Hermione Granger
Humor Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 01/21/2002
Updated: 11/24/2002
Words: 23,542
Chapters: 9
Hits: 8,492

The Amorae Potion


Story Summary:
Harry by accident gets infected with a Love Potion that makes him irresistible to everyone he meets. Will he survive? /"Ms. Granger get off Potter immediately!"/ Probably not…

Harry Potter & the Amorae Potion 03

Author's Note:
Before you read, understand that I, the author, will not be held accountable for any disturbing mental images you may get upon reading this fanfic. Readers are warned to proceed at their own discretion and to not read if they have a weak stomach. This is not a sick story. The rating is mainly due to language and the fact that little kids may not be able to handle McGonagall/Harry or Ms. Norris/Harry pairings and such. Don't worry. There's no Harry molestation. Just pure, clean, slash-free fun (Though questions about Malfoy will arise later…). Pairings include: Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, & Fred/Angelina; but will not be the focal points to the story. I hope you'll enjoy reading this as much as I'm enjoying writing it. Please review after you're done or else Hermione will be forced to 'tut' at you and give you a lecture on "readers' responsibility" and you wouldn't want that now would you!

Chapter 3- Ms. Norris' New Affection

//Harry waved his arms wildly behind him as he nearly lost his balance. He caught himself just barely in time. But, unfortunately for him, he almost went falling back again as a long, bony finger was thrust into his face.

Harry found himself staring slightly cross-eyed at a large wart on Filch's left index finger.

"And just where do you think your going, eh?" Filch asked, narrowing his eyes at Harry in suspicion. "This here passageway's restricted. I have a mind to give you detention for this, I do."//


Ginny raced along the Hogwarts corridors as fast as her feet could carry her. Her reddish curls beat wildly in her face but she didn't do anything about it; her mind was on more dire things. Inwardly she cursed Snape as she kept on running, only vaguely sure she knew where she was going. It was all his fault for handing her the potion to give to Dumbledore to begin with. If he had but taken it himself and not been such a dominating prick then poor Harry wouldn't even in be in this mess. She shuttered. I pray he doesn't meet anyone in the hallway! she thought, remembering the words Snape had told her about the potion.

'Now listen very carefully, Ms. Weasley, for I am only going to say this once. Under no circumstances are you or anyone else to drink, touch, or even smell this potion. As you are well aware the illegal use of this potion can result in spending time in Azkaban. You can only imagine how powerful that must make this. The ingredients alone are very hard to come by and I will not have you spilling any. It consists of Billywig stings, Erumpent horn, Myrtle sap, and shrivel fig, and the Billywig stings alone is worth more then your father will ever make for a year,' a smirk cracked on Snape's face. 'If you by any chance wanted to give this love potion to someone like Potter (Yes, I know about your feelings for him, Ms. Weasley. You aren't very secretive about them, you know) the consequences would be horrendous. As this potion makes anyone who drinks it totally and completely irresistible to the opposite sex, you can only imagine the kind of ruckus it would create in giving Potter some... Though I won't say that the idea of him being trampled by thousands of women isn't very amusing....'

Suddenly an object flashed before Ginny, hampering her thoughts. A thing too blurry to see whizzed by in front of her and all at once something big and green came flying straight towards her head. She tried to duck, but her reflexes were too slow.


An evil cackle met Ginny's ears as she began to whip large amounts of green goo off her face. She scrapped the gunk out of her eyes and threw the contents onto the floor, glaring up at Peeves, the Poltergeist hovering above her, angrily.

Peeves cackled again. "Weeeell if it isn't icky lil' fourthy Weasley! Where's your friendys, lil' fourthy? No Potty to play with today?"

Ginny threw some of the goo at Peezes who dodged out of the way easily. "Go away, Peeves! I'll tell the Bloody Baron on you!" she threatened.

Peeves' eyes narrowed evilly. "Oooh, so lil' Weasley-Feasley wanna be mean, does she? Weeeell, I should be mean right back then, I should!"

Ginny gasped as suddenly out of no where three more piles of goo flew at her, hitting her in the head, arm, and chest.

She shrieked, and Peeves cackled, doing a back flip through the ceiling and out of sight.

"I'm going to kill 'em," Ginny muttered, hanging her hands limply out in front of her in disgust as goo dribbled off her fingertips. She glared at the place Peeves had exited. "Never mind the fact he's already dead. I'll find a way to do it even if it takes me all year!"


Meanwhile, while Ginny was encountering Peeves near Dumbledore's office, Harry was also frantically running towards the same place she was, though much farther behind her. Every now and then he looked nervously over his shoulder to see if he was being followed yet. 'Got...to...get...Dumbledore...' he thought. 'And most importantly... got to keep Professor McGonagall and Hermione away from me!'

He took a left down some stairs, which turned out to be a wrong turn, and he ended up in some rather dark looking passageways lined by a group of large dungeons.

Harry looked curiously over to his left at one of the solid oak doors along the narrow hall as he sprinted down it. He was just contemplating whether he should go lock himself in one of the rooms so nobody would find him when suddenly....

BAMM! He ran into something quite solid if not smelly.

"Hey, watch where you're going, Potter!" Filch yelled furiously as Harry plowed into him. The strong odor of fish hung around him thickly and would probably caused Harry to gag if he wasn't too busy trying not to fall backwards.

Harry waved his arms wildly behind him as he nearly lost his balance. He caught himself just barely in time. But, unfortunately for him, he almost went falling back again as a long, bony finger was thrust into his face.

Harry found himself staring slightly cross-eyed at a large wart on Filch's left index finger.

"And just where do you think your going, eh?" Filch asked, narrowing his eyes at Harry in suspicion. "This here passageway's restricted. I have a mind to give you detention for this, I do."

