Astronomy Tower
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/29/2005
Updated: 03/11/2006
Words: 15,596
Chapters: 8
Hits: 3,426

Moonlit Courage


Story Summary:
Things could be looking good for Neville/Luna, but a devastating story about what really happened the night Voldemort was defeated changes everything. Neville is determined to stop loving Luna, and hopes that with the help of Ginny Weasley, this can be accomplished. How long can Neville hold out? Does not hurting Luna mean hurting himself? Fatal Fireflowers, lost love letters, and forgotten Herbology textbooks are just some of the things on Neville's mind as Ginny tells about her relationship with Harry and Luna's "creatures" are explained. Includes N/L, H/G, and a bit of R/Hr.

Chapter 01 - Chapter One

Chapter Summary:
Neville, Ginny, and Luna are on the Hogwarts Express, and Neville realizes just how difficult this year is going to be...

Chapter One

"Hi, Neville," said a small voice at the compartment door.

"Oh, hey, Ginny," Neville said, looking up. Ginny Weasley stood there, swaying with the jerking of the train. He had almost hoped he would spend the whole train ride to Hogwarts alone and sulking, but now realized he was secretly pleased that someone wanted to sit with him.

"Mind if I sit in here?" Ginny asked. Neville quickly shook his head and got up to help her with her trunk and owl. It looked as though she had inherited Pig, that annoying little bird that Ron seemed to have a love-hate-love relationship with.

Once Ginny's things were secured, the redhead sat primly in her seat, her hands folded, eyes trained on the scenery outside. Neville felt awful for her. Gran had heard it through the grape vine, and told Neville, that it appeared as though Harry, Ron, and Hermione had gone on some sort of quest dealing with Voldemort. Ginny had been left behind, and had no idea when the others would come back. Neville tried to think of how she must be feeling, but couldn't even come close.

"So... um... think we'll get away with any adventures this year?" Neville stopped, realizing what was coming out of his mouth.

"They will," Ginny said bitterly, then looked as appalled with herself as Neville felt. "I'm sorry, Neville, I don't mean to be so- so angry about it, I just..."

"It's fine, Ginny," Neville said gently. He held Trevor next to his face. "If you... want to talk, Doctor Trevor your toad therapist will listen."

Ginny switched from her sitting position to a sort of flop, with her legs dangling over the arm of her seat. "It's just- aghhh!" She cut off her own scream of frustration. Neville waited patiently.

"The whole school knows Harry broke up with me," Ginny said slowly. "But I don't think everyone knows the reason why. It's not that we don't love each other... I couldn't love him more." Ginny allowed herself a smile. "But... he wanted to protect me. Voldemort knows me- knows how to get in me. And I'm stronger, yes, but there's still cause for concern. But Harry's so- he's so noble and won't let anyone get hurt. There was no telling Ron and Hermione, but he wouldn't hear a word from me. And of course Mum made a fuss... this summer was so hard. For all of us..." Ginny lapsed into silence. Trevor croaked unceremoniously, causing Neville to clutch the toad harder than usual.

"He doesn't know how much he's hurting me by trying not to hurt me," Ginny said, laughing resentfully at the irony. "But I know it's hurting him, too. Why do it? Why do it if it hurts both of us?"

The words seemed to smack Neville across the face. He felt a sinking feeing begin in the pit of his stomach. He squeezed Trevor even harder until the toad made a sort of croaking gasp; almost reluctantly, Neville loosened his grip.

"I guess it's what he thinks is right. And in a way, I guess it sort of is. But I'm going after him. I won't let him- them- do everything without me. I'm practicing my

spells. I'm stronger than ever. And when I'm ready- I'm going."

Ginny looked alive now, eyes sparkling, hands flying. But the fire in her movements felt like it was on Neville's face.

He was doing the same thing. Or was he? Did Luna even like him? They were friends- oh, yes, they were friends- but could they ever be more? At the beginning of the summer, Neville had been very firm in his decision. But now, with Ginny's words, he could feel the determination trickling away. Trevor croaked again, so Neville stuffed him inside his bag, both to quiet him and to give himself something to look at while Ginny wiped her eyes.

"Thanks, Neville," Ginny said. She switched positions in her chair and looked expectantly at Neville. "Anything you'd like to talk about?"

Neville licked his lips. He knew he could talk to Ginny, especially now that she'd just be so open with him. Ginny was a great girl, always sticking up for him and Luna. She'd understand if he admitted to doing what Harry had. Neville remembered the time he'd asked Ginny to the Yule Ball. He knew she'd had eyes only for Harry, but he didn't think Harry would ask he, and didn't want Ginny to feel bad. There he went again, trying to protect. Maybe he was more like Harry then he knew. Maybe things wouldn't have happened too differently if Voldemort had come after Neville first.

"Neville?" Ginny asked, leaning forward. At that moment, the compartment door rolled open to reveal the cause of Neville's inner madness.

Luna Lovegood stood there, framed with her dirty-blonde hair. It seemed to have taken on a golden tint and did not look quite as scraggly to Neville's lovesick eyes. He ran a hand through his own mousy brown hair, barely daring to look at her. A sigh escaped his lips.

