Humor Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 04/14/2004
Updated: 08/29/2004
Words: 37,787
Chapters: 15
Hits: 12,251

Bloody Hell!


Story Summary:
The Bloody Hell! fan fiction starts with Harry being sixteen years old and getting new powers from his ancestors. Then Uncle Vernon beats him up, and Remus and Snape take him back to Hogwarts. There the secret of Harry's birth is unveiled and Harry and co. become the new generation of the Marauders. Ron accidentally changes Harry into a girl, and Harriet befriends Draco Malfoy. She discovers that she's also a youkai (demon) and together with Ryu (Draco) she travels back in time in the Warring Era in Japan where she meets Inuyasha and...

Chapter 14

Chapter Summary:
Sixteen-year-old Harry gets new powers from his ancestors. Then Uncle Vernon beats him up and Remus and Snape take him back to Hogwarts. There the secret of Harry's birth is unveiled and Harry and co. become the new generation of the Marauders. Ron accidentally changes Harry into a girl and Harriet befriends Draco Malfoy. She discovers that she's also a youkai (demon) and together with Ryu (Draco) she travels back in time in the Warring Era in Japan where she meets Inuyasha and...

Chapter Fourteen – Meeting Inuyasha

When she opened her eyes, she saw she was in a hut. She blinked and sat up. There was a soft rustle behind the curtain that separated her from the rest of the hut. She looked up at Draco’s anxious face and smiled slightly.

‘You okay?’ she asked. Draco nodded reluctantly, and was about to ask her the same thing when two things happened. A small child came running in the hut hiding himself behind Harriet and a boy with silver hair and amber eyes came running behind him. Harriet‘s eyes grew large as she took in the boy’s appearance. He wore a red haori and was barefooted. He stopped when he saw Harriet was awake. He watched her for a second and then he did the first that came to his mind.

‘Keh, what are you staring at, bitch?’

Harriet glared, but before she could say anything, Draco growled at the insulting boy,

‘Don’t you dare talk to her like that! I won’t allow it!’

The silver-haired boy glared at Draco and was just about to say something when a girl voice was heard,

‘Inuyasha! Sit!’

Before Harriet had the opportunity to ask what was going on, she saw the boy, who was called Inuyasha, topple to the ground with a grunt. A girl in a green school uniform came through the door and said,

‘I’m so sorry you had to meet this baka first.’

She sat down near Harriet’s makeshift bed and introduced herself.

‘My name is Kagome. And you are?’

Harriet smiled at her friendliness and answered,

‘My name is Hekele. And my friend over there is Ryu.’

The boy that was hiding behind her, came over to Kagome and said,

‘My name is Shippou.’

Harriet smiled at him and asked the obvious question,

‘What happened?’

Draco sighed and said,

‘You got the poison in your body and fainted. I brought you here in this village and the village miko helped you.’

Harriet blinked and said,


Kagome smiled and was just about to ask something, when Inuyasha formed himself in front of her, his fangs barred.

‘You stay the hell away from her!’

Harriet and Draco both looked confused and Kagome said,

‘What are you talking about, Inuyasha?’

‘Those two smell like youkais…’

Harriet sighed to herself and explained,

‘Yes, we are youkais. I am Hekele, the Lady of the Northern Lands and this is my betrothed (she grimaced at this word) Ryu, the Lord of the Southern Lands. We both came here to learn about our ancestry and the powers within us.’

Draco continued from then on,

‘We come from the future. To be exact, we come from year 1996.’

Kagome, Shippou’s and Inuyasha’s eyes went wide and Kagome stuttered,

‘You come from the future too?’

Harriet looked at her, not understanding, but Draco answered,

‘Yes, we are from the future, we came here through a well that is placed at our school.’

Kagome was pale, but she said,

‘You have a well at your school? Isn’t this dangerous? What if a youkai came through and attacked the students!’

Harriet smirked slightly and answered,

‘We don’t attend a normal school. To be blunt, both of us are wizards. The school we came from is called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and is located in Scotland. I received this form only last week and Ryu here told me he’s a youkai too. We read some books about the Sengoku Jidai and came here to learn more. We aren’t here to hurt anyone.’

She said that, looking at Inuyasha, who was sulking on the floor. He caught her gaze and said,

‘Keh, I still don’t trust you.’

Harriet’s eyes suddenly went wide and she stuttered,

‘You’re name is Inuyasha?’

He looked at her in confusion, but Harriet continued,

‘The hanyou Inuyasha from the legends? You were the one that was pinned to the Goshinboku tree?’

