Romance Mystery
Children of Characters in the HP novels
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 05/16/2002
Updated: 05/23/2003
Words: 42,814
Chapters: 12
Hits: 5,532

Magique l'Element

finite incantatem

Story Summary:
The offspring of Fred and George are at Hogwarts, creating some mischief of their own. But things are not as they seem, and sometimes, mischief can lead to danger.

Chapter 07

Author's Note:
This chapter is rated R for a very minor thing. I just wanted to be on the safe side.

Chapter Seven-Crush

Ever since he set foot on Hogwarts' soil, Skye Weasley had been considered a heartthrob by the female populace. When he was in First Year, he was 'That Cute New Weasley'. In Second Year, he was known as 'The Smashing New Chaser'. In Third Year, the title 'That Extremely Cute Boy' was given; it stuck until his Fifth Year. Then, when he entered Sixth Year, he was known as 'That Handsome, Hunky, and Thoughtful Skye Weasley'.

In all honesty, Skye never thought of himself as handsome or cute. He knew he'd inherited his parents' looks and he liked nice clothes, but that was the extent of it. He wasn't raised to be vain-he wasn't a Malfoy, after all.

People called him a 'flirt', primarily because he was pleasant to everybody he met-particularly to females. Everybody thought that he was flirting with young, adolescent witches all the while, even though he wasn't. Well, not most of the time, anyway.

"Hi, Skye," greeted a shy Fifth Year Hufflepuff.

Skye turned his head to catch sight of who had greeted him. He smiled and waved a little.

"Hullo, Lisa," he replied.

The Hufflepuff beamed at him and ran off.

Why do girls always run away from me like that when I greet them? You'd think I said something wrong.

He knew the names of a lot of females in Hogwarts, and it wasn't just because of Rain. Skye had a friendly, casual way with people that made anybody warm up to him in minutes. It was his natural charm, born from the loving way he had been brought up.

Skye was on his way to the Quidditch field, carrying his broom over his shoulder. Jon had gone on ahead.

"Hey, wait up, will you?"

He turned again, and saw Rain running up to him, panting.

"I forgot there was practice today," she explained when she had reached him.

Skye raised a brow.

"You forgot? How could you forget?"

"I just forgot, okay? Drop the subject."

He did, but only because Rain had started to frown.

Skye was aware that Rain knew him better than any other person on the planet. He told her things he never told Jon, or his parents. She was his other best friend in a way. Yet, Skye also knew that Rain was just humoring him on the 'Celestia Thing', as it had been dubbed.


"Yes, Skye?"

"Is it really hard to believe that I have a full-blown crush on somebody?"

Rain stopped walking, looking at him fully.

"What are you talking about, Skye?" she said slowly.

"You know what I'm talking about. I know you, and I know you're not convinced that I have a crush on ...her." Skye couldn't bring himself to say Celestia's name in public.

His cousin was biting her lip. She looked down guiltily.

"Well, look at it this way. I've known you all of my life, and in all that time, I haven't really seen you fall seriously for anybody. I know you don't flirt with my classmates on purpose most of the time, but I'm also sure that there are moments when you enjoy those witches throwing themselves at you. The idea of you actually having a crush is...new."

"New," Skye repeated.





"Let's go. Leon's going to kill us," Rain said, taking his hand and giving it a contrite squeeze.

He looked at her for a few seconds, taking in how much she had changed since her birthday...since she had talked to him about Malfoy.

"What are we standing around here for then?"


Skye allowed himself to be towed to the pitch. Rain kept her hold on his hand even though they were already there, not wanting to relinquish the task of hanging out with him to Jon just yet.

"You can let go of me, you know. I'm not going to get lost," Skye said amusedly.

She looked up at him, but let go of his hand. Really, she was more worried about him than she'd ever admit.

Skye had taken care of her ever since she could remember. He had always been there to protect her from everything that she feared, hated or was simply disgusted with. On one occasion, he had even sent a bully flying about a dozen feet backward. She didn't know how to return the favor.

"Skye, Rain, you're late," said the Gryffindor Captain.

"Sorry," was the only thing they said.

Leonard Wood scowled for a moment,and then turned to his team. He had long since given up on addressing his teammates by their last names, as there were three Weasleys currently playing for Gryffindor House.

