Harry Potter Remus Lupin Sirius Black Lord Voldemort
Action Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 07/09/2002
Updated: 08/11/2003
Words: 138,239
Chapters: 23
Hits: 26,301

Home is where the heart is


Story Summary:
Harry is stranded at the Dursleys for another horrible summer, when he is 'rescued' by Sirius and taken away to spend a great summer with the ``former Marauders, Padfoot and Moony. But when he returns to Hogwarts, the world of magic is becoming darker and thrown into deeper mystery. You worship the ground that Sirius stands on? Read this fic!

Chapter 10

Chapter Summary:
You know the story by now ^^

Home is Where the Heart Is
Chapter Ten - Meeting with Dumbledore

Eight o'clock that night, Harry stood outside the hidden entrance to Dumbledore's office. The hallway was dimly lit with torches, giving the atmosphere an almost surreal appearance. Harry felt strangely nervous about meeting Dumbledore. He had an idea that what the headmaster would say probably went along the lines of 'no more Hogsmeade' and 'for your safety....'

Harry scowled. He may only have escaped from Voldemort out of sheer and utter luck, but it didn't mean that he had to stop living. After the price he paid to get out of there alive, there was no way that Harry would let Voldemort win over him with fear. If only he could get others to see it that way.......but he wouldn't be completely idiotic, either. Harry just hoped that Dumbledore wasn't going to lecture him about safety. He knew plenty about 'safety' now.

Harry sighed and tried to focus his thoughts on something useful. "Ice Mice."

The stone gargoyle came to life and jumped out of the way, revealing the moving staircase. Carefully, Harry stepped on, and felt his anxiety increase as he reached the top. Stepping off, Harry reached for the brass knocker and knocked three times. There he waited, shifting from foot to foot, when the door opened and Albus Dumbledore peered outside.

"Ah, Harry. Please come in," Dumbledore said, smiling. Harry entered the headmaster's office, and immediately saw Fawkes the phoenix, perched on a hat stand, and looking quite miserable. Concerned, Harry went over to him.


Dumbledore chuckled lightly. "It's all right, Harry. He is just nearing the end of the burning cycle. I'm afraid that Fawkes will be gloomy for another week or so." Of course. Harry had forgotten about the nature of a phoenix, and that they burst into flame only to be reborn from the ashes again.

"Please sit, Harry," Dumbledore continued quietly. Harry sat, and returned the piercing gaze of the headmaster. Dumbledore was the most......unique man Harry knew, and he had a deep respect and a sense of fierce loyalty for the old wizard before him. However, this didn't stop Harry from feeling rather tense and apprehensive.

Finally, Dumbledore spoke. "I trust you enjoyed your holidays?" he asked, with a twinkle in his eyes. Harry felt a wave of relief wash over him. Dumbledore obviously wasn't upset with him for leaving the Dursleys without even telling him first.

"It was the best, sir," Harry admitted, remembering the fun times that Sirius, Remus and himself had spent together. The first holidays, besides with the Weasleys, that he'd enjoyed.

Dumbledore was watching him intently, although he had a tiny smile on his face. "Yes......well, I'm sure that something similar can be arranged for other holidays to come, if you wish." Harry sat bolt upright in his chair.

"Are- are you serious?" Harry exclaimed.

"Of course. Although I wouldn't advise mentioning it to anyone except Mr Weasley and Miss Granger. If anyone was to catch wind that you might leave for the holidays......."

"Voldemort could come after me," Harry finished calmly.

"Indeed. And now, I'm afraid that we must move on to some more serious matters."

Here it comes. The amazing prediction that I'm being stalked by the Dark Lord, thought Harry gloomily. Honestly, doesn't Voldemort ever give it a rest?

"You are unavoidably involved with Voldemort, Harry. You have played such an enormous role in his life that he will not likely let you slip by him un-noticed. No.....Lord Voldemort will eventually seek you out again. It is no good hiding this fact from you." Dumbledore said gravely.

Harry sat there, taking the words in. Even though he was hearing that the most evil and feared wizard to ever exist was after his blood, Harry didn't even twitch. He had always known that he was a direct target for Voldemort, including those he loved, but he had not expected Dumbledore to put it so bluntly. Perhaps Dumbledore could sense what Harry was thinking, because he had a kind expression on his face.

