Remus Lupin
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 04/25/2005
Updated: 07/31/2005
Words: 113,598
Chapters: 19
Hits: 17,556

Harry Potter and the Power the Dark Lord Knows Not


Story Summary:
Harry Potter has already dealt with so much tragedy and so much pain - and as his sixth year begins Harry is faced not only with the devastating loss of his godfather, but also with the knowledge that he alone must defeat the Darkest wizard in history or die trying. As events take a turn for the worse and Voldemort begins to terrorize his mind, Harry finds that the one thing that has made his life worth living over the past few months may ultimately be the key to helping him fulfill the prophecy as well.

Chapter 19

Chapter Summary:
FINAL CHAPTER. After the shocking events that occur at Hogsmeade Station, Harry finds himself slowly coming to terms with his new and previously unexplored "power." On his way home Harry discovers that he has more strength and confidence than ever before - and realizes that the truth really can set you free.
Author's Note:
Sorry this is late, everyone. I originally tried to upload this two days before HBP, but they'd already closed the page and the server's been busy until today. I just wanted to thank each one of you for following my story; Spawn, Siri's Girl, jkll;asdf, 7876i7878876, curry 25, Cootie Patootie, flower child4, Sam J, Mugglememore, Stagnus. A special thanks and *grin* to those how have reviewed multiple times; emlow, Ansku, Matroushka, Megan1121, sherriola, loonylenalovegood, PheonixRun, Luna12, Megan5, oomahey, Melindaleo2000, Rocky235, & wasted cookie - You're continued reviews - particularly the ones who have reviewed steadily and throughout the story - have inspired me more than I would've ever expected! : ) You ALL rock!





Two hours later, Harry sat in Dumbledore's office staring somewhat blankly into the headmaster's fireplace without actually seeing it. Everyone was now safely within the confines of the castle and soon the students would be boarding the school carriages again to head back to Hogsmeade Station. Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and Neville were currently still in the hands of Madam Pomfrey over in the hospital wing - the nurse had insisted that they get a full examination before leaving. Harry too had found himself in the clutches of Madam Pomfrey, but after his many cuts and small wounds had been tended to, Professor Dumbledore had arrived in the infirmary and had then taken Harry to his office.

Lupin and Moody were presently down at the train station trying to sort out and restore what Voldemort and the Death Eaters had destroyed - they had only managed to escape Madam Pomfrey's ministrations by insisting that the student's needs were greater than their own. Snape and Filch were also at the station assisting with the repair effort; and McGonagall and Flitwick, after quickly and subtly removing the body of Bellatrix Lestrange, had accompanied the rest of the students up to the school again once Hagrid had returned with them from Hogsmeade. Harry later discovered that several of his classmates, including those who had so kindly shown their support of him at the Leaving Feast, had taken it upon themselves to see to the safety of the younger students left onboard the Hogwarts Express. They had apparently been able to use the thick clouds of steam to sneak out of the last compartment and had then made a run for it into the village. Shortly thereafter, the same explosion that had rocked the small station and had blown Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione off their feet, had also alerted those in Hogsmeade that something dangerous was occurring right on their back doorstep. Lupin, Moody, and Madam Rosmerta had been in the village at the time and just as they had begun racing down the High Street, one of the rooftops above them was set ablaze. The students had then appeared around the nearest corner and after leaving them in Madam Rosmerta's care, Lupin and Moody had continued on towards what they knew at that point to be a battle.

Now as Harry sat quietly in Dumbledore's study, the events of that day seemed thoroughly unreal. In fact, if Harry hadn't honestly known better, he would've sworn that he had merely dreamt the whole thing. Dumbledore was on the other end of the room opening one of his dark cabinets with a glass inlaid door, and Harry was then able to see fragmented reflections of light being cast about the office. Harry watched silently as the headmaster carefully set the mysterious rune-covered basin on the desk between them and began to touch his wand to his temple. Silvery strands of liquid-like material were then drawn away and placed into the bowl causing the almost indefinable substance within to swirl around quite rapidly. Once it had settled, Harry looked down into the Pensieve and saw the image of his own face being mirrored back up at him. As Harry began to examine the image, however, he realized that he was seeing something that he had never seen before.

