Hermione Granger
Humor Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 01/21/2002
Updated: 11/24/2002
Words: 23,542
Chapters: 9
Hits: 8,492

The Amorae Potion


Story Summary:
Harry by accident gets infected with a Love Potion that makes him irresistible to everyone he meets. Will he survive? /"Ms. Granger get off Potter immediately!"/ Probably not…

Harry Potter & the Amorae Potion 02

Author's Note:
Before you read, understand that I, the author, will not be held accountable for any disturbing mental images you may get upon reading this fanfic. Readers are warned to proceed at their own discretion and to not read if they have a weak stomach. This is not a sick story. The rating is mainly due to language and the fact that little kids may not be able to handle McGonagall/Harry or Ms. Norris/Harry pairings and such. Don't worry. There's no Harry molestation. Just pure, clean, slash-free fun (Though questions about Malfoy will arise later…). Pairings include: Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, & Fred/Angelina; but will not be the focal points to the story. I hope you'll enjoy reading this as much as I'm enjoying writing it. Please review after you're done or else Hermione will be forced to 'tut' at you and give you a lecture on "readers' responsibility" and you wouldn't want that now would you!

Chapter 2- Harry Potter Action Figures?

//Harry's eyes widened in fear for the gaze she was giving him wasn't a very friendly gaze. No, it was worse then being merely 'friendly' it was the type gaze he had seen his Uncle Vernon give his Aunt Petunia when he'd had too much to drink. It was the gaze that said all too clearly... 'I want you now oh baby, baby, baby' except maybe with one less baby.... Harry wasn't sure, and really he didn't want to think about it too much. After all, the image of his Uncle and Aunt snogging was quite enough to get him sick, so he didn't very much want to think about it that way with Professor McGonagall. Especially when he was the person she was staring at. Eeewww! The mental image hit Harry like a load of well-aimed bricks.//


"Well, well, well, what have we here?"

All three once friends momentarily stopped their fight, each one engaged in very awkward positions, and looked up at the producer of the voice.

It was Malfoy being shadowed closely by his two ever-present sidekicks Crabbe and Goyle. His face was set in clear scorn as he surveyed them coldly, his mouth a taunting smirk. "My, my such vulgar behavior! What you Gryffindors do in public!" He shook his head in pretend disgust.

Ron loosened his grip on Harry's neck slightly. "Shove off, Malfoy!" he snarled while Harry gasped in relief.

"Oh dear me, violent too. What will Dumbledore think of all this?" Malfoy's eyes met Harry's, and his smirk widened.

"You probably should pull your robe back on, Potter. Just imagine what people would think if they saw you guys this instant. Why you could be expelled."

Reddening, Harry quickly jerked his arm through his robe's sleeve again. He straightened his glasses that had fallen askew from their fight and tried to pull himself out from under Ron and Hermione. Unfortunately, a threatening growl from Hermione made him reconsider. It was very apparently the potion was still effecting her.

"The only thing I'd get expelled for is beating the tar out of you, Malfoy," Ron growled threatening. He let go of Harry entirely and got to his feet from the ground. He approached Malfoy meaningfully, but Malfoy help his hand up warningly, beckoning him to stop.

"Beating the tar out of me won't make me forget what I've seen, Weasley," he stated coolly, smiling at the freckled boy in front of him. Ron's fists tightened, but he made no move closer to Malfoy. Malfoy immensely enjoying the anger he was surfacing from Ron and smiled wider. "So tell me, what do you find so attractive about Potter, huh?"

Ron's eyes narrowed. "What are you talking about, Malfoy?"

"You, Potter, and Granger sprawled out on the floor, Potter's clothes half off, Granger making weird cat noises... Please, Weasley, I wasn't born yesterday."

Crabbe and Goyle chuckled contemptuously.

"To tell you the truth, I'm rather surprised," Malfoy said in a lazy drawl, backed by his friends' appreciative laughs. "Here I thought you couldn't sink any lower by going out with the Mudblood Granger, but now you prove me wrong by going after Potty here too."

