The Dark Arts
Harry Potter Remus Lupin Sirius Black
Angst Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/19/2003
Updated: 10/17/2004
Words: 55,751
Chapters: 24
Hits: 10,398

The Figure Clothed in Black


Story Summary:
~OotP spoilers~ Harry's having a miserable summer after his godfather's death. It appears his summer might turn for the better when a former DADA teacher moves in next door and tells him he has two relatives he never knew about.

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
Harry's summer appears to turn for the better when a former DADA teacher moved in across the street and tells him he has two relatives he never knew about. A girl is listening in on Harry's thoughts and he doesn't know it. Voldemort is listening on her thoughts and she doesn't know it. Will this help or endanger Harry and the ones he loves?
Author's Note:
Italics are character's thoughts.

Kayla was sitting in between her parents on her grandmother's, Minerva McGonagall, couch. After they had flooed to The Three Broomsticks, they then flooed to Minerva's. They had told her what happened and they were trying to figure out whom or what had threw the shoe at Britta and woke her up. They didn't know what it was but it had most likely saved their lives.

Kayla was leaning against her mother about to fall asleep. She had had trouble getting to sleep and then had got attacked by Death Eaters and to say the least she was exhausted. She was trying to stay awake to listen to the conversation but gave in to the exhaustion and fell asleep.


It was July thirtieth and everyone, except for Harry, were conversing in lowered tones and either immediately shut up or started talking loudly about something else when Harry came into the room.

He knew they were up to something but couldn't figure out what though, he pushed it aside trying to figure out why he felt like he had done something important and good but he couldn't remember doing anything like that.

He had the feeling ever since the day Remus had told him that he had some sort of nightmare and had been screaming and thrashing but Harry didn't remember having a dream, which confused him to him to no end. He also had Voldemort on his mind a lot these past few days though he wasn't too worried about it since none of the feelings were happy, which meant that he hadn't succeeded at anything; all of the feelings were of frustration and he hoped they stayed that way.

He still hadn't told Remus why he was being so withdrawn having made the mistake of telling him that it wasn't just Sirius's death that there were other things to. He had asked him several times but Harry had stayed quiet, made an excuse to leave the room, or changed the subject. He had considered telling him several times but had changed his mind in the end. Keeping it secret was starting to get hard and Remus had started guessing what was wrong. Harry had agreed that if he guessed right he could tell him but he hadn't guessed the specific thing that was wrong. He had come close last night but not quite and Harry wasn't going to say yes until he had the complete answer as to what was wrong. He knew it was only a matter of time before he pieced together the pieces and figured it out.

Harry was standing just outside the living room door trying to hear what Remus, Kirsten, Dustin, and Amanda were talking about but they were talking to low for him to hear so he went into the kitchen to get a snack when he heard the doorbell ring but he didn't think much of it, assuming it was one of the Order members, and headed back up to his room. If he had stayed down there and eavesdropped he would have found out some very interesting news that would have helped lift his spirits.


Kayla was in a bedroom with a boom box, computer, tons of CDs, a lot of which she liked a bed and other odds and ends. She turned around as the door opened and saw a boy with jet-black hair and startling green eyes walk in and sit down on at the computer and start to eat the snack he had brought up. She moved closer to him and gasped as she saw the lightning bolt scar on his forehead. It was Harry Potter. After she got over the shock a new thought occurred to her. Why in the world am I in Harry Potter's bedroom? She was in the middle of trying to figure this out when someone else's thoughts entered her mind.

* I hate being the boy who lived. All my problems come from me being the boy who lived. Because I defeated Voldemort when I was a baby. *

Kayla gasped. * The person's thoughts I've been hearing are Harry Potter's!! *

* I hope Remus does figure out what's wrong soon, I think. It might be a relief that someone knew but I'm not telling him willingly. I don't want to get close to Kirsten and Dustin. They'll just die about two or three years later like Sirius did. What's the use of getting close to them? I really should make a plan about how to cut myself off from everyone. Everyone will be happier that way.*

* No, no, no!!! Come on that wouldn't make them any happier even if I don't whom you're talking about!! That would just make them sadder!! Putting yourself into exile won't help any! I've got to wake up!! Mamaw will know what to do! Harry goes to Hogwarts, she teaches there. There had to be something she can do. She can talk this Remus, and Kirsten and Dustin*

The room started fading and tilting to one side and then she woke and felt herself still leaning against her mother. She sat bolt upright startling her parents and mamaw.

