Astronomy Tower
Other Canon Wizard/Severus Snape Harry Potter/Remus Lupin
Harry Potter Remus Lupin Severus Snape
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/23/2004
Updated: 11/16/2005
Words: 30,576
Chapters: 19
Hits: 21,338

Of Hope And Love

Draconn Malfoy

Story Summary:
Life is not treating Harry Potter lightly. However, he and his lover Remus dare to hope for better even in the middle of War. Only they aren't the only ones having problems -- just what's been eating Snape after Kingsley Shacklebolt was captured by Death Eaters? SLASH & MPREG.

Chapter 17

Chapter Summary:
Dumbledore hears of and then informs the Order about Severus's condition. Later he and Remus exchange a couple of words.
Author's Note:
You didn't seriously think I'd let Severus die, did you? ...Well, you most probably did. Anyway, let me tell you this: Severus is my favourite character in the whole series, and it would take a lot more to make me kill him than the need of an angsty plot twist.

Of Hope and Love


Chapter 17:



"How is he?" asked a quiet voice from the doorway. Madam Pomfrey raised her eyes from her sleeping patient, meeting the questioning eyes calmly. She'd been waiting for this visitor.

"Not too well, I'm afraid," she sighed, shaking her head slightly in frustration. "He will live, as will all his babies -- thankfully, as I do not think he could have beared the loss of another child. However, it was a close call; he is in a pretty bad shape." Then she added under her breath, "Damn that man and his stubbornness. I specifically told him not to leave his bed, and not only that, he goes to fight Death Eaters..."

"We must try to understand his reasonings, Poppy," the Headmaster replied calmly. "He is in love. Love can make people do the stupidest things. His love for Kingsley got him in trouble -- and his love for his children saved both him and the babies." Walking nearer, he stopped beside the bed, reaching out a hand to wipe a lock of jet-black hair from the pale man's forehead. "Poor Severus... Nothing ever goes his way, I fear. These children are a blessing to him, though, and not a curse," he then added. "For that, I am grateful. He most certainly has faced enough hardships in his life."

"Well, at least the babies are bringing out something good in him," sighed Poppy. "Sure, he still disobeys me. However, the Severus I knew before he got pregnant would have flat-out refused to even consider staying here, living in his quarters and continuing to work until I tied him to bed. The fact that he 'merely' escaped means that he has come a long way from there. And now, he actually shows his emotions. I don't think I've ever seen him smile as much as I have after he was brought here -- or cry as much, either."

At that, the Headmaster sighed as well. "Oh, yes," he muttered. "Not even this blessing has only brought happiness to him. However, I am confident that one day we will bring Kingsley back to him and their children." After a momentary pause, he continued, "Although not all losses can be as easily compensated, I'm afraid." At this, his eyes wandered towards the window, not seeing but still targeting at a tiny grave somewhere on the school grounds. A tiny grave with a small, white tombstone.

"Are the other losses yet clear?" asked Poppy quietly. "Besides for... well, you know." She swallowed a bit, glancing at a bed in the corner of the Infirmary. The person lying there was covered from head to toe with a white sheet. There was no indication of life residing inside them.

"Not yet." Dumbledore sighed. "When I went there, I focused on finding Severus. While searching for him I also found... her body." Now, he, too, glanced at the dead person in the corner. "It is a shame, really," he continued. "She was so young... she had the whole life ahead of her, and now all that is lost." Lowering his head for a moment, he then straightened himself. "Oh, well. I guess I'll just have to find a new Defence Against Dark Arts Professor, won't I?" he said with a wistful tone.


Later the Headmaster was given the full statistics of the losses of that day. In addition to the unfortunate Tonks, two had died, and several had been badly injured. However, Tonks was the only loss to the main Order, the others being just minor allies aiding them. This did not make their death any less devastating to Dumbledore, who felt he was responsible for the tragedy, but it did relieve him since their absence would not really affect the Order or its functioning. The absence of Tonks, however, was another matter.

The faces around the meeting table were now serious, serious and exhausted -- none of those who had left the battle uninjured had managed to get much sleep after it. Of the main Order only Mundungus seemed to be even relatively rested, and even he was rather tired; despite not participating in the battle, he had got more than his share of the work load of the aftermath. On top of that, others were wary of him.

