Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 02/20/2002
Updated: 02/26/2002
Words: 28,896
Chapters: 8
Hits: 13,442

The Mage Knights

E. C. R Potter

Story Summary:
AU.  Farm Girl Hermione's life changes forever when she meets Sir Harry Potter and the Mage Knights.  A complete medieval type adventure, with swords and swordfights, quests and adventure, and kings and kingdoms.  Contains H/H romantic subplot.

Chapter 19

Chapter Summary:
AU._ Farm Girl Hermione's life changes forever when she meets Sir Harry Potter and the Mage Knights._ A complete medieval type adventure, with swords and swordfights, quests and adventure, and kings and kingdoms._ Contains H/H romantic subplot.

Chapter 19: The Battle Starts

Three weeks had past, and the hour of climax had finally come. Twenty

nine thousand soldiers and eight hundred Mage Knights, from all four kingdoms,

were marching through the mountainous lands of the Kingdom of Slytherin.

Their destination: Malfoy Manor, the capitol of the Kingdom of Slytherin.

Within days, the mighty land armada laid siege to the capitol city that housed

the Death Eaters. However, the Death Eaters were not giving in without

a fight. Thousands of dark creatures and Death Eater warriors were crowded

within the city, all fully prepared for the inevitable Alliance attack.

Hermione had completely recovered from her ordeal in Azkaban. Although

she was anxious about the coming battle, she couldn't help feeling happy about

how she and Harry loved each other. The night before the attack, she

was sitting in her tent, calming her anxious nerves.

"I am glad to see that you are well." Hermione looked up to

see Dumbledore enter her tent, his eyes twinkling.

"I could not possibly feel more better than I do now," said Hermione

with a smile on her face. "Harry and I love each other. Whenever

I think about that, I can't help but feel cheerful."

Dumbledore softly chuckled. He suddenly became serious however and said,

"We must talk about those rings on your fingers."

Hermione looked down at the two rings and sighed. "Yes, we must."

Dumbledore sat down on a stool facing Hermione whom was sitting on her bed.

"Miss Granger, I am sure that you are aware that the rings have chosen

you to bear them into battle. You will be key to victory: those rings

contain the sole power that can seal the source of the Death Eaters' dark

powers. Without the source, they will be easily defeated, but if they

do fight with their source, it shall be a devastating defeat for the Alliance."

Hermione sighed and looked down at her hands. This was a lot of pressure

on her: she literally held the outcome of the battle in her fingers!

Dumbledore placed his hand on her shoulder. "I am sorry that you

have to go through this, Hermione. If it were at all possible, I would

wish this burden off of you."

"No, I chose this for myself. I will go through with it."

Hermione looked up at Dumbledore and smiled. "I promise sir, I

will not let everyone down."

Dumbledore smiled at her and left her tent. After a few moments of silent

thinking, Hermione stood up and walked outside. She went to a clearing

where some of the Mage Knights were preparing for battle. She made her

way to Harry and kissed him passionately. ;

"Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?" asked Harry.

Hermione smiled at him. "For loving me." Harry grinned

and they kissed again. They continued kissing for a couple of minutes

until Ron came and dragged Harry away. ;

* *










The attack started at dawn.

"Catapults. Fire!" commanded Remus. Five hundred catapults

fired five hundred burning rocks at Malfoy Manor, knocking down key walls

and setting the city on fire.

"Reload...Fire!" commanded Remus. The catapults succeeded

in firing another volley before Death Eaters and their dark creatures came

streaming out of the city, waving their weapons and letting out a war cry.

"Charge!!!!" yelled Remus. The Alliance soldiers let out their

own war cry and charged at the city and the warriors that were emerging from

it. Soon, foot soldiers were battling giving their all out strength

in trying to best whoever it was their opponent happened to be. Behind

them, Archers let their arrows rain on enemy soldiers. Cavalry charged

through the battlefield, attacking all opponents with swift blows.

