Romance Mystery
Children of Characters in the HP novels
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 05/16/2002
Updated: 05/23/2003
Words: 42,814
Chapters: 12
Hits: 5,532

Magique l'Element

finite incantatem

Story Summary:
The offspring of Fred and George are at Hogwarts, creating some mischief of their own. But things are not as they seem, and sometimes, mischief can lead to danger.

Chapter 09

Author's Note:
I have nothing more to say that I haven't already said. Oh, um,

Chapter Nine- Of Pain, Truth and Tolerance

He took no notice of Madam Pomfrey as she eyed him. He was too busy gazing at the girl lying on the bunk next to his chair.

You can't be the One...you can't be...

Rain had planted herself in front of the Bludger that was supposed to hit him. How she had known that the Bludger was going to hit him was anyone's guess, but what mattered was...

No. She couldn't be the One. It wasn’t possible…it…it didn’t make sense.

"Mr. Weasley, I think it would be best if you returned to Gryffindor Tower now," came a gentle voice.

Skye looked up. The Headmaster was standing in front of him. Skye looked at Rain's unconscious figure again and shook his head.

"If it's alright, sir, I'd rather stay until she wakes up," he spoke softly.

"Skye, her father has been notified, and I believe he is already on his way to Hogwarts. Madam Pomfrey will take care of your cousin."

Skye sighed. For a moment, he debated with himself whether to tell Dumbledore about Rain's identity. The elderly man was close to his family, and had been especially close to his Aunt Alex, he had been told.

"Madam Pomfrey shall send for you the instant there is a change in Airen's condition," Dumbledore insisted.

Hesitantly, Skye stood. He got Rain's hand and stroked it.

"I'll be back, alright? Don't go anywhere now," he whispered before planting a soft kiss on his cousin's cheek.

"Goodnight, Professor," said Skye, turning to the Headmaster.

Dumbledore nodded, and Skye exited the hospital wing reluctantly.


Devon heaved a small sigh as he exited the Astronomy Tower. He glanced at his watch briefly, noting that it was now seven; an hour after the time Rain had said she would meet him.

Alright, now I'm starting to worry.

She would have a reason, of course. Devon knew Rain well enough to know that she rarely did things without a reason. If she had forgotten that she'd...


"Do watch where you're going, Weasley."

He had bumped into Skye Weasley, who had just exited the hospital wing, looking melancholy.

"You bumped into me, Malfoy." Skye said without much spirit.

"I was looking where I was going, Weasley. You, on the other hand, suddenly popped out of nowhere. Oh, and by the way, where is Rain?"


It had slipped out of his mouth before he'd had a chance to think about it. He hadn't intended to ask Skye about the whereabouts of Rain.

Skye looked at Devon, evidently surprised. A guarded, suspicious look was in the grey eyes. He knew that look; Skye always wore it when he was suspicious, and he wore it almost every time he and Devon were forced to communicate with each other.

"Why?" was all he said.

"If you must know, she asked to meet me and never showed. I'd like to know where she is so I can speak to her about something." Devon said smoothly.

Skye was frowning now.

"Malfoy, why do you keep meeting my-oh, no. Oh, NO..." Skye's eyes widened as he spoke, a realization obviously dawning upon him.


"You're not...you're not...her...boyfriend, are you?!" Skye said softly, looking a tinge green.

Devon rolled his eyes.

"That fact aside, I want to bring the topic back to the-"

Devon stopped talking, due to the sudden wind that came from the window beside him, blowing his hair in all directions. His hands flew up to fix his hair while his eyes went to Skye, whose jaw had dropped.

"You're serious, aren't you?" the Gryffindor mouthed (He supposed that Skye was speaking, but his voice was inaudible over the wind.).

"No, I'm just thinking about how beautiful Moaning Myrtle is. Listen, Weasley, are you going to tell me where Rain is or not?" Devon yelled to make himself heard over the wind's howls.

Suddenly, Skye's face sobered and the wind died down. He pointed a thumb at the hospital wing doors behind him.

"If it's that important to you, Malfoy, she's in there. Good luck seeing her."

And with that, Skye walked away.


Jon wrung his hands, staring unseeingly into the fire. Skye was taking an awfully long time in the hospital wing. Because he didn't have any news, Jon was imagining all sorts of fatalities happening...