"I know who he is!" she practically yelled startling everyone even more.

"What are talking about, honey?" her dad asked.

"Harry Potter! He's the one I've been hearing in my mind!"

"Hearing in your mind? What do you mean?" her mother asked.

"Oops, sorry I forgot I didn't tell you. For the past week or so I had been hearing someone thoughts in my head. He's so depressed. He kept thinking about going into exile and cutting himself off from the world and suicide! I was so scared! I didn't what to do and I didn't know who he was even! But I know now it was Harry Potter!! We have to go wherever he's staying and talk some sense into him! Cutting himself off from everyone won't be better for them, it'll just be worse!! It won't solve anything!!" she said very fast, excited and determined.

Seeing the still confused looks on their faces she went into further explanation of how she knew and when she was finished the confused looks where gone replaced with concern.

"Mamaw, do you know where he's staying and who Remus, Kirsten, and Dustin are?" she asked.

"Yes, Remus is Remus Lupin. Do you remember your parents telling you about him?"

"Yes. I didn't even think that it could be him. Lily and James mum and dad's friends were Harry's parents, right?" she said.

"Yes, that's right. I assumed that Harry would be depressed but I figured having Remus there would help some and he wouldn't be having those thoughts," she said the last part more to herself than them.

"Why would he be depressed? What happened?"

"Sirius Black, yes Sirius Black, was Harry's godfather. He was the only father figure Harry had and the only person that was an adult that he would really talk to and get advice from. He was killed right before school ended. He doesn't have a good home life either. He lives with his muggle aunt and uncle and they hate everything magical, including Harry. The only reason he stays there is because he is safe from Voldemort there. We sent Remus in hoping that Harry wouldn't get to depressed and try to commit suicide or something drastic like that. I went to see Remus yesterday and he said Harry had seemed to be getting along with Kirsten and Dustin and then he just clamed up and wouldn't talk to them any more. Kirsten and Dustin are Harry's older brother and sister. They're twins," she explained.

"They found Kirsten and Dustin? Mum what are you talking about? Voldemort killed them the night he killed Lily and James. How can they be alive?" Britta asked confused.

"No they didn't die. They had already gone to Amanda's when Voldemort arrived at Lily and James's. Kirsten got worried when Lily and James hadn't come through after a while and went back to see what was wrong and saw James and Lily dead. Harry was behind his mother's body and was silent when she came in and she figured he was dead too. She went back to her house and flooed to one of her relatives in America and lived there, afraid to come back to the wizarding world. Death Eaters came in and searched the place right after she left. They decided to come back over here and see Harry. They're alive. We can go see them today if you want or I can take you to Headquarters and see them tomorrow," Minerva said while moving to sit beside her daughter who was on the verge of tears hearing that they were alive.

"I can't believe they're alive," Britta murmured. "We can see them today?"

"Yes, if you want to. Remus won't mind, he's used to people showing up unexpectedly," Minerva said trying to keep her calm.

"And see Harry? I know what's wrong with him, and you said that Remus was worried and so am I," Kayla said.

Minerva smiled at her granddaughter. "Yes and see Harry and tell Remus what's wrong." Kayla smiled at her and then said,

"Well come on what are you waiting for? What do you say to get to the house by floo?"

"Lupin's Lair," said Minerva.

"Can I go on?" she asked looking at her parents.

"No, let me get first and then you can come," Josh said getting up and walking over to the fireplace. He took a pinch of floo powder threw it in the flames, stepped into them, said, "Lupin's Lair," and was gone in a whoosh of flames. Kayla went next and the Minerva and Britta came after them.

When Minerva and Britta got there Josh and Lupin were talking and Kayla was standing beside Josh looking impatient. As Minerva and Britta came over they heard Kayla blurt out quickly, "I know what's wrong with Harry!" louder than she meant to and everyone turned to their eyes to her.

"You know what's wrong with him?" Remus asked.