The battle was fierce, for although Alliance soldiers far outnumbered the

Death Eaters, the Death Eaters had a powerful arsenal of dark creatures on

their side: demons, goblins, trolls, vampires (although these became less

prominent as the sun climbed higher), veela, chimaeras, manticores, dementors,

even dragons (fireballs and ridgebacks being their favorites). These

creatures proved hard to kill and many an Alliance soldier fell while battling

such creatures. The Mage Knights used magic to aid the Alliance soldiers

the best they could while they themselves participated in the battle.

Slowly but surely, the Alliance forces made their way to Malfoy Manor.

Soon, the fighting was taking place not only in the streets of the city, but

even within the palace grounds. Many Death Eaters had barricaded themselves

within the buildings of the city, and fighting proved to be taxing to the

Alliance soldiers.

During the confusion of battle, Hermione, accompanied by Harry, Ron, and surprisingly

Draco, managed to sneak into the palace. This was part of the plan,

as Hermione, with the rings, was to face Lucius whom was believed to have

the keys to the Death Eaters' source.

* *










Remus managed to bring down another opponent when he noticed a lone Death

Eater attempting to run away. The first thing he noticed was the Death

Eater's gleaming silver right hand! Remus immediately made his way up

to the Death Eater.


"Why hello, Peter," said Remus with mock friendliness.

"R...Remus!" stuttered Wormtail. His right hand conjured up

a blade as Remus drew his sword. The two blades connected as Remus swung

down his sword at Wormtail. Remus spun around and sent his sword at

his opponent again who barely deflected it with his own blade.

"How does it feel, Wormtail?" snarled Remus. "How does

it feel to be responsible for the fall of an entire kingdom? How does

feel to betray your friends? This is for Lily and James!"

Wormtail started panicking as Remus continued slashing at him. He barely

managed to bloke each of Remus's attacks, but the far more powerful werewolf

was wearing him out.

* *










"Father," muttered Draco as Hermione and the Mage Knights barged

into the throne room.

Lucius glanced at Draco and snarled, "You are no son of mine!"

Draco tensed a little but kept his cool.

"Why, so my little mudblood has decided to return," smirked Icicle.

It was only she, Lucius, and Crouch in the throne room. "Going

to use those rings against us now? Don't bother, I've kept your cell

at Azkaban clean for your return there."

Hermione shivered at the mention of Azkaban. Harry placed a comforting

hand on her shoulder as he and Ron drew their swords. "Let's finish

this right here, right now!" yelled Ron.

Crouch glanced at Icicle. "I'll take care of Weasley and the traitor,"

he said, "if you take care of Potter and the mudblood!" He

waved his hand at the Mage Knights. Ron and Draco were flung out of

the throne room, into the corridor outside. Crouch followed them and

the doors swung shut.

"Now," said Icicle. "Prepare to meet your dooms!"

She raised her staff and yelled, "Avada Kedavra!"

Harry and Hermione dodged the curse, Harry to the right and Hermione to the

left. Deciding to kill Hermione first, Icicle shot another killing curse

towards her. Just as she dodged it however, Harry yelled, "Expelliarmus!"

from behind. Icicle was caught off guard and barely managed to dodge

the red light.

She decided to turn her attention to Harry and shot the Avada Kedavra curse

at him. However, this time Hermione shouted, "Stupefy!"

just as Harry dodged the killing curse. Icicle was just barely able

to dodge the stunning curse. With horror, she realized that she had

no chance of winning against Harry and Hermione this time. ;


"Stupefy!" shouted Harry and Hermione at the same time.

With a scream, Icicle slumped to the floor.

"You fool!" screamed Lucius, "How could you let yourself..."

Lucius suddenly stopped when he noticed that Harry was standing right in front

of him with a huge grin on his face. Harry punched Lucius in the gut

and the ruler of the Kingdom of Slytherin slumped down to the floor.

Harry dusted off his hands. "Well Hermione, lets finish what we

came here to do in the first place." Hermione grinned as she placed

her hands over Lucius's form. She concentrated all of her magic into

the rings, willing them to shut down the Death Eaters' source.