Once Rain had landed on the ground, nobody on the Gryffindor team could react fast enough. Skye himself, who had been diving after Rain, seemed frozen once his cousin hit the earth. It was Wood who, acting like a true team leader, finally got to his senses and told them what to do.

Jon looked at the portrait hole, which had just opened. He stood when his best friend walked into the common room.

"What's the news?" Jon said.

Skye's eyes were unfocused when he looked at Jon. The redhead had a very thoughtful sort of expression on his face, as though he was pondering over something really deep.

"Did you know that-" Skye started to say, but shook his head. "Um, never mind. And Rain...Madam Pomfrey says that Rain will be fine, though I don't believe her."

Jon chose to overlook Skye's peculiar behavior.

"Why don't you believe Madam Pomfrey?"

"Because Rain is...the only way to truly know she's fine is when she wakes up-and Madam Pomfrey doesn't know when that's going to be," Skye replied, striding over to sit next to Jon.

Both boys remained silent.

"Is there something you're not telling me, Skye?" Jon asked presently.

Skye sighed.

"Jon, believe me, you're better off not knowing. I'm not saying this to keep you out of the loop or anything. Just...it's about Rain, yes, but I don't really have the permission to tell you because I'm not sure about it myself."

Jon stared into the fire, his mind racing.

"This has nothing to do with Malfoy?"

"No, this has nothing to do with Malfoy."


George Weasley looked up at the castle's oak doors. He pulled his cloak closer about him and pulled one of the doors open, stepping inside once he was able to fit. Then, he headed for the hospital wing.

George was very familiar with the hospital wing, as he and Fred ended up there a lot in their Hogwarts days. He and his twin were admitted several times for cuts, bruises, wounds and a few broken bones...but he had never entered the infirmary with the intention of visiting someone in critical condition.

Brown eyes scanned the halls, searching for a familiar flash of red hair. Finally, though, he gave up. Instead, he made his way to the hospital wing, sticking to rarely-used corridors and staircases.

Hogwarts never changes.

Reaching the hospital wing without incident, he pushed the door open slightly.

"Ah, George. Come in," said a voice belonging to an old man inside the infirmary.

George entered the hospital wing and shut the door behind him.

"Good evening, Professor Dumbledore," he replied, voice tight with worry.

The Headmaster nodded once, and then cast his gaze to the unconscious Gryffindor Prefect lying on a bed. Her dark red hair was strewn all over the white pillow, and her pale face was peaceful.

George swallowed. He walked towards his daughter.

"What happened, sir? All you said that she was in critical condition for a few moments."

"She planted herself in front of a Bludger heading for her cousin," said Dumbledore.

"Skye or Tim?"


Standing beside Rain's white cot, George took a look at her overall appearance. She was awfully pale, and the moonlight flooding her face wasn't exactly helping.

"How could that happen? Don't the Gryffindors use the old Bludgers for practice?"

"I believe their captain has procured some of the new Bludger A5's, George. You are familiar with the model?"

George nodded. How could he not be? He and Fred had once promoted those Bludgers. A Beater's Worst Nightmare was the slogan of the damned things. They flew twice as fast and hit with five times the power of the old Bludgers. Well, that would teach them to think twice before endorsing.

"Where was she hit?" George asked.

"The ribs. She shattered six of her ribs upon impact. Poppy has mended them, of course, but she has no way of knowing if there are any remaining shards posing as a threat to Rain's organs until she wakes..."

Swallowing, George nodded. He took Rain's hand in his and stroked it gently.

"Thank you, Headmaster, for notifying me."

His daughter might have looked every inch a woman when she was standing tall, but when she was asleep like this, she still looked like a child. Her vulnerability was so pronounced that watching her sleep made all of George's protective feelings come out.

With another sigh, he resigned himself for staying the night.


Skye looked down at his parchment listlessly. He then looked up at Professor Sprout, not really hearing what she said. Lessons seemed rather trivial now.

Rain hadn't regained consciousness yet. For two straight days, she'd been lying on that bed, eyes closed, while he worried. Dumbledore sent Uncle George home already, reassuring him that he'd be notified if there was any change.

"Mr. Weasley!" came the voice of Professor Sprout, sounding a little sharp.

Skye sat up straight, jolted out of his reverie. Professor Sprout was standing in front of his table.