Kayla nodded. "The reason he won't talk to Kirsten and Dustin is because he's afraid he'll get close to them and then they'll die two or three years later when he's just gotten close to them and rely on them for things like Sirius did and he doesn't wan to go through the pain again. He's also seriously thinking about going into exile and never speaking to any of you again. He thinks you'll be safer that way," she finished quietly.

Remus looked at her with an unreadable expression and then said, "How do you know this?" She then explained to him about the telepathy that seemed to work one way. After she had explained it all Remus stayed quiet for a few minutes, a thoughtful look on his face. Without a word he left the room and everyone assumed he went to Harry's room to talk to the boy.

Remus knocked on Harry's door before hearing "Come in," and entered. Harry was sitting at the computer watching a video but upon seeing the look on Remus's face turned it off and came and sat in front of him on the bed. Harry looked at him expectantly waiting for him to say something.

"Harry, I know why you won't talk to Kirsten and Dustin. You're scared you'll get hurt again. You're scared that you're going to get close to them, like you did with Sirius, and then they're going to die like Sirius did. Am I right?" he asked. He had been looking Harry in the eye when he started but Harry had turned away from him. He heard Harry sigh softly and saw him nod.

"Harry, that's not going to happen, they're not going to die. You're not going to lose them, not for a very long time. They're willing to help you if you'll let them. In fact we were considering letting you stay with them next summer if you wanted, if you didn't get a place of your own, and even if you didn't stay with them, they want to be there for you if you'll let them," he said trying to reassure the teenager.

"I know. You pieced it together quicker than I thought you would," he said.

"Well I didn't piece it together as you put it. A girl about your age told me what was wrong," he said.

"Huh? A girl about my age told you what was wrong. Hermione doesn't even know I have a brother and sister since I couldn't write that in the letter," he said, his mind jumping to the only girl he really knew around his age.

"It wasn't Hermione. It's someone you've never met before. Her name is Kayla Marie McGonagall. She is Professor McGonagall's granddaughter," he said seeing Harry open his mouth. He closed his mouth and Remus continued. "Somehow, we're not sure how, she was been able to hear your thoughts. She didn't know it was you at first, just that it was a boy and he was very depressed," he said.

Harry's mouth was open. There was no way someone would have been hearing his thoughts. As he thought this he heard someone, and judging by the way it sounded in his head it was a girl, well someone can hear your thoughts no matter how bizarre it seems. Harry jumped when he heard this. Remus was looking at him questionably and he said, "I heard her. She said well, someone could hear your thoughts no matter how bizarre it seems. I had never heard her before."

"Try mind talking to her. Think something and see if she responds.

Harry nodded and thought, ~ Umm... Hello? Can you hear me? ~

~ Harry? Is that you? You've never answered me back before when I tried to talk to you. ~

~ You can hear me? I never heard you before. When Remus told I was able to hear your thoughts. ~

~ I guess we both had to know that I could hear your thoughts before we could talk to each other. ~

~ Yeah, I guess so. Umm Remus and I will be down in a minute. ~

~ Ok. ~

"We can talk in our minds. This is so bizarre. I can't believe this," he said aloud.

"I also learned something else from her. She said you were considering going into exile and leaving all of us. Said you thought we would all be safer," he said watching the teen closely. Harry looked down at the bed covers and nodded.

"Well you would be safer. Voldemort would leave you alone and come after me wherever I went and leave you alone."

"Yes, he would leave us alone, only after he's captured and tortured all of for information about where you were and left us near death or most likely killed us. Harry, going into exile doesn't work at all. It doesn't solve anything. Trust me on this. I did after your parents died. I went to Mexico, there are no witches or wizards there, and stayed there for till your third year when I came back to teach at Hogwarts. Dumbledore convinced me to. Cutting yourself off from the world doesn't help. It only makes more problems. And besides you wouldn't be able to pull it off. We've got tracking spells on you to monitor where you are in case you somehow manage not to be under the eye of someone from the Order," Remus said.

"You have tracking spells on me? That's not fair, you didn't even tell me you had done it," Harry said his temper flaring up that they had more protection on him. He could take care of himself; he didn't need tracking spells on him.