"I know that it is quite a burden, but there is nothing I can do to change this. It is pointless to pretend that your life has not changed. So, I have come to the conclusion that you are eligible to become part of the resistance against Voldemort."

Harry was speechless.

Dumbledore wanted him to be part of the 'resistance'? Him? Sure, he had faced more dangers than he could count and lived, but part of it was sheer luck - as much as Harry didn't want to admit it. A huge honour like this........Harry just sat there and blinked.

"This resistance is entirely secret. We are known as the Order of Phoenix. The Ministry has no knowledge of our existence." Dumbledore stood up and walked over to a cabinet. Opening it, he put his hand inside, and drew out a small, golden pin.

"This is our symbol. The Order of Phoenix worked tirelessly against Voldemort, in the dark times. The members have not been in service since his downfall." Dumbledore offered the pin to Harry, who took it hesitantly. The pin featured a phoenix; its wings fanning out in an elegant fashion. It held a wand in its beak. Harry thought it looked impressive........and comforting.

Dumbledore watched him inspect the pin. "That pin was your father's," he said softly. Harry froze, and stared at Dumbledore in shock.

"My - my dad was in the Order of Phoenix?" he stammered.

Dumbledore nodded slowly. "I personally found it in the ruins of your house......during the official inspection. I kept it for you." The old man looked at Harry intensely.

Harry looked down at the pin again. It was shiny, and bore no scratches or markings. It was in perfect condition.

"Thank you, Professor," he whispered, gripping the pin tightly in his hand. It was an emotional moment for Harry. The small, insignificant pin suddenly had deep meaning to him.

"The Order of Phoenix consisted of many brave and powerful people. I have re-established it, in the face of Voldemort's 'resurrection'. But we lost many members during the first war against Voldemort......good people. Harry, if you do not want to join, I will more than understand......" Here, Dumbledore stopped, and let Harry mull over what he had said.

Harry looked up from the precious pin. "Professor Dumbledore. What can I possibly do to help? I've just started fifth year, I'm not that fantastic at magic - I'm the cause of Voldemort's return. I doubt that the other members of the Order would want a fifteen-year-old wizard to join their ranks, butting in on the professionals."

Harry was truly bewildered. Why would Dumbledore choose him? Yeah, he had one hell of a Patronus charm - yes, he could speak parseltongue - he had even fought Voldemort one-on-one several times. But to be a member of the Order of Phoenix? A teenager? It surely couldn't be possible.

"Harry - you are the very last person to blame for the return of the Dark Lord. Sooner or later he would have had his way. As for your worthiness.......you are closely linked to Voldemort. You can see certain things in your dreams, which could be a huge advantage to us. Also, you have more power than you think. Not many could have kept the connection during 'Priori Incantaem'. You have an inner strength which in this day and age is very rare to find. Not to mention the times you have stopped him in the past. That alone gives you great importance."

Dumbledore locked his eyes with Harry. "Who better to have a say on how we design our battles against him? You are, by far, the only person with almost as much experience in fighting against the Dark Lord as I have. You could be the difference between our victory or defeat......please consider it. I would not place you in direct danger if you joined."

Harry thought it over. He would do anything to stop stop Voldemort - even give his life. But would he be up to the standard of the Order of Phoenix? If he joined, there would be no hesitating or turning back.....he would be in it for good. It wasn't this that made Harry pause. It was the thought of knowing that those he was close to would probably suffer. The best way to hurt him was to go for his friends. Sirius.......Remus. Hermione. Ron. The Weasleys.

Even the Dursleys. Although Harry hated them, he certainly didn't want them dead. A decision like this couldn't be made on the spot. Harry didn't trust himself to make the right decision.

"I - I'll think about it, sir," Harry finally said, fingering the pin.

"I'm glad to hear it, Harry," Dumbledore said in a kind voice, looking slightly relieved. "And now, I must address you on one last issue."

Harry glanced up and mentally braced himself for any shocks.

"I believe that Miss Granger has been, er, rather distressed about not receiving the honour of prefect?" Dumbledore's blue eyes held some amusement.

"Er.....yes. You could put it that way," agreed Harry, remembering Hermione's outrage over the decision to make Lavender a prefect.

"Ah. Well, there is a reason why she was not picked. And also why Mr Weasley and yourself were not made prefects either."

