Diligite Inimicos Vestros


Story Summary:
Five years after Ginny Weasley graduated from Hogwarts she finds herself in a perilous situation. She will have to come up with a plan to save herself, and her heart, from someone from her past. G/D, Au-fic

Chapter 03 - Tertium Non Datur

Chapter Summary:
Five years after Ginny Weasley graduated from Hogwarts she finds herself in a perilous situation. She will have to come up with a plan to save herself, and her heart from someone from her past. G/D, AU-fic
Author's Note:
This fic is loosely based on the world of Cassandra Claire's Draco Trilogy, especially Draco Dormiens, although some differences do occur.

Chapter 3: Tertium Non Datur

A week went by without Ginny ever being able to leave the room. The only other person she saw was Servus. He came in three times a day to bring her food. She never saw him collect her dirty laundry or clean the room, so he must have done it while she slept, because the room was always spotless and her clothes were always clean.

He had also fixed the table she'd broken that first night. Ginny wondered what she would have to break to see another person here.

She had tried engaging him in conversation, but it proved fruitless and she soon gave up on it. She was sure he'd been forbidden to talk to her unless he absolutely had to. Damn Malfoy to hell, she thought, sulking.

Her attempts to escape had also proved fruitless. Never in her adult life had she felt so helpless. No matter what she tried she couldn't even crack open the two windows in her room. The door opened only when Servus came in. There were no weak spots in the room, nothing she could use to break free. She had tried breaking the glass in the windows by throwing a chair into it, but the chair had bounced straight off it. Finally she had given up.

Ginny was going out of her mind with boredom. She only had three things to occupy her time with: reading the few books left in the room, and working out.

The third was sleeping.

Ginny did plenty of all three. She didn't think she'd ever slept as much as she did during that first week of captivity. She never woke before noon. Then she had her breakfast. Servus, or whoever was doing the cooking, always seemed to know what she was in the mood to eat. Usually her breakfast consisted of a pot of tea, some toast and butter and scrambled eggs.

After breakfast she showered and dressed, ready for the day, each morning hoping something would break the monotony.

She would then read until she got too stiff from sitting, after which she would complete her usual exercise routine.

Usually it would have included a long run outside, but since that wasn't possible, she jogged on the spot.

Then there were of course her tai chi exercises, her kung fu training and her weight training. As it was, she didn't have much to work with, so she used the furniture as her weights. She was able to pass hours this way, and if she was feeling especially frustrated, she would pull her mattress upright and use it as a punch bag.

Finally, on the eighth day of her captivity, her routine was broken.


When Ginny woke up unlike before her breakfast wasn't there. Odd, she thought, but decided to shower first. Maybe Servus has overslept, she smiled wryly to herself, and headed for the bathroom.

One steaming hot shower later, Ginny was famished. She opened her wardrobe, pulled out her favourite pair of jeans, a black fitted t-shirt and a pair of black stiletto boots. Shame Servus didn't transport my throw-knifes while he was at it. I'm getting out of practise.

Once she was dressed and ready, Ginny didn't know what to do. Just as she was about to start kicking the door, it opened, and Servus entered.

"Where have you been? I'm starving!" Ginny cried at the sight of him. He looked more anxious than usual.

"Servus is sorry, miss, but Master Malfoy has returned and wishes your company for lunch, miss." The elf then gestured her to follow him, which she gladly did. Anything to get out of that room. Lunch, breakfast, she really didn't care.

He was walking down the corridor at a rushed pace. Ginny strode alongside him.

"Servus, what do you mean Malfoy is back? Where has he been? And what does he want with me?" she asked him.

"Master Malfoy left the same night you were brought up here, miss. He does not tell Servus where he has gone. He just arrived this morning and sent me for you, this is all I know, miss," Servus said quickly, and lead her down various corridors until they reached a large dining room. Ginny got the distinct feeling there was something he wasn't telling her, but didn't bother asking; she knew well that house elves couldn't reveal the secrets of their masters.

Finally they reached the dining room.

The room consisted of a single, long oak table, which was surrounded by two dozen matching chairs. The room was empty except for the lone figure sitting at the head of the table.


He looked impeccable, as always. His black shirt was completely void of creases, and his robes were pushed back to reveal his arms.

As if sensing their presence, he looked up at them, and then stood up, acknowledging her with the smallest of bows.

"Miss Weasley, how kind of you to grace me with your presence," he said sarcastically.

