Harry Potter Minerva McGonagall Seamus Finnigan
Humor General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 04/22/2003
Updated: 04/22/2003
Words: 701
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,078

The Game of Life

Dobby and Winky

Story Summary:
The Game of life! Sequels Sequel to truth or Dare the Sequel, Sequel to Truth or Dare. They do that stuff the title says and someone else gets carried away. Ron speaks...French?

Author's Note:
Ha! 5 minutes on the dot. Booya. PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ review.

Harry: I WANT TO BE THE BANKER!!!!!!!!

Voldie: NOOOOO!!!! ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME.

Dumbledore: Why don't I-

Harry/Voldie: NO!!!!!!!

*Dumbledore ends up being the banker because the author (WINKY) is unbelievably clever but immortally LAZY!!!!!!!!!*

Dumbledore: Ok who's going first? - WAIT! I DIDN'T SAY THAT!!!

But Harry and Voldie start fighting again.

Ron: HEY!!!!!!! I didn't-ith get-ith to declare ONE utterance the previous gathering with these-ith high-quality populace! Let thee verbalize! -

Neville (stands up and punched the air with his fist): YES!!!!!! HEAR THE DOWNTRODDEN! -

Ron: -YES MY BROTHA! HEAR THEY DOWNTRODDEN AND DEPRESSED!!!!!...Uh...I mean...Yes, I concur my fellow housemate!

Neville: Yeah...may we hear some poetry?

All (except Neville and Ron): NO!!!

Ron (glares): Sure Sir Neville...*clears throat* I wrote this one especially for this occasion.

Notice me!

Hey! Hello?

I'm here you know!

Don't step on me,

I don't agree.

Don't interrupt,

I don't corrupt,


Listen to me!

Don't go away,

The key to listening is to sit and stay.

Don't copy, don't lie,

'cause I'll know why!

In conclusion I'm not a thing,

I'm a human being,


Hey? Were you listening?

Neville: (stands up): BRAVO! BRAVO! ENCURE! Work it work it! *Rolls hips* WHOOP! WHOOP! WORK IT!

Ron: (backs away): Stop please...

Everyone else: I think he's contagious...

Voldie: May we get on with the game of life?

Harry: OK I'll go first.

Voldie: Ok...wait! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was too late; Harry had already spun the spinner thing.

*Click click click click click click click click*

Seamus: I lurve that sound...


Harry: Ron you-

Ron: NO!!!

Harry: But-

Ron: Dat!

Harry: But-

Ron: No!

Harry: RON!!!!!!!!!!!

Ron: Yes Harold?

Harry I- my name is NOT Harold! Where are people getting that freakish idea???? My name is Harry! Just Harry!

*Hagrid walks in*

Hagrid: Eeeeeexactly!

*Hagrid walks out*

Everyone looks at each other. There is a big small long short sudden expected silence. (Winky: And that ladies and gentlemen is MY oxymoron. :-))

Ron: NO! I refuse! -

Harry: You keep forgetting to be all poetic like, and fancy.

Ron: Oh...excuse-ith thines moment of oblivion...

Harry: Now I'm going first-

Ron: What about the unseen people!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! That's it! I'm through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Runs out the portrait hole screaming in French*

*2 big bodyguards come in preparing to carry Ron away. They get confused and go away. *

Harry: Right...

Minerva: May we get on with the game?

Harry: Oh, you're still here? Sure...I got 5. *Harry moves the red car forward 5 places. *


Minerva: I win again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP! *She and Neville both stand up and grind the air with their hips*

Dumbledore: Um...Minerva?

*Minerva sits back down but Neville is still doing his little thing...*

*The bodyguards come back and carry Neville away. *

Only Dumbledore, Minerva, Harry and Voldie are left.

Dumbledore: Hmm... Want to play Shoes?

(Winky: For those who have had the curse of never having the pleasure to play the exhilarating game of Shoes, it is the same as Spoons, Rocks, Pens or whatever your society may call it. I call it shoes. If there are 4 players, 3 take off their shoes and put them in the middle. Someone gives everyone 1 card. You remember what your card and then that person picks up one card out of the deck looks at it and if it's not your card you pass it on. So it goes around the circle, look, pass, look, pass, look, pass...the first one to get all 4 of the cards grabs a shoe. The other (sometimes) notice it and they grab 1 of the remaining shoes. The only one left without a shoe loses. All cleared up now? Good. Now back to our scheduled program.)

All: OK!

Voldie, Minerva and Harry take off their shoes because Dumbledore can't remove the buckles on his buckle up boots.

A smell goes around the room and Dumbledore faints. Voldie grins.

Voldie: Sorry but they don't call me Moldie Voldie for nothing...

*The bodyguards come back and take away Dumbledore*

Only Minerva, Harry, and Voldie are left.

TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!