Inuyasha frowned and asked,

‘What do you know about this?’

Harriet cleared her throat dramatically and Shippou, Kagome and Draco all chuckled, but Harriet ignored them.

‘All I know about it is that a miko named Kikyou protected the Shikon no Tama and that she killed all youkais that wanted it, except for a hanyou named Inuyasha. They became friends, and fell in love, but one day something came up and Inuyasha mortally wounded the miko, meanwhile the miko pinned Inuyasha on the Goshinboku tree and died herself, burning the Shikon no Tama with her.’

Inuyasha looked away at this, not saying anything, so Kagome took it upon herself to tell them their story,

‘That’s partly true, but the legend never said anything about Naraku, did it?’

Both Draco and Harriet shook their heads in negative answer.

‘Well, what we know, is that a human called Onigumo also fell in love with Kikyou and was jealous that she gave so much of her attention to Inuyasha. He allowed other youkais to eat his body and so Naraku, the hanyou was born. He made Inuyasha and Kikyou believe that they both betrayed each other, so that he himself could take the Shikon no Tama.’

Harriet grimaced at her story, feeling the connection with Voldemort and Naraku. She was quiet for a long time, until she heard Draco’s concerned voice,


Harriet blinked and not thinking about the consequences whispered,

‘That Naraku sounds almost like Voldemort.’

Draco flinched at the Dark Lord’s name and sighed. He too, felt this way. Kagome asked,

‘Who’s Voldemort?’

Harriet sighed and told her, completely ignoring Inuyasha’s growling,

‘Voldemort is a wizard that tries to conquer our world. He wants to get rid of all Muggles.’

After seeing the confusion on Kagome’s face, Draco explained quickly,

‘Muggle is a wizard form for saying non-magical people like you or Inuyasha and Shippou here.’

‘But we do possess powers!’ Kagome exclaimed, ‘Inuyasha has the power to use his claws as a weapon, and his sword Tetsusaiga transforms into a big fang! Shippou can change his form and he has his kitsune fire. And I’m a miko! I can purify youkais and the Shikon no Tama!’

Harriet sighed. They didn’t understand at all. She said,

‘You don’t understand. Yes, they are powers, but they aren’t magical powers, like wizards have them.’

Kagome said,

‘Then tell me what wizard powers are.’

Inuyasha looked a little interested and looked at Harriet, before catching her gaze.

‘Keh! Like I care!’

Harriet grew angry at the hanyou, but stayed calm. She stood up and said,

‘I can show you my powers, and I’m not exaggerating when I tell you I’m the most powerful witch on the world.’

Draco snorted and Harriet shot him an annoyed glare. She looked back at Inuyasha and saw him standing too. He said,

‘If you’re as strong as you say you are you can fight with me!’

Harriet looked surprised but accepted his challenge. She was just about to walk out of the hut when Draco grabbed her hand and hissed,

‘Are you out of your mind? You were just poisoned, you can’t fight!’

Harriet just sighed and said,

‘I have healing powers, did you forget?’

Draco shook his head, but let go of Harriet’s arm. She took this opportunity and went out where Inuyasha was already waiting for her. She looked around herself and said aloud,

‘We can’t fight here. Too close to the village.’

Inuyasha didn’t say nothing, but jumped in the air and Harriet followed. She opened her wings and flew behind Inuyasha to the forest. She didn’t look at him until he decided to stop in the middle of the forest clearing. Harriet landed too and looked around her. She said,

‘Nice place for a fight.’

Inuyasha growled again and said,

‘Keh, you don’t have the time to look around you! Fight me and prove that you are as strong as you say you are, because you sure don’t look like it!’

Harriet growled too and retorted,

‘Well, if you would just start, I wouldn’t have to look around myself would I?’

Inuyasha barred his fangs and lunched at her with his sword transforming. Harriet sidestepped him with an ease that she didn’t expect. She turned around and said,

‘You want to see one of my powers?’

Inuyasha just glared at her and lunched at her again. Harriet sidestepped him again and changed in an Animagus for the first time. She screeched and lounged at Inuyasha who was stunned. He had just enough time to jump out of her reach. He yelled,

‘Nan de ya nen!?! What the hell are you?’

Harriet smirked and changed back, then said,

‘This was one of my Animagi forms, a Gryffin. Do you know what a Gryffin is?’

Inuyasha shook his head and Harriet continued,

‘A Gryffin is a magical creature. It doesn’t have special powers but it has a very fast speed ability.’

