General Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 06/20/2005
Updated: 12/12/2005
Words: 50,073
Chapters: 11
Hits: 1,666

The Diary of a Witch, Volume IV


Story Summary:
The Triwizard Tournament comes to Hogwarts bring excitement to Jubilee's otherwise boring fourth year. What she doesn't realize is that the end of it will change everything.

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
Rita writes an article that upsets Hermione who in turn decides enough is enough and drags Jubilee and Ginny into a plan to take her down.
Author's Note:
Thank you jongluer, tbmsand, polkadaispuppy, and genius for reviewing! Updates will be awhile now because of school projects I'm swamped with but rest assured, this will be done by Thanksgiving vacation.



Monday, March 1, Great Hall, Lunch,

            I just got yelled at by Gandalf. Nice, huh? The reason he was mad is because I had him deliver a card back home for Gerard and Giselle and it’s been ridiculously windy lately which makes it hard for the owls to fly. Of course none of the other owners have to hear their complaints, just I do. Having this power really stinks sometimes.

            Though I guess the fact that I can hear Gandalf all the way from the Moores means my range has gotten larger. Though I don’t necessarily think this is a good thing because hearing Gandalf made it slightly hard to concentrate in Herbology and as a result the Toothed Snapdragon I was working with was able to bite my finger. I haven’t been bitten by a plant since my first year. Forgot how much it hurts.

Tuesday, March 2, Dorm Room,

            Gandalf made it back, safe and sound. He’s now sulking in his cage and bluntly informed me that if I make him deliver another letter while this wind is still going on I can find a new delivery owl. Guess it’s a good thing I sent my weekly letter with the card, huh?

Friday, March 5, Great Hall, Breakfast,


            Does Rita Skeeter even CARE about the facts anymore? Obviously not, look at this article that came out in Witch Weekly:

Harry Potter’s Secret Heartache

A boy like no other, perhaps-yet a boy

suffering all the usual pangs of adolescence,

writes Rita Skeeter. Deprived of love since

the tragic demise of his parents,

fourteen-year-old Harry Potter thought he

had found solace in his steady girlfriend

at Hogwarts, Muggle-born Hermione Granger.

Little did he know he would shortly be suffering

yet another emotional blow in a life already

littered with personal loss.

Miss Granger, a plain but ambitious girl,

seems to have a taste for famous wizards that

Harry alone cannot satisfy. Since the arrival

at Hogwarts of Viktor Krum, Bulgarian

Seeker and hero of the last World Quidditch

Cup, Miss Granger has been toying with both

boys’ affections. Krum, who is openly

smitten with the devious Miss Granger has

already invited her to visit him in Bulgaria

over the Summer holidays and insisted that

he has “never felt this way about any other


However, it might not be Miss Granger’s

doubtful natural charms that have captured

these unfortunate boys’ interests.

“She’s really ugly,” says Pansy Parkinson,

a pretty and vivacious fourth-year student,

“but she’d be up to making a Love Potion,

she’s quite brainy. I think that’s how she’s

doing it.”

Love Potions are, of course, banned at

Hogwarts, and no doubt Albus Dumbledore

will want to investigate these claims. In the

meantime, Harry Potter’s well-wishers

must hope that next time he bestows his

heart on a worthier candidate.

            This is the LAMEST pack of lies I’ve ever read. First off, Hermione and Potter have never dated each other and most likely never will unless there’s an apocalypse or something. Second of all, where does Parkinson get off calling someone ugly? Not to sound catty or anything but has she looked in a mirror lately? Because let me tell you, “pretty and vivacious”, are not the words I would use to describe her.

            Third, HERMIONE make a Love Potion? Please. The girl is more into rules then Percy Weasley was. Yes, she bends them occasionally but only the really little ones. She totally loves school and would never dream of doing anything that might get her expelled unless it was for a really good reason, like someone was in mortal danger or whatever.

            If I didn’t enjoy Witch Weekly’s quizzes and crosswords I would so be canceling my subscription now.

Saturday, March 6, Three Broomsticks, Hogsmeade,

            Okay, THAT was weird.

            Today was a Hogsmeade visit and Owen dragged me into the local potions shop after we all stocked up on candy at Honeydukes. Normally I would’ve been like, “hey, meet you at the Three Broomsticks” because the potions shop tends to creep me out. It’s dark, it has all these freaky looking ingredients hanging on the walls and there is something up with the smell in the place. Also as a Wild Mage I do not like all the dead animals and plants that are in there either.

            But Owen said please and these stupid feelings THAT REFUSE TO GO AWAY made me say yes. Hormones suck.

