Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 10/29/2002
Updated: 04/29/2003
Words: 28,708
Chapters: 12
Hits: 19,700

Madame Josephine's Love Calculator


Story Summary:
A new system of Wizard Internet is now at Hogwarts! But when Ginny mysteriously receives an email to find out who she would be best paired up, she is teamed up with the most unlikely person to be with, Draco Malfoy. Dates, Parties, Snogging and a pair of boxers with hearts, this is one year they won't forget!

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
Ginny gives advice to Harry in the library, serves her detention with the company of someone else, and fights with Draco. Hermione and Ron are mad at Harry! Light snogging in this one...
Author's Note:
I tried to make things as less rushed as possible but I still think they're a bit rushed... Don't worry I'm improving by the chapter!

Ginny poured herself some pumpkin juice and drank half her glass before placing it back down on the table. Ron and Hermione arrived and sat down in front of her without Harry.

"Where's Harry?" asked Ginny as she took a bite of her chicken.

"Getting a reality check," grunted Hermione as she angrily shoved some potatoes on her plate.

"Are you guys mad with Harry?" questioned Ginny with confidence.

"What does it look like?" retorted Ron coldly.


"That is none of your business!" snapped Ron as he stabbed his steak with his fork.

Ginny stared at her brother in disbelief and then with a hurt expression. She stood up so fast that she knocked her pumpkin juice all over Neville's plate.

"RONALD WEASLEY!" yelled Ginny on the top of her lungs. "STOP BEING SUCH AN IDIOT AND GROW UP!"

The entire Great Hall immediately stopped talking and turned around to stare at a flushed Ginny.

"Sorry Neville," said Ginny tiredly.

"It's- it's alright," stammered Neville as he quickly wiped his plate with a scarlet napkin.

Ginny turned on her heel and left the Great Hall, slamming its doors.

"And one zero for the Weasley Girl!" announced Dean. "Quickest and most affective sibling fight this year!"

"Oh Dean be quiet," mumbled Ron as he miserably picked his portion of food.


Ginny found Harry in the library, seated at the end of the wooden table. A book was propped in front of him though his bright green eyes were not on it.

"Harry?" Ginny pushed herself towards to the forlorn boy.

He strained his eyes up to look at her. They were dull and lifeless. Ginny felt herself grow red as her knees weakened.

She sat down in front of him. Ginny didn't exactly love Harry as she had in her past years at Hogwarts. What she felt from him were simply the remains of a long crush.

"Harry," Ginny began again, her voice steady this time. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing much," he murmured as he closed his book. "Just an idiotic fight that happened between Hermione, Ron and I, me being the bad guy."

"What did you do?"

Harry thought for a moment.

"Well," he began. "Yesterday, the three of us we're testing ourselves at this Madame Josephine's Love Calculator thing and when we got our results and all of us were angry. I had no match and those two got each other. I laughed about it and now they've been pissed ever since."

Ginny quickly threw her hands over her mouth to stop a fit of giggles from coming out. Harry though, did not seem to notice that Ginny thought that what he had just said was completely ridiculous.

"Well," Ginny said as she had calmed down. "That is a stupid reason to have a fight. Why not apologize to them?"

"I suppose I could..." Harry glance down at his brand new watch he had received from Sirius for his 17th birthday. "I have about ten minutes left before I have double potions with the Slytherins. Anything interesting happening with you?"

Ginny was startled by the abrupt question. Was there anything interesting happening with her? She thought for a moment.

"I also tested myself on the Love Calculator," she said finally.

Harry raised his eyebrows.

"Really?" he said sitting up from the slouching possession he had been in. "Who's the guy?"

Ginny felt herself grow hot.

"Well to tell you the truth," she began. "I don't even know him. He's at Hogwarts, that's for sure. We decided not to reveal our identities in case we were enemies or something. All that I know is that his nickname is Hot_Dragon24."

"Well that's interesting," Harry said smiling. "At least the guy's not Malfoy!"

Ginny laughed at how ridiculous the situation would be if Hot_Dragon24 happened to be Draco Malfoy.

"Right," Ginny answered. "It's two-ten, should you be going now?"

"Oh yeah!" Harry quickly got up and grabbed his books. "See you Ginny it was good talking to you."

"Bye Harry!"

Harry half walked, half ran to the dungeons as Ginny pulled out a book to read.


Draco's eyelids drooped over his cold gray eyes as he tried to pay attention to Snape's constant babbling about Heating Potions.


Since the Malfoy mansion was extremely cold even during the summer holidays, Draco often made himself a Heating Potion therefore, knew perfectly well how to make one without needing to hear Snape's raspy voice talk about it.


Pansy looked to her left to see Draco nodding off to sleep. She quickly nudged him in his ribs, causing him to shift sideways almost falling off his chair.


Snape stopped speaking and narrowed his eyes at Draco.


"Mr. Malfoy is there something wrong?" wheezed Snape.


"Oh uh no Professor," replied Draco quickly. "I was just picking up my quill that uh- fell on the floor while I was taking down uh- notes."


"Very good Mr. Malfoy," replied Snape smiling at Draco. "Twenty points to Slytherin for taking down notes without me asking to."


He then turned his greasy head over to the Gryffindors and barked; "Now you follow Mr. Malfoy's good example. Copy what I say or twenty points from Gryffindor!"


The Gryffindors eyed Draco with eyes like daggers as he smirked at them.


"Great cover up," cooed Pansy as she turned to Draco.


"Yeah what was that about?" he asked.


"I was just going to say that Snape's in a pretty pissy mood since Peeves egged his office the period before," she continued. "I mean you wouldn't want to get a detention from him."


"I guess I'm off the hook," he said with yet another smirk spread on his face. "I'm his favorite after all."


Pansy was just about to give him an evil grin when Snape glanced in their direction.