Luna turned towards Neville at the sound, her large eyes filled with concern. "Is it a Zingleheim?"

"Um... no. Just a stomach ache," Neville mumbled.

"That's one of the symptoms," Luna informed him. "You should see Madam Pomfrey when we get to school. I don't think she always believes me, but she does check me over if I ask her to."

"That's good of her," Neville said in a strangled voice.

"Come on in, Luna," Ginny said, sitting upright and beckoning Luna towards her. "Where were you before?"

"Talking with the witch who pushes the snack trolley. She was interested in my earrings," Luna said, touching the baubles in her earlobe. They were shaped like chocolate frogs and gave a loud 'ribbit' every now and then. Neville laughed and dug Trevor out of his bag, pretending to introduce him to the earrings. He could never laugh so easily and freely around anyone but Luna, and yet she was the one who made him freeze up the most. He quickly stowed Trevor away again.

Luna's necklace of butterbeer caps clinked as she made her way across the compartment to the seat next to Ginny. In tune to her necklace was a sort of belt without a buckle, slung across her waist and held up only by her hips. All sorts of beads jingled and jangled with each step she took.

"Good summer?" Ginny asked amiably. Luna nodded.

"We visited Mum's grave a lot. Told her what was going on in the world. And, of course, chased the Ivy Stalkiers away. I do hope that they've hired someone to keep Professor Dumbledore's grave clear; Ivy Stalkiers are quite stubborn and hard to get rid of if left unattended." Luna suddenly looked at Neville. "Ivy Stalkiers are a plant, perhaps you've heard of them? I know you're excellent at Herbology."

"Oh, well, uhhh..." Neville muttered. He had no practice at denying compliments politely, as he received so few of them, but he didn't want to sound full of himself. "I'm alright at Herbology, I guess, but I've never heard of the Ivy... things. I'll keep an eye out for them, though." Luna grinned at him and tugged at an earring.

"Well, I expect I had a better summer then most people," she said vaguely. Ginny looked a tad uncomfortable, but regained composure and engaged Luna in talk of Charms class.

Neville looked at the two girls carefully. Could he still be friendly with Ginny and not hurt her? He immediately displaced his worries on this one; Ginny neither wanted nor needed protection. She did not want to be kept in the dark, safe. Neville breathed a sigh of relief- he could maintain his friendship with Ginny without worrying. But Luna... could he even be friends with her without endangering her? How much was too much?

"What's the definition of 'close contact'?" he blurted aloud. Ginny peered at him.

"Close contact? D'you mean..."

"Like, acquaintances, friends..." Neville gulped, "...more than friends..."

"Well," Ginny said, her eyes flickering from Neville to Luna, "well, if you just greet each other in the halls or whatever, I would say that's not close contact. But if you consider yourself to have a friendship with someone, then you are in close contact with that person. You and I are in close contact. Luna and I are in close contact." Ginny paused. "You and Luna are in close contact."

Neville tilted his head back and let out a groan. He could sever romantic ties with Luna- but end their friendship?

He knew she was odd. And he didn't care. So what if she came to class wearing a necklace of what looked like miniature fruits? So what if she braided vines into her hair, to make her appearance something of a wild sort? Neville was fascinated by her ways. She opened up a whole new world for him, taught him to look at things differently, and he lived for that. Without it, he would sink into a world of absent parents, disappointed grandmothers, torturers, and a prophecy he wasn't sure about. As long as Luna was there, her odd ways made things seem normal.

"Are you worrying about something, Neville?" Luna asked suddenly. "Worrying's really not healthy for you."

"I'm fine," Neville lied quickly, though hating to lie to Luna.

"No, I don't think you are," Luna said evenly, peering at him. Her huge silver eyes were filled with- what was it? Neville wasn't sure. Her tone softened. "But if you say you are, then I'll believe it."

Neville was filled with the mad urge to seizer her right there and kiss her. Instead, he clutched the seat very tightly, like it was an anchor.

Ginny chose that moment to announce that they were nearing the school, and that they had probably start getting ready. Neville released his grip and worked on getting his robes on without strangling himself. Once they were on, he gathered his books and sat stiffly for the remainder of the ride.

His mind seemed to have split into two sides. He was almost positive that Luna liked him, and she probably knew that he liked her. How could he keep her in the dark? How could he let himself hurt her? Was he being selfish?

The other half of him mocked the first side. There was no way Luna would go for him. Why kid himself? Just break off any ties with Luna and be done with it!

He struggled with his thoughts, giving himself an enormous headache of "what-ifs." When the train finally stopped, he avoided Luna's eyes- those huge, gorgeous eyes- and carried Pig for Ginny. This time, he didn't stop to appreciate the beauty of the thestrals, rather, as Luna patted one on its nose, he watched her instead. He had almost forgotten she could see them, too. Was this a sign? So few people could see them... they were made for each other! He shook his head viciously and got into the carriage. Would it be enough to just not speak to her? Or would he have to have nothing to do with her? Would he have to forget everything?

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