"Hey, my name's not Potty!" Harry yelled indignantly. He raised halfway from the ground, but was once again stopped by Hermione who dug her claw-... er... nails into his arm.

Ron glared at Malfoy in disgust. "You have a sick mind, Malfoy," he stated angrily. "Harry and I are just friends. Besides, I'm not the one who has over fifty gallons worth of Harry Potter action figures and toys hidden behind the Sitting Monk picture in the third floor corridor unlike some people I know!" He stared pointedly at Malfoy.

Crabbe's and Goyle's taunting laughter stopped quite abruptly and Malfoy's scornful smirk dropped. His face turned vividly white. He stared aghast at Ron. "H-How did you..."

Ron smirked mysteriously while Harry's eyes widened in alarm. He cast a startled glance at Malfoy, his face holding a very disturbed look. But it wasn't about what Malfoy would be doing with such items. No, what was surprising to him most was the fact that he...

"What do you mean I have action figures?" he blurted out, with his eyebrows raised. "Since when do I have action figures, Ron?"

"Since you were five I think."

"You mean, you knew about this since I was five?"

Ron shrugged. "I thought everyone knew," he stated.

"Everyone? Well, if everyone supposedly knew, then why was I never told about these things, huh? I mean, don't I get some royalties or something out of all this?"

"Do you need the money perhaps, Potter?" Malfoy injected wickedly. "Let me guess, dead parents didn't leave you enough?"

"Shut up, Malfoy." Harry snapped, clearly annoyed. "Don't say another word to me again unless you want to explain why you have all those toys of me hidden upstairs."

"He has posters of you too," added Ron. "And pictures of you in the shower he bribed Colin to take."

"Huh?" Crabbe and Goyle, though very dense, both exchanged puzzled looks. Clearly they couldn't understand what their leader would be doing with such items of the supposedly "enemy". They eyed Malfoy inquisitively, each one wondering if there was something he hadn't told them yet.

Malfoy was sputtering with rage. "I-I-I have no such things! It's all lies!" he growled (Though the color of his face could say other wise). "And I swear that if you breathe so much as a word out about this to anyone, Weasley, I'll...."

"Is anything wrong over here?" Professor McGonagall asked coolly.

The whole group whirled around in surprise and stared at the gray-haired witch standing there as she approached the group purposefully, coming from the Great Hall entrance. Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle quickly moved out of her way in fear. Though Malfoy never wanted to admit it, but Professor McGonagall always managed to scare him somehow. He trembled slightly as she approached.

McGonagall stopped right above Harry and Hermione, her lips puckered in a frown.

Harry looked above Hermione's shoulder since his head was caught under her arm, at the tall, stern looking witch towering over him and Hermione. Her eyes were glued straight on them in clear suspicion. This just keeps getting better and better! he thought bitterly, trying to loosen Hermione's hold on his neck. "Um, good morning, Professor," he said in false cheeriness. "Don't worry about us. Everything's fine...really. Nothing wrong at all!" He said all this entirely too quickly, praying she wouldn't ask about why Hermione had her arms slung around him.

His prayers were in vain.

"What are you and Ms. Granger doing, Potter?" McGonagall asked severely.

"ER" Harry reddened as Hermione snuggled closer to him. She gave a very content sigh.

McGonagall raised her eyebrows at Harry expectantly.

"I ER, I mean, we are... um... you see, rehearsing for a, umm... a play that we are doing for... ER some of the Gryffindors," Harry lied.

Ron looked at Harry oddly, and he inwardly kicked himself. Honestly, it that the best I could come up with?

McGonagall eyed them suspiciously. Her eyes drifted to Malfoy, Ron, Goyle, and Crabbe. She noticed that both Crabbe and Goyle were looking at Malfoy in extreme apprehension, Malfoy was looking paler then usual, and that Ron was glaring daggers at Hermione and Harry with his fists clinched tightly to his sides. It was then she sighed. I don't get paid enough for all this, she thought glumly.

