Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 10/29/2002
Updated: 04/29/2003
Words: 28,708
Chapters: 12
Hits: 19,700

Madame Josephine's Love Calculator


Story Summary:
A new system of Wizard Internet is now at Hogwarts! But when Ginny mysteriously receives an email to find out who she would be best paired up, she is teamed up with the most unlikely person to be with, Draco Malfoy. Dates, Parties, Snogging and a pair of boxers with hearts, this is one year they won't forget!

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Draco and Ginny continue their beach date and Harry, Hermione, Ron test Madame Josephine's Love Calculator with unexpected results for all three...
Author's Note:
A special thanks to all who reviewed chapter 1 and I hope you enjoy this one. Sorry it took a while to write it, I just got a puppy! :D Also thanks again to Marie-Eve for helping me with this fic...

There was an awkward silence between the two and finally Draco spoke.

"How about we go swimming?" he asked finally.

"Good idea!" replied Ginny brightly. "Race you to the water!"

She took off running and dived into the waves as Draco followed close behind, tripping on a rock and stumbled into the water.

Ginny giggled as Draco came up to the surface coughing with seaweed all over him.

"That was not funny," muttered Draco trying to hide his smile.

He looked at Ginny who was still laughing. Her long, curly red hair glistened in the sunlight with specks of water and her brown eyes were like honey that the bees carefully brought back to their hive. Her skin was fair and trickled with freckles. Her golden bikini matched her color well.

"She's beautiful," thought Draco as he continued staring at her.

"What's wrong Draco?" Ginny asked nervously.

"Nothing," he replied as he ducked under the water swimming out to sea.

"He's certainly not the social, compassionate type," thought Ginny.

Ginny swam, pushing herself against the upcoming waves. She could not see Draco anywhere in sight. As she continued moving, there was still no sign of him. She searched around frantically.

"Draco?" she squeaked out.

Suddenly, a giant wave blew into Ginny and something grabbed her around the waist. Every breath out of her blew out like a candle as she felt herself hurled into the icy cold water. She turned around to see that it was none other than Draco.

Her laughter rang out with his like two waves locked tightly together. She let him carry her in his arms to the beach and they both clasped breathlessly onto the scorching sand.

Ginny stared into his eyes. They held a merry gray speckled with a soft blue. Amongst his dripping blonde hair that stuck to his head, he resembled an angel. Ginny moved closer to him and she was barely an inch away from his lips.

He too moved closer. She shut her eyes; soon thinking of feeling his lips locked against hers but a strange ringing filled the air. Ginny opened her eyes and moved away from Draco.

"Date is over," echoed a robotic voice from the sky.

Draco and Ginny stared at each other relentlessly with sadness. Draco grabbed onto Ginny's hand hoping to keep her with him but it was no use.


Ginny opened her eyes and saw the stone gray ceiling from her dormitory room instead of a watery blue sky.

She sat up.

"What is it all a dream?" she asked herself with curiosity.

The words on her computer screen read: Thank you for participating in Madame Josephine's Hot Date Plan. We've hoped you had a good time with Hot_Dragon24.

So it hadn't been a dream. She really had gone on a date and almost kissed... Ginny could not remember the boy's name. She knew it started with a D but there was still a blank in her memory.

"Who could he have been?" Ginny thought. "Dean Thomas? No..."

The boy's eyes had been gray and Dean's were chocolate brown just like hers...

"Damien Smith?"

Damien Smith was a boy in Ravenclaw who was in the same year as Ginny's. But Damien had jet-black hair unlike the boy's silvery-blonde hair.

"Draco Malfoy?"

The idea of the boy being Draco Malfoy had never crossed her mind... But it couldn't have been. The boy was warm and kind unlike Draco who was cold and cruel.

"Nah... It's certainly not Malfoy!"

Ginny rubbed her eyes tiredly and shut off her laptop. She pulled her blue satin nightgown over her head and slipped into her four-poster bed drifting into a peaceful sleep.


The cold, damp air of the Slytherin common air filled the atmosphere as Draco opened his gray eyes.

Draco stood up from his green bedspread and hit the stonewall harshly.

"If only we hadn't lingered so long and we could've kissed before the ending," thought Draco darkly. "She was just like a rose, each petal being a gift, Beauty, Intelligence, Laughter..."

Draco rushed to his computer but witch_ginger19 had gone already. He sighed as he fell back on his bed, hands behind his head.

"I do not know who she is," he thought to himself. "But at least it gives me an excuse for not dating Pansy."

Draco continued thinking about his date before so enough, his eyelids fell and he was cast off into sleep.


"Honestly, Ron," said Hermione in a lecture tone. "You're not putting that as your nickname?"

