Lost Child


Story Summary:
Severitus Challenge AU with female Harry. Severus discovers he is related to the "Girl Who Lived." How will this reflect their relationship?

Chapter 02 - A Brother's Lament

Chapter Summary:
Snape discovers his mother's secret and resolves to protect Harry. AU female Harry by popular request.
Author's Note:
I hope you all like this female AU Severitus Challenge. It will follow cannon as much as possible with the necessary adaptations for the change of gender.


Chapter 1

A Brother's Lament

Severus Snape was cleaning out an old storage closet in the basement of his parents' house on Spinners End. It would be an ideal place to store the illegal potions ingredients which the Dark Lord required for some of his more nefarious tortures. He seldom came here anymore, but had decided to use it as a rendezvous for various associations within the Dark Lord's inner circle, now that he had to resume his activities as a spy for the Light. He usually made his summer home at either Hogwarts or Prince Manor. He had inherited the estate upon his Grandfather's death, shortly after the Potter brat had defeated the Dark Lord for the first time, and his beloved Lily and her arrogant husband were killed. If only he had never overheard that blasted prophecy when he had gone to seek Dumbledore's protection for the first time! Lily would still be alive, even if she had cut off her ties with him. She had been the only bright spot in his life, and he had foolishly alienated her by with his own self righteous pride.

Shaking his head to dispel thoughts of the past, he continued to discard the useless Muggle items that his father had kept. As he did so, his sharp eyes spotted a brick in the corner of the back wall by the shelf he had been cleaning. The old stone appeared to be glowing with a green outline around the mortar. Pulling out his wand, he quickly cast a spell to determine if there were any curses on the old stone. He was surprised beyond belief when it not only came up clean, but showed a magical signature which he recognized as his mother's. Puzzled, he tapped the stone with his wand, and it fell aside to reveal a small space containing a wooden box. Pulling the box from the niche in which it had been secured, he realized it had been the box in which his mother had kept the gobstones from her days as captain of the Hogwarts team. His lips twitched with a brief smile as he remembered her teaching him to play as a small boy. However, his smile faded into a deep frown as he recalled how his father had caught them playing one rainy afternoon when he was eight years old. He'd taken the stones away, bellowing about unholy and unnatural foolishness. He scowled deeply at the recollection. Both he and his mother had been beaten for playing with a simple wizard's toy. His father had then stormed from the house and returned drunk, only to beat them once again, after informing them that he had thrown the old stones into the nearby river.

Severus shook the unpleasant memories aside, and then used a banishing charm to finish cleaning the room. He had decided to wait to open the box until he was safely back in his quarters at Hogwarts. Whatever his mother had left hidden for him to find had waited a long time. It could wait a few hours more. He had promised Dumbledore that the house on Spinners End would be ready by the end of the day. The old man had been adamant. Now that Voldemort had come out of hiding following the horrendous debacle in the Department of Mysteries the war would be going into full swing. They had to be prepared. He may not like that wretched little witch, but she was still Lily's daughter, and he had sworn to protect her at all costs. Why the Dark Lord had targeted a witch, rather than a wizard, was beyond all comprehension. Then again, if it had been Longbottom, the Wizarding World would have been doomed from the start. After all, the part of the Prophecy he had overheard had been rather ambiguous. "The One With The Power To Vanquish The Dark Lord Approaches...Born To Those Who Have Thrice Defied Him...And Will Be Marked By The Dark Lord As His Equal, But Will Have Power The Dark Lord Knows Not..."

Severus snorted, muttering under his breath. "Maybe we're doomed anyway. Potter has shown no extraordinary skills thus far, unless you want to count Quidditch and some aptitude for defense." Shrugging, he quickly sorted out his new stocks, organizing them alphabetically onto the shelves. He then went into the outer room of the basement to set up his lab. At least he would be able to brew here in peace without interruptions from those dunderhead students. It was another two hours before he completed the new lab. Nodding in satisfaction, Severus picked up the mysterious box, heading into the small parlor; he warded the door to the basement. After checking the reinforced the wards protecting the house, he Apparated back to Hogwarts. It was nearing sunset when he reached the front gates to the school. Walking up the path to the massive black doors he entered without a sound. No one was around. So he decided to go to his quarters before reporting to the Headmaster. He was most anxious to find out what his mother had felt so important to hide it in the cellar so that only he would be able to find it.