"Wha....me? Prefect?" spluttered Harry. He had never even considered the possibility of becoming a prefect....Harry had always figured that his record had too many bad marks on his name.

"Yes. Miss Granger, and many other worthy students were not picked to become a prefect - because they have been selected for something much more important." Here, Dumbledore paused, letting Harry absorb this sentence.

"They - and this includes Mr Weasley - are to be the first group of elite prefects in twenty years. They are above the normal prefect, with different responsibilities."

There was a silence, as Harry blinked and tried to gather his thoughts. An elite prefect - he hadn't known that such a thing existed. Then, he thought about Hermione and Ron. His mind flashed back to Hermione pouting on the train, and her disappointment and anger over Lavender.

"Hermione is going to be happy." Harry grinned.

Dumbledore chuckled. "Yes. I've noticed that she seemed very keen to be a prefect. However, Harry, I didn't make you one."

"Oh.....okay....but why?" Harry wasn't upset, just puzzled.

"The Order of Phoenix is time-consuming, and with the addition of your OWLs this year, I didn't want to increase any pressure," Dumbledore explained calmly. "As well as the restarting of the Quiddich season, I felt sure that you wouldn't appreciate the extra burden."

"Miss Granger and Mr Weasley have been granted this honour, along with others from their respective houses. They will be informed tomorrow......although I suppose you would rather tell your friends tonight?"

"Er.....yes, Professor. Um, just out of - curiosity, who else is an elite prefect?" Harry asked, looking down at the golden pin again.

"Hmmmm....let me see......oh, yes. Miss Abbott and Mr Macmillan from Hufflepuff, Mr Boot and Miss Brocklehurst from Ravenclaw....and Mr Malfoy and Miss Zambini from Slytherin."

Harry stared at Dumbledore in horror. "Malfoy?" he repeated, in a dubious voice.

Dumbledore sighed, and adjusted the spectacles on the end of his crooked nose. "Yes. He has commendable academic record, and is quite skilled in potions."

Harry snorted in disbelief quietly. "Professor.....his father is a Death Eater. He could be spying for his father - he could be a Death Eater! He could betray everyone to Voldemort!"

Dumbledore's piercing gaze stopped Harry from saying more. The old wizard looked slightly disappointed in him. "Harry.....I understand that you and Mr Malfoy are nothing less than enemies. But I would hope that old prejudices could be put aside. Mr Malfoy deserves a chance to prove himself, don't you think? You cannot judge him according to who he is related to. Mr Malfoy was raised in a muggle-hating environment. He cannot help being who he is."

Harry was taken back by the serious tone in Dumbledore's speech. Dumbledore was actually supporting Malfoy? Draco Malfoy, the hater of muggle-borns?

"And rest-assured, I have the teachers watching him carefully. As much as I hope that Draco does not join the Death Eaters, I understand that precautions must be made." Dumbledore sighed, and twiddled with his beard. "At least control your hostility, Harry. That is all I ask."

Despite his mistrust, suspicion and wariness, some of the speech got through to Harry. Biting his lip, Harry met the eyes of the much older and wiser wizard. "Yes, Professor......I'll try."

But I still don't trust him, he thought stubbornly. Dumbledore looked relieved.

"Thank you, Harry. Well.....I believe that's everything? Unless you have anything you would like to discuss with me? Any concerns?"

Harry thought for a moment. "Professor Dumbledore.....what does an elite prefect do?"

Dumbledore smiled mysteriously. "Ah.....that, you will not find out until tomorrow. Or, should I say, until Miss Granger and Mr Weasley find out."

"Oh. Right. Well....I guess I'll go now," Harry said reluctantly.

He went to give Dumbledore back the pin, but the headmaster shook his head. "I do not need the pin, Harry. It is yours, as it belonged to your father. Look after it."

Harry nodded, and put the pin in his pocket. "Goodnight, Professor."

"Goodnight, Harry." Dumbledore smiled again, and Harry let himself out of the room.


Hardly concentrating on where he was going, Harry somehow made it back to the common room. When he climbed through the portrait hole, Ron and Hermione waved him over to a table in the crowded room, close to a window.

"What did he say?" asked Ron, the moment Harry sat down.