Harry was staring at a very recent memory of Dumbledore's and disturbingly, this specific memory was depicting the single worst moment, thus far, in Harry's life... It was showing him the same gut-wrenching and unspeakable moment when Harry had turned towards his friends after Voldemort had fled and believed them to be beyond his ability to save them - he had thought that all three of them were dead. Harry peered down into his own horror-stricken visage and saw the one feature that had always made him instantly recognizable to every witch and wizard that he'd ever met - Harry saw his familiar lightning-shaped scar upon his forehead, but in the image it was somehow glowing as brightly and as brilliantly as a lighted torch. He continued to stare at it uncertainly before the image eventually faded, and Harry then turned his gaze upwards to his headmaster's face once more. Dumbledore was watching him from over his long interlocked fingers.

"I would like for you to tell me what happened today, Harry, if you can," Dumbledore requested, his voice soft. Harry nodded, but when he tried to speak, the words refused to come easily. After a certain amount of time had passed, though, Harry's eyes slowly found Fawkes sitting awake but silent upon his stately perch, and whatever had been blocking him seemed to finally fall away. Harry began to tell his headmaster about everything - the dementors, Lucius Malfoy showing up with a group of assorted Death Eaters, Bellatrix Lestrange's arrival and subsequent demise. And after another lengthy pause, Harry then told Dumbledore about Voldemort.

"There was a moment when Neville and I got separated from everyone else, but I knew that it was me that Voldemort wanted so I was trying to prepare myself to face him. I didn't realize that he was going to attack Ginny, Ron, and Hermione until after it was too late to stop him," Harry answered, and gave an uncomfortable shudder at the memory. "When I saw them all lying there, somehow I felt so... I don't really know how to describe it - I wanted to hurt him. I wanted to kill him for taking them away from me, and that's when it happened. I can't explain how - I didn't even have my wand, but suddenly I was right there fighting Voldemort - I was strangling him, and I could feel him dying. I was killing him, Professor -- I would've killed him if he hadn't been able to get a proper hold on his wand again..."

Harry then sighed and pushed his hands through his untidy hair as he leaned back in his chair. His mind was a confused jumble. He had gone from fear to hate to rage to relief in such a short amount of time that he wasn't honestly sure if he even knew where he was anymore. After a while, though, Harry looked back up at his headmaster. Dumbledore was considering him benignly - as if it was perfectly normal for Harry to sit there and admit that he'd just come close to killing the Darkest wizard in history. When the quiet had become a little too unsettling, however, Dumbledore spoke.

"Have you felt anything like this ever before, Harry?" he asked, and Harry had begun to say no before he remembered what Malfoy had done only a few weeks ago.

"I'm not sure, Professor. When Draco Malfoy tried to attack Ginny the day of the Quidditch Final, I think I might've felt something similar - but only in passing." Harry frowned pensively; he hadn't given that moment a second thought until now. "I didn't use my wand then, either. Do you know why this is happening, sir?" Harry was surprised to see that Dumbledore was beginning to smile - it was the last thing in the world that Harry felt like doing.

"'The power the Dark Lord knows not,'" Dumbledore quoted, gently.

"The prophecy?" Harry asked.

"Yes. It seems that you have managed to tap into a previously unheard of ability, Harry. You were threatened and you found yourself responding accordingly." Harry, however, was shaking his head.

"But I still don't understand, Professor. I've been angry before, I've certainly been in danger before -"

"This was altogether different, Harry," Dumbledore interjected. "This time it wasn't only yourself that you were trying to defend. Your loved ones were in jeopardy - I believe that it was your connection to them that allowed you to do what you did today."

"But this 'power' or whatever it is - I just used it to try to kill someone. Love had nothing to do with it."

"Love is not as simple as all that, Harry. Love is the most misunderstood, the most complex, the most mystifying emotion in existence. It is responsible for the greatest joy but also for the greatest sorrow that a person can experience. It has a great number of facets - more than we will probably ever be able to truly fathom. Make no mistake - you may have wanted to kill because of it, but it was love itself that triggered that feeling within you. And though Voldemort now knows that you have this power - I do not believe him to be capable of even remotely understanding it."