The complete Gryffindor Quidditch team was comprised of ten people-three of which were Reserves. Rain was the Keeper; Skye, Leonard Wood and Lawrence Ashbrook were the Chasers; Jon and Martin Carmichael were Beaters; and Timothy Weasley played Seeker. Hannah Closky, Steve Fielding and Charlene Finnigan were the Reserves.

"Alright, team. Rumors have been flying around about the European Inter-School Quidditch Cup. I've talked to Madam Hooch about it, but she said there were no definite plans yet..."

Rain allowed Leon's words to escape her. Skye was really serious about having a crush on Celestia. It was...well, she didn't know how she felt about it. She knew that Celestia was a great person, but one never knows really...

Well if he is, then he'd better come out of his shell and tell her.

Skye Weasley was an exuberant boy, and she didn't know him to have a shy bone in his body. Yet here he was, trying to get her to spy on the girl he was crushing on, simply because he was too shy to go up to her and tell her himself.

Stop being naive. It's not that easy. You know that.

A light punch on the shoulder made Rain lose her train of thought. She whirled and turned to Skye.

"What?" she hissed.

"You weren't listening to Wood. Thinking deeply again?"

Her stomach did a somersault. Skye still didn't know about the state of her current relationship with Devon. She wasn't sure how he'd react. Skye was known in the family (and in Gryffindor Tower) for having his irrational side, and she really didn't want him to burn the castle down in shock or anger.


Celestia Faber cocked her head to the side, brown hair spilling onto her shoulders. She rubbed her eyes wearily and shut the book in front of her with a snap.

"Honestly, you work too much," came a voice from behind her.

Her insides froze. That voice...that voice that sounded so familiar and endearing...

She had just come up with a suitable comeback and turned her head to reply when she realized that the comment was not directed at her. Skye Weasley was speaking to his cousin; he and Rain were seated on the common room couch.

Celestia let out a breath. How stupid was she to fall for that one? Skye wouldn't suddenly start talking to her, noticing that she worked too much. How could he when they rarely spoke to each other?

Even though Rain said that he thought you were pretty, that's no reason to...

"I'm fine, Skye," came the weary voice of Airen Weasley.

"No, you're not. You look incredibly tired. Why don't you go and sleep?" Skye suggested gently.

He was always so brotherly when it came to Rain. His voice was always softer, gentler when he was speaking with Rain (with the obvious exception of when they were fighting). Skye always looked...cuter when he was being protective like that.

She listened to their exchange for a few moments, grateful to see this side of Skye's personality.

"Skye, I still have an essay to do..." Rain protested.

"An essay that's due next week. Come on, Rain. You need to rest," Skye said.

Rain frowned at him.

"I've never cracked under pressure before, Skye, and I don't intend to. I need to finish my work," said Rain firmly.

Skye sighed and shook his head, grey eyes taking in his cousin's tired appearance.

"Fine, then," he said. "But I'm staying right here beside you. No, don't even attempt to protest."

Cel bit her lip, marveling once more at how marvelous Skye Weasley was.


He threw a glance around the common room, trying to search for the face that kept him awake at night.

There she was, seated in a corner, surrounded by her friends, nose buried in yet another thick book.

Must she be like Rain? If it weren't for classes and mealtimes, I wouldn't be able to see her face.

Rain stifled a yawn. Skye looked at his cousin, wondering briefly whether to tell her off again for not sleeping properly. Honestly, the girl could be so stubborn at times...

"Rain, are you really not going to listen?"

No answer. She was obviously trying to ignore him. Well, he could live with that.

Skye turned his gaze back to Celestia Faber, narrowing his eyes, as though trying to will his eyes to see through the book and gaze at her. He watched her often whenever he had a chance, but most of the time he tried to forget about her. He couldn't exactly let Quidditch or his lessons suffer, could he? His mother would send him a Howler that would be loud enough for the whole of Hogwarts to hear.

She was quiet, just taking down notes and reading. He rarely spoke to her, even though they were classmates. Skye just never really took notice of her before. After all, nothing about her looked at all remarkable...before.

A sudden weight on his shoulder made Skye look at Rain again. Her dark red head was now on his shoulder; her walnut-shaped brown eyes closed.

Ha! I knew it. I told you so.

Shifting slightly, Skye took the quill out of his cousin's hands. He got out his handkerchief and wiped the ink on her fingers off. Then, he hoisted her up in his arms without difficulty. Rain had always been rather light.