Upon entering the dungeons, he took a side corridor which was hidden behind a tapestry of the Forbidden Forest, stopping in front of a portrait of a rather plain looking woman with dark hair and faded green eyes.

"Good evening, mother," he addressed the woman softly.

"Hello, Severus," she greeted, with a sad smile. "I see you have found my old gobstones box."

"Indeed, and what was so important that you never told me about it?"

"My son, that box contains secrets which were never meant to be known. I should have told you before this, but you were too young to understand. I hid that box when you were in school, and died before I could tell you of its location. I made sure it was charmed so that you would find it when the time was right. I can only pray that you will forgive me when you see its contents, for they may bring you both great sorrow, and perhaps, with time, that which has been lacking in your life. I was wrong about many things during my life. The contents of that box contains my greatest sin."

"Mother, you are being maudlin," he admonished. "You were a good and kind woman who was married to a bastard and abandoned by her family. If anyone has sins to atone for it is I. Had it not been for that arrogant James Potter I may have been happy with Lily, and not gotten involved with Lucius Malfoy and the Death Eaters."

"No, my son, you were not meant to be with Lily Evans, and had I not died so suddenly I would have put an end to such a relationship."

"Mother, how could you say such a thing. You and Lily were the only things in my life that were worth a damn," Severus responded, becoming annoyed.

"Soon, Severus, you will understand. If you never speak to me again and remove my portrait from this wall I would not blame you in the least. Now give me your password and go have some dinner. I know how often you skip meals when working. Once you have done that I suggest you have a stiff drink and open the box."

"Mother, it is unlike you to speak about imbibing alcohol. But I will do as you suggest even though I do not believe that whatever secret you have had to keep hidden could be that disastrous."

"Believe me, Severus, when I tell you that the contents of that box may help to alter the fate of our world. Hopefully, it will be for the better," she finished softly, dismissing him.

"Crown Prince," he said, offering his password. The door swung open allowing him entrance. Walking over to his hearth, he placed the box on the intricately carved stone mantle. "Grove," he called, summoning his house elf.

"Yes Master Snape Sir?" The old elf appeared with a quiet pop. "Yous be needing something?" He bowed respectfully.

"I would like some dinner."

"Right away, Professor Sir." He bowed again and disappeared. A moment later a plate of roast lamb with boiled potatoes and spinach appeared, along with a glass of wine.

Snape settled himself at the oak table on the opposite side of his sitting room and dug into his meal. He was hungry, not having eaten anything since a light breakfast early that morning. Once he was finished his glass refilled itself. Lighting a fire, he sat down in his favorite black recliner. Savoring his wine, he studied the wooden box on the mantle. 'What could my mother have hidden that would be so important? She said it contained her greatest sin, but that it could also lead to something good in my life. Ha! There has been nothing good in my life since Lily. I only have a few persons I can truly call friend, other than Albus and Minerva. The rest are Death Eaters, or merely acquaintances, simply wishing to use me for my potions skills,' he mused, dark eyes contemplating the mysterious box. Sighing, he summoned the box from its position on the mantle. It was time to discover what secrets his mother had left behind...

Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was sitting in the high back chair at his desk. His blue eyes were concerned. He'd had a feeling of unease most of the day which he could not dispel. It had stated that afternoon, and grown steadily with each passing hour. Something was not right, but he could not yet discern what it was. Everything seemed to be in order. Yet, the feelings persisted. He knew better than to dismiss them, having learned long ago to trust his instincts. His eyes continued to scan the room. His Phoenix, Fawkes, let out a soft trill from his perch. He knew the bird could feel it too. With narrowed eyes, he looked over at the various objects on his shelves. An array of silver, red, and gold, whirring, glowing, and spinning artifacts, each with various magical properties to alert him to trouble. It was then that he noticed the glass ball. The swirling red mists inside should be steady, but they were pulsing in and out, wavering to a steady rhythm. Their cadence growing brighter and then paling. Something was interfering with the blood wards on Privet Drive, but they were trying to resist and managing to hold steady. To say he was not concerned would be a lie. He had placed those wards himself. They should be unbreakable. Had Tom Riddle found a way to weaken them and get to the girl? Or was something wrong with Petunia Dursley or her son? If they were seriously ill it could affect the function of the wards. He believed that Harry was all right, since the Order had received a letter that very day, but she had made no mention of any thing being wrong with her relatives. Deciding to be patient he sat and watched. Harriet, or Harry as she liked to be called, needed a blood relative for the wards to be maintained. Should they fail he would summon the Order and Apparate immediately to the girl's house...