Harry stared at his headmaster dumbly, having absolutely no idea what to say. This was so much to take in, and yet deep down Harry knew that this was the answer to the most frightening puzzle in his life. Though Harry felt thoroughly shaken, he was beginning to realize that he didn't feel that way because he'd just seen Voldemort again - he felt that way because he'd thought that he'd lost his friends, his family forever. Harry and Dumbledore continued to sit together silently for a few minutes after that, and by the time that he got ready to rejoin his classmates, Harry felt much more positive about what the future might actually hold for all of them.


"I'm glad to be out of there," Ron was saying as they made their way to the Entrance Hall together. Harry had met up with him, Ginny, Hermione, and Neville outside of the hospital wing. "I never thought she was going to let us go, every time we tried to leave she came up with something else she said she had to check."

"She probably just wanted to make up for not getting to boss Lupin and Moody around. Neither one of them would let her examine them," Harry replied.

"Wish we'd been that lucky," Ron put in, scowling. Harry grinned. After everything that had happened, Harry couldn't imagine complaining about the more mundane details of his life like Ron was. Harry felt that those moments had become entirely too precious to take for granted.

"I don't see what the big deal is, Ron," Hermione said. "Madam Pomfrey was merely concerned about our welfare. It's certainly understandable under the circumstances."

"Was a waste of time if you ask me," Ron rejoined sullenly. Hermione sighed and then turned to Harry.

"How are you feeling, Harry?" Harry paused. He didn't really think that his emotions were expressible in words at this point. After a few seconds though, he looked over at Ginny. She had taken his hand as soon as they'd left the infirmary.

"Fine," Harry answered, realizing unexpectedly that it wasn't even a lie.

"Is everybody waiting on us?" Neville asked as they began to hear the chattering mass of students down in the Entrance Hall.

"Probably," Ginny answered him. Then she glanced up at Harry and asked quietly, "Did everything go okay with Dumbledore, Harry?"

"Sure," he responded, in the same low tones. "We just discussed a few things about today." Ginny stared into his eyes searchingly, but as they were currently entering the hall she didn't have the chance to ask anything more.

Everyone had formed a large queue in front of the massive double doors that led out onto the grounds. They seemed anxious to depart, yet remained somewhat apprehensive. As Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and Neville joined the back of the assembly, Professor McGonagall opened the doors letting the bright light from outside filter in and illuminate the dark stone corridor. Since everyone's belongings were still onboard the train, it was much easier to get around this time, and the line moved fairly speedily. They had just come even with the door when Harry heard Ginny, Ron, and Hermione gasp audibly. Harry had already begun to pull his wand when he suddenly realized what they were reacting to. The familiar long line of school carriages stood only a few feet away from the castle entrance; most of the other students were presently clambering onboard. Ginny, Ron, and Hermione had stopped, though, staring in open-mouthed astonishment at what was pulling them.

"It's okay," Harry said calmly, as he put his wand away again. "That's what they're supposed to look like."

"Thestrals?" Ginny asked, her eyes wide.

"Yeah," Harry answered.

"They're so... creepy-looking," Ron piped up. Hermione remained silent as she continued to stare at the blank-eyed winged horses, but she had begun to grip Ron's hand so tightly that her knuckles were rather white.

"Oh, I dunno. I guess I felt that way at first, too, but now," Harry reached over to pat one on its glossy but skeletally thin black rump, "I think they're quite nice. Beautiful, even."

"If you say so, Harry," Ron said, shaking his head incredulously. Neville, however, who had been able to see thestrals for a long time was hastily getting aboard the nearest carriage.

"Are you all coming, then?" Neville asked, and Harry nodded as he followed Ginny up the rickety metal steps.