"Oi, Jen, open the door to your dormitory, will you?" he called to Jen Francis, who was seated nearby.

Nobody took much notice of him as he carried Rain's sleeping figure up to her dormitory. It wasn't an unusual occurrence that Rain fell asleep on the common room couch. It was inevitable when she did her homework in the common room.

"Thanks", Skye said to Jen as she darted past him, going back to the common room.

"No problem," Jen replied.

Skye entered Rain's dormitory, walking towards her bed. He lay her down, smoothing her hair and taking off her shoes.

"Skye?" Rain whispered, waking suddenly.

"Shh. You're in your dormitory."

He watched her smile sleepily and take his hand, giving it a squeeze.

"Thanks...g'night...," she said, eyes fluttering closed again.

Skye remained where he was for a few minutes, just looking at Rain, watching her sleep. She looked peaceful when she slept. Finally, he kissed her on the cheek and left her dormitory.


She straightened somewhat, eyes slightly unfocused.

"Calla? Cal?"

Fred Weasley frowned. He waved his hand in front of his wife's face.


Still nothing. Fred groaned. It looked like another one of those times.

Blasted elements.

Finally, after a moment or two, Calla seemed to snap out of her daze. She turned to Fred, looking surprised.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked.

"Why do you always have to get summoned at the most inconvenient moments?" he said, drawing his arms about her waist.

Sixteen long years had passed since they were married, and even then, Fred couldn't help but wonder what Calla fed him to make him vulnerable to her every touch and quake at her slightest ministrations.

"Sorry," she whispered, kissing him softly. "But I really have to go."

She pillowed her head on his chest for a moment, as though loathing to leave. Yet, she got up and proceeded to the armoire.

Fred watched Calla's retreating figure, smiling at how seductive she looked from any angle. The moonlight made her bare skin glow, making her look like a fragile porcelain statuette. He tucked his arms behind his head and forced his gaze to the ceiling.

"How long will you be gone?" he asked.

"A few hours at most. I think this has something to do with Skye."

At this, Fred frowned again. He knew of his son's destiny, and he knew what role Skye would play, but it didn't make him any more comfortable with the idea. Skye was just turning seventeen, after all. He was still a boy...his boy, no matter what biological postulates dictated.


"Yes, Fred?"

"Do you think he's ready for all of this responsibility?"

"Fred, he's been trained ever since he was young. We've been through this before."

"I know that, but...well, sometimes I worry about Skye. He's got a good head on his shoulders, but you know what he can do without the proper guidance."

Calla pulled a blue sweater over her head and threw a smile at him.

"And since when did you grow up?" she said amusedly.

"I'm serious."

Calla's smile faded. She ran a hand through her hair nervously and looked down.

"I know. I worry about him too, Fred, but there's nothing we can do. He's the Chosen, and...and he'll be ready when the time comes."

Fred sighed, lowering his brown eyes to look into his wife's grey ones. In them were so much unspoken words, so many conflicted emotions. Briefly, he noticed how beautiful she looked in the navy sweater and jeans.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you, too," she replied before Disapparating.

Fred sighed again, shifting so the sheets would cover him fully. He looked at a photo on the bedside table almost wistfully. There was Calla, radiant with beauty and happiness, an arm wrapped around his waist. He stood beside his wife, one arm around her shoulders and the other carrying a small boy, who was also smiling. This was his family...Calla and Skye.

He knew from the moment he laid on eyes on the child that Skye was a boy after his own heart. Even at a few months, he was already naughty, showing his mother an adorable mock innocent face whenever she scolded him. Yet, Fred also knew instinctively that Skye was different from other children. It wasn't just his powers that set him apart, it was also in the way he carried himself.

Skye was almost always happy. Even in the darkest of times, he could brighten a room with his mere presence. He was intelligent, yet never pushed himself to get marks higher than those that were slightly above average. But in the rare times when Skye was solemn, you could see it in his eyes. He knew it was coming.


Skye swallowed.

"Do it, mate," Jon muttered.

"What, now?!"

"Of course. What, you want to ask her in the middle of Snape's class?"

They had just finished Charms and were due for lunch. Jon pushed his best friend in the back, forcing Skye to take a few steps forward-and bump into Celestia Faber, who turned.

