Diligite Inimicos Vestros


Story Summary:
Five years after Ginny Weasley graduated from Hogwarts she finds herself in a perilous situation. She will have to come up with a plan to save herself, and her heart, from someone from her past. G/D, Au-fic

Chapter 04 - Audeutes Fortuna Iuvat

Chapter Summary:
Five years after Ginny Weasley graduated from Hogwarts she finds herself in a perilous situation. She will have to come up with a plan to save herself, and her heart from someone from her past. G/D, AU-fic
Author's Note:
This fic is loosely based on the world of Cassandra Claire's Draco Trilogy, especially Draco Dormiens, although some differences do occur. Thanks to my Beta, RedFox and everyone who's reviewed! Keep up the good work.

Chapter 4: Audeutes Fortuna Iuvat

Ginny opened the door, ready to confront anyone it might be, but she didn't see anyone.

"Excuse me, miss", came a voice from below.

Startled, Ginny looked down and found herself looking at a previously unknown house elf. Letting her guard down, she relaxed and asked the female elf:

"Yes, what can I do for you?" giving the elf a small smile.

The elf looked up at Ginny, and with a tiny, shaky voice she asked: "Has miss seen Master Malfoy? Tibby needs to find him, is Master Malfoy here?" she sounded even more timid as she went on.

"Malfoy?" Ginny said, thrown. "Why would you look for him here? What do you need him for anyway?"

The elf shrunk visibly. "I, I, I..." she stammered, backing up a step. "I looked in Master Malfoy's office and his rooms, but he is not there. So I come here, miss. This is the only other place I could think of, miss". The elf then began to sob.

"But..." Ginny started, but took pity on the wretched creature in front of her and sighed. "No, Malfoy is not here. He would never be here. I hope. Tibby, was it?" Ginny asked in one long breath, and the elf nodded between sobs. "Look, is there something I can do for you?" she asked, anxious to get rid of the elf.

The elf's face brightened. "Yes, miss! Oh, thank you, miss! You will come find him with me!"

Ginny opened her mouth to protest.

The elf continued: "I is afraid to look in the downstairs rooms alone, miss. They is always full of dark wizards. They frighten me so!" she cried, bawling once again, and wiping her eyes on the filthy pillowcase she was wearing.

Without saying a word, cursing her softness Ginny closed the door behind her, and with a sigh she had to accept that her quest for solitude would have to be postponed till later.

"It's all right, Tibby. I'll come with you..."


Ginny and Tibby had gone through most of the rooms without seeing as much as a glimpse of Draco. Having missed lunch, Ginny started to consider going to look in the dungeons, but before she had the chance, Tibby found her, and joyfully told her she'd found Malfoy at last. Apparently he'd been outside. Ginny cursed for having wasted hours in the fruitless search, but since she couldn't do anything about it, she let it go and went to find food.

The next day the weather changed drastically. The heavens opened and it began to pour down. Black clouds covered the sky completely, and not even a glimpse could be seen of the sun. Heavy winds and thunderstorms ensued.

Usually Ginny didn't mind the rain. When she'd been younger, she'd been known for going for long walks during the worst downpours, letting herself get soak and cackling at the nature around her. It was something of a long-standing joke amongst her brothers.

She would have embraced the rain now as well, if it weren't for one thing: all the inhabitants of the castle had gathered indoors, and hadn't budged, making it almost impossible for Ginny to find a deserted spot except for her room, and, let's face it, she'd seen enough of it to last a lifetime.

But the castle seemed to be holding more and more Death Eaters every day, or so it seemed to Ginny. They weren't all British either. Witches and Wizards from all corners of the earth congregated there, some coming, others leaving, at a rapid pace, which was enough to make anyone's head spin.

A week later it was still pelting down with rain. Having had enough Ginny decided to battle the elements and go up to "her" gallery below the roof.