Severus Snape carefully opened the box on his lap. He wasn't sure what he had expected to find, but it certainly wasn't this. The box merely contained some old papers, photos, and a letter addressed to him. Pulling out the photos, he was surprised to see they were of himself and Lily as children. When his mother had taken them he had no idea. She had known of his friendship with Lily, but had never really interacted with her. It warmed him to realize that his mother had approved. He felt his lips curve up in a tentative smile, as he studied the pictures. They were playing in the old playground, laughing at one another. Lily had just dumped sand over Severus' head, before running off to the swings. That was the summer before they had started at Hogwarts. In another, they were about thirteen, bundled up in winter coats, sitting talking on the swings, trying to catch snowflakes on their tongues. There was one taken during the summer. He was smiling, handing her an ice cream. He remembered he had saved up just to have the money to give her that treat. Finally, there was a picture of them boarding the Hogwarts Express, when they were fifteen. The year of their O.W.L.s. The year he had lost her to Potter. The year he had chosen the Death Eaters over his best friend. Scowling, he put the pictures aside and picked up the piece of paper. Opening it, he was surprised once again. It was a birth certificate dated January 9, 1960. The same date as his own birthday. Scanning it briefly, he realized it was not his own, but that of a baby girl. However, what really startled him was the name. Selina Eileen Snape. The document indicated that she had been his fraternal twin! His mother had never mentioned her. He assumed it had been too painful for her. Could the baby have died at birth? He would have been far too young to remember having had a sibling. Yet, there was no indication of a death certificate. Only the mysterious letter. His curiosity more than piqued, he slit the envelope and began to read.

My Dear Severus,

If you are reading this letter than I am dead. I left these things behind so that you

will finally know the truth. The birth certificate I have enclosed is indeed that of your twin sister, Selina. Your father, cruel man that he was, did not believe that you and your sister were his offspring. He threatened to kill your sister since she did not resemble any of us. Tobias would not listen when I explained that she looked like my great grandmother, Rebecca Prewitt, who had married into the Prince line. She was said to be a rare beauty, and there is a small portrait of her in the attic of Prince Manor. She died giving birth to my grandfather, and her husband could no longer bear to look at her image, his grief was so great. They say he died of a broken heart, leaving my grandfather to become a stern angry man, having grown up with an abusive and prejudiced maiden aunt. He eventually died from excessive use of alcohol, and my own father never recovered from his stern Pureblood prejudices and cruel disciplines. This was why he disowned me, for refusing to marry Gilgamesh Goyle, running away with your Muggle father instead. Tobias was not always the angry man you remember. When we first met he was kind and funny. He promised me the world, and being only eighteen, I believed him. It was when he found out about my being a witch that things started to go badly for us. He was a very religious man, as you well know. Being a witch, I was unfamiliar with Muggle beliefs, and your father was terrified that the things I was able to do were sent from the Devil. Still, he did love me, and tried to keep our marriage from falling apart. He was glad when I was abandoned by my family, believing the magic would go away.

