

"Boys and girls split up, boys on the right side of the classroom, girls on the left."

There was a hustle and bustle as students wandered off to their indicated sides. Harry stood next to Ron who was still scarlet in the face and had a hard time trying to fight off his nervousness.

"Line up no particular order please." Harry and Ron turned right, as a line formed starting at the front of the classroom. They watched as Hermione did the same on the other side; she stood behind Parvati and Lavender, who were still giggling in a manic fashion, and the pug faced Pansy Parkinson stood behind her. Hermione flashed a brief smile as Harry and Ron caught her eye. Harry noticed with a jolt that she looked far from the strong willed, confident Hermione he knew.

Professor Flitwick waved his wand and all the tables and stools flew up and stacked themselves in a neat arrangement against the back wall of the classroom.

"Right, first pair."

Seamus Finnigan and Millicent Bulstrode stepped forward, reluctant; neither of them looked happy with their partner.

"Turn to face each other. Now Bulstrode, you cast the charm on Finnigan and then vice versa, the counter charm is Lamorad and is just a swish then flick do not hesitate to perform it if you panic, OK?" They nodded.

"Whenever you're ready then..."

Millicent took a deep breath, poised, and yelled the incantation. Everyone turned to look at Seamus. His eyes were alive with, what could only be described as, passion and he winked at Millicent. It was obvious that he was hypnotised, Harry didn't think there was ever a spell more obvious, or maybe it was just him. People acted strange when they were in love anyway. Some people giggled as Seamus strode over to her, running his hand through his hair. "Millicent has anyone ever told you, you have beautiful eyes?"

Millicent blinked, and then looked around at the class, bewildered, desperate for help, as Seamus continued.

"I was wondering if maybe you'd like to hang around with me on our next Hogsmeade trip."

Her eyebrows flew up and she stared at a bunch of Slytherins willing them to help; Malfoy took pity and called back to her, "the counter charm."

Millicent looked back at Seamus who was still watching her. He then did the unexpected and moved close to her to kiss.

She realised what was happening when he was an inch away from her and gasped, shouting the counter charm in his face.

Seamus woke up from his charm, close to Millicent, whose breathing was deep and ragged.

He was red in the face and took a large step back, muttering, "Sorry."

Professor Flitwick sounded ecstatic "Excellent, now Seamus."

Seamus cleared his throat, still red in the face, raising his wand.

"Lamadoursis Carmento!" Everyone's eyes darted to Millicent. She was fluttering her eyes and her hand fiddled with her hair, as she smiled at Seamus, who was looking like his worst nightmare had come true, the colour draining from his face.

She spoke in a false, girlie-sweet un-Millicent type voice "Hey, good looking!"

Seamus swallowed, and unable to bear this horrible new concept, he roared the counter charm, promptly collapsing on the floor, his face pale.

Professor Flitwick climbed down from the pile of books he had been sitting on with haste. "Are you all right Finnigan?"

A muffled voice could be heard. "Exhausted."

Professor Flitwick resumed his place, calm once again. "Most common, performing the Ardour charm requires quite a lot of physical and mental effort, it isn't easy folks!"

Ron murmured behind him, while practising the wand movement. "Oh, we'd never have guessed."

"Potter, you next and...." he looked over to the line of girls which was quick to rearrange itself, pushing a certain girl to the front... "...Granger". Harry's heart jolted. Hermione...? He looked to Ron for help, only to have him say, "Good luck," in a wooden voice.

"Now with this next pair, I want to try something different; a charm derived of the Alardoursis charm. I will perform the Alardour Charm on both of them, which will result in these two falling in love with one other. We use the same wand movement, different incantation... first with the male; Potter, then with the female; Granger. The incantation is Lamadoursis Percarmento."

A lump formed in Hermione's throat; she was going to be put under a charm where she would fall in love with Harry. More in love, she corrected. Was that even possible?

She stepped forward, forcing a smile at Harry, who had followed suit. "This should be fun."

"Yeah, fun..." She closed her eyes and tried to relax, feeling conscious of how her body was feeling, how her stomach was churning. Her blood pounding and her feet numbing, she heard a squeaky voice.

"Lamadoursis Percarmento!"

Her mind went blank and all she could think of was Harry. She opened her eyes and there he was, looking as gorgeous as ever, his untidy black hair ruffled and his eyes sparkling as he looked at her.

"Lamadoursis Percarmento!"

There she was, this stunning girl with long frizzy hair, she stood there smiling at him with her dazzling smile, what was he waiting for? He had to ask her out. Walking up to her, he looked deep into her cavernous eyes.

"You truly are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. How do you manage to be so perfect? You have the looks, the smile, and the brains. I'm here wondering whether you have a boyfriend or not?" Giggles erupted behind them, "What a cheesy chat-up line," someone shouted.

"Not at the moment, no, but I hope you'll be my boyfriend, after all you are drop dead gorgeous." People gasped behind her, some people tittered and this time she turned away from Harry to look at them, her head tilted.

She laughed, her voice sweet, as she took a few moments to survey the crowd, "Hi, everyone." Ron's jaw dropped as she turned away dismissing them. "Well, what do you say to taking me to the Christmas ball then?"