Nothing happened.

"What's going on?!" exclaimed Harry. "Why isn't anything


"I...I don't know!" said Hermione. "The rings were supposed

to seal the source!"

Suddenly, cold, high-pitched laughter echoed through the room. Harry

and Hermione whipped around to see Tom Marvolo Riddle walking towards them.

"Isn't it obvious?" laughed Riddle. "Lucius isn't the

source! I can't believe that you thought a fool like Lucius could actually

have the keys to the source!"

"What did you expect us to believe, Riddle?" snarled Harry.

"Lucius is the ruler of the Death Eaters, why wouldn't he be the source?"

Riddle grinned and his red eyes gleamed with malice. "Do you honestly

believe that?"

Lucius managed to lift up his head. As soon as he saw Riddle, his face

turned pale and his eyes widened with horror.


Chapter 20: I am Lord Voldemort

Metal sounds issued throughout the corridors as blade hit blade. Crouch

was fighting much more ferociously than he was in Azkaban and both Ron and

Draco had a hard time keeping up against him. And it certainly didn't

help that they were arguing in between their attacks on Crouch.

"Do you fools really believe that you can defeat me? If so, you

are nothing more than a pair of incompetent idiots," laughed Crouch.

He spun around, and used the momentum to slash his two swords at Ron and Draco.

The two Mage Knights managed to block the attacks but were nearly thrown off


"Who are you calling an idiot?" demanded Draco. He swung his

sword down at Crouch who deflected the attack by crossing his two blades.

"Weasley may be one but I'm not!"

"Oh, so I'm an idiot, am I?" shouted Ron. He flashed his sword

at Crouch with a sideways thrust. Crouch leapt up and dodged Ron's attack.

"I thought that idiots only had blonde hair!" Crouch made

his way around Ron and sent him sprawling with a swift kick.

"Maybe they have red hair!" yelled Draco. He slashed at Crouch

who deflected the attacks. Crouch ducked down and tripped Draco.

"Yeah, maybe they do have red hair!" yelled Ron. "But

how should I know, I'm just an idiot!!!" Ron made three continuous

slashes at Crouch. All three were deflected. "At least I

have a brain in my head!!!!"

"Oh, and to imagine that all I thought was in your head was air!!!!!"

shouted Draco. Both he and Ron charged at Crouch. Crouch leapt

out of the way, and Ron and Draco crashed into each other.

As Ron and Draco continued arguing, Crouch couldn't help but think, 'This

is easier than I thought!'

* *










The stunned silence that had issued through the throne room was suddenly disrupted

by Harry: "What do you mean by 'master'?! Lucius is supposed

to be the master!!!"

Riddle suddenly started laughing hysterically. "So you really did

believe that!" he said. "Seems like I was more successful

than I thought!" He smirked at Harry and continued. "Well

Potter, Lucius is just a puppet that I set up. That's right, I!

I am the true ruler of the Slytherins! I am the true object of worship

of the Death Eaters! I, Tom Marvolo Riddle! Or, as I prefer to

be called..." Riddle's red eyes opened wide and he had a maniacal grin

on his face. "...Lord Voldemort!"

"What?!" said both Harry and Hermione, their eyes wide with astonishment.

Riddle, or rather, Voldemort made a small bow. "I am Lord Voldemort!"

he said. "The Dark Lord. Master of the Death Eaters.

Ruler of the Kingdom of Slytherin for the past twenty years, and of the Kingdom

of Gryffindor for the past sixteen. Soon to be ruler of all of Magiterran.

Direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin. And..." He grinned

once more. "...assassinator of King James and Queen Lily."

Hermione and Harry turned pale. Harry suddenly started shivering and

Hermione barely managed a small "W...what?"

"Quite simple really," said Voldemort with a shrug. "Wormtail

betrayed James and Lily to me. James fought valiantly against me, it

was a good fight by the way, but I eventually overcame him with one good Avada

Kedavra. Lily however, died trying to protect you, Harry."

