Humor General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone
Published: 10/13/2003
Updated: 12/09/2003
Words: 57,396
Chapters: 16
Hits: 16,998

Harry Potter and the Pretty Sorcerer's Balls


Story Summary:
What if Harry Potter was really REALLY flamboyantly gay?````A/U first year fic, featuring flaming Harry.

Chapter 14

Chapter Summary:
What if Harry Potter was really, REALLY flamboyantly gay?

Chapter 15 - The Forbidden Forest

That afternoon, Gryffindors passing the giant hourglass that recorded the house points thought there had been a mistake. How could they have left for their first class of the day happily in first place only to find themselves in dead last by lunch? The story of the potions escapade soon spread. The Gryffindors were torn between congratulating Harry for knocking the stuffing out of a Slytherin, and pure irritation for his lack of common sense (smacking a Slytherin - in Snape's class?!) causing them the grievous loss of house points. Even the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were miffed, because everyone had been longing to see Slytherin lose the house cup. Some, like Oliver Wood, took the point loss as a personal challenge, and strove almost maniacally to regain their position.

Harry was so busy with Oliver's now fully insane Quidditch training schedule and Hermione's almost completely insane end-of-year exam study schedule, that he had few opportunity's to mope over the break in his friendship with Draco. He would spend time now and again with Crabbe and Goyle (with Neville acting as referee) - when Ron was off in the library with Draco.

Twice Draco's owl dropped notes on Harry's lap, and twice Harry ignored the letters.

"How is he supposed to apologise to you if you ignore him in potions - stay away from him after class - and throw his letters away without reading them first?"

"Why should he apologise to me?" Harry huffed.

"What else is he supposed to do?" Ron puzzled.

"Absolutely nothing."

It was just before the beginning of exams when they received a note during breakfast from Professor Snape, indicating that their detention would take place at eleven o'clock that night.

"Malfoy will probably have detention with us too - he says McGonagall herself gave him one because of what he said." Ron explained.

At eleven o'clock the three Gryffindors made their way to the entrance hall where they were to meet Filch. Draco was already there waiting impatiently with the crabby old man.

They followed Filch outside where he lit a lamp and marched them across the lawn, all the while reminiscing about the long dead tortuous punishments he longed to see back in action. Harry was just able to see the lit windows of Hagrid's hut just ahead.

"Is that you Filch? Hurry up, I want ter get started." Hagrid sent Filch on his way and gathered the group together near the very edge of the forest.

"Right then," he said, "now listen carefully, 'cause it's dangerous what we're gonna do tonight an' I don' want no one takin' risks." He pointed to something shiny and silvery on the ground - unicorn blood. "There's a unicorn in the forest's been hurt bad by summat. This is the second time in a week - I found one dead last Wednesday. We're gonna try an' find the poor thing. We might have to put it out of its misery."

"We're going into the forest?" Draco voiced his alarm.

"Don't worry, there's nothin' that lives in the forest that'll hurt yeh if yer with me or Fang."

"But what if what hurt the unicorn doesn't live in the forest?" Harry whimpered.

"Then yeh send up red sparks with yer wands. If any of yeh get into trouble, yer to do that and I'll find yeh. If yeh find the unicorn, send green sparks instead." The group practised sending the sparks into the air until Hagrid was satisfied they could do it in a flash if need be. "We'll have to split up. Little dainty," Hagrid said, "you and Hermione will come with me. Draco and Ron will take Fang."

The two groups ventured into the forest along opposite paths. The forest was dark and silent, as if too dense to allow sound to travel. Hagrid had Hermione and Harry grab onto the pockets near the bottom of his jacket, while he carried his large crossbow in his hands, a satchel of quivers were draped over his shoulder. Harry saw that Hagrid looked very worried.

"Whatever could be hurting the poor unicorns, Hagrid?" Harry whispered.

"I never knew one ter be hurt before, little dainty. So I can' say fer sure." Hagrid stopped suddenly then and shushed Harry and Hermione. With a quick move he had drawn an arrow from the satchel and fitted it into the crossbow. In the silence, they could hear what sounded like a cloak trailing along the ground, slithering over the dead leaves nearby. Hagrid squinted into the dark brush but after a few seconds the sound had faded. "Yep," he murmured, "there's summat here that shouldn' be."