This is not too bad, she thought as she climbed up to one of the ledges and made herself as comfortable as she could on the stone surface. As long as the wind doesn't change I'll be able to remain dry.

She leaned back, resting her head on the cool, smooth, worn stone, closed her eyes and let her mind wonder.

Her every attempt to hatch an escape plan had collapsed in their own impossibility.

And although she didn't admit it even to herself, Ginny was slightly disappointed that no rescue attempt had been made by her friends, family and the Order, at least none that she could see.

Ginny forced herself to relax, and let her mind wonder, listening to the falling rain, inhaling the sweet scent of it.

Really, all considered, being a prisoner could be worse, she mused.

Ah, I could just stay up here forever! No moronic Death Eaters scowling at me, no Blaise sniping at me, no Malfoy to look at...

Ginny had meditated before, and so again she let herself fall deeper and deeper into her subconscious, deeper and deeper...


Ginny came out of her thoughts with a violent start. The door, she thought. Someone's coming!

She didn't quite know why she didn't want to be seen there, but all she knew was that she did not. So, without thinking she jumped to her feet and out onto the projection.

Well this is just great, she thought as the hard pellets of rain quickly soaked her. She pressed her back against the wall and prayed to gods that whoever was coming was only passing through.

Listening carefully Ginny could hear two sets of footsteps echoing in the stairwell. The steps came closer, and then stopped.

"My feet are killing me, a woman's voice said. "Can we sit down now?" she whined. "I told you, there's something I need to tell you."

"Fine", said a man, sounding very bored. "Here, we'll sit on this window ledge."

Oh no you don't, Ginny thought furiously. But they did.

She was trapped.


An agonising hour later...

" ...so you see we must tell someone about this. Malfoy might..."

"Nonsense, dear. For the last time, it's just not possible. You really think that a Malfoy would do something like that? You must've misunderstood, that's all. If you go about throwing wild accusations like that around it's only going to come back to bite you in the ass. And you know Malfoy will not show any mercy to you or to anyone else who stands in his way."

The woman sighed.

"I suppose you're right. But I will keep an eye on him just the same. Just to be sure."

"You do that, darling. But don't tell anyone else about this. Come on, let's go. I'm starved!"

Ginny could hear them jump off the ledge and go down the stairs.

She was numb with cold. She could no longer feel her hands or her feet. With the little remaining strength she had, Ginny managed to crawl her way back onto the wider part of the window ledge.

Merlin, how could you have been so stupid. Hide, indeed. Almost got yourself killed! she scolded herself silently, shivering both with cold and the realisation that she had just sounded exactly like her mother.

Ginny had never been this cold in her life. She was sure she'd never feel warm again. It was difficult enough to think, since her brain seemed to be full of porridge, but moving was literally impossible. She lay on her side, shivering with chills, her teeth chattering.

It's supposed to be summer, she thought absently. The rain's not supposed to be that freezing!

Way to go, Ginny, she chided herself. I'm beginning to think Malfoy's right to call me stupid. Of all the hare-brained...


Lightning struck a tree on a nearby hill, de-porridging Ginny's brain.

She knew she had to get up and go inside. She needed to get warm. She was not going to die like this; if she had to perish in here, she'd do so fighting, not by being an ass.

With all her remaining physical and mental strength Ginny rolled over onto all fours and then, using the protruding rocks for support, she dragged herself to her feet, feeling like she'd been beaten to within an inch of her life.

Having passed the hard part, Ginny slowly made her way down the stairs, through several doors, down a corridor or four and down a few more staircases until she reached her room.

Wearily she peeled her coat off her body, letting it drop to the floor. She allowed herself a fleeting moment of weakness and leaned on the back of the closed door, closed her eyes and inhaled deeply.

"Where the hell have you been?" a voice slashed at her.

Ginny's eyes flew open and focused on one of the high-backed armchairs by the fireplace.

"Nowhere special", she retorted, too tired to argue. "Now if you don't mind..."