Upon reaching Hogsmeade Station, Harry couldn't help but peer around anxiously. Every sign of that morning's battle had been wiped away in their absence - the fire in the village had been successfully extinguished, the crater left in the cement of the station platform had been made whole again, and even the huge gaping chasm that had been blown into the side of the Hogwarts Express was completely gone - everything seemed as good as new. At first glance, it almost looked as though nothing bad had happened at all until you took the time to study things a bit more closely. Harry could still see a few wisps of smoke rising from the same rooftop where the fire had been raging in the village, and while Hagrid was again standing there on the platform, so were several other members of the faculty. Professor McGonagall herself had joined Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and Neville in their carriage, and as Harry glimpsed around he noticed that Professor Flitwick was disembarking from another a short distance away. Dumbledore, Lupin, and Moody were inspecting the spot on the train that had just been painstakingly restored, while the rest of the faculty surrounded the station facing outwards, wands out and obviously ready.

Everyone was beginning to make their way over to the Hogwarts Express when a small group of witches and wizards abruptly Apparated nearby. Harry jumped instinctively, but it was soon apparent that these were not Death Eaters. In fact, as he turned towards them he quickly saw that the wizard in the front was a friend - it was Kingsley Shacklebolt, the new Minister of Magic. Shacklebolt immediately headed for Dumbledore, and Harry was then able to identify some of the other Aurors that he had brought with him.

"Hey, there," Tonks greeted as she strode over to him, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione. She was looking unusually conventional at the moment. She was currently sporting a head of ordinary light brown curls with standard-issue dark green robes - Harry found it slightly odd that her bubble-gum pink hair and Weird Sisters t-shirt seemed much less out of place to him. Tonks was smiling but she was one of the few who were, the rest of the Aurors were prowling about with looks of utmost caution and seriousness. "Seems I'm going to get to ride the school train again - I'm kind of looking forward to it."

"They're sending Aurors with us?" Ginny asked her.

"Well, at least as far as King's Cross," Tonks responded cheerfully, and then lowered her voice. "Remus and I will be staying with you lot the whole way, though, if you know what I mean." Harry nodded at her. The Order and the Ministry had evidently decided to be even more vigilant than they had been, and for once he couldn't honestly blame them.

The other students were beginning to get onboard the train, and while many of them still appeared a bit frazzled, the presence of the Minister of Magic himself and his Aurors seemed to have a relatively soothing effect on them. Harry then saw Dean and Seamus walking by with the Creevey brothers, Ernie Macmillan, and Hannah Abbott. As Harry called out to them, they eagerly made their way towards him.

"I just wanted to say thank you for helping to get the rest of the students out of harm's way earlier," Harry said, sincerely. "Who knows what might've happened if you hadn't.

"No problem, Potter - " Ernie began in pompously important tones, until Hannah jabbed him with her elbow.

"No problem considering that we weren't the only ones. Every one of the prefects were helping, too, along with Katie, Duncan, and Luna. It was a group effort," Hannah corrected.

"Well, we're all in this together, aren't we," Ernie put in sheepishly, seemingly chastised.

"I guess we really are," Harry replied, though he hadn't fully appreciated the truth of that until recently.

Hagrid's loud voice then rang out over the crowd of students, and those who hadn't started for the train now began to hurry towards it. Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione joined the throng and hastily slid into one of the compartments near the back. Dean, Seamus, and Neville chose a compartment next to theirs and Harry watched as Neville seated himself by the window, trying to keep hold of his Mimbulus mimbletonia while his toad Trevor made repeated attempts to escape from his grasp. Tonks, Moody, Lupin, and a couple of the other Aurors that Harry didn't recognize had climbed aboard as well -Hagrid had gazed at them wistfully, but Harry was quite certain that Hagrid's bulk would never fit through the train's narrow doorways. The adults had taken over the patrolling duties that the prefects were normally responsible for, so Ron and Hermione were afforded the luxury of staying with the others uninterrupted. Harry then watched as Ron and Hermione began to play chess across from him. The degree of difficulty was made much higher than it might have been since Crookshanks kept trying to participate - suspiciously, it seemed like it was always Ron's pieces that the cat tried to go after.