Inuyasha growled once again and replied,

‘Keh! Let’s just get it over!’

Harriet sighed and said,

‘You really don’t trust me, do you?’

Inuyasha sweat dropped and answered,

‘Did you just now realise it?’

Harriet sighed again and said,

‘No, I already knew that from the beginning, but I already told you I’m not here to harm anyone. If you want I can give my youkai oath too! Would you believe me then? I have enough problems even without you here.’

Inuyasha sheathed his sword suddenly and relaxed somewhat. He said,

‘If you are ready to make a youkai oath then I think I can believe you… but if you hurt anyone that I know, you are dead meat!’

Harriet laughed in relief and said,

‘Well, I guess we can call our friends out of the bushes now, can we?’

Inuyasha smirked himself and agreed. There was a low sigh and Kagome came into the clearing from behind a big bush. Draco and Shippou followed her, but Harriet saw two more strangers follow Shippou. The man was dressed in a purple robe and in his hand was a staff. The woman beside him wore a big boomerang on her back and had a small kitten with two tails on her shoulder. The man with the staff came standing very near Harriet and introduced himself,

‘Hello, milady. My name is Miroku and I have a favour to ask of you!’

Harriet’s eyebrows rose as she looked at him suspiciously. Miroku continued,

‘Would you please bear my child?’

At the same time she felt something warm and suspiciously similar to a man’s hand rubbing her butt. Her eyebrow twitched and she growled,

‘You make one move and you’ll regret it.’

Miroku was just about to say something when the boomerang that the woman wore came in Harriet’s eyesight and Miroku fell on the ground unconscious. Harriet sighed and said,

‘Thank you, but I think I could have managed it.’

The woman was still glaring at the man that was lying on the floor and didn’t hear what Harriet said. Kagome sighed too and said,

‘That was Miroku. He always asks for a woman to bear his child. He’s such a hentai. And the woman that hit him is Sango, the demon exterminator.’

Draco paled slightly, but Harriet said,

‘How can she kill youkais?’

Sango puffed her chest and said,

‘With my hiraikotsu of course. This boomerang is made of youkai bones and this is a very effective weapon against youkais.’


When they returned to the village, Kagome said,

‘We only told you the first part of our story, so if you like, we could tell you the rest after dinner. Kaede already said that you are welcome to stay overnight.’

Harriet smiled at the nice girl and replied,

‘Thank you, Kagome. That would be great. And we can tell you more of our world, if you’d like.’

Kagome nodded enthusiastically and Harriet chuckled slightly. Suddenly she felt someone coming to her from behind and lightly said,

‘Don’t even try it Miroku.’

Miroku sweat dropped and asked,

‘How did you know it was me?’

Harriet sighed and answered,

‘If you didn’t notice, I’m a youkai.’

Miroku said,

‘Of course I noticed that! With my spiritual powers I can tell who’s a hanyou, youkai, miko or a ningen, and you certainly are a very powerful youkai.’

Harriet smiled slightly and replied,

‘Well, since I’m oh so powerful, you’d do best if you wouldn’t make me angry… or my betrothed at that matter.’

She had felt Draco’s anger towards the hentai houshi. She slowed her steps so she was alongside him and said,

‘You okay, Ryu?’

Draco glanced at her and said,

‘Yeah. I’m okay. I just feel a little left out.’

Harriet smiled and with a smile on her lips retorted,

‘You’re not accustomed to not be in the centre of attention, are you?’

Draco growled lightly at her, but she poked him in the ribs and said, ‘You’re it!’ before running off in the forest. Draco was stunned for a second, but then grinned maliciously and made his way behind her. Inuyasha just shook his head at the two antics that he met just a few hours ago. Kagome came to his side and said with a smile on her lips,

‘They are very nice, don’t you think, Inuyasha?’

Inuyasha just kehed and didn’t say anything. Kagome just chuckled and grabbed his clawed hand in hers. Inuyasha looked at her in surprise, but before he could ask her what she was doing, Kagome continued,

‘They behave as there’s no danger here. They’re so relaxed and spontaneous.’

Inuyasha couldn’t keep quiet at this,

‘I don’t know why it is so, but I know it has something to do with that Voldemort person, that they behave as they do.’

Kagome looked at him in surprise, and Inuyasha defended himself,

‘What? I just told you what I thought!’

‘I didn’t know you knew how to think…’ Kagome mocked. Inuyasha knew she was just making fun of him and didn’t mean it, so he did the only thing that came to his mind. He said,

‘Keh! Whatever.’