"Hey, Dumbledore," Mad-Eye said gruffly. "Are you sure this isn't really Snape?" He nodded briefly towards Mundungus, who drew away under the magical eye's intense gaze.

"I am positive about that," the Headmaster said, a tiny, sad smile touching his lips. "Severus is currently in the Hospital Wing of Hogwarts, resting under Poppy's watchful eyes."

"How is he?" asked Molly now worriedly. "His babies didn't get hurt... did they?"

"Fortunately not," the ancient wizard confirmed, his smile becoming a little less sad. "Though they are rather shaken, they were spared from the worst. It seems that Severus himself took most of the strain; he's in a bad shape at the moment, but we expect him to make full recovery. It isn't bad enough to harm his babies, either. However," he added seriously, "he did almost die."

"That fool," muttered Miss Figg, a sad smile on her lips. "That dear fool."

"A fool with the best intentions, I'm sure," sighed Arthur Weasley. "However, I am sure Severus' health is not the only thing we should now be concerned about. So, what's the situation, Albus?"

"Bad and going worse," sighed the Headmaster. "The fact that Severus is going to recover is about the only good news that has reached my ears lately. The mediwitches are afraid that there might be another loss soon. And on top of everything else, I need to find a new DADA Professor."

"May I make a suggestion?" asked Arthur Weasley. As the ancient wizard nodded, looking at him questioningly, he went on, "Why not give the position to Bill? His expertise in curses might prove useful. And besides, another Order member in Hogwarts would mean also added security."

"That is the first good suggestion I have heard for quite some time," Dumbledore sighed. "Very well; I will contact Bill as soon as I'm able to. And now, to the next problem..."


Remus raised his eyes from the unmoving form on the bed as he heard somebody entering the room. Seeing the Headmaster standing in the doorway he gave him a weak smile. "He's asleep," he stated rather needlessly as the ancient wizard gave him a questioning glance.

"That is good," the Headmaster said, sitting down on the other chair beside the bed. "He most certainly needs all the rest he can get now. He's been under a great deal of stress lately."

"Just how did he survive the torture?" asked the werewolf. "From what I heard from Poppy, the strain of the curses should have made him at least miscarry if not die himself. And why on Earth did the Death Eaters cease their work without finishing it? I should have thought they would have killed him instantly."

"Ah, that is indeed a reasonable question," Dumbledore said. "However, the answer is quite simple. The Death Eaters were unable to finish their work, so to speak, because in their eyes, Severus disappeared."

"What?" Remus' eyes widened. "Then how were you able to rescue him, then?"

The older man gave him a slight smile. "Severus strengthened the bond he has with his children to be able to be in contact with them physically," he said. "It is not unheard of when there's a mental link involved, especially not with a wizard as powerful as Severus is. However, as the place he was trying to reach was inside himself, it could not happen in our reality. Therefore, Severus was moved onto another level of reality altogether, where his magic went inside him again and again. To bring him back, I just reversed the process he went through to achieve the contact with his children."

"So, basically, Severus vacated the physical world for some time," Remus concluded. "Fascinating, truly -- and yet nothing I wouldn't expect from him. Severus is a fascinating man, after all."

"That is most certainly true," Dumbledore admitted, reaching out a hand to wipe a strand of hair from the face of the man he regarded as a son. "Every time I think that even he cannot surprise me anymore, he does something to prove me wrong. I knew that he was powerful, more so than he lets on, but this?" The hand now momentarily rested on the round abdomen hidden by the covers. A tiny smile tugged at the corner of his mouth as he felt a brush of a tiny foot under his hand before he drew it away. "Ah, well," he then sighed. "I guess we should let him rest now. It doesn't look like he is going to wake up any time soon."

"You're probably right," Remus admitted. "I had better return to my quarters; it's soon dinner time and Harry promised to come over by then." He smiled briefly as he said this.

"Oh, yes. Say hi to your husband for me," the Headmaster told him, smiling a bit. "And Remus? Do not let yourself get too stressed, either. That would most certainly be no good."

"Don't worry, Albus," the werewolf said with a weak chuckle. "I'll be nice. I promise." And with that, he headed towards the door that would only open for him, opened it, and stepped inside.

The old Headmaster watched the now solid wall for a moment before turning around and leaving.


Author notes: Next chapter:

Kingsley is again found and rescued, successfully this time. Severus, who has been less than satisfied with his new living arrangements, gets to see his lover for the first time in several months.