"Mr. Malfoy," Snape said in an unusual cold voice he had never used towards him. "You've just lost that twenty points for Slytherin."


The whole classroom was in a state of shock. Each and everyone gapped at them as if Snape had just announced that he was dating Draco.


"What?" Draco shot back as he straightened up. "What the hell did I do?"

"For speaking to Miss. Parkinson while I was discussing this Heating Potion," he answered back.




Draco had now stood up from his chair, knocking it over.


"You NEVER even yelled at me in all my years at Hogwarts yet alone taken points off your own house!" yelled Draco. "What the hell's up?"


"Well the tables have turned," replied Snape icily. "Don't ever use that tone with me. You've just bought yourself a detention."


"No way!"


"Sit down Mr. Malfoy," answered Snape angrily. "Or you'll lose that Prefect badge you have."


Draco finally sat down, flushed. There was no use fighting with Snape. He could not believe what had happened. Snape giving him a detention was as impossible to imagine as Hagrid wearing a ballerina suit.


Harry turned from the scene that had happened and was about to grin at Ron and Hermione but then remembered the ridiculous fight they were having.


He kept his amusement to himself.


"I should really apologize to them,..." thought Harry as he twiddled his quill in his hands. "Right after Potions, I will."




Ginny sat at the library, deeply immersed in her book titled, The Witch's Return.


This fictional story took place two centuries ago. It was about a witch who dated a strong, handsome and kind wizard. The witch's name was Judila and the wizard's was Orlindan. Judila's evil twin sister, Isaldera was also in love with Orlindan. One day, Isaldera killed Judila and married Orlindan, claiming to be Judila and that Isaldera had died. The real Judila then returned from the dead and was out to get back at Isaldera for marrying her one and only love.


"Judila!" cried Isaldera helplessly as she back up onto the stonewall. "You cannot kill me. I am bearing Orlindan's son!"


"A life for a life," replied Judila as she advanced with murderous eyes. "You killed me, and now I shall kill you."


"But you are also killing Orlindan's heir to the throne!" screamed Isaldera. "Orlindan shall never forgive you!"


"I never said anything about killing Orlindan's son," replied Judila with a nasty grin.


Ginny gasped as the chapter ended. She was just about to turn the page to find out what had happened when the door of the library loudly opened.


Ginny looked up to see that Draco Malfoy had just stormed in. She sighed in annoyance as she glared at him.

He caught her chocolate brown eyes staring at him with a flick of anger in them. He strolled in Ginny's direction and sat down in front of her.

"I was just about to leave," Ginny said coldly as she stood up.

"Well that's rude," drawled Draco as he twiddled his hands. "I thought you Weasleys had manners. I guess not, I mean you haven't been exactly living in what we call a decent house, no wonder your family act like barbarians."

"Oh shut up Malfoy," retorted Ginny as she stuffed The Witch's Return in her school bag.

"Why, because I'm saying the truth?"

"How come you came to see me? To annoy me or just for me to hate you forever?" Ginny spat out at him.

"Both," replied Draco amused.

Ginny did not stay to hear what else Draco had to say. Before he could even smirk, she was out the door of the library, heading for the Gryffindor Tower.


Harry found Ron and Hermione sitting at a table in the corner of the Gryffindor Common Room, far from everyone else.

He approached them cautiously.

"I have to talk to you both," he announced as he seated himself. "And I have some explaining to do."

Both of them looked up at him but said nothing.

"That must mean they want to hear me," Harry thought to himself as he shifted his weight on the chair.

"It was," he began as he cleared his throat and started again. "It was rude of me to laugh at the results you guys received. I mean it may not even be true and if it is, well I wish you good luck if you take it seriously."

A long, uncomfortable silence struck after Harry had finished talking. The only sounds were of the scratching of Seamus' quill and the quiet chatter of Colin and Dennis Creevey.


Hermione's soft voice broke the silence.

"I forgive you."

Harry looked up. Hermione was smiling.

"Yeah me too," chimed in Ron as he grinned. Harry grinned back at his friends.

"No more stupid fights ok?" asked Harry.


The trio was back together once again.


Ginny shivered as she waited for Snape to arrive at the dungeons.

"How could he have his classroom down here?" Ginny thought as her teeth chattered.

In the distance, the soft footsteps of someone were coming nearer.

"Finally!" Ginny smiled with relief.

But the person who arrived did not hold the features of greasy black hair and beetle eyes. The person standing in front of her had blonde, nearly white hair and gray eyes.

"NOT HIM AGAIN!" Ginny thought in horror. "NOT DRACO MALFOY!"

Indeed the person standing in front of her was Draco Malfoy.

"Weasley, why hello," said Draco as he smirked at her. "I didn't know we'd be seeing each other again so soon."


The clock struck ten-thirty and the Common Room was empty except for Ron and Hermione. Harry had gone to bed an hour ago.

"Do you think Madame Josephine was right about us?" asked Hermione as she bit he bottom lip.

"Of course not!" Ron said as he moved uncomfortably. "I'm sure it was all made up!"

"Right of course," replied Hermione as casually as she could. "I mean who ever heard of a woman who could predict who was the person you were best paired up with!"

"Yeah I mean the whole idea is ridiculous!" stammered Ron.

"Totally ridiculous!"

There was silence as Hermione returned to her book and Ron continued writing his report for Transfiguration. After about thirty seconds Hermione looked up from her book and Ron from his report. It did not take then more than five seconds before they were both in each other's arms, sharing a tender kiss.

Sneak Preview of the Next Chapter: Ginny and Draco serve their detention together in the dungeons what will happen? Hermione and Ron get more intimate and Harry questions why he has no match... Also a date for Ginny and Draco near the end of the chapter. There might be some snogging but it'll be light!