General Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 02/26/2005
Updated: 06/10/2005
Words: 32,002
Chapters: 11
Hits: 2,089

The Diary of a Witch, Volume III


Story Summary:
Jubilee's third year at Hogwarts brings change as her powers grow and start to go out of control, Owen finds out her secret and their friendship is tested, and she meets a wierd black dog that she can't make sense of. Like being thirteen isn't hard enough.

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
March comes bringing lots of schoolwork for Jubilee and her friends.
Author's Note:
tbmsand: Yes, Jubilee is smart but kind of clueless about guys. Right now she's a bit oblivious, come Volume IV she'll be in denial ;)



Tuesday, March 1, Dorm Room,

Today right after classes ended I snuck into the Forbidden Forest to give Padfoot some food. I haven't seen him in awhile and I've been kind of worried about him what with Sirius Black supposedly running around in there.

I dragged Owen along despite his protests that A) The forest is forbidden for a reason, B) Sirius Black might be in there and what if we run into him, and C) We could get expelled if we're caught. But he came along anyway to keep me out of trouble (his words, not mine).

It took awhile but I finally found Padfoot. He says he's been hiding in bushes and a cave he found ever since the humans started to arrive. He was a little wary of Owen at first because he didn't know him but I explained who he was and he settled down. Well sort of. He and Owen were still sort of stiff around each other. Owen, because Padfoot looked too much like a Grim for his taste and Padfoot, because he doesn't like strangers.

I also brought Rowena along. She likes riding on my shoulder a lot and usually follows me around everywhere. She's even snuck into some of my classes by hiding out in my robe pockets. Of course she won't be able to do that once she gets bigger but for now, it works.

It was kind of fun. I told Padfoot all about what's been going on lately. For a dog he sure is interested in human affairs. He got real quiet when Owen and I talked about how Professor Lupin has been looking ill again though; wonder what that was about? Rowena spent the time practicing her pouncing. Namely pouncing on Padfoot's tail. He didn't seem to mind though and always managed to move his tail just before she grabbed it.

Thursday, March 3, Divination,


Okay, this sucks. We've each been given a topic in Divination to study and research. Then we're to write a essay on it that is two rolls of parchment long. I thought Trelawney said books wouldn't be much help in this subject? Hello, this involves books! Granger actually looks pleased about this assignment for once but then she's like the queen of essays so this is right up her alley.

Ironically the subject Trelawney gave me to research was Apantomancy which is animal omens. You know like what seeing a bat means and stuff like that. Yes, this is an actual practice. I've got two weeks to come up with this essay. No problem. I hope.

Saturday, March 5, Great Hall, Breakfast,


1) Finish HoM, Potions, and Charms essays

2) Start research on Divination essay. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE.

3) Perfect Tranfigurations for practical test Thursday

4) Practice for Latin oral exam on Friday

5) Read DADA chapter on what to do when your wand isn't handy. Summarize for Prof. Lupin.

6) Update Astronomy record.

7) Try to get toys for Rowena. Maybe they'll distract her from bugging Gandalf.

8) Find spell for changing litter boxes because EWWW

9) Finish reading The Unabridged Journals of Slyvia Plath sometime this century.

Monday, March 7, Charms,

Those magic cat toys I ordered better get here soon because I had to break up another argument between Rowena and Gandalf. If there was a way I could MAKE them get along I would but alas, nothing short of a personality change would do that.

CHARMS NOTE: Lucita Arallia came up with Cheering Charms as a way to snap her husband out of depression. Unfortunately the Charms still wear off so she had to find another way to help him.

Wednesday, March 9, Library, In Between DADA and Transfiguration,


The Complete Book of Divination by Calliope Salaria

Animal Omens for the Beginner by Niklayrn Gestault

Omens of All Kinds; What They Mean to You by Jakal Abasmal

How to Tell of Things to Come by Selina Serenatas

Stories of Omens by Jolina Hali

Thursday, March 10, Dorm Room,


-goats/hares foretell good luck

-bat/raven/donkey foretells illness

note: some animal omens mean different things for each country. For instance in the US black cats mean bad luck but in England it means good luck.

