The Dark Arts
Lily Evans Severus Snape
Mystery Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/20/2005
Updated: 12/02/2005
Words: 1,117
Chapters: 2
Hits: 638

The Secret Snape


Story Summary:
Snape reveals all his secrets in his diary. What led him to become the murderer of Dumbledore? Find out here.

Chapter 01 - First Impressions

Chapter Summary:
It's the first of September and Harry Potter is coming to Hogwarts. What were Snape's thoughts at the first looks shared between the two of them?

Chapter One

First Impressions

Dear Diary,

The first of September. The day when the frightened pipsqueaks arrive. But this year it is different. Her son has come to Hogwarts. Harry Potter, son of Lily Evans and James Potter.

As he filed in, I remembered my first day; the day I saw Lily for the first time. I was taken immediately. Her eyes were like emeralds; her hair was like fire flowing down her back. I remember her smiling at me, when everyone turned away from me. No one liked me as soon as they saw me they turned away. I was ugly and I knew it; but I didn't really encourage relationships. Then I saw James. Standing there arrogantly with his little friends; Mr Popular. I hated him from the moment I saw him and he hated me.

Harry sat under the hat, frightened and nervous. I tried not to sure my interest, but I still joined my colleagues in staring. Albus was, of course, interested; where would the saviour of the wizarding race end up? Secretly, I hoped for Slytherin, imagining Albus' face if such thing occurred. However, he ended up in Gryffindor of course. I watched him sit down among his new classmates. When the latest Weasley sat down next to him, I realised he had already found friendship. He must have had that knack, like his dad, to make friends easily; I never had that gift.

At that point, Quirrell, started to talk to me. I answered back curtly, but I felt something different in Quirrell, a familiar presence. While I talked to him, I kept my eyes on Harry. He must have sensed me looking for he stared back at me. Suddenly, he clapped his hand to his forehead. Surprised, I watched him. He turned to the older Weasley, what's his name again? Percy, I think. They were obviously talking about me. But I turned away, as I felt Harry look back at me. My mind was teeming; Albus had told me about the link he thought the scar had forged. But why, when he looked at me had it hurt? I looked at Quirrell thoughtfully and realised the truth. The turban, of course, how stupid was I? It was Him, he had possessed Quirrell.

This evening, I went to Albus' office. I told him my suspicions and he listened curiously. "I will look further into this. Thank you for telling me this. It seems Voldemort is not as defeated as we thought," he told me.

"He's after Harry isn't he."

"Yes, I believe so. Do not worry; I believe that young Harry will be ready for Him"

"You really think so! He's too young!"

"Shush, I will guide him. He will be perfectly safe. By the way, I believe you will not have young Harry till Friday, so you will have time to prepare yourself for the meeting and remember do not blame the child for the father's mistakes."

"I will try, but I have to keep up my Death Eater persona, don't I."

"Just make sure it doesn't end in blows! He is quite advanced for his age and I don't want you ending up in St. Mungos'" Albus joked. I left then before he started offering me sherbet lemons.

Severus Snape

Somebody said that they didn't see Snape as the diary type and i can see where they're coming from. However, i've always thought that after having to mask his thoughts it might have been beneficial for him if he was to tell someone or something his true feelings and a diary seems to do this. Please review.