"Y-yes, Professor?" he said.

"You haven't been paying attention, Weasley. I said that Madam Pomfrey is summoning you to the hospital wing. I think your cousin is awake," she said, voice going softer at her last sentence.

Skye's stomach did a somersault.

"Rain is...awake?" he repeated softly.

"Yes, Weasley, now pack your things if you want to see her," said Professor Sprout, the corners of her mouth twitching.

Skye shared a side glance with Jon and stood, gathering his things. He slung his bag onto his shoulder and excused himself, edging out of the greenhouse. Once he was outside, he broke into a run, heading top speed for the hospital wing.


Rain let out a breath, closing her eyes once again. Madam Pomfrey was running her wand over Rain's body, checking for any sign of injury she might have missed.

She heard the hospital wing door open and close.

"Madam Pomfrey-" came Skye's voice.

"Hush, Weasley. Yes, she's awake," replied the matron.

Rain opened her eyes a crack, smiling weakly when she saw Skye standing beside her bed. Madam Pomfrey made a noise.

"Well, there's nothing wrong. How do you feel, dear?" she asked Rain.

"Horrible," Rain whispered. "But it's nothing I haven't felt before. Thank you, Madam Pomfrey."

Madam Pomfrey nodded, and left. When she did, Skye tilted his head to the side.

"Hi," he said softly, getting her hand and smiling back at her.

"Hey. Skye, are you alright?"

"Me? I should be asking you that. The Bludgergot you in the ribs, you know."

Rain grimaced a bit. Her whole body was aching, but Madam Pomfrey said that the aches should be gone in a few hours. She didn't need to be reminded of the pain the Bludger caused when it hit.

"I'm fine, Skye," she said.

Skye sat beside her, looking away. For a few moments, he said nothing. Then, when he spoke, his voice was softer and gentler than she had ever known it to be.

"That was a stupid thing to do, plant yourself in front of a Bludger," he chided her.

"It was pure instinct. I don't have your powers, Skye. The Bludger was going to hit you, and there was no way I could have changed the course of the Bludger in such a short span of time."

"I know. I don't want to sound ungrateful, Rain, because I am grateful, but...just don't do that again, alright? Don't stick your neck out for me. Promise me that, will you?"

If she hadn't known better, she would have taken his statement differently. Yet, Rain knew what Skye meant. He didn't want her to get hurt, not even for him. All he wanted to do was protect her.

Rain let out a soft sigh. She gave Skye's hand a little squeeze which made him look at her.

"I'm sorry, Skye, but I can't promise you that," she said.

Besides, you dolt, you would have done the same for me.

She gave him a smile, which he didn't return. Instead, he looked away again.



"This probably isn't the time to tell you this, but...Malfoy let something slip to me about the exact state of your-er-relationship with him," Skye said as his ears turned a bit pink.

Oh, no.

"And...?" Rain asked, though she knew what was coming.

"And...is it true? I just want to hear it from you, that's all."

"Yes," she whispered, half afraid that the walls of the castle were about to come tumbling down upon her should Skye throw a fit.

Skye turned to her again, eyes narrowed this time, in a look so piercing, it reminded Rain of the way Dumbledore looked at pupils who were lying to him.

"Is he treating you well?" he finally asked.

"Yes, Skye, he is. He treats me wonderfully. Just like the way you'd treat Celestia Faber if you ever work up the guts to ask her to be your girlfriend," Rain replied, turning the conversation away from her love life.

Rain laughed when Skye's whole face turned red.


Devon knew. How could he not when all the Gryffindors were buzzing with the news? Yet, he did not believe the rumors. Instead, he waited patiently for Potions, which came after lunch.

"Weasley," he said, barely moving his lips when Skye arrived.

Skye, who had just slid into his seat, cut his eyes to the side, acknowledging Devon. The two sat across each other, near enough to communicate, yet far enough to remain discreet.

"What is it, Malfoy?" he whispered in reply.

"Is the news true?"

Skye merely nodded.

Relief flooded through Devon, though nothing showed on his face. The past few days had been filled with worry for him, for, unlike other people who were worried about Rain, he could not go into the hospital wing and visit her. It would compromise everything.



"She wants to see you."

"Did she say that or-"

"No, she didn't."