Harry stepped forward, taking her hand, which was hanging loose at her side. He seemed to plant the softest kiss on her hand before he took hold of it (more gasps from the class), "I'll be honoured."

"Superb, you can clearly see the effects this charm can have on a person."

Harry sounded baffled, and didn't seem to want to tear his eyes away from Hermione. "What do you mean Sir?"

"I think we should stop them there, yes we should before..." the Professor trailed off..." Alardoursis...!"

Harry woke from the charm to find himself holding hands with Hermione, he let go in a hurry and stared around the class trying to understand. His head was reeling as he tried to decipher the peculiar scene before him now, and bit-by-bit he began to make sense of it all. He could feel the heat rising in his face, as he grew furious. He tried to contain himself, but it was too strong and he let rip.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING? Why are you looking so GOD DAMN SMUG?" There was a sudden diversion as Hermione grabbed her stuff and ran out the room, red in the face. Harry turned back to the Professor and glared at him full of hatred, "YOU'RE SICK, THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE, WHAT KIND OF PROFESSOR ARE YOU? HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?"

Harry too grabbed his things and followed Hermione out of the class. He had to put things right with Hermione, the sooner the better. They couldn't just carry on like it had never happened- they were best friends after all. He quickened his pace, wondering where to go. He shouldn't have shouted at the teacher like that and if he got rounded up by one of the other teachers then he'd have to explain and he wouldn't quite know what to say.


Dumbledore's voice was soft, his eyes smiling, as he rested his chin on his laced hands. "Tell me Harry, why did you shout at Professor Flitwick?"

Harry twiddled his thumbs, nervous, "He put a charm on me and Hermione. Made me do things..." He gritted his teeth, wishing with all his might that Dumbledore wouldn't ask which charm the professor had placed on him.

"Which Charm might this be?"

Harry's heart sank and he tried to stop himself from going scarlet as he tried to answer Dumbledore coolly.

"I'm not sure if you've heard of it sir, it's called the Alardour Charm." Harry knew he had failed to keep his original colour.

He looked at Harry, who was getting redder with every passing moment. "I have indeed heard of it, it is a sensitive charm Harry. I can guess what's happened, Harry, and I'm certain I'm right. In the past there have been many incidents like yours that have spread discord among friends. However, we must continue to teach it as it does come up in your N.E.W.T.s."

"Love is nothing to be ashamed of Harry. We wouldn't be here without it, but when certain... charms go wrong, in most cases the only cure is to talk to the person about it. I understand you were angry Harry but that is no excuse to shout at your Professor."

Harry's mind was racing, he had just thought of something, "Sir?"

"Yes Harry?"

"Lately, I've started having... erm... outbursts of anger and I don't know why. I keep on shouting at people." He looked at Dumbledore, hopeful for an explanation. Dumbledore paused, and then surveyed Harry through his half moon glasses. "I know I'm getting angry, and I try to stop it, but sometimes....sometimes it's too strong for me."

"Tell me about it,"

Harry launched in to a detailed story of his previous outbursts, telling him all about Cho, Hagrid and Professor Flitwick.

Dumbledore frowned "It seems someone is tampering with your life Harry."

Harry's jaw dropped, incredulous. "What?"

"We cannot be sure however, it may just be you and the recent pressure on you from certain things,"

Harry started, but Dumbledore raised his hand to silence him. "Enough. We'll see how it goes and if anything else happens please report back to me."

Harry was amazed; someone was supposedly controlling him, and Dumbledore couldn't care less? Maybe he didn't want to give Harry any information. That was what he did last year. Last year, at least the Order gave him information on what you-know-who was doing, this year no one had told him anything at all. All he'd been told was that Voldemort was still recruiting members and gaining power, which he already knew. Now, now, he thought angrily, Dumbledore was keeping him in the dark, again!

"Right, well I'll see myself out then." Harry was made angrier by the fact that Dumbledore had already returned to his work, he did however look up at this and nod.


It was dinnertime and Hermione was eating at top speed, she was trying to avoid Harry. Lavender and Parvati were giving her mocking stares from across the table. She finally exploded.

"Why don't you take a picture? It'll last a bit longer!"

"Talk about touchy, that makes you and Harry," Parvati stressed. Hermione ignored her petty remark and shovelled some food into her mouth. She was trying to keep up the speed, but the fact that she kept on choking on her half-chewed food didn't help her and she was certain he would arrive at any moment wanting to talk about 'the incident'... too late.

"Hermione...!" Harry was out of breath, it was obvious that he'd ran here after his lesson, intent on not letting her slip through his clutches again. He sat down next to her with haste.

"Look, I know you've been avoiding me Hermione, and you can't just keep running away from the situation or me. We need to talk,"

Author notes: Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed that! As I said -a lot of romance.
The next chapter is called "Talking Things Over". Ron finds a dilemma on his hands and Hermione is cheered up by supposedly bad news. The Quidditch game is coming ever closer. Harry, however, is not feeling quite up to it...find out why in the next chapter!