Friday, March 11, Library,

I didn't feel the greatest yesterday. I think it had to do with my powers. Dianna said that every so often if there's something upsetting the Earth greatly then I'll feel ill. It's one of the prices of being connected to the earth like we are. There's always a catch.

So I skipped all my classes except Herbology because I had to help my partner with the plant we're taking care of for a project. I feel a lot better today though so I guess nature feels better or whatever. Now I'm copying my friends notes from the classes I missed yesterday:



AEROMANCY: Using weather to see the future

ALECTROMANCY: Write the letters of the alphabet on grains of wheat and feed to a rooster. The order the rooster eats the grains supposedly spells a message for the person to interpret.

ALOMANCY: Toss a handful of salt onto a surface and interpret the patterns that appear.

APANTOMANCY: Using animal sightings to see the future.

ASTRAGALOMANCY: Using dice to see the future. The numbers you get mean something.

BIBLIOMANCY: Ask a question, then open a book (perferably a Bible) at a random page and point to a spot. This will answer your question.

CEROMANCY: Pour melted wax into a brass bowl and then pour into a bowl filled with water. Interpret the images that form.

GEOMANCY: Throw a handful of loose dirt on the ground and interpret images.

HYDROMANCY: Using water to see the future.

MYOMANCY: Using the appearance, color, and sounds of mice to interpret the future.

PADOMANCY: Like palmistry only the soles of the feet are used. (Okay, stinky much?)

XYLOMANCY: Interpreting patterns by fallen tree limbs, branches, twigs, or other pieces of wood.

Okay, people in ancient times obviously had a LOT of free time on their hands to come up with all this stuff.


According to Mandy and Padma they just went over Rune casting. Read chapter in book for instructions.



-Mainly took place in the US early colonies.

-Nearly 30,000 innocent people were needlessly killed while only about five wizards were actually killed as wizards avoided the New World. They, unlike Muggles, experienced freedom of speech and were quite happy with their way of life.

-Read The Tragic Irony of Witch Persecution by Iria Bolten for next week and write 10 inches of parchment summarizing the major events and your thoughts.

Saturday, March 12, Library,

God, it's been so BORING here lately. Quidditch practices are over for Ravenclaw and we have to wait until APRIL for the Quidditch final. Even professional Quidditch hasn't been interesting. England lost it's chance a LONG time ago (so so embarrassing that was...), the US...I won't even go there. Right now I've got money on Ireland to be in the cup.

The only exciting news has been that the Quidditch World Cup is going to be played HERE in England! Maybe if I really beg I can talk Angela into buying me a ticket. I don't have to have someone go with me; I'm perfectly capable of going on my own. Or I could use all the money in my vault and buy a really cheap seat...yeah; it's never going to happen. I'll just have to read about it in Quidditch Weekly like I have for the past two years.

Owen can also give me details on it because his Mom is on the committee who is organizing the game since she works for the Magical Games and Sports department at the Ministry. So she automatically gets free tickets for her and her family. How awesome is that?

Other then that though, all it's been is homework, homework, and exams. They're literally sucking all the fun out of being a teenager. The cat toys for Rowena have arrived so she's not bugging Gandalf as much but they still get into the occasional argument. I feel like a Mom sometimes when I break them up. Now I'm off to do yet more homework. Madam Pince should seriously just let me have a room here. I could set up a bed back in the Restricted section...

Sunday, March 13, Great Hall, Breakfast,


1) Finish HoM and Transfiguration essay

2) Perfect Charms for quiz Friday

3) Research for Divination essay

4) Latin translation

5) Find out ways to get an owl and cat to get along.

Wednesday, March 16, History of Magic,

Ode to the Homework Pile in My Room

by Jubilee Johanson

Oh homework pile

why must you be so tall?

Is there any way

I can get you to fall?

Can I get you to shrink?



Alas, no.

You will always be there.

No matter how much I plead,


and stare.