We both know that this is not the case, nor are we evil. Unfortunately, things continued to get worse. I became pregnant, and the mill was in danger of closing. Your father blamed my parents and said they had cursed us. I knew this was not true, but his peculiar religious beliefs stood in the way. When you and your sister were born he accused me of adultery because she had fine red hair and her eyes were green. Not a dull green like mine, but like those of our ancestor, a beautiful emerald color. I knew I had to protect her from Tobias' threats. It was then I happened upon a family where another young woman was pregnant. I didn't think anything of it at the time, since I was still carrying you and your sister. However, when you were both about three weeks old, I overheard the same man talking to a woman in the grocers. He was in a hurry to get home, as his wife had just delivered their second daughter, which had been stillborn. I knew then what I had to do. I followed him home and then I oblivated the family, replacing the dead baby with your sister. I do not regret my actions of that day as I am certain that your father would have carried through with his threat to kill her. I could only hope that one day we would be reunited. I knew that Tobias would not be kind to you. However, he would not dare to harm you since you were my father's only heir, and he feared what he might do to him. I believe that Tobias also hoped to get his hands on the Prince fortunes. I sincerely hope that this did not occur. Anyway, that is a moot point. The important thing is that you did find your sister. You see, when I left your sister on that fateful night, I overheard the father telling his wife to name the baby Lily. I also knew they had another child named Petunia. My heart leaped when I found that you had made a childhood friend, and following you, I realized that your friend was indeed the child I had substituted several years before. I did not tell you as your father was becoming worse, and I needed to protect you both.

I am telling you now so that you can let her know. I know you cared for her but something happened for which I am somewhat grateful. I could tell you did not love her as a sister. Now that you know the truth, I think you should mend your fences, if that is at all possible. She deserves to know the truth if she is still alive. I know that while you were at school together a war was brewing. A new Dark Lord was rising who did not like those of Muggle heritage, your sister believing herself to be a Muggleborn. If your sister is no longer alive, please contact her family, especially if she had any children, as you will be their uncle. You deserve to know one another.

I will close this letter and beg your forgiveness. I have caused you great pain, and yet I hope you will understand my reasons. I only had the best interests of my children in mind when I made the decisions that I did. I love you, Severus, and I never stopped loving Selina too, even if I could not truly acknowledge her existence.

Forgive me my son.

Your Loving Mum,

Eileen Prince Snape

Severus Snape was in shock. This was the last thing he had expected. Lily Evans had actually been Selina Eileen Snape. Was this why he had been so drawn to her? His mother knew they had been friends. She had even suspected he had started harboring feelings towards her. His mother had been relieved when their breech had occurred. Would she have stepped in and told him the truth sooner if she had known how he actually felt? Yes, he decided she would have. Any relationship of that nature was doomed from the start. Yet, he still loved her, but the more he thought about it the more he realized she had thought of him as a brother. Lily would still have gone off with that blasted Potter. Now she was dead and he would never get to tell her the truth. 'Damn you Potter! I lost my sister thanks to you! You and your damned...' He never finished the thought. Sitting bolt upright in his chair his eyes widened in shock. Lily was gone, but her daughter was not! Harriet Jamila Potter, the supposed savior of the Wizarding World, was his niece! He was related to the daughter of the man who had been the bane of his existence! Severus Snape screamed aloud in anguish at the injustice of it all...

Even as Albus Dumbledore watched the glowing ball on his shelf the color began to fluctuate at a rapid pace. What was going on? His blue eyes looked grave. He had just decided it would be wise to go and investigate, rather than wait any further, when the ball turned from red to green and then exploded in a shower of glass. The wards had fallen! Moving faster than many could believe for a man of his great age, he threw some floo powder into the fire. Simultaneously, he flicked his wand, sending out his Patronus to summon the Order. As the flames turned green he stuck his head into the hearth to summon his Potions Master.

"Severus," he yelled. "The blood wards on Privet Drive have fallen! We must go there immediately!"

Severus looked up as Dumbledore's head appeared in his fireplace. The blood wards were down on Privet Drive. Much as he detested the brat she was his only living relative. Could the wards have collapsed when he had read the letter? Was it because Petunia was not truly Lily's sister by blood? His mother had not done a blood adoption she had just replaced a dead child with a living one! 'Dear Merlin, the child is in grave danger.' The thought raced through his brain. He may not like her but he would protect her. He had sworn as much when Lily had died. He moved swiftly to the fireplace, and Albus stepped aside, allowing him access to the office.

"We must hurry, Severus. Young Harriet's life could be hanging in the balance even as we speak. We will floo to Arabella Figg's house and then Apparate to Privet Drive. There is no time to get to the gates."

"Understood," Snape replied, his head still whirling with possibilities. Hopefully, they would get there before the Dark Lord realized the wards had collapsed...


Please review! I love to read your comments and know you have been waiting for this fic for some time.