Harry, Ron and Hermione were seated around the fireplace in the Common Room each clutching their laptop thinking up nicknames for each other.

"What?" cried Ron innocently. "Sexy Red Head is a perfect nickname! It's not like yours is any better, Most Clever Witch in the school."

"Most Clever Witch in the school is a great name!" squeaked Hermione.

"Would you two bucker up," replied Harry in an annoyed tone. "Now let's see... Sexy Harry or Potter Stuff?"

"HARRY!" yelled both Hermione and Ron at the same time.

"It was a joke!" said Harry smiling as both Ron and Hermione looked like they were about to blow up.

After much time of arguing and yelling, Harry, Ron and Hermione had finally come up with three decent names: Seeker13, Red_Guy and Clever_Witch.

"Harry, Ron," said Hermione examining her email account. "Did you receive an email from Madame Josephine's Love Calculator?"

"Yes," they both replied at the exact same moment.

"I'm going to enter myself for sure," said Ron with an enormous grin painted on his face.

"I agree with Ron," continued Harry. "We should have a little fun right?"

Hermione sighed and said tiredly, "Alright we'll do it just for fun even if it doesn't mean its true."

After filling up their forms, Hermione, Harry and Ron looked at each other with uncertainty thinking whether or not they should actually find out their partner.

"On the count of three, we'll press enter," said Harry nervously as Hermione and Ron nodded. "One... Two... THREE!"

They all pressed on enter. Both Hermione and Ron yelled at the same time as Harry just stared at his screen in disbelief.

"I HAVE NO MATCH!!" yelled Harry on the top of his lungs as he showed his screen to his friends.

Clearly the words, We are sorry to inform you Seeker13 that no match was found for you were printed on Harry's screen.


Harry looked as if he was about to explode. He was breathing very heavily and a faint red had appeared on his cheeks.

"WELL I GOT HER!" yelled Ron as he pointed at Hermione said the same thing about Ron, her too pointing.

Harry looked at both his friends as he exploded into a fit of laughter.

"You... and you?!" was all Harry could splutter at the moment as he fell to the floor shedding tears of uncontrolled laughter.

Hermione and Ron, who were already upset with their results, could not have been more upset from Harry's reaction.

"Oh Harry, Shut up!" snapped Hermione as she shut off her computer.

"But... but..." another wave of laughter shot out of Harry as he tried to talk.

"Well at least we got someone!" barked Ron as he stood up holding his computer. "Good Night!"

Ron stomped off to the Boy's Dormitory as Hermione went to the Girl's.

Harry still laughing his head off did not realize that he was now alone. After about five minutes of laughter, he had finally calmed himself down to realize that Ron and Hermione were gone.

"Hermione? Ron?"

Harry looked around the Common Room to see that was alone. Feeling quite stupid, he quickly got up and grabbed his computer, running up the stairs two at a time, to his room.


"Quick!" thought Ginny as she ran with all her might down the corridor. "If I'm late for Potions, Snape will keep me locked up in his dungeons until Christmas!"

Without looking where she was going, she narrowly turned the corner of the corridor and slammed into another person. Hit by the impact of the bodies, she dropped her books and started falling backwards but the person grabbed her arm.

On instinct, Ginny had shut her eyes when she had hit the person. She opened them to see that she was staring in a pair of gray eyes, which were looking back at her.

The person was none other than Draco Malfoy.

"Oh, it's you," Ginny said coldly as she glared back at Draco.

"Well Weasley," sneered Draco. "If you didn't have your air head in the clouds, you wouldn't have slammed into me like a rocket."

"Well Malfoy," began Ginny. "Would you ask me why you caught hold of my arm?"

"I didn't know it was you," retorted Draco. "It was on instinct. I'm a good person you see."

"Oh right I forgot," replied Ginny sarcastically. "Well Mr. Goody, would you kindly take your hand off my arm now?"

Draco instantly let go of Ginny and walked past her down the hallway without looking back at her.

"What a creep," thought Ginny as she grabbed her books. "With those creepy eyes and creepy attitude. Just like a demon." Ginny slowly stood up.

"Oh no!" thought Ginny with horror. "I'm late!!!"

Ginny took off running to the dungeons and entered Snape's class panting and exhausted.

"Miss Weasley," said Snape in a mocking tone. "You're late, detention tonight."

"But Professor, it's Draco Malfoy's fault!" tried Ginny. "He slammed into me and-"

"Your love life should not interfere with your studies," barked Snape. "Now sit down!"

Ginny blushed scarlet as she quickly walked to her seat.

"What a day it has been," thought Ginny in exasperation.