"A play, huh?" she asked Harry, clearly not buying it. "And what, pray tell, is in this play that requires you and Ms. Granger to be laying on the floor with her arms around you?"

"Erm, Romeo and Juliet?" Harry tried.

"I don't think so, Mr. Potter," Professor McGonagall stated sarcastically, secretly wondering what Romeo and Juliet was (For she never did have a very good knowledge on Muggle plays). "Now get up from that ground immediately and return to the Great Hall before I take points away from Gryffindor."

Some of Malfoy's old smirk returned and Harry nodded his head quickly. "Yes, Professor," he said.

He attempted to get up, but Hermione wasn't about to let him leave her. She threw her whole weight into him, keeping him down on the ground with her forcefully. An angry growl escaped from the back of her throat as she narrowed her eyes at Harry while he struggled in her grip helplessly. "Erm..." Harry looked sheepishly up at McGonagall with his neck practically in a headlock under Hermione's arms, "Can I go a bit later?"

McGonagall stared at Hermione in utter confusion and alarm. "Ms. Granger, what are you doing to him?" she asked with great disapproval in her voice. "You heard what I said. Let go of Mr. Potter immediately."

Hermione shook her head in clear refusal at McGonagall, her bushy hair flapping around her face as she squeezed Harry's arm tighter. Harry winced as his hand started to go numb.

McGonagall looked dumbfounded. She had never known Hermione to disobey her. "Ms. Granger, take your hands off Potter this instant before I deduct five points from Gryffindor," she warned.

Hermione snuggled closer to Harry. There was a distinct choking sound of fury coming from where Ron was standing. She smiled and rubbed her cheek against Harry's, eyeing Ron with amusement.

McGonagall took an involuntary step back in shock at her behavior. She screwed up her face and put on her best you're-in-big-trouble-now look. "Five points from Gryffindor!" she shouted loudly, waiting for the effect of her words to sink it.

Hermione shrugged nonchalantly while Harry paled. Malfoy smiled in delight and Ron's eyes widened with his mouth falling some. He looked at Hermione in disbelief. Clearly, he wasn't used to her lack of care over losing Gryffindor points.

And neither was McGonagall. "Very well then... ten points then from Gryffindor!" she shouted, but the only thing she got out of Hermione was a yawned. It was a very uncaring yawn at that. Her eyes widened.

What dark magic could be responsible for this? Hermione had never behaved this way before... She looked suspiciously around the room at Ron, Goyle, Malfoy, and Crabbe. Suddenly it hit her. Yes, it was the only explanation.

Malfoy snickered behind his hand and Professor McGonagall turned on him. "And twenty points from Slytherin!" she said forcefully, causing Malfoy to stumble back.

Malfoy's face and hand fell. He looked at McGonagall in astonishment. "What! B-But what did we do, Professor?"

McGonagall breathed loudly. "I'll tell you what you did," her voice was lit in triumph; "You put a Transitus Proparus charm on Ms. Granger, didn't you, Mr. Malfoy?" The accusation was out of her mouth before she could think anymore about it. She never had liked Malfoy, and it did seem like something he would do.

Malfoy gaped at her. "A transy-what?!"

"Don't play games with me, Malfoy!" she stated angrily. "I know that Ms. Granger doesn't behave this way to a teacher. I should say I'm impressed though. A character modifying spell is far more advanced magic then I'd expect for you to be able to do."

"B-B-But---" Malfoy was, for once, lost for words. His gray eyes were fixed in fear and fury on McGonagall.

Ron watched his struggled to say something with delight (though not as much as he would have under normal circumstances because Hermione was still holding Harry). "Come one, Malfoy, enough with the act. Professor McGonagall has obviously caught you," he stated, trying to sound like what McGonagall said was old news to him.

Malfoy switched his gaze to Ron, his eyes flashing dangerously. "Why you little--" He took a threatening step towards Ron, raising his hands as if to choke him.