"Calm down, we didn't ask you since we figured you have said no and they were only put on this morning while you were asleep," he said seeing that Harry was angry.

"Well, I would have said no. I'm not some little defense less kid that can't take care of himself."

"I know that; it's just an extra security in case something happens, though it hopefully won't, like the third task comes up and you somehow leave Hogwarts, we can send people to get you out as quickly as possible and hopefully catch whoever got you there. There's no use in arguing against it, its already done and even we had asked you and you had said no we would've done it anyway."

Harry mumbled before getting off the bed and following Remus downstairs. He saw Kirsten, Dustin, Prof. McGonagall, a couple sitting side by side, and a girl sitting beside them that looked about his age. He assumed the girl that looked about his age was Kayla and focused his eyes on her and said, "Kayla?" She nodded and smiled at him; he returned the smile hesitantly.

~ It's ok; I only bite when I'm angry and right now I'm nervous and happy at the same time. ~

~ Me too. ~

~ Wanna hear a joke? ~

~ Sure. ~

~ Mahatma Gandhi walked barefoot everywhere. Eventually his feet became quite thick and hard. He was also a very spiritual person. Even when he was not on hunger strike, he did not eat much and became quite thin and frail. Furthermore, due to his diet, he wound up with up with very bad breath. Therefore: He came to be known as a " super calloused fragile mystic plagued with halitosis."~

Harry shook his head and laughed out loud at what she said before saying, "Oh that's bad, that's really bad. I've seen Mary Poppins."

"What? What was bad?" Remus asked.

Harry shook his head and said, "Never mind."

He went and sat next to Kayla the tension and nervousness gone and started talking to her in his mind. He found out that she was adopted because her mother hadn't wanted her and the Josh and Britta had adopted her when she was a baby and she had grown up with them. She would turn sixteen next month on the 12th. She went to a magic school in Australia, where she lived. She would have gone to Hogwarts but neither of her parents wanted her that far away and truthfully she didn't want to be that far away from them. They were now looking for a new house since Death Eaters had attacked their old house last night. When she said this Harry suddenly remembered the dream that Remus had been talking about, when he was screaming and thrashing. He told Remus this and then Remus and told everyone else and he was thanked countless times by Britta and Josh for saving them from them. Harry blushed at this. Everyone stayed talking till 10 and even though Harry and Kayla both said they weren't tired they were both forced to go to bed and Remus made sure Harry drank the sleeping potion and Britta did a sleeping charm on Kayla to make her sleep, the adults knowing they were going to get up early in the morning to go to Order Headquarters, though Harry and Kayla didn't. They had decided against telling Kayla afraid Harry would somehow find out before tomorrow. It was a surprise so they couldn't tell.

The next morning Harry and Kayla were woke up at eight and both were used to not getting up till at least twelve if not later.

"Why do we have to get up so early?" Harry mumbled as Remus was putting eggs on his plate before placing it in front of him.

"Because we all have to go to Headquarters and you are not staying alone," Remus said even though they weren't going to Headquarters.

"You've got tracking spells on me, it's not like I'm going to get lost. You could make it a birthday present," he said. Everyone had already wished him happy birthday earlier. Kayla had even ordered him some chocolate from Honeydukes and had it delivered overnight for his present even though he had told her that she didn't have to get him anything when she had asked what he wanted last night.

"That's not your birthday present. You're getting your present from me later on today. Now eat so we can leave," Remus said.

"You got me a birthday present? You didn't have to do that," he said.

"Yes I got one. I know I didn't have to but I wanted to and it's already bought so don't complain. You're probably the only kid who doesn't want presents on his birthday."

Harry shrugged. "I never got any from the Dursleys and I don't really expect anything. All I expect is someone saying "Happy Birthday" and I'm fine."

"Well it doesn't matter like I said before and eat!" he said a little more forcibly. Harry did as he was told and thirty minutes later everyone was in the living room waiting to leave.

"All right everyone come around here. We're going to be going by portkey so everyone place a finger on it." The portkey was a muggle newspaper. Harry was slightly apprehensive but put his finger on it anyways. Kayla felt he was nervous about it and sent a few comforting words that seemed to help some.

"All right... one... two... three..."

