Astronomy Tower
Cho Chang Ginny Weasley Harry Potter
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 11/23/2002
Updated: 01/07/2003
Words: 28,582
Chapters: 7
Hits: 3,980

The Pounding Rain


Story Summary:
Ginny Weasley has loved Harry from the shadows for five years now, and her devotion to him will never die. When his heart is broken, she brings it upon herself to mend it, but in doing so she must put Harry's own happiness above her own. Will she be able to overcome her own feelings or will helping Harry prove to be more taxing and cause her even greater strife?

Chapter 01

Ginny Weasley has loved Harry from the shadows for five years now, and her devotion to him will never die. When his heart is broken, she brings it upon herself to mend it, but in doing so she must put Harry's own happiness above her own. Will she be able to overcome her own feelings or will helping Harry prove to be more taxing and cause her even greater strife?

Words: 4,262
Hits: 1,159
Chapter 02

Ginny Weasley has loved Harry from the shadows for five years now, and her devotion to him will never die. When his heart is broken, she brings it upon herself to mend it, but in doing so she must put Harry's own happiness above her own. Will she be able to overcome her own feelings or will helping Harry prove to be more taxing and cause her even greater strife?

Words: 4,770
Hits: 497
Chapter 03

Ginny Weasley has loved Harry from the shadows for five years now, and remains hopelessly devoted to him. When his heart is broken, she brings it upon herself to mend it, but in doing so she must put Harry's own happiness above her own. Will she be able to overcome her own feelings or will helping Harry prove to be more taxing and cause her even greater strife?

Words: 4,066
Hits: 448
Chapter 04

Ginny Weasley has loved Harry from the shadows for five years now, and remains hopelessly devoted to him. When his heart is broken, she brings it upon herself to mend it, but in doing so she must put Harry's own happiness above her own. Will she be able to overcome her own feelings or will helping Harry prove to be more taxing and cause her even greater strife?

Words: 5,755
Hits: 424
Chapter 05

Ginny Weasley has loved Harry from the shadows for five years now and remains hopelessly devoted to him. When his heart is broken, she brings it upon herself to mend it, but in doing so she must put Harry's own happiness above her own. Will she be able to overcome her own feelings or will helping Harry prove to be more taxing and cause her even greater strife?

Words: 4,313
Hits: 455
Chapter 06

Ginny Weasley has loved Harry from the shadows for five years now and remains hopelessly devoted to him. When his heart is broken, she brings it upon herself to mend it, but in doing so she must put Harry's own happiness above her own. Will she be able to overcome her own feelings or will helping Harry prove to be more taxing and cause her even greater strife?

Words: 3,542
Hits: 466
Chapter 07

Ginny Weasley has loved Harry from the shadows for five years now, and her devotion to him will never die. When his heart is broken, she brings it upon herself to mend it, but in doing so she must put Harry's own happiness above her own. Will she be able to overcome her own feelings or will helping Harry prove to be more taxing and cause her even greater strife?

Words: 1,874
Hits: 531