Harry shuddered at this revelation. "She sacrificed herself to

save you. Effective, I must say. For when I tried to kill you

sixteen years ago, the curse rebounded on me!" Voldemort grimaced

as he recalled the past. "I was stripped of my powers, and I fled

barely alive. The only thing you got was that scar on your forehead,"

Riddle eyed Harry's scar. "And my abilities as a Parselmouth."

He walked over to the cowering Lucius. "That's why I set up Lucius

here as a puppet while I myself spent years regaining my powers. Foolish

as he was, he had his uses. But it looks like he has outlived them."

Lucius started shaking uncontrollably. "Forgive me, master,"

he begged. "Forgive me."

Voldemort started laughing. "Lucius, my friend. You really

think that I would be so merciful? Now that my powers have completely

returned? You had your uses, Lucius, but not any more." He

pointed his sword at Lucius's head. "Avada Kedavra!"

Hermione screamed as Lucius fell dead.

Voldemort walked over to the unconscious Icicle. "Enervate."

Icicle opened her eyes and gave a start when she saw Riddle standing over


"You have failed me, Icicle," said Voldemort with a serious face.

"No, my Lord. I would never..."

"You have failed me!" Voldemort continued speaking with mock

pity. "Why, Icicle? Why? You were my most devoted servant.

You were my liaison between Lucius and myself. You were even spying

on Lucius: keeping me alert in case he ever stepped out of line. So

why have you failed me, Icicle? Why?"

Icicle started shivering and beads of sweat fell down her face as her eyes

widened in horror. "No, my Lord. That is not how it is!"

Voldemort started tutting. "Icicle, Icicle, Icicle. Defeat

against a Mage Knight may be acceptable, but against a mudblood?"

Riddle eyed Hermione. "Well, she is exceptional so defeat may be

understandable. Still, you have failed me. And you know Lord Voldemort's


"No! My Lord! You can not..."

"Avada Kedavra."

With a scream, Icicle fell down dead. Harry was now glaring at Riddle,

his sword drawn and his green eyes emitting sparks of rage. Voldemort

started walking toward the back of the throne room. "Follow me

Harry," he said, "and you too, Miss Granger. I will guide

you two to where we shall have our last duel. There, we will finish

this war once and for all!"

Riddle disappeared in to a corridor that had been hidden beneath the throne.

After exchanging a glance with each other, Harry and Hermione followed after

him. After walking through a long corridor, Harry and Hermione came

up to a large wooden door, decorated with snakes. Harry, suddenly hissed

something in Parseltongue, and the doors opened wide.

They entered a large chamber, held up by a series of pillars decorated with

snakes. At the end of the chamber was a large statue of Salazar Slytherin.

Riddle was waiting for them in front of the statue, his arms raised and a

triumphant grin on his face.

"Welcome," hissed Voldemort. "Welcome to the Chamber

of Secrets!"

* *











Outside of the palace, Remus and Wormtail were still engaged in mortal combat.

"Is life worth living, Peter?" taunted Remus. "Can't

you hear James and Lily continuously accusing you for betraying them?

For murdering them?"

Wormtail shuddered, but continued fighting. Their blades were sending

off sparks as they hit. Remus twirled his blade and used carefully calculated

slashes, which placed him on the offensive. Wormtail, on the other hand,

was clumsy and made to many unnecessary moves. It looked like Remus

was about to win the duel any second when he suddenly lost balance as he stepped

on a discarded shield Wormtail grabbed his chance and stabbed Remus!

Sirius caught sight of what had happened and screamed. "Remus!

NOOOOOOOO!!!!" He darted forward and caught Remus just as he crumbled.

Luckily, the wound wasn't fatal though he was loosing a lot of blood.

Remus looked up at Sirius and gasped. "S...Sirius. W...win

this w...war for me. For L...Lily and James." Sirius nodded.

He used a portkey to transport Remus back to the Alliance camp. He then

turned on his adversary.