They continued walking silently until they reached a clearing. Hagrid raised his crossbow again as something stirred nearby. Into the clearing came - the impossible. To the waist stood a bearded red haired man, but below that was a horses gleaming chestnut body with a long reddish tail. Hermione's jaw dropped and Harry's wide eyes roamed shamelessly over the unclothed horse-man.

"Stop looking, Harry!" Hermione whispered harshly. Harry's cheeks reddened and he brought his gaze back up to eye level.

"Oh, it's you, Ronan," said Hagrid in relief. "How are yeh?" He stepped forward and shook the centaur's hand.

"Good evening to you, Hagrid," said Ronan. His voice was deep and melancholy. "Were you going to shoot me?"

"Can't be too careful, Ronan," Hagrid patted the crossbow in his arms. "There's summat bad loose in this forest. Little Dainty, Hermione - this is Ronan, he's a centaur. Ronan, this is Harry Potter and Hermione Granger - they're students up at the school."

"Good evening," Ronan boomed, "Students, are you? And do you learn much, up at the school?"
"Oh yes!" Harry rushed to shake the centaur's hand and immediately began stroking the horse part of the centaurs back. "Did you go to
Hogwarts too?" he asked.

Ronan looked shocked and seemed to almost grin, "Oh, no."

"I'm glad we've run into yeh, Ronan," Hagrid said, "'cause there's a unicorn bin hurt - you seen anythin'"

Ronan didn't answer immediately, instead he tossed his head back and stared unblinkingly upwards. "Always the innocent are the first victims," he said sorrowfully, "So it has been for ages past, so it is now."

Hagrid continued to inquire about the unicorn, receiving only progress reports about the stars and planetary alignment in reply. Soon another centaur joined them - Bane, a black haired and bodied, wilder looking horse-man. He too commented about the interesting night sky.

"Good-bye Harry Potter," the centaurs said as the group continued their trek. Their voices were wistful and full of sorrow.

"Never," said Hagrid grumpily, "try an' get a straight answer out of a centaur. Ruddy stargazers."

"It wasn't a centaur we heard earlier though," Harry pouted, "was it Hagrid?"

"No, little dainty. What we heard - that's what's been killin' the unicorns if yeh ask me."

They made their way through the dense dark trees, keeping an eye out for spots of blood while navigating their way over the undergrowth. They had just passed a bend in the path when Hermione grabbed Hagrid's arm.

"Hagrid! Look! Red sparks, the others are in trouble!"

"You two wait here!" Hagrid shouted, "Don't move, I'll be back!"

They huddled together as Hagrid ran to find Ron and Draco. With each passing second they grew more and more worried about the two boys, running increasingly more gruesome scenarios through their minds as to what could have happened.

At long last, a great crunching noise announced Hagrid's return - he was fuming. "We'll be lucky ter catch anythin' now, with the racket you two were makin'"

"A tiny little spider dropped into his hair," Draco snickered, "so he sent up the red sparks and screamed like a girl."

Harry and Hermione shared a small giggle remembering Ron's previous girlish shriek in the girls bathroom.

Hagrid raised an eyebrow, "Maybe we'd better rearrange the groups. Ron, you stay with me -"

Ron breathed a very audible, very embarrassed, sigh of relief.

"- and let's see ..." Hagrid looked between Harry and Hermione, unsure of which to send.
"I'll go Hagrid," Harry jumped in, he didn't want to send Hermione anywhere with Draco.

Draco and Harry made their way back through the forest with the great dog, though Fang seemed much happier hiding behind their legs than leading them through the dark path. They followed the spots of unicorn blood, which seemed to be growing thicker. Harry could see a clearing ahead.

He gasped. Something bright white was gleaming on the ground. The boys who hadn't spoken a word to each other in weeks, clutched hands and trembled inch by inch toward the clearing.

It was the unicorn all right, and it was dead. Harry had never seen anything so beautiful and so sad. He was just about to move closer towards it when a slithering sound stopped him in his tracks. A cloaked figure appeared and crawled across the ground stopping at the unicorns side. It lowered its head over the animals wound and began drinking its blood.

"Stay away from her!" Harry screeched. The cloaked figure looked up from the unicorn, silver blood dripping from under the hood - it came to its feet and moved quickly toward him. A wave of pain rushed through Harry's scar. Hands grabbed him under his arms just as his knees were beginning to buckle, and began dragging him from the scene.