Thursday, March 17, St. Patrick's Day, Great Hall,

Shamrock cookies!

GOOD shamrock cookies.

I love it when the house elves get into festive moods. On Valentines day they had heart shaped cookies for dessert and a out of this world chocolate cake with strawberries on it. Halloween there's candy galore. Easter, we get decorated eggs and jelly beans. Also chocolate bunnies.

I love Hogwarts.

Friday, March 18, Library,


Fred and George Weasley are STUDYING.

The world has officially come to an end.

Saturday, March 19, Dorm Room,

I just had to break up another Rowena/Gandalf argument. I tried to let them work it out on their own but honestly it's sort of hard to concentrate on Transfiguration equations when you hear bickering in the background.

There has to be some way to make them get along. Maybe a potion in one of Gandalf's owl treats to make him more agreeable?

Sunday, March 20, Great Hall, Breakfast,


1) Finish DADA, Potions, and HoM essays

2) Charms questions at the end of chapter 7

3) Drawing of plant for Herbology

4) Study for Divination and Astronomy tests Thursday, Transfiguration quiz Tuesday

5) Try to relax

6) Try not to yell at Rowena and Gandalf for their annoying bickering.


Monday, March 21, Great Hall, Dinner,

A Hogsmeade visit is scheduled for this Saturday! YES! I will DRAG my study freak friends if I have too because we ALL need a break. Owen and I barely have time to talk anymore. Mandy's been muttering Latin verbs under her breath and Padma has had her nose in a book every time I've seen her this week. Hannah hasn't gossiped in ages which is just plain wrong. I haven't talked to Susan and Justin in like decades. The only time I've seen Anthony and Terry is in class, mealtimes, and the library but we've only talked about class stuff. Sometimes Quidditch but mostly class stuff.

We NEED a break before one of us cracks.

Thursday, March 24, Divination Notes,

-Owen, there's going to be a sale at the music store this weekend! It was advertized in Witch Weekly.

-Brilliant! I need study music. Plus the Dracula's just put out their new CD like a week ago.

-The who?

-The Dracula's! Amazing rock group that got started a long time ago. They don't do many new CDs anymore. The producer had to BEG them to do this one.

-Why don't they do many CDs anymore?

-Well, they got old for one.

-That never stopped that Beatles guy. The group broke up AGES ago and he's still doing tours in the US.

-They also got married and kids and dropped out of the music scene for awhile.

-So this is like a reunion CD?

-Pretty much.

-Hmm...sounds interesting. Can I borrow it later if you get it?

-Sure. It's only fair since you lend me your CDs all the time.

-How'd you know I was going to point that out if you said no?

-Lucky guess.

Saturday, March 26, Hogsmeade, Three Broomsticks,

So I stocked up on study music because exams are coming up in June and I bought a new paint brush because one of my brushes got shredded by Rowena who felt the need to sharpen her claws. Now I'm here in the Three Broomsticks with Owen and we're going over our new CD stash. He just went to order more Butterbeer. Our friends will be here in awhile, they got sidetracked with other stores and rolled their eyes at the two of us when we made a beeline for the music store first.

God, this Butterbeer is AWESOME. Whoever invented this drink was a GENIUS.

Monday, March 28, Divination,


I mean WOW.

Never let it be said that Hermione Granger is a pushover. She TOTALLY put Professor Trelawney in her place. That's right: HERMIONE GRANGER talked back to a teacher and then walked out of a class! Weasley and Potter were staring at her like she was an alien the whole time.

Of course Professor Trelawney brushed it off saying she knew it would always happen. HA! She so did NOT. She only said that after Patil and Brown remembered a prediction she made on the first day: "around Easter one of our number will leave us forever".

I'm kind of surprised it took Hermione THIS long to drop this course. I felt like applauding when she walked out.

Author notes: Once again I will mostly be sticking to cannon. Now come OotP that will change. I'm considering having her join DA simply because so many of her friends do in the book, so it wouldn't be logical if she didn't. I'm going to try not to interfere with JKRs plots too much because I think they're fine the way they are.