"You'll pay, Wormtail!" Sirius's blade flashed and Wormtail

barely managed to block the attack! Sirius swung his sword again and

again, forcing Wormtail onto a high wall overlooking the battlefield.

Sirius also leaped onto the wall and the two opponents started to exchange


While Remus had been on the offensive by using calculated moves, Sirius remained

on the offensive by using sheer fury and brute force. He was quickly,

overwhelming Wormtail, who could barely block Sirius's fierce attacks.

* *










"Why don't you do us all a favor and get killed?!" yelled Ron. ;

"Why don't you?!" yelled Draco. ;

They were still fighting Crouch whom had the upper hand with his two swords.

The blade in his left hand was blocking Ron's attacks while the blade in his

right was slashing at Draco. It was looking more and more as if Ron

and Draco would turn on each other.

Crouch finally decided that he had enough fun and decided to put the two Mage

Knights out of their misery. With a combination of strength, technique,

and magic, Crouch leapt thirty feet in the air and flew down in a diving attack.

Ron and Draco abruptly ended their argument and exchanged a knowing glance.

Ron suddenly turned his sword upside down and Draco leapt on to Ron's sword's

hilt. With an upward thrust, Ron sent Draco flying at Crouch.

Crouch barely had a chance to register astonishment as Draco slashed into

him! Crouch was killed.

Ron and Draco dashed back into the throne room. Draco gave a start when

he saw his father's lifeless body. Ron also located Icicle's corpse.

However, there was no sign of Harry or Hermione.

Chapter 21: The End of the Saga

"Where are they?!" shouted Ron. "What happened here?!"

Draco remained silent. He seemed to be in shock and was kneeling over

Lucius's dead form. They may have been on opposing sides but it was

still a shock to see your own father dead.

Ron continued looking for any signs of Harry and Hermione. Just when

he was about to check out the throne, however, he felt a sudden pull of magic.

With a shriek, he disappeared down the secret path leading down to the Chamber

of Secrets. Draco, still in shock, didn't even notice he was missing.

* *










Outside, Sirius and Wormtail were still engaged in mortal combat. Sirius's

superior skills were definitely showing their toil and Wormtail was barely

able to hold his own.

"This is for James!" yelled Sirius as he pummeled Pettigrew in the

midsection with his hilt! "For Lily!" He placed a swift

kick on Wormtail's chin! "For Remus!" Sirius slammed

Pettigrew's head on the blunt side of his blade! He then lifted Wormtail

by his collar. "And this is for me," he whispered as he pummeled

his fist into Wormtail's cheek. Pettigrew crumbled on the ground.

Sirius was just about to run him through when Wormtail started weeping uncontrollably.

Treacherous and deceitful as Pettigrew was, Sirius still hesitated in front

of the pitiful and pathetic creature in front of him. The moments hesitation

was all Wormtail needed as he suddenly sprang and tackled Sirius. Taken

by surprise, Sirius was knocked off of his feet.

"Nothing to fear, Padfoot," whispered Wormtail. His tears

were replaced with a malevolent grin as he placed his blade on Sirius's neck.

"You'll soon be joining Prongs and Lily!"

Wormtail drew back his blade so as to decapitate Sirius and swung. Suddenly,

Sirius turned into a dog! In the process, Sirius's head had gone down

to a lower position and the blade swished over his head. Wormtail was

caught off balance as Sirius turned back into human form.

"And this is for Harry!" he whispered as he ran Wormtail through.

Pettigrew fell down dead, disbelief written all over his face.

* *










Ron found himself in a chamber that was held up by large pillars decorated

with snakes. He found out that he was lying right behind Harry and Hermione

and quickly scrambled to his feet.

"Hello, Ron," said Hermione without even looking at him. Harry

remained quiet. He was glaring at a figure standing at the other end

of the chamber.

"Riddle?" said Ron as he recognized the figure.

"Try Voldemort," said Harry.

