The Dark Arts
Harry Potter
Mystery Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 06/13/2002
Updated: 02/12/2004
Words: 77,695
Chapters: 24
Hits: 12,680

Harry Potter and the Black Grimoire


Story Summary:
It is Harry Potter's fifth year at Hogwarts and he has much to see, do and learn. Lord Voldemort has made it known that he has returned and in his quest for immortality and the power he lost all those years ago, he wishes to gain an old and extremely powerful book of black magic. Harry, his friends, and the whole cast of Hogwarts teachers and staff (as well as some new additions and old friends) are all represented in this story. Mystery, drama, angst, and even some H/H lie in these chapters.

Chapter 06

Author's Note:
Here is chapter six. The chapter contains more from Voldemort's point-of-view, as well as more on Harry and Hermione and Ron and the mystery girl. Sorry for leaving you guys with the little cliffhanger at the end of the last chapter, but I just had to! ;-) Thanks to everyone who reviewed, it was very encouraging to hear your thoughts and I urge you to keep reviewing! I dedicate this chapter to Hermione22 for catering to my ego! Thank You! On another note, the title of the chapter, Clad In Darkness, is the name of my band. I just thought that with the Voldemort portion, it sort-of fit, so I thought it would be cool to fit it in there. Well, that's all for now. Happy reading!


It was nearly evening as the sun began to set beneath the trees of the Black Forest. Darkness began to descend over the trees and the valley below. Long shadows wafted over the land like long fingers cast from the tall trees. Slowly, the moon began to make its ascent into the now dark sky. Soon bright stars could be seen dotting the inky blackness. Somewhere in the distance, the loud hoot of an owl reverberated through the still night. A raven flew past the large manor as a thin man, clad in black, stepped out onto a balcony. He closed the doors behind him and walked to the edge of the terrace where he leaned on the black iron railing.

He stood there for a moment; taking in the cool mountain air and looking over the landscape that went out in every direction around him. The man in black shifted his eyes upward to gaze at the large, full moon that hung lofted in the starry sky. A cool, gentle breeze ruffled his long, straight, jet-black hair.

He averted his eyes now to the small village of Baden-Wurttenburg that sat in the valley beneath him. The lights of the town twinkled in the distance, an indication of the lives that were being lived there. He watched the figures milling about like tiny ants. He watched the Muggles go about their ways; making their last stops at the shops, going home to their families, or making their way toward the homes of their friends and acquaintances. A wicked, mischievous grin took form on the Dark Lord's face as he watched the Muggles down below.

The doors to the balcony opened and another man stepped out onto the terrace.

"Look at them Lucius," said the Dark Lord without turning around. "The Muggles. They look like tiny bugs from up here. It really gives you an idea of how small and insignificant their lives are."

"They really have no idea about half of what goes on in this world, my Lord. And most of them don't even care."

There was a long pause before the Dark Lord answered. He seemed to be thinking very hard.

"Well soon enough, my friend, we will give them a reason to care."

"Of course, my Lord. The time will come."

The Dark Lord shut his eyes and sighed deeply before opening them to scan the surrounding area once more. A sudden wind shook the tall firtrees below. The scent of the forest was wafted upwards towards the men on the balcony. The Dark Lord closed his eyes and sniffed the air, consumed by the sights, sounds and smells of the wilderness surrounding.

Isn't it beautiful Lucius? The night, that is. There is no better time a day that the hours between the death and rebirth of the sun. Do you not agree Lucius?"

"I do indeed, my Lord. It's the one time when people of our kind can come out and truly live in freedom."

"It is peaceful not having the blasted Muggles breathing down your neck. They're always everywhere during the daytime, milling about, going on with their pity lives. They act like they rule the world, Lucius. Yet, little do they know...."

"One day, my Lord. One day."

Lord Voldemort leaned on the railing and sighed deeply once more.

"Yes, Lucius. One day we will rid the Earth of the ones that do not deserve it. And that day could not come soon enough," the Dark Lord said, a look of intense hatred on his face as he peered down at the Muggle town, far below.

"But enough of talking about our troubles, Lucius," said Voldemort, straightening up and turning around. "Let us go inside now and see what news has come for me."

"Yes, my Lord."

Lucius Malfoy stood aside as the Dark Lord swept past him, his cloak swaying behind him. He opened the doors and went inside the darkened room, which was lit only by the firelight coming from the hearse on the far wall. Lord Voldemort went across the room to sit in his large chair in front of the fire.

"Send for Macnair, Lucius."

"Yes, my Lord."

Lucius left the room then and returned momentarily with another man. Macnair walked into the room and moved to the chair opposite the Dark Lord's. He looked at his master fearfully, nervously, as if he was being called on for punishment.

"There is no need to worry my friend; I just want to know what you and the others have developed. A full report, if you will."

"Of course, my Lord," said the Death Eater. "We do not have much to tell you though, my Lord. We are currently working on arranging your plan to get the book. It seems like it is all going to order at the moment. The Death Eaters and I have also learned that Harry Potter is indeed away from his relatives. He is currently staying with his two friends in Diagon Alley."

"Very well. Go on."

"Yes, my Lord. As you may already know, thanks to Wormtail's sighting, Sirius Black's name has been cleared. He has gone back to work for the Ministry and is getting his home back together in the Hollow. This, as you can guess, will drive the attention away from his capture and onto the hunt for us."

"Well, this is something that we expected that cannot be helped. We must take necessary precautions then. As long as nobody is seen by accident and we stay here, we are safe from prying eyes for the time being."