Ginny looked around, noticed that Servus had already vanished, sighed and then plopped herself down on a chair near the head of the table. She didn't say anything, just stared at her empty plate wistfully.

Draco noticed her look, and said: "It's a shame you missed breakfast. It was excellent." When Ginny still remained silent he relented, snapped his fingers and placed his napkin on his lap as the plates filled with food.

Ginny's eyes grew wide. Food! And not just any food. Again, she found herself staring at one of her favourite dishes, pasta carbonara. It was steaming and looked delicious. Without a moments hesitation she tucked into it.

Draco watched her with obvious amusement.

The meal continued in silence as both of them ate their food.

Finally Ginny broke the silence. She'd initiate a conversation with Voldemort after the week she'd had.

"So is there any particular reason I was summoned here?" she asked.

"No reason, Weasley," Draco said, not lifting his eyes off the copy of the Daily Prophet he was reading, "just to enjoy the riveting conversation, I suppose."

Ginny rolled her eyes. For some reason being around him made her feel about five years old again.

"Do you enjoy tormenting me, Malfoy?"

At that he did lift his eyes off the paper and looked at her, smirking. "In a manner of speaking, yes. It is no fun trying to torment any of the people here, my efforts are totally lost on them."

Ginny simply sighed.

"By the way, I simply adore that little number you wore to bed last night, very fetching," Draco drawled. "I never would have thought you'd be into pink, but hey, each to their own."

Ginny couldn't believe her ears. "You were in my room while I slept?"

"Just checking up on my assets. No need to make a big deal about it," he continued to drawl, turning his eyes back to the paper, but not before Ginny had seen the silent grin in his eyes.

Ginny stood up, pushing her chair back. She had seldom felt this angry. All her mental training drained out of her as she lashed out at him.

"You infernal fiend! You backstabbing arsehole! You, you..." Ginny broke off, too angry to continue, and decided to throw her napkin at him. "I just wish I had something heavier to throw!"

Draco looked amused. "Please, by all means," he egged her on. "I'd like to see you try. Face it, Weasel, you've lost and I've won. Go on, take your best shot," he smirked and stood up, towering over her. "I dare you."

Ginny gulped at his confident presence. Damn, I wish he wasn't so tall, or quite so imposing, she cursed to herself, but out loud she said: "Oh, grow up, Malfoy. We both know I'd beat you in a fair fight. But it's unlikely to happen here, isn't it Malfoy?" she smiled, seeing she was getting to him, and continued to push his buttons. She was beginning to think he was trying to push her into starting a fight, for whatever reason, and she wasn't going to fall for it. "You're a bully, Malfoy, always were and always will be. I'm surprised you haven't surrounded yourself with goons like you did back in school..." then something triggered a memory in the back of her head. "Wait! You have, haven't you?" she continued, watching the expressionless look on his face. "That guard, down in the dungeon. That wasn't Crabbe, was it?" Draco's face gave little away. From that Ginny knew she was right. She'd known he looked familiar. "It was, wasn't it! Ha!" she finished.

Draco cleared his throat and sat back down to finish his lunch. "I don't know why you're so surprised, Weasley, you knew he was a Death Eater, like his father was before him. He is on guard duty here, because frankly he's too stupid to do anything else."

"And Blaise works under you here, too. Anyone else from school I should know about?"

"Now, now Weasley, not to worry. Many women have worked under me, but there's plenty of me to go around. Being this gorgeous is not just a privilege, it's my responsibility. The demand does get to me sometimes, but I am always happy to oblige..."

"You really think you are god's gift to women, don't you?" Ginny sneered.

"No need to play coy, Weasley, we both know I'm irresistible. Now," he said and gave her his most charming smile, leaning his chin on his hand, "if you feel like you have an itch to scratch, don't hesitate to ask, I'd be more than happy to..."


He was cut off mid sentence when her hand connected with his cheek.

"You're a pig, Malfoy, a foul pig!" Ginny ranted, her ears burning bright red.

Draco looked at her, and she was beginning to see the first signs of anger and irritation on his polished face. "Why is everything always black and white for you people?" he then asked, abandoning his napkin on the table, bringing his hand up to the offended cheek. "That's the one thing I've never understood. You're all like that; Potter, Granger, but especially every single one of you Weasleys. Life isn't like that. People aren't like that. You have a lot to learn, little girl," he finished, turning away.

Ginny was furious. "Where do you get off, accusing me of that? You don't know anything about me! And I seem to recall a time when everyone thought you were evil, and still I, as well as the others, accepted you for who you were, really believed you had changed. I trusted you. If anything you are the one who taught me to see things as black and white, because you are nothing but a liar, she finished," her ears burning red.