"S-Sorry, sir," Harry stammered. "I was, uh, just leaving right now."

"Ah, you were, were you?" Filch said sarcastically. "So you're telling me, Potter, that you just came racing into here at top speed, bumping into me, just to be leaving all the sudden? I smell guilt here, don't you, Ms. Norris?" Filch looking down fondly at the ginger cat at his feet, but her yellow eyes were glued straight on Harry.

Harry watched her fearfully as a purr began to erupt from her throat. She stalked over to him and started rubbing against his leg lovingly. He tried to shake her off, but she gave a piteous meow and started batting his leg playfully.

Filch's eyes widened at this uncharacteristic display of behavior in his cat. "Ms. Norris?" he said in surprise.

"Er...." Harry shook his leg violently as the cat started to try and crawl up his jeans.

The veins in Filch's temples began to bulge while his neck turned deep red. He fixed his eyes back on Harry, who was trying his hardest not to look guilty. "What have you done this time, Potter?" he demanded.


"You've stolen something, haven't you? Ms. Norris smells it on you."

Harry strongly doubted that because, even if he had stolen anything and Ms. Norris wasn't just being effected by the potion, there was no way something could smell anything over the horrible smell Filch was giving off himself.

"Fess up, Potter! I know you're hiding something. What is it? You always were a sneaky little snot."

"I don't have anything," Harry protested, taking a step back from Filch"Honest," he added upon seeing the accusatory expression on Filch's face. He clearly wasn't buying a word.

"Empty your pockets," he commanded.


"I order you to empty your pockets now, Potter. Or do you want me to get Professor Snape?"

Harry gulped. The idea of explaining all this this Snape was something he'd never want to do. No, he'd prefer facing Professor McGonagall and Hermione over that!

He quickly started emptying his pocket, dropping the contents on the floor.

Filch surveyed the booty with his beady eyes narrowed. "Dungbombs.... Screaming Yo-yo.... And some Every-flavor Beans. Well, Potter, I think you've just won a few hours of detention." He bent over and picked up the yo-yo, examining it carefully in his dirty hands. "Screaming Yo-yos is forbidden in these hallways, they is. Number twenty-eight on my list if'n I'm not mistake, and since this hallway's forbidden itself...." An evil smile spread on Filch's face. "This could be quite a few detentions. Actually, I think I'll tell Professor Dumbledore about this."

This had quite the opposite effect on Harry. Even though the idea of cleaning bedpans in the school infirmary for a week wasn't the most pleasant one to him, at least he would be safe in Filch's office for the next few hours, and hopefully the potion would wear off before then. Also, if he went to go get Dumbledore, he could cure him! Harry's heart skipped a beat with joy, but he quickly subdued it and screwed up his face in a dismal look. He didn't want Filch to catch on, and he was sure the more depressing he looked, the longer Filch would keep him in his office.... To relish in his torture.

"Upset are you, Potter?' Filch asked, his crooked, yellow teeth bared in a grin as he watched Harry force a sad frown. "Weeell, now you'll know better next time, won't you? Come on then."

He grabbed the back of Harry's robes roughly and jerked him forward.

Harry stumbled for a moment some since Ms. Norris was rubbing against his legs and tripped him up. He resisted the urge to kick her, feeling it was too mean at the moment as she was actually being nice, and he really did like cats, though Ms. Norris had been an exception to that for a while now.

He walked with Filch back upstairs towards his office. Worried a little, he looked around carefully, prepared to run if there was any girls down one of the hallways. Luckily they all seemed to still be in the Great Hall and passed through safely until he got to Filch's office. The slimy, rotten door in front of him loomed impressively ahead. Harry found a knot start to come in the back of his throat. Maybe this wasn't such a great idea after all. Already the fishy smell that Filch was emitting was getting stronger, stinging Harry's nose. He was going to the source of Filch's smell and how his office smelled like fish was beyond Harry. He didn't want to know, really.

"This way," Filch ordered, kicking open the door, making sure he didn't loosen his hold on Harry's robes in case he tried to runaway.

Harry strongly considered that very idea for a moment, but didn't have any time to act for Filch shut the door sharply behind them, locking the door and placing the key safely in his ragged coat pocket.

Harry gulped and looked inside the room he was in. He was surprised to see that Filch and he were not alone.

"Well hello, Harry! What a pleasant surprise!" Fred greeted jubilantly. He quickly jabbed his twin who was dozing next to him in the ribs with his elbow. "Oy, George, look who's here."

George grunted and opened one of his eyes to see what Fred was talking about. His other one popped open immediately after. He sat up. "Why what do you know, the famous Harry Potter's come to visit us. Filchy's got his talons on you too, has he?"

An angry growl echoed from Filch's throat as he glared in complete hatred at the twins. Harry nervously scooted away from him, afraid of his temper. He smiled sheepishly back at the twins.

Filch's hand gripped tighter on Harry's arm, pulling him back. "I don't want any of you three talking, you hear?" he growled at Fred and George as Harry tried to get his arm loosened from his iron hold. "I'll be right back with Dumbledore, so don't you go no where."

He let go of Harry's arm and pushed him forward towards where Fred and George was seated: a rather moldy looking couch with ends of feathers and springs sticking out of it at odd angles, and swung around back towards the door. "Watch over them for me, Ms. Norris," he ordered the ginger cat that was weaving between Harry's legs. Harry thought his order seemed somewhat ridiculous since he doubted Ms. Norris would have it any other way.... Unfortunately.

Filtch's eyes narrowed even more at this odd display and left the room with a huff, locking the door behind him.

Fred snorted. "Good riddance to that smelling slimeball," he stated indignantly.

Harry sighed. 'Well at least he's getting Dumbledore. Maybe then this nightmare will finally be over,' he thought hopefully.

But little did Harry know just how wrong he was....