As the hours passed and the Hogwarts Express made its steady progress towards London, Harry sat there with Ginny nestled against his side and remembered when the four of them had ridden in a similar compartment together at the very beginning of the term. He had felt so differently about things then, Harry had had no idea what was waiting for him at Hogwarts - either good or bad, but somehow as he looked down at Ginny he felt significantly better about the direction his life was going in. Once they had arrived at King's Cross Station, Harry scanned the vast crowds of people and noticed the vivid but balding head of Arthur Weasley. Ron and Ginny's dad was looking as tense and strained as ever, but his face brightened just faintly when he caught sight of Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione struggling their way over to him.

"Ah, there you are," Mr. Weasley said tiredly, embracing each of his children and clapping Harry and Hermione on the back as they reached him. Hermione's parents had just appeared through one of the side entrances and were heading towards the group as well. While Hermione rushed over to hug them, Mr. Weasley whispered, "Shacklebolt has set us up with another Ministry car - it seemed the safest way."

Everyone was beginning to heave their trunks and animal cages into the back of the car when Ron unexpectedly exclaimed, "Hey Harry, isn't that your uncle?"

Harry spun around. Sure enough, the large and unmistakable form of Vernon Dursley could be seen at the edge of the station, along with Aunt Petunia and Dudley - just like always. Harry gawped at them feeling utterly aghast - he couldn't imagine why the same people who had always been so eager to be shut of him were now standing there as if demanding his return to Privet Drive. Uncle Vernon watched as Harry then finished shoving his trunk into the Ministry car; he was beginning to look extremely angry - Harry could see his temple throbbing visibly even at this distance. Aunt Petunia was standing slightly behind her husband, her skinny frame and horse-like face nearly hidden by his bulk. Dudley had positioned himself awkwardly behind both of his parents, appearing to be just as frightened as he usually was when in the company of wizards.

Moody was peering most menacingly at the Dursleys - his face was already attracting a lot of attention since he was wearing nothing to disguise his mangled features. Everybody else was also throwing either annoyed or angry looks over in the Dursleys' direction - many of them knew that Harry's childhood had not been an easy one thanks to them. Lupin then quickly strode up beside Harry and asked him in low tones, "Do you want us to ask them to leave?"

"No," Harry answered, as he glanced at the Dursleys once more. "I never asked them to come, but they are my relatives - I'll take care of it." Every one of Harry's friends then came to stand imposingly by his side, and while he knew that he could depend on any or all of them, he wanted to handle this by himself. As he glanced appreciatively at each of his friends before walking over to his relatives (taking just a brief second to squeeze Ginny's hand), Harry saw his uncle's face go from red to purple - he seemed greatly displeased that Harry was just now making his way toward them.

"It's about time, boy," Uncle Vernon snarled disdainfully, with the barest hint of a threat in his voice. "We didn't come all the way up here just to be ogled by your kind, and we're not going to wait much longer - no matter what they have to say." Up until that point, Harry had merely felt surprised by their presence there at the station - but as he heard the spiteful tone in his uncle's voice and saw the undisguised look of distaste that his aunt was beginning to cast in his friend's direction, Harry decided that he no longer cared if he stepped on their feelings or not.

"Well, you don't have to wait anymore - I won't be coming with you," Harry snapped, shortly.

"Won't be coming...." Uncle Vernon sputtered, quite incensed.

"No, I won't - not ever again." Harry then sighed and gave a rather sardonic grin - he wondered what Sirius would've been thinking if he could've been here to see this. "Well, this has been very enlightening and everything, but it's getting a bit late. 'Course you can stay here if you want - do whatever you like even, but as for me, I've got to get going - I really can't wait to get home." And with that, Harry turned on his heel and sped over to his friends again - having no doubt in his mind that that was where he truly belonged.

Later as Harry sat next to Ginny in the back of the Ministry car, he allowed himself to lean in that much closer to her, feeling uncommonly optimistic about his life and life in general. He had just finished another year at school, he had managed to permanently sever ties with his horrible relatives, and for the first time ever - he was beginning to live his life on his own terms. Harry felt confident and alive as they entered number twelve Grimmauld Place - happy, even. And although Voldemort and his Death Eaters were still at large, Harry was comforted by the fact that he now knew he had a potent and effective weapon against them - and he full well intended to use it when the time came.

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The End

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Author notes: Thanks once again!