"Of course, my Lord. Also, the search for Severus is underway, although at the moment we haven't been able to find him. He probably went into hiding and is corresponding with Dumbledore from wherever he may be. The Death Eaters have also been, at your request, been looking for more recruits to join our forces. With the outrageous number of Aurors abroad, though, you can imagine it will be a slow process. I have sent Death Eaters to the Middle East, the Orient and the Americas to search there as well. They are on the lookout for any dark wizards and witches that they might find."

Macnair stopped speaking and waited for the Dark Lord's response. There was a long pause while Lord Voldemort took all of the news in and thought it over.

"Very well, Macnair. Keep up the good work and report back to me with any new developments."

"Yes, my Lord."

"You may leave," said Voldemort, gesturing towards the door.

"Thank you, my Lord."

There was another stretch of silence as the Dark Lord, looked into the crackling fire, going over everything in his mind. A large snake slithered beside him, curling up on the floor beside him. The Dark Lord lowered his hand to pet the creature, while it hissed in return.

"Hello Nagini," hissed the Dark Lord.

Voldemort leaned back in his chair with his eyes closed and his hand on the hissing snake.

"It is almost time Lucius. Soon we will begin the first step towards succeeding in our goals. It is only a matter of time now."

"Indeed, my Lord. Soon it will begin."

"Very well, Lucius. Now leave me please."

"Of course, my Lord. Have a restful night."

"And you as well," said the Dark Lord.

Lucius Malfoy got up from his chair and made his way out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Lord Voldemort opened his eyes and leaned forward in his chair, toward the fire.

"Soon, Nagini," he said, staring deeply into the burning embers. "Soon."


* * *

The sun was just going down as Harry and Hermione emerged from the library onto the streets of Diagon Alley. They walked in silence all the way back to the Leaky Cauldron, no doubt both thinking about the incident that had just taken place in the deserted basement.

By the time they arrived at the pub though, they had both taken a silent agreement not to mention it, instead focusing their attention on the other fact at hand: the mystery girl. They were both planning on trying to weasel the information out of Ron in an inconspicuous way. They didn't really want to go straight out and ask him; they wanted him to tell them.

The two made their way down the busy street to the barrier back into the Leaky Cauldron at the end. They went into the restaurant area and sat down to wait for their sneaky friend. They both ordered drinks in the meantime.

They waited and waited. And then they waited some more. It didn't look like Ron was going to show up at all. They decided to order some food and wait one more hour for Ron to get to the pub. So instead of staring at the door for the rest hour they ate their supper and chatted about what they had read that day. Not surprisingly, Hermione started and led most of the conversation. Harry sat at the table agreeing with everything she said but not really paying attention to her. He had other things on his mind. Mainly, what had almost happened between him and one of his best friends that afternoon. He couldn't really get his mind off of it, no matter how hard he tried. It was the most intimate moment he had ever had in his life and he couldn't seem to get the experience out of his head. He kept going over it, again and again, in his mind. The smell of Hermione's perfume. The sounds of their hearts beating wildly in their chests. The look of pure wanting on her face. And then the crash of reality coming back in. He knew he wanted it more than anything at that moment; it seemed like she did as well. But there were so many repercussions that would come along with something like hat happening. Hermione was one of his closest friends, after all. What would Ron think if they came to him and told him that they were a couple? Harry also reminded himself about how smitten Ron was with Hermione at the Yule Ball. He had liked her then and they all knew it. He didn't want to hurt Ron by doing something like that without finding out how he felt about it first. But then again, Ron seemed to be interested in a new girl at the moment. This was clearly obvious from his show of flirtation earlier and his lack of presence at the moment. He was most likely with her after all. There were so many negative things that could come with an encounter of that nature. But also, Harry knew there were so many good things that could come from it as well. He had never really thought of Hermione in that way before, but now he couldn't stop. He knew that she was probably the one person that knew him best and this one reason to go for it. It was hurting his brain to think of all these things. It was at times like this that he could surely make use of a pensieve. In the end though, he decided to just go on with his business and see what happens.

"Harry? Harry? Are you even listening to me?" said Hermione, snatching him away from his thoughts. He was almost grateful to her for this.

"Yes, yes Hermione. Of course."

"Ok then. What was the last thing I said just now?"

Harry stopped to think. What was the last thing she had said?

"Um -- you were talking about that book right?" faked Harry.

"Nice try, Harry. But you don't have to lie; I know what you were thinking about. I've been thinking about it myself since this afternoon."

"Really?" Harry asked.

"Of course, Harry. That was a very close call you know. We really should think things through next time instead of letting the moment control us. I mean, what would Ron think?"

"Well, with his current engagements, I don't think he'd mind at all!"

Hermione laughed.

"Maybe you're right Harry. But still, we should tell him what happened before something like that happens again. You don't want to lose him as a friend do you? Over something as simple as teenage lust?"

"Of course not. I wouldn't want to lose either of you over anything. But it doesn't look like Ron's going to show up, so lets just go back to the room. We can talk about this more there."

"Alright Harry."

They both got up and Harry went over to the bar to pay for their meals. After that, they went upstairs and into the hallway that housed all of the rooms. They got to theirs; the last in the row and Harry put the key in, turning the lock. They opened the door and walked in.

A shriek greeted their presence. Ron and his mystery girl were engaged in doing something made both Harry and Hermione turn their heads in embarrassment.

"Hey guys," Ron said, his face turning even more crimson colored than it already was. "Meet my knew friend Madeline!"

"Nice to meet you Madeline," Harry and Hermione both said, still with their backs to the couple.

And with this they opened the door and left the room.