Harry felt the familiar tugging at his navel before he was slammed feet first onto the ground and fell down, Kayla falling on top of him. She stood up and helped him up. Before he got a good look around Remus came up in front on him and placed a blindfold quickly over his eyes.

"Hey, what are doing? Why are you blindfolding me?" he said trying to get the blindfold off.

"I've got a surprise for you and you can't see it yet," Remus replied.

"What type of surprise?" he asked.

"One that you can't know about yet," he replied as he led Harry up some steps. Harry sighed and let Remus lead him.

Remus had stopped and took the blindfold off but replaced it with his hand. Harry heard something be pushed open. Remus lead him a few steps forward before taking off his hand. Harry was confronted with darkness before the lights came on and tons of people jumped out from behind tables and each other and yelled, "SURPRISE!!" Harry stood there shocked mouth hanging open. Hermione came running toward him, Ron close behind.

Hermione threw her arms around his neck saying happy birthday in his ear. She pulled back letting Ron wish him a happy birthday. Harry still hadn't said anything and was staring around the room. He could see the rest of the Weasley family; Hermione's parents* all of his fellow Gryffindor 6th years, Hagrid, Tonks, Mad Eye, Mrs. Figg, everyone from the DA except for Cho, along with everyone that had come with him.

"Harry, are you ok? You haven't said anything," Hermione said.

"You really didn't have to do this. I...I...I don't know what to say," he said.

"Well a simple thank you would be enough," Hermione said.

"Thank you," he said meaning it from the bottom of his heart.

Ron and Hermione were about to pull him over to everyone else and he told Kayla to come with them in his mind. She came over to them and Harry introduced them before Mrs. Wealsey came over wishing him Happy Birthday while hugging him. All of the other adults wished him a happy birthday or wished him a happy birthday while hugging him (Hagrid and Tonks) before he got over to his fellow Gryffindors and introduced Kayla to them. They all sat down at the table and started telling about their summers after wishing Harry a happy birthday. Harry turned to Ron and Hermione and said, "You guys won't believe my summer so far. But before I tell you about mine how was yours?"

"Well basically the same as last year. We're both staying at Headquarters. My parents are even staying there," Hermione said. "They've been a little more active than last year. You know with the attacks and all. They're very concentrated on getting people to stay out of Voldemort's inner circle and came to our side and trying to get a few already in to spy for us. Something happened yesterday though; something big. Everyone was in a meeting for almost five hours!! It was so boring staying upstairs not knowing what was going on and they had charms around it and we couldn't get the Extendable Ears into the room. We have no clue what it was but it was something huge. You didn't have any strange feelings from Voldemort yesterday did you?"

"No, I've been getting feelings from him but they've all been frustrated, irritated, and angry; none of them were happy, if they were I would have told someone because that means that he's achieved something that it is bad for us," he said. They were sitting apart from the others in some armchairs they had set up and were almost whispering.

"Ok well that's good. Then that means that the thing was most likely something for our side and they're just not sure about what do about whatever it is," Hermione said. Harry and Ron both nodded.

"Now tell us about your summer," Ron said.

Harry nodded and said, "Well you both know that I've been living with Remus instead of my aunt and uncle even though they're next door. Well I also found out I have an older brother and sister."

They both stared at him for a second before Hermione said, "An older brother and sister? What are they twins? How can you have a brother and sister?"

Harry explained about what happened and pointed out where they were.

"Wow, so the Dursleys aren't your only family after all," Ron said.

"Thankfully, though I haven't been talking to them all that much for the past week or so," he said.

"Why not?" Ron asked.

Harry shrugged not wanting to talk about it. "You know Kayla the girl I brought with me? Well, we can talk to each other in our minds." Ron and Hermione's mouths both fell open at this and Hermione spluttered. He then explained all about that and when he was finished Mrs. Weasley was calling everyone up to the table to have cake.

She made Harry sit at the head of the table with Ron and Hermione on either side of him and then everyone else on either side of the table.

The frosting on the cake was done so that it looked like a snitch and said "Happy 16, Harry" in green icing. Mrs. Weasley lit the candles and started singing and everyone followed along, "Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear haaarryyy, happy birthday to you," when they finished Harry made a wish, drew in a breath and blew out all the candles at once.