But Ron quickly jumped back out of the way. "Professor, if you don't mind," he looked at the elder witch, while trying not to smirk, "I'd like to take Hermione down to see Madam Pomfrey. It pains me to see her like this. It was really a nasty trick for Malfoy to play."

"I quite agree, Weasley," McGonagall said with a nod. "Permission granted. And I will go and visit her as soon as I am done assigning these three boys detention." She glared at Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle meaningfully.

"Come, Ms. Granger." She reached down and took Hermione's arm, careful of Harry, and tried to pull her off the ground. Hermione clung to Harry desperately while he coughed loudly as she squeezed his throat tightly with her arm. "Now, now, let Mr. Potter go," McGonagall insisted, beginning to feel quite alarmed once again. "I have never seen this kind of behavior. Who knew Mr. Malfoy was capable of it," she muttered to herself. It was then her hand brushed against the top of Harry's head.

Suddenly she froze.

"Oh my...." she muttered, her eyes suddenly widening. Straightening up, she staggered back a step, looking stunned.

"Oh my! Oh my!" she exclaimed, her voice becoming strangely high. Her features softened as the grays of her eyes dulled and her lashes fell over them. Then, with one swift movement, she slid her glasses down her nose and fixed her gaze on Harry.

Harry's eyes widened in fear for the gaze she was giving him wasn't a very friendly gaze. No, it was worse then being merely 'friendly' it was the type gaze he had seen his Uncle Vernon give his Aunt Petunia when he'd had too much to drink. It was the gaze that said all too clearly... 'I want you now oh baby, baby, baby' except maybe with one less baby.... Harry wasn't sure, and really he didn't want to think about it too much. After all, the image of his Uncle and Aunt snogging was quite enough to get him sick, so he didn't very much want to think about it that way with Professor McGonagall. Especially when he was the person she was staring at.

Eeewww! The mental image hit Harry like a load of well-aimed bricks. It was enough to make him gag. There was no way he was going to be penned to the ground with McGonagall and Hermione trying to get at him. Hermione was bad enough but M-M-McGon... Harry turned green. His hand instantaneously sprang to his pocket where his faithful wand was. He didn't care if he was expelled, he was not going to have an only-God-knows-how-old lady on him and....and.... He shuttered again, unable to complete the thought without retching. I don't care if this is my fault. When this is all over, there's going to be a few dead people. Ginny being one of the firsts, he swore.

With strength he did not know he possessed (or he did, just never had as much of an excuse before), Harry tore himself away from Hermione, who let out a protesting hiss and raised his wand.

Hesitation grabbed him for a moment as both McGonagall and Hermione went after him both behaving very similar to that of Panthers that had had not a thing to eat for a week besides for some dung beetles and cabbages and who have just spotted a plate of prime rib. Him being the prime rib, of course. Panic flooded in him, and Harry started crawling backwards away from them, fighting the urge to scream.

"What the devil are they doing?" Harry heard Malfoy asked behind him. He had forgotten about him. 'Yep, I'm definitely going to be expelled,' he thought, He swallowed and his wand at the advancing cat-... ER, women right as they were about to spring and shouted:"Expelleo!"

The banishing spell was a powerful one, and it sent Hermione and McGonagall flying straight back into the half-closed doors of the Great Hall, slamming them open. There was a distinct sound of plates and china breaking and shouts of alarm, but Harry didn't pay much attention to it. He only hoped he hadn't hurt anyone too badly. Wasting no time, he quickly, he whirled around and ran for his life down the hallway Ginny had disappeared in.

During the whole scene, Ron, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle had been watching in deep bewilderment, at lose as to what to do. They stared at the diminishing boy-who-lived's figure with great, opened mouths.

"You think there's something Potter isn't telling us?" Malfoy asked Ron curiously, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

Ron's mouth shut and he nodded. "I think so, and I plan to find out what! You in?"

"For once I think I am, Weasley. This looks like an excellent opportunity for blackmail if I ever saw one."