The Dark Arts
Harry Potter Remus Lupin Sirius Black
Angst Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/19/2003
Updated: 10/17/2004
Words: 55,751
Chapters: 24
Hits: 10,398

The Figure Clothed in Black


Story Summary:
~OotP spoilers~ Harry's having a miserable summer after his godfather's death. It appears his summer might turn for the better when a former DADA teacher moves in next door and tells him he has two relatives he never knew about.

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
Harry is living with Remus Lupin, and his brother and sister, Kirsten and Dustin. He has found comfort in his new friend, Kayla, whom he speak telepathically to. She doesn't know it but Voldemort is listening in on her thoughts. The consequences of this is about to come out, which could prove to be deadly.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

Chapter Seven: The Letters

Harry was looking through the album he had got for his birthday when he turned the page and two letters fell out onto the bed. He remembered getting them on his birthday and almost opening them, but Remus had said that he should open them later.

Harry picked up one of the letters off the bed. His first name was written in green with graceful writing, his middle name red with the first two and a half letters written in the same graceful writing as his first name, then the rest of his middle name and last name were written in gold with slightly untidy writing that Harry believed was probably a man's writing.

Harry stared at the front of it for a minute before breaking the seal and pulling out two pieces of parchment. He picked up the one in the graceful writing and started to read.

Dear Harry,

If you're reading this it means that I'm dead, that Voldemort killed me. Sweetie, there are some things you have to know. There's a prophecy about you and that's why Voldemort was after us. I won't tell you the details of it, someone else should have by now, but it comes down to that you have to kill Voldemort or he has to kill you; be the killer or be killed. You may think this impossible but you can kill him. Not with the killing curse alone, he can't be killed with that because of the potion he took that he believes gave him immortality. There's an antidote to the potion that if it gets in his mouth ,and he swallows It, after five minutes it will take away his immortality, and then you can use the killing curse to kill him, but even with that it's possible that he might not fully die. When it comes to the final battle you have to do everything in your power, which honey, you have a lot of, to rid the magical world of him forever. I'm so sorry this has come to land on your shoulders, and I know that you will have to defeat him at a young age, but Remus, Sirius, and Peter and anyone of the Hogwarts staff will be there to help if you ask. Remember that, always remember that. Help will always be there as long as there are people to give it. James, da-da, or pong as you're calling him right now since you're not quite fifteen months old yet, had also prepared a letter similar to this one but hopefully both of us won't die at once. I'm watching you right now playing with your father and Sirius in his animagus form in the living room. Every time Sirius turns from a human to a dog you giggle your head off and the same with your father though you aren't giggling quite as loudly as you were fifteen minutes ago when this started. Now you're walking, well really tottering, toward your father's outstretched arms only about 2 feet away. Even if you do fall the floor is charmed to be soft so you won't hurt yourself. You make it to your father's arms and fall into them giggling and yelling, " di it, di it, di it!!" I'm guessing that's baby talk for "I did it." Harry, sweetie, honey, baby, my baby boy, remember this above anything else. Your father and I love you with all of our hearts and always will even if we aren't with you. Remember that, always.


Your mother, Lily.

Harry had to blink away some of his tears to read the last part of the letter. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the other piece of parchment lying on his bed. He knew who that letter was from, and he had a feeling that the other letter that was un-open was most likely from Sirius. He took a deep breath and wiped away some of his tears before picking up the letter form his father, placing it front of the one from his mother, and started to read.