"Er-hi, Celestia," Skye said.

I will kill Jon if I survive this encounter.

"Hi," she replied.

Celestia looked at him, mild surprise written all over her face. They looked at each other for a few seconds before Skye realized that it was his turn to say something.

"Er-I was wondering if I could borrow your Charms notes. I didn't catch a few things that Flitwick was mentioning and Jon refuses to lend me his."

Nervously waiting for her reply, Skye ran a hand through his hair.

"Oh. Hold on then," said Celestia, opening her bag.

He watched as she searched her very organized bag, noticing that everything inside her bag was highly neat. He observed as her long hair fell, partially covering her face, framing her features almost to the point of perfection.

"Here, Skye," she said, holding out her notes.

Skye smiled.

"Thanks. I'll give it back to you tonight."

"No hurry, really."

He felt his stomach clench as she offered a small smile.

"There you are, Skye! I've been looking for you!" came a voice that made Skye run a hand through his hair again.

Rain walked up to the two of them, her face thankfully blank.

"Oh, hi, Cel. Mind if I pull my cousin away a minute?" Rain asked the other girl.

"Of course not," said Celestia.

"I'll give you these tonight. Thanks again," Skye managed to say before Rain tugged at his arm and pulled him away.

Skye forced himself to walk calmly. As soon as they'd rounded a corner, Rain broke out into a huge smile.

"And you said you needed my help," she said.

"Well, Jon literally pushed me to do it...and speaking of Jon, have you seen him?"

Even though Skye's mind was still on that little encounter with Celestia, he noticed that Rain frowned a bit. The change was so slight that it took somebody who knew her every expression to notice.

"Yeah. He was standing next to the Charms classroom," she spoke softly.

He cocked his head to the side, knowing well that he should not have been smiling, though unable to keep it off his face. Skye hugged his cousin.

"I'll see you in the common room tonight, alright? I have to go and throttle my best friend for a moment," he said.

Rain forced a smile.

"Go on, then. And tell him that he's done something right for once."

Skye ran to the Charms classroom, still smiling rather stupidly. He saw that Jon was standing exactly where Rain said he was-in front of the Charms classroom. Luckily, Celestia was already gone.

"So?" said Jon expectantly.

Skye held up Celestia's notes.

"I'll kill you if you ever do that to me again, Wycheck," Skye said, though still grinning like a maniac.

"Do you know how many times in a day you threaten to kill me?" said Jon, who was smiling too. "You never carry them out."

"Maybe I will one day."


He had no doubt in Skye's capability to charm the socks of anybody. That was one of Skye's special skills.

Early in their friendship, Jon had been jealous of Skye. Skye was popular, rich and a Pureblood. Skye had most of the girls in Hogwarts wrapped around his little finger. Skye had special powers that nobody else in Hogwarts possessed. Skye was perfect-or so he had thought.

When Jon learned about his best friend's insecurities, all that jealousy vanished like smoke. Why, who would ever think that Skye Weasley could be insecure? Yet, Skye had a lot of them.

Of course, being a practical joker was natural for Skye, yet sometimes he just pulled pranks because he thought he was expected to follow in his Dad's footsteps. When Skye had tried for the Quidditch team in their Second Year, he was scared of what people might say if the son of two world famous players didn't make it. Yes, Skye had a lot of insecurities.

"D'you think she'll be at lunch?" Skye asked.

"Of course, you prat. She has to eat too, doesn't she?"

They made their way to the Great Hall slowly, both talking about what Skye had dubbed as 'The Celestia Encounter'.

"You reckon I have a chance with her?" Skye said in a quiet voice.

That question jolted Jon to a stop.

"Skye, are we talking about commitment here?"

"I'm just-well, I'm just asking of there might be a chance of her...liking me," Skye finished, looking sheepish.

Here we go again.

"Skye, for somebody who's sought by almost every girl in this castle, you're horribly insecure. I believe I've told you that before. Don't worry, mate," Jon added when Skye's facial expression didn't change. "If she doesn't like you, you can always do something to change her mind, eh?"

Skye looked at Jon.

"What d'you mean by that?"

"I mean you can charm the wings off a hippogriff, mate. C'mon, enough with all this girl talk. I'm hungry."

At this, Skye grinned and playfully punched Jon on the shoulder.

"Oi, that's my line!"