            Anyway, I went with Owen to the store (ignoring the weird looks Mandy, Padma, Susan, and Hannah were giving me for going into the potions store willingly) and tried to figure out just what it was he liked so much about this subject. Yes, potions can be interesting from time to time but honestly, I just don’t have the patience for it. Waiting around and doing all these steps just to do something that I could probably figure out how to do with regular magic just seems to be a waste of time to me. But Owen loves the subject. He can sit and read about these obscure potion facts for hours. He’s also taken to experimenting with potions on his own. But he does it in the safety of his dorm because Snape would probably have a cow if he accidently blew up the potions lab.

            Just as I started giggling at the mental picture of Snape covered in green goop and Owen was asking me what I was laughing at who should come in but mister grouch himself. The two of us immediately ducked behind a shelf so he wouldn’t see us. This might seem silly to some people but it makes perfect sense to all Hogwarts students who aren’t Slytherins. It’s an unwritten rule among us that if you see Snape, hide, because no good ever comes from talking and/or running into him. If you interact at all with him chances are you either a) get detention, b) lose house points, or c) both. So ducking behind the shelf really did make sense to us.

            We were strategically moving towards the door when it opened and in walked Karkaroff who made a beeline for Snape the minute he saw him at the potions counter. Here’s what happened then:

KARKAROFF: Snape, you’ve avoided me long enough. We MUST talk about this.

SNAPE: Be quiet you fool. Someone could hear us here.

KARKAROFF: No one is here, damn it!

(This was true, the store owner was tinkering around in his office, not even looking out his window and neither of them could see Owen and I and there was no one else in there.)

SNAPE: Nonetheless, there is nothing to discuss.

KARKAROFF: There is! It’s getting clearer again. I know yours must be also. He could be back, Severus.

SNAPE: [in a very cold voice] What does it matter if he is? [turns and then walks out of the shop. Karkaroff scowls and then follows him]

            After they left Owen and I kind of looked at each other and shrugged and came here after Owen got a hold of the store owner to buy the potions book he picked out. I don’t know why, but this conversation is bothering me. Since when were Snape and Karkaroff buds? Also WHO could be back? Karkaroff sounded really scared. Who could cause that kind of fear in a guy who rivals Snape and Moody for creepiest person alive?

Sunday, March 7, Great Hall, Breakfast,


1) Finish HoM, Herbology, and DADA essay

2) Star chart for Divination

3) Ancient Runes Translations

4) Practice for mid-term practicals/study for mid-terms

5) Order more owl treats and cat food for Gandalf and Rowena

Monday, March 8, Outside, After Class,

            Hagrid brought Nifflers for Care of Magical Creatures! Owen told me so during lunch and I just had to come down here to see them for myself. Besides which, it’s actually NICE outside and relatively warm. Despite the raging wind that is seriously messing up my hair it’s nice to be outside and not bundled up.

            Nifflers are so CUTE. A little hyper, yes, but still cute. They also appreciate my knock, knock jokes. Hardly anyone appreciates knock, knock jokes anymore. I’m going to start sketching them now. It’s a good thing Hagrid is used to me coming down this way and drawing stuff otherwise I might get in trouble.

Tuesday, March 9, Great Hall, Breakfast,

            Poor Hermione.

            She’s been getting hate mail since Monday morning from people who actually believe that dumb article Skeeter wrote. One of the letters she got yesterday had undilated bubotur pus so she had to go to the infirmary where Madam Pomfrey helped her out. She came out with bandages on her hand.

            I ran into her in the library yesterday trying to take notes and practically crying with frustration because she couldn’t write properly. So I offered to take notes for her. Ginny Weasley came over a little while later and took over for me. The three of us vented on Rita Skeeter for awhile until Madam Pince came over and scolded us for ranting to loud. The We Hate Rita Skeeter club is going to form any day now I’m sure. Give Hermione time and she’ll come up with buttons for us like she did for S.P.E.W.

            God, people can be so incredibly DUMB sometimes. Didn’t anyone ever tell these people to not believe everything you read in the newspapers? ESPECIALLY if it’s from a mag like Witch Weekly. Whatever happened to the saying question everything?

Thursday, March 11, History of Magic,

            I know I’ve said this before but I REALLY do not like Moody. Today was the hex-deflection mid-term. I STUDIED for this test, okay? Every hex and spell he mentioned in class I wrote down, looked up, and practiced. I was doing really well in the beginning. Then he threw this hex that I’ve never heard of in my life. Something called the Backwards Hex. Basically, it sails you across the room, onto your butt; HARD.

            My butt is STILL sore.

            Have I mentioned I don’t like Moody?

Friday, March 12, Library,

            Apparently I wasn’t so far off when I joked about Hermione, Ginny, and I forming the We Hate Rita Skeeter club. But I don’t know why I’m surprised. Hermione can be quite vindictive when she’s angry. Ginny says that’s why her brother is so afraid of her and I honestly believe her. Hermione wants to find a way to get Skeeter to stop writing these articles. When she told Ginny and I this today we were all, “good luck with that”. But before we could leave she got us.