Voldemort was grinning like a madman. "Well, Harry. Now that

I've summoned your friend here, that brings us to three against one.

I do believe that the odds are in your favor, are they not?" Voldemort

drew his sword. Hermione raised her staff as Harry and Ron drew their

swords. The trio remained still for a few minutes. Voldemort crouched

down. "What are you waiting for? If you're not going to start,

than I will!"

"Avada Kedavra!" Harry, Hermione, and Ron scattered

three ways as the green light of the killing curse struck the floor where

they had been standing. Voldemort suddenly leaped up in the air with

a high-pitched laugh. "You'll be first, Mudblood!" he screeched

as came down toward Hermione.

Before Hermione could move, Harry sprang in front of her. The sound

metal hitting metal rang through the corridor as Harry's sword and Voldemort's

sword connected. Harry swiftly placed a kick on Riddle's midsection.

He was just about to slash his sword when Voldemort shouted "Crucio!"

Harry writhed in pain as he was hit with the curse. With a roar of anger,

Ron slashed at Voldemort. Voldemort broke the curse on Harry so that

he could defend himself from Ron's attacks. He knocked Ron off of his

feet by ramming his blade into Ron's face. Fortunately for Ron, it was

a blunt part of the blade.

Hermione shouted "Stupefy!" Voldemort deflected Hermione's

stunner and shouted "Crucio!" Hermione dodged the Cruciatus

curse and closed in on Riddle. She swung her staff down at him as hard

as she could. Voldemort caught the staff on his blade, but just as he

was about to place a curse on Hermione, Ron yelled, "Reducto!"

The blast flung Voldemort back some fifteen meters, but he managed to land

on his feet. He was still grinning as Ron and Hermione closed in on

him. With a quick roll forward, Riddle placed himself behind Ron and

Hermione. Before they could turn around, Voldemort had placed them on

the Cruciatus Curse. Their screams echoed throughout the Chamber of

Secrets as they writhed on the ground in sheer agony. Voldemort looked

over them with his malevolent grin.


"Expelliarmus!" The curse was broken as Voldemort was

flung backwards by the recovered Harry's disarming spell. Ron and Hermione

quickly scrambled to their feet and made it to Harry's side. Voldemort

had just stood up when Hermione shouted, "Incendio!" Voldemort

sprang back as he was engulfed in flames. Before he could move, Harry

and Ron came forward and swung their swords down at him. Voldemort was

barely able to block their blows. Then, before he could brace himself

for another attack, Harry, Hermione, and Ron shouted, "Expelliarmus!"

The combined force of the disarming spells blasted Voldemort through the wall

on the other side of the chamber. The trio fell down to their knees,


"Well, that was something!" grinned Ron between breaths. "Sure

took a lot out of me. But looks like the light side always wins!"

Hermione also grinned but stopped when she saw that Harry was still glaring

at the other side of the chamber. Hermione looked toward the way Harry

was glaring and gasped. Voldemort was standing with barely a scratch

on his body: his red eyes gleaming and a grin on his face!

"Impressive!" he said. "Definitely worth my attention

but not enough, I'm afraid, to defeat the Dark Lord!" He laughed

his high pitch laugh!

"I don't believe it!" yelled Ron. "We blasted him with

enough power to level Hogwarts, Azkaban, and Diagon Alley combined and he

just stands there grinning!"

"He must be immortal or something," said Hermione with a defeated

voice. "We can't win! It's just not possible

Harry had remained quiet during this entire time. He suddenly looked

up and whispered, "Hermione, the rings! Use the rings!"

Hermione's eyes went wide as she understood. The rings were what could

shut down the key to the Death Eaters' power. In other words, they were

what they needed to defeat Voldemort. Hermione closed her eyes and started

to concentrate on the rings on her hand.

Voldemort's grin was replaced with an ugly look. "Oh no you don't!