"Oh but I do mind", Draco said in a toneless voice, rising from the plush green chair, looking intently at Ginny. "What have you done to yourself, you stupid girl?"

Ginny smirked tiredly. "Is that concern I hear?" she taunted him. "Oh, never mind, Malfoy," she continued, looking at his shocked expression. "I'm fine, just let me be," she pleaded, feeling all strength drain out of her.

"Don't be stupid, Weasley. You need to get warm. Servus!" he cried, and instantly the elf appeared in front of them with a loud 'crack'.

"Yes Master Malfoy, Sir?" the elf asked, sweeping a deep bow.

"Miss Weasley was caught in the rain. Bring something hot to eat and a pot of tea at once," Draco ordered, barely looking at the elf but instead continued staring at Ginny.

"Yes, Master, at once Master," Servus breathed and with another 'crack' he was gone.

Draco turned and walked to the bathroom, with Ginny dragging her feet behind him.

"I think I can manage from here, Malfoy," Ginny tried to say harshly, but she was so sapped of energy that her efforts were half-hearted.

But Draco was not done. With a lazy sweep of his hand the bath had begun to fill up with hot, bubbly water. Bloody Magid powers, Ginny thought grudgingly. I could use some of those to get myself out of here!

"Now, take a bath," Draco commanded. "We don't want you catching pneumonia, now do we?"

"I'd rather have pneumonia than be stuck here with you," Ginny muttered just loud enough for Draco to hear. She'd planned on having a bath anyway, but he didn't need to know that.

"Ooh, nasty, Weasel," Draco rejoiced. "I'm rather hurt. Now, are you going to get out of those wet clothes or will I have to do it for you?"

"I..." she began, but decided against it. "Alright, but get out and let me get on with it then!"

"Spoilsport," Draco mused, but obliged and walked back to the bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

Ginny stepped out of her heavy, soaked clothes and into the bath. It was the perfect temperature.

What are the chances of him not being in my room if I stay here long enough? she thought longingly. Slim to none, unfortunately.

A good half hour later she finally managed to tear herself out of the bath. It had been divine. She dried herself with one the fluffy green towels and then wrapped it around her. I can't believe I forgot to bring dry clothes with me, she chastised herself and with a sigh opened the connecting door and leisurely walked into her bedroom.

"I'd begun to wonder whether you'd fallen asleep and drowned, Weasley," Draco said as soon as she saw him. "But this was definitely worth the wait," he drawled and cocked his head to the one side while looking at her with a gleam in his eye.

"Oh very funny," Ginny snapped and walked more briskly to her wardrobe. "I'm glad you approve."

Ginny had to admit she was feeling a bit self-conscious. Clad in just the fluffy towel, her hair curling at the ends and around her face, she looked younger and more innocent than she usually did these days. She felt so naked. She grabbed the first items of clothing she could find and walked straight back into the steamy bathroom.

Once there she set the clothes on the chair. Oh this is just great, she rolled her eyes, and with a sigh proceeded to dry her hair and reapply her makeup. She wouldn't leave the bathroom again without her protective armour. Then she dressed.

Once she was all dressed she looked at herself in the full length unfoggable mirror on the wall. What she'd picked out were black leather trousers, which looked like they'd been painted on her, and a black, skintight knitted top with three quarter length sleeves. She was surprised she'd managed to fit her underwear between the clothes and her skin.

This was an outfit she usually wore to work. She wouldn't have minded it normally, but the last thing she wanted to do was to wear leather trousers in front of Draco. She didn't want to be reminded of their mutual past.

Oh well, can't be helped, she shrugged and with a sigh exited the bathroom once again.

She found Draco lounging on her bed, casually flicking through one of the books she'd had on her nightstand. Sensing her presence he looked up, and instantly raised an eyebrow. Just the one. Then he gave her a little smile.