"You won't believe it..." said Harry, and launched into a description of the conversation that had taken place. As he talked, Hermione's eyes got rounder and rounder. When he finished, both Ron and Hermione sat in stunned silence.

"Whoa." Ron was the first to say something. "Elite prefect......me?" He was still in shock. Hermione suddenly squealed in delight. "I'm going to be prefect! And not just any prefect - an elite prefect!" She looked positively delighted at the thought of finally being a prefect. Ron rolled his eyes.

"Well, we all know how this has made your day, Hermione," Ron muttered. He was looking rather depressed. "Imagine what Fred and George are going to do to me......."

Harry hid a grin. "Well....Dumbledore wants me to join the Order of Phoenix. I don't really know what to say to him," he said, and pulled the golden pin out of his pocket. Ron and Hermione both took turns to hold it.

"Wow........" Ron trailed off, looking thunderstruck.

"Harry, this is a huge honour, you know. You must be the youngest person ever to be asked!" Hermione told him, looking proud. "Although.......it must be dangerous." she added, biting her lip uncertainly.

"Yeah. I would have said yes straight away....but then I thought about what Sirius would say. There's no way he'd let me join," Harry sighed. "He doesn't want me to put myself in any danger. And if I joined the Order, there's a big chance that I could get hurt, or captured, or worse."

Not to mention, if I died, it's scary think what Sirius might do.....

Ron and Hermione looked at each other. "Maybe you shouldn't join, then," Ron suggested. "I reckon Dumbledore would understand. But still.....like he said - you're likely to be in plenty of danger anyway, Order or no Order. You-Know-Who's a nutter on a mission."

He's right, Harry realised. It's not like I've never been in danger before. I've survived. And Dumbledore said he wouldn't put me in direct danger, anyway.

"Yeah. Well......I'm tired. I'll head up to bed now," Harry finally said, pushing back his chair and standing up. "G'night."

"This early?" Ron said in disbelief. "It's only 9:30!" Hermione nudged him sharply in the ribs.

"Alright then, see you in the morning!" she said cheerfully. Ron, after another nudge, hurriedly bid him goodnight too. Harry left the common room and trudged up the stairs to the fifth year dormitory.

Changing out of his robes, Harry flopped onto his bed and drew the hangings. But he didn't go straight to sleep. There was too much to think about. Should he join the Order of Phoenix? After all, his dad had been a member. And it would be a good way to fight back at Voldemort, to pay him back for everything he had done.

But then again, it was possible that the adults - the aurors and such - would shun him, for being so young. Thanks to Rita Skeeter, there were many people who doubted his sanity, let alone his strength. What would you do, dad? Harry wondered briefly. Would you be a good little boy and stay out of danger?

Not a bloody chance, if the urban legends were true about James Potter.

Harry reached over and held the little gold pin in his hand. It shone and almost seemed to glow with its own light. Harry inspected every bump, every engraving. Strange, how a little treasure like this could survive amongst the rubble. You would never guess by looking at it, what kind of past it had endured.

He sighed, and turned onto his side. There was also the matter of Malfoy as an elite prefect. No doubt he would be gloating all through the first potion lesson they would have together. And the bad part was that Harry couldn't say anything about the invitation to join the Order. Telling Ron and Hermione was okay, but no one else was to know. Malfoy was very likely to be a spy. Harry wouldn't ever trust him - not since that day when they met on the Hogwarts Express.

But back to the Order. What should he tell Sirius?

Harry knew that when Sirius was angry, he wasn't afraid to show it. Harry still remembered the look of intense fury Sirius had worn, when Wormtail had accused him of being a traitor. Luckily, Harry had never been under his wrath, and had no desire to be.

There's nothing for it, Harry decided. I'll have to tell him.

But then, Harry was hit with a sudden thought. If his dad had been a member of the Order of Phoenix....maybe Sirius had been part of it too? Harry gazed at the ceiling and thought over this possibility. It wasn't so hard to imagine. Sirius was a powerful wizard, like his dad had been.

Finally, Harry decided to send an owl to Sirius the very next morning. It couldn't hurt to ask about it, and if Sirius was a member of the Order of Phoenix, maybe he wouldn't panic at the thought of Harry joining.

Harry finally felt sleepy, so he blew out the candle and managed to fall into a deep sleep, dreaming of flying on a golden phoenix, into the sunset.

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