"RUN!" Draco yelled. The boys ran as fast as they could and didn't stop until they had nearly collapsed with exhaustion.

Harry sank into a tree trunk and pulled his knees up to his chest, his whole body was trembling.

"Hey," Draco panted and slumped down next to him, "Don't cry - that thing is gone, and Hagrid will find us in a minute." He sent a stream of red sparks into the air.

"I'm not afraid, Draco," Harry whimpered as his tears flowed freely. "It's the unicorn. How could anyone do that?"

"I don't know," Draco whispered.

Harry wiped his eyes, "You probably just saved my life, thank you Draco."

Draco nodded. "What was that thing?"

"It had to be Quirrell," Harry motioned to his scar.

"What did you think you were doing?" Draco was still catching his breath. "The unicorn was already dead - attacking Quirrell wouldn't have helped any."

"I just wanted it to get away from the unicorn, I wasn't going to attack him."

"Oh yes you were - you had that same look in your eyes - um - right before you tackled me."

"Oh," Harry whispered. "I'm sorry about that, Draco. I hope I didn't hurt you."

"It's alright," Draco shrugged, the moon casting just enough light to make out the blush inching along his cheeks. "Madam Pomfrey fixed me right up ... Where did you learn to fight like that?"
"Learn?" Harry puzzled, "Heavens, I don't know ... I guess I just paid attention."

"Attention to what?"
Harry pushed his lip out in a deep pout, "It doesn't matter."

"You can trust me, Harry." Draco groaned, "Look, I'm sorry about what I said."

Harry sighed and nodded.

"Friends, then?"

"I ... I don't think so, Draco."

"But -" Draco sputtered, "I said I was sorry - and I mean it, Harry."

"I know," Harry's lip trembled. "But sometimes that's just not good enough."

"Harry - I just saved your life!"

"If it was a muggle-born here instead of me - would you have saved them?"

"I ... I don't know."

Harry pulled his wand out in a flash,

"Harry!" Draco exclaimed his eyes widening in shock.

"Shush, I hear something." Padded footsteps could be heard, getting louder and louder with each second. "Fang!" Harry gushed and the huge boarhound bounded upon him. The dog inched behind him and whined at a rustling in the leaves ahead.

"Are you alright?" a rich, smooth voice rang out and a centaur stepped out from behind a tree. It wasn't Ronan or Bane; this one was much younger and prettier, with a palomino body and glistening white-blond hair. "I saw what happened and followed you here."

"We're fine," Harry cooed, "Thank you."

Draco rolled his eyes, "Is that thing still around?"

"He may still be in the forest but you are safe for the moment,"

"What about the unicorns?" Harry whimpered, "Will they be safe?"

The centaur turned to Harry and peered at the livid scar on his forehead. "Harry Potter. Do you know what unicorn blood is used for?"

Harry shook his head, "We've never used unicorn blood for anything."

"That is because it is a monstrous thing, to slay a unicorn. Only one who has nothing to lose but everything to gain would commit such a crime. The blood of a unicorn will keep you alive even if you are an inch from death but at a terrible price. You have slain something pure and defenceless to save yourself and you will have a half life, a cursed life, from the moment the blood touches your lips."

"But Professor Quirrell isn't dying, is he?" Draco broke in. "Why would he do that?"

"Do you know what is hidden in the school at this very moment?"

"The Sorcerer's Stone? But -"

"Little dainty! Draco! Are you alrigh'?"

"Hagrid!" they exclaimed.

"Are you alrigh'?" he scooped the boys up into a bone crushing hug just as Ron and Hermione caught up to the group.

"Hagrid - it's Quirrell and he's killing the unicorns to stay alive so he can go after the stone and he's trying to kill me!"

"Calm down, little dainty." Hagrid set the boys down and turned to the centaur. "Thank you, Firenze."

The centaur nodded and turned back to Harry, "Good-bye, Harry Potter," his smooth voice said quietly before cantering deep into the forest.

Harry ruffled Harry's hair, "Even if Quirrell was after the stone - and I'm not saying he is - he still wouldn't be able to get at it. There's more than jus' Fluffy keeping it safe, little dainty - don't yeh worry."

"More than Fluffy?" Harry asked wide eyed. "What do you mean?"
"Dumbledore has a number of Professors each doing their part to keep it safe - and only he knows how to get past each of our guards."