"Well. Hmm. Truly worth the wait. Did you dress up specifically for me?" he asked her, feigning innocence but she could see his usually cold eyes were bursting with mirth. "A little too...dressy for supper in one's own bedroom, don't you think?"

"Oh shut up, Malfoy, and let me eat," she said with exasperation, and sat down by the now lit fire and looked at the food. It looked to die for!

Without any thought to decorum Ginny hungrily began eating the delicious food. Chicken soup, fresh pastries with various savoury fillings, a Spanish omelette, and to top it all off the pot of freshly brewed tea and scones.

When Ginny was sure she couldn't eat another bite, she put down her fork and her napkin, leaned back in the chair and let out a contented sigh.

"So," Malfoy said, still lounging on her bed, making her jump. She'd quite forgotten his presence. Not good! "I take it you enjoyed that. Now how about some exercise to help digest all that?" he asked, looking more like a mischievous schoolboy than when he'd actually been a schoolboy. "I must say I've never seen a woman eat as much as you just did in one sitting. I'm not sure even Goyle or Crabbe could eat all that!"

"Hmm," Ginny sounded, feeling blissfully full and warm. "I'm not sure if that comparison is favourable to me or them," she said pensively. "I remember the amounts those two used to eat at Hogwarts." Then, remembering who she was talking to, she checked herself, and regained her aloofness. "What was that about exercise?"

Malfoy jumped off the bed gracefully and glanced at the mirror to fix his hair, but then decided it didn't need fixing. "Yes. We've got some guests here tonight. A party of, hmm...associates of mine. I need you to attend."

Ginny thought it sounded extremely tedious, but decided it was a change at least. "But what does that have to do with exercise?" she asked, ready to go.

"The meeting is on the other side of the castle. It'll be a nice walk down there," Draco shrugged and opened the door to the corridor, motioning her to follow.

Only now that they were both walking side by side did Ginny notice Malfoy's outfit. If I didn't know better I'd be sure he was gay, she thought, admiring his velvet trousers and silk shirt. Since it was summer, he and most everyone was going robeless these days. I bet he prefers it that way, since it gives him a chance to show off his couture, Ginny smiled. She didn't notice Draco was openly staring at her until they'd walked for ten minutes in complete silence. Once they'd entered a large room full of wizards, Ginny began to feel nervous due to the fact that she was the only witch in sight, and opened her mouth.

"What?" she asked, unnerved by his stare and fixing a piercing stare on him in return.

"Nothing. It's just..." he began to say when she interrupted him.

"Oh don't bother. I know. I'm amazed your family can afford something as expensive as leather, Weasley," she said in an imitation of the Malfoy of old. "What did your parents have to do, sell the house? Just save your breath, Malfoy. I work hard to buy myself luxurious clothes. I know that 'work' and 'hard' in the same sentence mean nothing to you, but I'm sure you understand the concept! By Merlin, your arrogance knows know limits, does it?!"

Ginny didn't know herself why she was on the defensive offence, but she couldn't help herself.

"You know what," she then said and stopped. "I don't think I fancy being at this meeting of yours. You can't make me," she pouted defiantly, and felt truly silly doing so. She wasn't usually one to pout.

"Fine. Look..." Draco began, but decided against it after looking at her pouting.

He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the room, down the corridor again and shoved her into an empty, seemingly unused room. Ginny stood in the middle of the floor, her chest heaving, while Malfoy closed the door behind him, locked it with a silent spell and turned to her, his eyes burning cold fire.

"You are just asking for a beating, Weasley, you do realise that, don't you?" he asked, looking slightly furious.

"Oh I'd like to see you try," Ginny snorted, putting her hands on her hips.

"Don't tempt me, Weasel, just don't tempt me," he growled.

"Bring it on, Ferret Boy," she jeered, unfazed.

Draco seemed to consider it for a while, but then stated:

"Unlike you, I was raised with good manners. I don't hit women," he concluded, and started to turn away.

