The Dark Arts
Harry Potter
Mystery Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 06/13/2002
Updated: 02/12/2004
Words: 77,695
Chapters: 24
Hits: 12,680

Harry Potter and the Black Grimoire


Story Summary:
It is Harry Potter's fifth year at Hogwarts and he has much to see, do and learn. Lord Voldemort has made it known that he has returned and in his quest for immortality and the power he lost all those years ago, he wishes to gain an old and extremely powerful book of black magic. Harry, his friends, and the whole cast of Hogwarts teachers and staff (as well as some new additions and old friends) are all represented in this story. Mystery, drama, angst, and even some H/H lie in these chapters.

Chapter 07

Author's Note:
Two chapters in one day! Well, almost. But I think I'm really getting the hang of this writing stuff. Still need to lengthen my chapters though. But I'll get better at that. So, here's chapter seven. We finally get to meet the mystery girl properly (while she's clothed!) and sadly, the trio's Diagon Alley vacation comes to a close. I really had fun writing this portion of the story and I hope you all had fun reading it. As always, keep reviewing! It's refreshing to know what other people think of my work. Well, that's all for now, I'll let you get on to your reading...


After leaving their room in the Leaky Cauldron, Harry and Hermione went down and sat in front of the fire in the pub's dining room. They grabbed two large, over-sized chairs and sat in front of the roaring fire. They both sat down at the same time. They turned their heads and looked at each other at the same time. Then they bust out laughing at the same time. They didn't stop for minutes. By the time they slowed down, their faces were as red as Ron's was and they were crying rivers from the laughter.

"Did you see the look on their faces when we walked in?" asked Hermione, still breaking up.

"It was classic! I won't ever forget this experience."

"And Madeline looked like she was gonna die! I know I would have in that situation! Could you imagine being one of them and having someone walk in on you doing that?"

"It was a very scary sight though, I'm never gonna get that outta my head."

"Well at least they covered up before we opened the door. Mostly at least," Hermione said with a giggle.

"Yeah, mostly. Wouldn't have minded seeing her with less coverage though," Harry said mischievously.

"Harry!" Hermione said, slapping him on the arm. "You boys need to get your minds out of the gutter."

"Oh, come on, Herm. You can't tell me that seeing two people naked, in bed, didn't excite you in the least," questioned Harry.

"It didn't! Really! Well... maybe a little," Hermione said, dropping her charade.

"See! You're just human after all."

"They really could've found a different room though, I mean, this Madeline girl is probably staying here as well."

"Well at least they were doing it on his bed!"

"Good point! At least there is a plus to all of this!"

"Well we should definitely go talk to him when they're...um... finished."

"Yeah," laughed Hermione. "That would be a good time!"

At that moment Madeline came down he stairs from the rooms and made her way past them to head towards the door. She stopped in front of them.

"I'm really sorry you guys. We didn't think anybody was gonna walk in on us. I promise that we'll find a more private place next time," she said. She then turned and walked out into the streets of London.

"Well at least she seems pretty nice," Hermione said.

"Yeah. You notice how she said 'next time' too. They must be a couple then."

"Seems like it. At least it's not some sort of one night stand."

"Yeah. Well I'm happy for Ron then. He seems like a he found a good girl for him."

"Yeah me too. So, let's go up and talk to him now."

"Yeah, let's. This should be quite interesting," Harry said, slyly.

"To say the least!"

With that, the two teenagers got up, left the sitting area and went upstairs to their room.

When they got up to the room, they found Ron to be showering in the bathroom. They sat on Hermione's bed, which was closest to the bathroom door, to wait for him. When he finally emerged, wrapped in a towel, he jumped at the sight of Harry and Hermione both sitting next to each other in front of the door. Both of them wore broad grins. They didn't at all match the one that was plastered on Ron's face though.

"You know, don't you two know how to knock?" asked Ron, playfully.

"Of course we do, but what would be the fun in that?" replied Hermione.

"So it looks like we all had fun tonight. You got to have your fun with your new friend and me and Hermione had our fun walking in to that scary, but surprisingly funny sight."

"Very funny Harry."

"I thought it was," added Hermione, still with a broad smile.

"Ok. But I gotta ask you two a question now," Ron said, turning serious. "How did I look? Did I look like I was doing okay?"

Harry and Hermione had their second laughing fit of the day.

"What? What?! It was a serious question! Come on guys!"

Harry was the first to speak after his laughter died down to a chuckle.

"Don't you think that's a question you should leave to Madeline?" he said before laughing once again.

"Oh, come on. Ok, I'll just drop it then. I guess that was very funny though. I know I would've laughed it one of you asked me that."

"See, so know you know how we feel," said Hermione.

"Well if it makes you feel any better Ron, Hermione was very turned on by the sight of you two naked in bed," Harry said, dodging the punch from Hermione that came swinging his way.

"You're horrible Harry Potter!" Hermione said while Harry and Ron laughed.

"Oh, Hermione, like I said, you're only human."

"Well you could've gone camping in the tent you pitched when you opened the door!" she retorted.

Ron burst out laughing at her comment.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Harry said smartly.

"Well, we've all had our share of laughter, so can we get off of this now?"

"Like the way you got off of Madeline when we surprised you?" Harry quipped.