Avada Kedavra!" Hermione was forced to break her concentration

as she and the Mage Knights dodged the killing curse. She tried to concentrate

again but was forced to dodge another killing curse shot her way. This

went on another number of times. Voldemort was now placing so much of

his power in the Avada Kedavra curse that the green light was actually taking

the shape of a green and silver basilisk. ;

"I can't keep this up!" shouted Hermione as she dodged another basilisk

shaped curse. Exhaustion overwhelming her, she tripped on a loose stone

and fell to the ground. Hermione whimpered in pain: she had twisted

her ankle.

Voldemort flashed a triumphant grin! "I have you now, Mudblood,"

he said. He was just about to place the killing curse on Hermione, when

suddenly Ron sprang up from behind him. Ron jumped on Voldemort's back

and wrapped his arms and legs around him, pinning Voldemort to himself.

"Harry! Hermione! Do it now!" he shouted as Voldemort

tried to fling Ron off.

"Come on, Hermione!" said Harry as he helped Hermione to her feet.

"This is our last chance!" Hermione nodded and lifted her

arms in front of her, her fingers entwined. Harry stood behind her as

his arms came around Hermione; his hands cupped the two rings on Hermione's

fingers. As they concentrated on the rings, a single spell entered their


Voldemort finally managed to fling Ron off his back. Just as he shouted,

"Avada Kedavra!" Harry and Hermione shouted, "Expecto


Instead of a silver stag, a golden lion and a scarlet phoenix shot out of

the two rings! Then, before their very eyes, the lion and the phoenix

combined and became a single Patronus: a red and gold griffin! The red

and gold griffin and the green and silver basilisk charged at each other.

A blast of sound echoed through the chamber as the griffin and the basilisk

collided into each other. At first, the Patronus charm and the Avada

Kedavra curse rammed at each other with equal power. Eventually, however,

the basilisk gave way. Voldemort was horror struck as the red and gold

griffin engulfed his body. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" he shouted.

He body suddenly started crumbling and within seconds, he had crumbled into

dust. Thus perished Lord Voldemort.

With Voldemort's death, the Death Eaters suddenly lost their powers, and before

they could figure out what had happened, the Alliance had won the battle.

Hermione looked down at her hands. She noticed that the Ring of the

Lion had transported onto Harry's left ring finger. She looked into

his eyes. "Is...is it over?" she asked.

Harry smiled and said, "I think it is."

Hermione smiled and whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too." They kissed.

* *










Peace was restored to Magiterran and life returned to the way it was before

the coming of Voldemort and the Death Eaters: if not, even better. Sir

Draco Malfoy was crowned the new king of the Kingdom of Slytherin. His

first act as ruler was to purge all Death Eater influences from his kingdom

as well as work to regain the trust that the Slytherins had lost because of

the Death Eaters.

Hogwarts once again became the training center of the Mage Knights who continued

to wander Magiterran, protecting its peace and prosperity. Dumbledore,

McGonagall, Hagrid, and even Snape are all trainers there, even to this day.

Soon after, the end of the war, Harry Potter was crowned king of Gryffindor

and the Kingdom of Gryffindor was reestablished. Many of the Gryffindor

nobility had their honors and privileges restored, among those, the houses

of Weasley, Lupin, and Black. Sirius and Remus both retired and spent

the rest of their days on their lands.

After Sirius and Remus's retirement, Ron became the new commander of the Gryffindor

military, a job he did very well.

The most joyous day of Magiterran came about a year after the defeat of Voldemort.

The rebuilt Gryffindor capitol city of Godric's Hollow was filled with guests

from all four kingdoms who had come to witness the marriage of King Harry

Potter to young Hermione Granger.

The streets were crowded that day as Gryffindor citizens waited to see their

new queen who had once been a farm girl, just like her predecessor, Queen

Lily. They fell in love with the new Queen Hermione immediately for

she never forgot her muggle origins and was always a champion of their rights.

Harry and Hermione loved each other dearly and Hermione bore Harry two daughters

and a son whom was his heir. The two lived in the Kingdom of Gryffindor

happily for the rest of their lives.

The End