Dear Harry,

If you're reading this that means I'm dead. I'm not going to fill this letter with information about Voldemort, and how to beat him since I know that's what your mother, or ma-ma, as you're calling her right now, wrote in hers. You're sixteen now. One more year and then you are an adult. Kinda hard to imagine that since you're only about fifteen months right now and rely on me on and your mum for everything. I wish I could see you grow up. Even though I might not have been able to see you grow up I know you have turned into a decent, kind and caring young man. I guess you're wondering how I know you're sixteen? Well, Lily and I both decided that when you turned sixteen you should be given the letters that each of us had prepared in case one, or both of us die, though we both shudder at the thought. At least you better be sixteen otherwise I'll haunt my best friends if they give this to you before then. I don't have to see you grow up, even though I want to, to know what you will most likely love, Quidditch, most defiantly. You already love it and you can name all the positions and balls in the game and you already believe that Gryffindor is the best house, especially at Quidditch, in Hogwarts. I think I've done a good job brain washing you even though your mother isn't exactly thrilled, though she thinks it the cutest thing when you say it. She's got it on tape and shows it every time someone comes over that isn't Sirius, Remus, or Peter. You're sitting on her lap snuggled up in a blanket that's been wrapped around you, sucking on a bottle while she reads to you. You've been sick with a fever and cough for the past few days and have to be held by someone, mainly me or your mother, at all times. If we try to put you in crib after you've fallen asleep, you wake up and start crying. You're doing better, the fevers gone down some but you're still coughing your head off. The point of this letter is mainly to tell you how much I love you. Harry, sweetie, honey, baby prongs (my nickname for you) my baby boy, I always have and always will love you and don't you ever forget it.


Your father, James.

Harry was close to bawling at this point and got under the covers fully clothed and simply cried into his pillow while clutching the two letters in his hand bringing them close to his chest and simply cried and cried and cried. The other letter, he assumed it was from Sirius, lay forgotten on the bed.


Kayla was studying when she felt a sudden feeling of loneliness and sadness. She could tell it was one of Harry's feelings and tried to talk to him, but he ignored her. She tried several more times, but he kept ignoring her, and she finally gave up and went back to studying, though she only did it for about fifteen minutes before giving up not able to concentrate.


Harry cried solid for four hours before his tears finally slowed, and he was able to see. He eyed the un-opened letter, still laying on his bed with his first name in green, middle name in red, and last in gold in an untidy writing. He slowly reached forward and pulled the letter toward him, opened it pulling the piece of parchment out of it.

Dear Harry,

If you're reading this that means I'm dead, unfortunately. Don't do anything drastic over my death like try to kill yourself or something like that, Harry. I know you may want to do that with the whole Voldemort coming back and everything, but please don't. I'm assuming I mean that much to you, at least I hope I do. I know that's how much you mean to me. If you die before I do I wouldn't be able to go on. I can't bear to live without you. I know by blood I'm not your father, and by blood you're not my son, but that's how I see you. I see you as my son. If I'm thinking about you, I think of you as my son not my godson. Harry, always remember this, even if I am dead, I still love you. I always have and always will.


Your Godfather, Sirius

The letter blurred before Harry's eyes, his tears obscuring his vision. Sirius, your wish isn't going to come true. I can't stand living. I can't. It's too hard, I just can't.

Harry turned and buried his face in the pillow muffling his cries. He couldn't go on living. He just couldn't.


Kayla had another feeling of loneliness from Harry, but there was also desperation and the loneliness was so strong that it brought tears to her eyes. She tried desperately to talk to Harry, but he had found a way so that he couldn't hear unless he wanted to, or he was completely ignoring her. She sighed frustrated and turned to ask her parents if they could go to Remus' so she could check on Harry, and find out why he wasn't answering her, but she was only half way though asking when the door was blown off its hinges and several figures in black cloaks walked in.


The man walked through the park looking at the scenery around him trying to sort everything out in his head. He decided first he ought to get some more clothes since he was wearing what looked robes and none of the other people were so he figured he needed new ones. He found a clothes shop and snuck in the back door grabbing some clothes that he thought would fit him. Once he had changed he turned his mind to more pressing matters. All right now I have clothes and look like everyone else. Now if I could only remember my name. I don't remember anything. I don't know who I am!! How am supposed to get back to wherever I came from if I can't remember my name? I really wish I could remember what happened. I don't remember anything before waking up in the white room at the hospital, I think it was called. The only thing I remember is someone called Harry and that he needs me. But how am I supposed to get to him if I can't remember who I am???

All of these thoughts ran through the man's head as he walked through the park just looking like an ordinary man who had gone out for a stroll, though he was really an escaped convict and didn't know it.


Author's Note: he he. Aren't I evil??????????? Leaving you with Harry's thought's and then Kayla and know Sirius. Everyone realized it was him I was talking about right??? Hope so. Thank you so much for the reviews and don't forget to do it again!