Astronomy Tower
Hermione Granger Sirius Black
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 06/03/2002
Updated: 06/22/2002
Words: 15,684
Chapters: 26
Hits: 13,947

Look at the Stars


Story Summary:
Hermione and Sirius have both returned to Hogwarts, a few years after Hermione finishes school. Now an acclaimed arithmancer, Hermione is the head of Gryffindor House. Sirius Black, finally cleared of murder, has become the Defense Agains the Dark Arts teacher. As they face the challenges and rewards of teaching, they find the nature of their relationship beginning to change.

Look at the Stars 03

Chapter Summary:
Hermione and Sirius have both returned to Hogwarts, a few years after Hermione finishes school. Now an acclaimed arithmancer, Hermione is the head of Gryffindor House. Sirius Black, finally cleared of murder, has become the Defense Agains the Dark Arts teacher. As they face the challenges and rewards of teaching, they find the nature of their relationship beginning to change.

Hermione sat at breakfast the next morning in the Great Hall, suprisingly well-rested after only a few hours of sleep. She kept glancing around the room, absentmindedly looking for something, but unsure how she would know when she found it.

Since she'd become head of Gryffindor House after Professor McGonagall's retirement, she always preferred eating at the Gryffindor table with the students.

Her eyes rested on the faculty table, and as she glanced down the row, she saw what she'd been looking for. Sirius absentmindedly chewed his bacon as he gazed into the distance.

He forgot to shave this morning, she thought, noticing the rough stubble on his sharp jawline. He's so intense-looking, she caught herself thinking, but not unattractive.

Sirius caught her eye, and his pale cheeks filled with faint color as he quickly looked away.

The beating of wings nearly drowned out the chatter of the room as the owls arrived to deliver the mail. A small black owl dropped a smooth, cream-colored letter in front of Hermione.

"Dear Hermione,

You won't be surprised to find out that Ginny and I are now engaged. We will be married next month, November 12, at the Burrow, and I don't think my happiness could be complete if you weren't there. I'm also writing to Sirius. How have you two been? Please, please, please, take a little time off and come!!


Hermione looked up from her letter to see Sirius standing next to her chair.