"What Professors, Hagrid?" Hermione asked.

"Oh lets see - Professors McGonagall, Flitwick, Sprout, Dumbledore himself, I sent Fluffy, then there's Snape and Quirrell."

"Quirrell is supposed to be protecting the stone?" Draco scoffed.

"As I said, even if he was trying to get it, he'd have a time trying to get past the other professors guards."

"But Snape is probably helping him!"

"Then that still leaves me, McGonagall, Flitwick and Dumbledore. Unless yeh think we're all in on it."

Harry allowed himself a half grin, "Of course not, Hagrid ... We saw him though - he drank the unicorn's blood." His lips were trembling again as pointed Hagrid in the unicorn's direction.

Once Hagrid had tended to the unicorn, they were able to return to the castle. The four were silent as they made their way through the halls, Draco branching off to head toward the Slytherin dorms. The Gryffindors maintained their silence and went straight to bed where each slept fitfully.

It wasn't until the next morning that Harry recounted the full tale of the previous night.

"Maybe he really is dying," Hermione whispered.

"He must have lost his hair or has a big scar or something - why else would he wear that god awful turban?"

"I didn't know wizards could get sick like that though."

"Maybe he got part of his head bit off?" Ron suggested, setting aside his plate of scrambled eggs with ketchup. The morning post arrived then and the group distracted themselves from the gory details.

"That's Malfoy's owl, Harry." Ron said as the grand eagle owl made its way to their seats. "I can't believe he went and bought you a present - after I told him not to!"

Harry's pout deepened, "I don't want it."

The eagle owl circled the group, seeming to inspect each of them, before dropping the package lightly into a very astonished lap.

Neville leaned over to look at the slim box, "It's not a mistake! Hermione's name is on it."

The shell shocked girl opened the box slowly, finally revealing an exquisite lemon yellow quill and a matching bottle of ink. A sheet of parchment lay folded underneath which she opened and read to herself.

Ron leaned across the table and tried to snatch the letter from her hands, though she deftly moved it from his reach and tucked it into her book bag.

"What did he say?" Neville asked.

"He says he's sorry." Hermione blushed.

Harry scooted around in his chair to see Draco watching intently from the Slytherin table. Harry eyes sparkled, and his lips curled into a full grin for the first time in ages.

"Finally!" Ron exclaimed, "Now I'll stop getting all those funny looks when people see us in the library alone - I swear people think he's my boyfriend."

"Actually, Ron," Hermione winked at Harry, "I've heard people say that Harry and Draco's potions fight was really over you."


The reunited four met in the library that evening.

"Oh, Draco!" Harry squealed before enveloping the boy in a hug.

"Don't get too excited," Draco grinned, "It may turn out that I truly don't like her, you know."

Hermione giggled, "Well seeing as I already don't like you, that will be fine."

"And there's still my father." Draco turned serious. "The only reason he even lets me come to Hogwarts is because he's on the board of governors here, so it's expected of me. But he's just looking for a reason to pull me out."

Harry looked horrified, he really had missed Draco terribly during the past few weeks and couldn't imagine if he had to leave completely. "But he wouldn't - would he?" Draco shrugged.

"We'll think of something, Malfoy."

They turned to their books and began comparing study notes with Draco - who's format, oddly enough was comparable to Hermione's. Draco peered at Harry's hand, then turned to Ron's then Hermione's. "You don't like the quills?" he asked, his eyebrows and mouth downcast into a mild sort of frown.

"What are you on about?" Ron muttered.

"Quills - I gave you guys quills at Christmas -"

"What?" Harry squealed with glee. "They're gorgeous! Of course we like them."

"So why aren't you using them?"

Their mouths dropped open, "Because they're so pretty," Harry finally answered,

"We can't just use quills like that to take notes!" Hermione added.

The almost frown disappeared being replaced with a quizzical puzzlement, "But that's the whole point of having nice things, you guys," Draco grinned. "If all your good stuff just sits on the shelf - how is everyone going to know you have it?"

The Gryffindors and Slytherins sat down to their last potions class before exams. Ron, Harry, Hermione and Draco each pulled out their brand new royal blue, lilac, lemon, and silver designer quills - shared an aristocratic nod between them and dipped into their brand new matching designer ink wells.