He and Hermione chuckled at the look of embarrassment on Ron's face.

"You two are hopeless. You're never gonna let me live this down."

"Nope. Not until you give us all the details. Who is she, what is she like, where did you meet her, how is she in bed; you know, those types of things," Harry said.

"Ok," said Ron, laughing. "I guess that's fair."

"So tell us, Ron. We're dying to know."

"Yeah, mate. Especially that last part," Harry said with a grin.

"Very funny, tent boy. But ok. Her name is Madeline, as you know and we met when I was coming out of Quality Quidditch Supplies. She was just going in to buy her brother some things. I was kind of daydreaming about having my own Firebolt and, well, I sort-of ran into her."


"Ok, I knocked both of us over. But I helped her up, went into the shop with her and helped her pick out some gifts for her brother. We talked a lot and got to know each other a little better and then I asked her to lunch."

"We know, you sly devil," Hermione said playfully.

"How?" asked Ron, puzzled.

"Oh, we were there. We were sitting in the back watching you two gawk at each other like a couple of lovesick puppy dogs."

"It was very amusing," Hermione said.

"I'm sure it was, you damn dirty spies!"

Oh, we didn't mean to Ron, but we were eating when you two walked in, so we just had to watch, you would've done the same."

"You know me too well, Hermione."

"That's what I'm here for."

"So what were you two doing all day? I highly doubt you were reading all day."

"We were!" Hermione said.

"Probably shagging in the basement all day is more like it!"

"We were not!!!" Harry and Hermione yelled together.

"Ok, ok, I'll ask no more," Ron said, smiling.

"There is nothing to ask about," Hermione said forcefully.

"Ok, ok, I'll take your word for it. But now," he said, leaning back on his bed, "I'm gonna go to bed. All that hard work wore me right out!"

"Ok Romeo, you do that. We'll see you in the morning."

And with that, the lights went out and they all went to sleep.


* * *

After that day, there wasn't much more excitement of that nature to be laughed at. The three friends remained together for much of the rest of their days by themselves. Harry and Hermione got to meet the famous Madeline properly and found her to be quite enjoyable to be around. They learned that she lived in London flat not far from the Leaky Cauldron. She spent most of her days in Diagon Alley with the rest of the trio. Except for the times when Ron and her were mysteriously missing, all four of them made it a habit to spend their time together. All in all, the last two moths of their summer were Harry's best time in his short life. He was on his own, with no Dursleys, with instead the company of his best friends. He had a freedom he had never had, but always dreamed of in his heart. On top of all of this, soon he would be going back to his real home, the Hogwarts castle and then going to live with Sirius. He really couldn't ask for anymore. It was the first time in his life when he truly felt free, like a normal teenager. He didn't think of the things that burdened him at all, instead leaving them until later, when, as Hagrid had said, he would meet them when he did. Nothing more was said about his and Hermione's close encounter, although he couldn't help sneaking extra glances at her now and then, as he had also caught her doing. He knew she thought about it as well as him, but chose not to say anything more about it until the time was right.

Soon, the months until their return to Hogwarts turned into weeks and the weeks turned into days. Every sunrise and sunset brought them closer and closer to their departure from Diagon Alley and their summer freedoms as well. They tried to keep themselves busy everyday so that they wouldn't lose a single second of their summer before they had to leave.

Soon though, the rest of Ron's family arrived at the Alley to get their school things before the start of term. They would all be spending the last days of summer in the Leaky Cauldron, like they had in Harry's third year. The Weasley's arrival was, of course, a happy occasion, but Harry couldn't help feeling down because he knew it meant the best summer of his life would soon come to an end.

The end of the holiday was especially hard on Ron, because it meant that he would be leaving Madeline, whom he had grown quite fond of. Harry and Hermione also couldn't help feeling bad as well, as they had enjoyed spending time with her as well.

On the last night before the start of term, the Weasley's, Harry, Hermione and Madeline all had a large feast at the Leaky Cauldron to celebrate the summer. Much of the dinner conversation was centered around Madeline. Ron's parents and Ginny all seemed to like her very much. Fred and George were their usual selves, embarrassing Ron at every opportunity. Everyone knew though, that they were really just jealous of the very pretty girl that was hanging on Ron's arm all supper.

After the delicious meal, they all went into the Alley to sit in park and enjoy sundaes from Florean Fortescue's ice cream parlour. They watched a few night Quidditch matches together, before Ron and Madeline broke from the group to walk by themselves; no doubt saying their goodbyes. Harry and Hermione felt bad for them. They knew that they should also say their goodbyes to her, as they had all become great friends. They decided to do that after Ron and she got back from their walk.

Later that night, when everyone was going to their rooms to pack their belongings, Harry couldn't help but sit and think about the great summer he had had. Before long, both Hermione and Ron all came over to him to sit down. They spent the remainder of the summer going over everything that they had done the last two months, the good and the bad. By the time they were ready to go to bed for the last time in their Leaky Cauldron deluxe room that they had called home for the last two months, they all felt like crying a little. They would definitely miss the freedom they had had together and the new friend that they had made, but aside from all of this, they all knew they would be taking the train from Platform 9 and 3/4 the following day to go back to Hogwarts. And they all knew that that was nothing to cry about.