Harry got the first piece of cake, vanilla, and then Ron, chocolate, then Hermione, vanilla.

"I made the cake half and half that way everyone is happy," Mrs. Weasley said. "Ginny did the icing though. She's quite the drawer.

Harry looked at Ginny who was a couple seats down from Hermione. "You did the icing? The snitch design?"

She nodded and said, "Yeah but it's not that good."

"Your right it's not that good. It's fabulous. Really Ginny it's really good. I didn't know you could draw that good. Thanks," he said.

"You're welcome," she said back as she went back to her food.

After everyone was done eating, about an hour later, Harry was ushered over to one of the armchairs while Ron and Hermione sat in one on either side of him and everyone else sat in the floor in front of him for the present opening. There was quite a few and Harry saw something that looked suspiciously like a broom.

Remus handed him the first present. It was a book on defense spells from Neville. He got several more books on defenses spells form members of the DA. He was reluctant to open Fred and George's present thinking it would explode on him but it was just samples of stuff from their joke shop. They had both thanked him millions of times for giving them the money and they said business was booming. He got a miniature model of some Norwegian Ridgeback from Charlie.

He got everyone else's presents from school and the he started getting the rest of the Weasley family's presents. Ginny had given him a painting of him and Weasley family. He gasped when he saw it. It was beautiful. It had them placed outside the burrow. She was a very talented artist and he told her this making her blush. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had given him a sweater with a Gryffindor lion on it and some home made candy. Ron gave him a Chudley Cannons poster. Bill gave him a CD player that would work at Hogwarts as Remus had told him how much had gotten into music this summer. It also had a little screen that you could pull up and watch videos. There was a CD in it that had all of Harry's favorite videos on it. It had Evanescence on it several times with the same video since he knew Harry was obsessed with the muggle rock band.

Now came the Order's presents which consisted mostly off defense stuff. Hagrid's present made Harry almost cry. He had given him a locket with a picture of Harry as a baby with parents in one side and the other side had Harry with Sirius. He had thanked Hagrid in a choked voice trying not to cry in front of everyone.

Professor McGonagall gave him a book on transfiguration. Professor Dumbledore gave him a book on advanced defense spells.

Next came Remus's, Kirsten's and Dustin's present. They had all chipped in and bought him something. The placed the long parcel in his lap and he quickly un-wrapped it and gasped at what he saw inside. Inside was the brand new Firebolt 500 with Harry Potter engraved in gold on the handle. Harry's mouth dropped open and he sat there for a second before bounding out of his chair and hugging them all tight. He thought that was all the presents left but Remus said, "Wait a minute. There's one more present left."

Harry sat back down in the chair waiting for Remus to hand him the present. He ripped the paper off. It was a large leather bound book. He opened and found it was full of pictures of himself, his parents, Sirius, and Remus. But the strange thing was he wasn't a baby in all of them. Some of them were while he was at Hogwarts. A few were even of him at Grimmauld place with Sirius. He was turning the pages when he found two letters and was about to open them but Remus stopped him. "I think you better wait until later to open them." Harry shrugged and put them back in album thanking them all. Everyone stayed for a while longer before parents starting flooing in and picking up people.

An hour later it was just he, Kayla and her parents, Hermione and her parents, Remus, Kirsten, Dustin, Prof. Dumbledore and McGonagall, and the Weasleys. Sure that was still quite a lot of people but not as many as it had been. Harry had led everyone out to the quidditch pitch so he could try out his new broom. It was even better than he could have ever imagined. As he flew around he started talking to Kirsten in his mind.

~ Know what? ~

~ What? ~

~ This has been the best day of my life. I wish it would never end. ~

Kayla didn't say anything. She just sent the hugest smile possible from her mind to his mind as they flew around.


*Dumbledore had modified the anti- muggle wards temporally so that her parents can be there.

Author notes: Author’s Note: Extra long chapter. Hope you liked it. Please, please, please, review. I’m not updating until I get five reviews. I got one last chapter and about 160 hits for the chapter. Considering that I don’t think 5 reviews is to much to ask for. Sorry for taking so long to update but life gets in the way.

When I get 5 reviews I’ll update.

Please review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!