But Ginny wasn't about to let it go. "That's too bad for you, then," she stated, swinging her arm as she spoke, and punched Draco smack in the middle of his face.

"Ow!" Draco yelled, clutching his hands to his face. "I think you broke my nose, you bitch!" he growled, and looked at his hands. They were stained with red.

"Fuck off, Malfoy, you big girl's blouse," Ginny said. "It really is too bad you don't hit women," she grinned.

Draco's eyes were gleaming with anger. At last he looks human, Ginny thought, and felt her adrenaline levels soar to the roof.

"What number is that in the Malfoy Code of Conduct, eh? Hundred and two?" she cried, trying to raise his temper.

"It's not in the Code of Conduct, you ignorant girl," Draco said very evenly, and Ginny knew she'd hit a nerve. "You know Father wasn't averse to striking women. I am not my Father."

"That's what you say. I am not convinced. Your father was Voldemort's puppet, and so are you. But your father was a complete and utter nutter, so in a way you're worse than he was. You are not insane. You're just pure, malicious evil, Malfoy."

"Sticks and stones, Weasley," Draco sang, but his eyes were steel-hard and his mouth was a tight thin line, and two red spots burned on his cheeks. He turned away from her, thrusting his hands in his pockets.

"Well how's this for sticks?" Ginny cried, and leapt to execute a perfect high kick, aimed at his livid face.

Draco lifted his hand in a defensive move.

"Protego!" he cried, sending Ginny flying.

"You have been living with the filthy Muggles for too long, Weasley. That is not the way our kind fight! Now, if you'd like to have a sword fight..."

Ginny snorted, sitting up on the floor and rubbing the back of her head with one hand. "Well, I suppose it's easy for you, but not all of us can do magic without our wands. And this may be a Muggle style of fighting, but its been proved to come in handy when I DON'T HAVE MY WAND!" she yelled. "And you can shove your sword up your..." she ranted as she climbed back to her feet, refusing his offer of a helping hand.

"Now, now, Weasley," Draco tut-tutted, calm and collected again, although he was still breathing heavily. "Point taken. Shame, really. I would have loved thrashing you."

"That'll be the day. Perhaps you'd like to put your galleons where your mouth is. I dare you."

"Oh don't be so childish, Weasel," Draco smirked.

But Ginny was not amused. "I knew you'd be too chicken to take me on without magic," she stated gravely. "Typical Malfoy; all talk and no action."

"I'd stop talking now if I were you," he warned her, his eyes steely and guarded.

"But you're not me, are you Malfoy," she continued regardless of the hazard signs. "You have no clue. And why would you, you spoiled brat, who thinks all of wizarding world is your playground."



Ginny didn't know what had happened. One moment she'd been poised to punch him again, and he'd looked bloody murder at her, and then his lips were crushing hers, and she found herself ravaging his in return. She wanted to stop, but she simply couldn't. Instead she groaned.

Draco responded by deepening the kiss even further.

There was something desperate about their embrace. Ginny couldn't help but feel that he was reluctant, but, like her, wasn't able to do anything about it. It was like nothing she'd felt before. No one had ever kissed her this way.

The kiss seemed to last forever. All thoughts fled Ginny's mind as she revelled in the surprising softness of his lips, the spark of electricity that kept running up and down her spine, and just feeling his body pressed against hers made her burn inside. She didn't know anything except that she didn't want this feeling to stop.

But then they heard a voice from the other side of the door and sprang apart. They looked at each other for a moment, guarded silver eyes locked in livid chocolate ones, both pairs of lips bruised and swollen. Ginny drew in a sharp breath, lifted her arm, slapped Draco's cheek, hard, and then she did something she hadn't done in years, and fled.

The chapter titles means: Fortune Favours the Brave. I'd like to say sorry that posting this chap took so long. I promise you won't have to wait so long for chap 5. Hopefully this chapter picks up the pace a bit. I know there'll be more "action" in 5...