            She’s planning on finding out how Skeeter gets her information. Which is honestly a good question that I’ve often wondered myself but never really pondered on. Hermione apparently has been pondering about it and thinks that how she gets her information is how we can bring her down.

            That’s right, Hermione has dragged Ginny and I into her little revenge scheme. Not that she really had to talk us into it. The two of us were more then happy to help, though we were a little wary of that determined look Hermione got in her eyes. Hey, you can’t really blame us, she had the same look in her eyes when she talked about S.P.E.W.

            So the three of us are going to be meeting whenever we can to research spells and try and come up with ideas of how Skeeter is getting her info.

            Look out Skeeter, you’re going down.

Sunday, March 14, Great Hall, Breakfast,


1) Finish HoM, Ancient Runes, and Astronomy essay

2) Memorize recipes for Potions practical Monday

3) Latin essay written IN LATIN!

4) Reading for DADA and Charms

5) Remember to meet up with Ginny and Hermione in the library tomorrow!

Monday, March 15, Library Notes,


-Operation Down with Skeeter?

            -It’s what I’ve decided to call our mission.

                        -I like it.

            -Thanks, Ginny.

-Okay, Operation Down With Skeeter it is.


-Electronic Recording Devices (battery powered stuff doesn’t work in Hogwarts. That’s why things like WizardDisks and Wizard’s Wireless exist)

-Invisibility cloaks (Hermione asked Moody who can see through cloaks and he said he hasn’t seen her anywhere)


-Recording Charm of some type (research recording spells)

-Listening Spells (also research)

-Polyjuice Potion? (Longshot)


-Divide up research of Listening Spells, Recording Charms, and Disguise Potions

-So who wants to do what?

-I’m not doing anything that involves Potions, I get enough of Potions with Owen and Snape. Potions and me equals BAD.

                        -Okay, Jubilee, relax. I’ll do Disguise Potions

            -Thanks Ginny. I’ll take Listening Spells.

-All right that leaves Recording Charms for me.

            -So, meet back here in a week?

-I think we should wait a week because I have a lot of homework. McGonagall is killing us!

            -You too? I thought it was just us she liked to torture.

                        -Nope. She likes to torture Gryffindors too.

-Oh stop, you two. She is not that bad.

            -You’re just saying that because she actually likes you.


-Let’s meet in week okay?

            -Notice she’s not answering us.

                        -Mmm Hmm.

Tuesday, March 16, History of Magic,

            So Ginny, Hermione, and I met and agreed on who was doing what research. I have to say, the amount of spells there are for listening in on conversations and spying on other wizards is appalling. People are so nosy! I found like five books on listening spells!

            This research stuff is going to take awhile...

Wednesday, March 17, St. Patrick’s Day, Charms,

            Professor Flitwick is great.

            He’s taken a break from our regular lessons today (we’re in the middle of chapter six in The Standard Books of Spells, Grade Four) and has been teachings us fun charms to use on holidays. Then he served shamrock shaped cookies and milk.

            He is totally the coolest teacher ever.

Thursday, March 18, After Classes, Courtyard,

            Hermione and I just checked over the place where Hermione and Krum were when he invited her to his place in Bulgaria just now to see if there was any way Skeeter could have been there. Yes, the part about Krum inviting her to Bulgaria was actually true but Hermione hasn’t given him an answer yet because she’s pretty sure her parents wouldn’t let her go and she’s confessed that while she does like him as a friend she doesn’t really think of him THAT way. Can you believe she actually asked ME for advice on how to handle the situation? I kind of stared at her and said, “Uh...Hermione, I’m not the best person to ask advice for this kind of thing. Your Mom or someone else might be a better choice.”

            Luckily she got it and the subject was dropped as we got to the place where they were. We looked around but there was no way Skeeter could have been there without either of them knowing unless she was hiding behind the bushes or something. The two of us got a laugh out of the mental image of Rita Skeeter crouching in the bushes (I asked them silently by the way and they said they didn’t see her. One did grumble about Davies and Delacour stomping on her branches though).

Friday, March 19, Library,


1) Olde Charms and Forgotten Enchantments by Lucrezia Snort

2) Spells for Aurors by Antoine Versaille

3) Listening In: Spells and other Enchantments for Spies by Anonymous Author

Sunday, March 21, Great Hall, Breakfast,

1) Finish HoM, Potions, and DADA essay

2) Translate Norse runes and Latin essay

3) Read books found in library, take notes.

4) Finish charcoal drawing of Rowena

Monday, March 22, Great Hall, Breakfast,

            I’m kind of glad I’m here and not home. Look at the letter Jessie sent me:


            Giselle has gone mad!