Devon cast a glance at Skye, trying to figure out what was going through the Gryffindor's mind. He was sure that it cost Skye some effort to say that. Yet, he could not decipher the expression on Skye's face.

Did Weasley just indirectly state that he's tolerating my relationship with the closest thing he has to a younger sister?

Resignedly, he pulled a piece of parchment and began writing. He would not be able to get away to see her tonight, for he had Quidditch practice to attend, and as Captain, there was no excuse for him to skive it off.

Oh, damn this.

A letter would just have to do for now.



"Hullo. Back so soon?"

"Yeah, well, let's put it this way: I've missed the girl who does nothing but pester me day in and day out."

Rain smiled. Skye was back in the hospital wing that night, bringing her the homework she’d missed.

"I still can't believe I was out for two whole days, Skye. Look at how much homework I've neglected to do!"

Skye snorted.

"If I had that much work piled up, I would've pretended to be sick for the rest of the year," he retorted, watching Rain as she leafed through the notes that he had copied for her.

"Skye, d'you have my bag?"

"Yup. Here. I shrank it so I could bring it around with me."

Out of his pocket, Skye produced a miniature version of Rain's dark red rucksack. With a wave of a wand and a softly muttered spell, it was back to its original size.

"I got what you needed from Jen, who says she might be along to see you tonight. Oh, and by the way..." Skye trailed off, digging into his pocket once more.

"What's this?" Rain asked as she got the piece of parchment Skye handed her.

"Malfoy," was Skye's only response.

Rain's heart did a little dance for a few seconds, though her face showed nothing as she tucked the parchment into a pocket of her bag for later reading. Skye wouldn't appreciate it if she read it in front of him.

Skye as Devon's messenger. Who would ever have thought?

"How is Devon?" she asked softly, eyes going to her covers.

"Malfoy is...Malfoy. Why?"

"Nothing," she said, heart sinking a little.

"If you must know, he asked me if you were awake. He's been doing that since he found out, you know. Been cornering me, finding reasons to talk to me...and don't smile at me like that, Rain!"

"Looks to me like someone's been cheating on me behind my back. Should I let Celestia know you're not interested in her anymore?" Rain teased.

Skye's face turned a nasty shade of green.

"Don't you dare-"

"Oh, relax, Skye. I'd never do that. Though, you do have to admit, the two most handsome boys in Hogwarts going together will be quite a stir in the community..."

Rain laughed as a pillow hit her in the face.

"I'm going to Gryffindor Tower to find other cousins who appreciate my efforts," said Skye, pulling a mock pout which made Rain laugh harder.

"You look adorable when you pout like that. Oh, go on then. Shoo. Leave me in peace. I need to get started on my homework anyway," she said, waving a hand.

She sighed as Skye planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Sleep well," he whispered.

"Good night, Skye."

Skye merely smiled and walked out of the hospital wing. Once he was safely outside, Rain grabbed the piece of parchment she'd hidden.

"Rain, (it read)

Before anything else, I would like to say how sorry I am that I cannot see you at this point. Every fiber of my being is screaming out for me to go to you, but I am sure you know why I cannot.

I've missed you. It's been days since I've seen you last, and as if that isn't enough, I was worrying about you as well. How are you feeling now? I do hope Pomfrey will let you out soon. If not, I just might allow myself to be hit by a Bludger as well just to have a legitimate, unquestionable reason to enter the hospital wing and see you. Oh, don't laugh, as I've no doubt you're doing now. Greater men than I have been brought to their knees, doing things they wouldn't normally have done, all because of a woman.

How am I to word what is going through my head right now? I wish to see you, hold you close to me again and simply smell the light fragrance of your hair. I want to be beside you and lose myself in those soft brown eyes... I could go on until Snape gave me a detention, and I still would not have found the right words to express what I feel.

I wish you a good night's rest, my darling. Rest assured that wherever I am, I am missing you horribly and counting the minutes until I see you again.


Folding the letter, Rain stared at the ceiling of the hospital wing, smiling like an idiot. She read the letter one more time, biting her lip.

Well, she would certainly have a good night's rest tonight.


End notes: I know, I know. Nothing really happened in this chapter. Forgive me for that. The next few chapters, however, will be a tad more interesting. I promise.

Also, please be so kind as to review. I would greatly appreciate people's thoughts and opinions on what I write. So, what are you reading this for?! REVIEW! :)