            I’m serious this time. She’s totally redone her diet. Which means our diet has been redone. We have to eat fish EVERY SINGLE DAY! Not to mention this nasty wheat germ stuff or whatever it’s called. It’s worse then the tofu she was forcing us to eat before!

            But, I can’t argue with her because it’s GISELLE. You do not argue with this woman about food. Especially when she’s pregnant and already has Gerard hovering over her and making her irritable. I asked why she has to eat fish and she just annoyingly handed me the diet list her doctor printed out for her and told me to deal with it or make my own meals. I would except I’m a worse cook then you are.

            If you happen to snag some real food at that school could you send it my way please? If I see another fish, I’ll scream!



P.S. I’m not kidding: SEND ME FOOD! I’ve enclosed a copy of the daily diet list so you see what torture I have to go through.

Here’s the list that she enclosed:

-Two to four protein servings of meat, fish, poultry, cheese, tofu, eggs, or nut-grain dairy combinations.

-One quart of milk (whole, skim, buttermilk) or milk equivalent (cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese)

-One or two vitamin C-rich foods: whole potato, grapefruit, orange, melon, green pepper cabbage, strawberries, fruit orange juice)

-A yellow or orange fruit or vegetable.

-Four to Five slices of whole-grain bread, pancakes, tortillas, cornbread, or a serving of whole-grain cereal or pasta. Use wheat germ or brewer’s yeast to fortify other foods.

-Butter, fortified margarine, vegetable oil.

-Six to eight glasses of liquid: fruit and vegetable juices, water, and herb teas. No sugar-sweetened juices and colas, alcohol, and caffeine. Wine is okay in moderation (only one glass a day if any).

-For snacks: dried fruits, nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, popcorn.

            Okay, WHAT is wheat germ? Also what is the difference between fortified margarine and regular margarine? I’ve never heard of fortified margarine before. Plus, the doctor really expects Giselle to drink de-caffeinated coffee? She’s more addicted to coffee then I am! She so won’t go for it. I suddenly feel very sorry for Gerard. He’s going to have to deal with a Giselle who can’t have her regular coffee breaks. That’s not going to be pretty.

Tuesday, March 23, History of Magic,

Wheat germ: the embryo from which wheat grain grows. Embryo is removed in the making of white flour. Helps supply nutrients.

            Okay, EWWW. Giselle better not expect me to eat any embryos because I can tell her right now: IT’S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

Wednesday, March 24, Dorm Room,

            Why must charcoal get everywhere?

            I mean, seriously, I use all sorts of charms on my clothes and stuff for the sole purpose of protecting it from clay, paint, and whatever else I happen to use in my art projects. But that doesn’t stop charcoal. Oh no. Despite my best efforts there are still specs of charcoal on the floor and on my desk. There’ll probably be more when I do my end-of-the-month cleaning spree this week.

            It’s a conspiracy.

Sunday, March 28, Great Hall, Breakfast,


1) Finish Astronomy, HoM, and Ancient Runes essay

2) Reading for Charms and DADA

3) Drawing for Herbology

4) Repot plants; they’re complaining about being cramped.

5) Finish end-of-the-month dorm room cleaning

Monday, March 29, Great Hall, Dinner,

            To try and control my clutter and messes I’ve come up with a system where I will clean my dorm room once a month. Let me tell you: I have a LOT of clutter. A majority of it are the art projects I’m working on. In one corner by the desk is my pottery wheel that currently has a vase I’m working on. On the other side of my desk is my easel which has the charcoal drawing I’m working on. On my actual desk in front of the window is a sketch pad plus all my school supplies.

            Then there all my books which I’ve put in various piles around the room. There is one book shelf that is provided for us but it’s already jammed with my wizards’ wireless, some boxes for storage, jewelry, etc. So my books naturally end up on piles on the desk and on the floor. Don’t get me started on the state of my wardrobe and trunk. I’m beginning to think Mandy and Padma are right about my messy living habits.

            Actually, the end-of-the-month cleaning thing was their idea. Mandy does it with her dorm, though she doesn’t really need too in my opinion. I actually went along with it and now after seeing the amount of dust that collects from all my clutter and how out of place my books have gotten I have to conclude that it’s a good idea. Not that I’ll ever admit it because Mandy will gloat. She loves being right.

            I also have to say, my respect for Filch has kind of gone up a notch. I had a hard enough time getting my one small dorm room clean. He’s responsible for the entire castle and he doesn’t have the use of magic because according to rumor he’s a squib (a person born from wizards who doesn’t have any magical abilities, sort of the opposite of Muggle-borns). Now his grouchiness is kind of understandable.



Author notes: Please review. Just so people know I'm doing these in order so be patient. Volume V will be after this (that one's going to be LONG) and then Volume VI will come.