"Aut amat aut odit mulier: nil est tertium," Draco muttered quietly as he walked away from her. "Gods give me patience with you, Weasley."

"Quidquid corrigere est nefas, Malfoy," Ginny shot back at him.

Draco stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face her.

"You speak Latin?" Draco seemed surprised. "They...who would've known?" he concluded with his trademark smirk.

"I've studied it for years, actually. What's it to you?" Ginny said dryly.

He shrugged. "Just surprised, that's all. You're the first person I've met who speaks it since Hogwarts. Interesting..."

"Why is it interesting?" Ginny couldn't help but ask.

"It is interesting because you and I are the only two people in the entire fortress who speak it. Not that it's saying much, most of the people here are blithering idiots. You can't find decent minions these days," Draco smirked at his own joke.

Then he walked towards the door.

Ginny really didn't want to ask anything of him, but she quickly suppressed her pride for the greater good.

"Malfoy, wait!"

Draco stopped at the door and turned around, an inquisitive look on his face. "What is it, Weasley?"

Ginny walked toward him and weighed her words. "I was wondering, well, is it really necessary to keep me locked in that room at all times?" he raised a brow and Ginny quickly continued. "It's not like I can escape anyway, especially without my wand, the building is too heavily guarded."

Draco said nothing.

"I'm going insane in that room! If I cause any trouble you can always lock me up in the dungeon again for all I care, but I need to get out of that room! I'd ask you to have a heart Malfoy, if I thought you had one, but come on!" she finished, now certain she was going to be denied.

He said nothing at first, but then he gave her the slightest nod. "Fine. Come with me," he commanded, strolling through the doors, which seemed to open for him on their own.

In the hallway Ginny saw the familiar and unwelcome figure of Blaise Zabini. Draco approached her.


The redhead turned around, obvious joy over seeing him plastered all across her face.

"Draco! You're back!" she purred, and stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "How was your trip? Did you bring anything back for me?" she continued, batting her eyelashes at him.

"Not now, Blaise, dear," Draco drawled, and stepped aside so that the two girls saw each other.

The look on Blaise's face would have been comical to Ginny, had the circumstances been different. Regardless, Ginny couldn't help but feel maliciously happy at seeing her expression: disbelief, disappointment, even envy.

"What is she doing here?" Blaise complained to Draco. "How long is she going to stay here anyway?" she pouted, clinging to his arm, struggling to keep his attention focused on her. "Shouldn't she be locked up somewhere?"

Draco smiled conceitedly. He was used to women always fighting over him. "Now Blaise, darling, we discussed this. She is here, and will have to remain here, to safeguard the Dark Lord's cause, you know that. Now be a good girl and do as I say," he said, smiling dangerously, leaving no room for argument.

"Yes, Draco," she sighed reluctantly.

"Miss Weasley is to have free roam inside the castle, and make sure everyone is aware of this, Blaise. We wouldn't want any...accidents, now would we," he said, removing her claws from his expensive linen shirt, looking intently at her with his hypnotising eyes. "But she is not to venture outside these walls. Is that understood?"

Blaise looked like she wanted to debate the point, and opened her mouth to protest, but then closed it again, realising it was futile.

"Blaise?" Draco demanded.

She sighed and drew herself to her full height. "Yes, Draco, I understand. I will go inform the others," she said, and with a curt nod she turned on her heel and stormed out of the room, her robes billowing behind her as she left the room.

Draco looked smug. "Right. Satisfied?" he asked her. "Now, since you have requested more liberties, I will expect you to come downstairs for meals. They will no longer be served up in your room." The look on her face made him smile evilly. "You reap what you sow, Weaslette," he said, and began to walk towards his office. "See you at dinner," he called at her over his shoulder. "Don't be late!"


The next few weeks went by quickly for Ginny. With her new-found limited freedom, she took to roaming the castle, and soon got to know it well, except for the restricted areas, such as personal living quarters and of course the core; the Death Eater headquarters. Ginny was sure that was where everything important was kept, and that was why she hadn't found anything in Malfoy's office that time.

She didn't see much of Malfoy during those weeks, only fleeting moment in corridors and sometimes during meals. Ginny did, however, see a vast amount of other people; Death Eaters, their families, house elves, and other suspicious looking creatures like hags and vampires.

Some of them seemed friendly enough, and Ginny engaged many of them in conversation, mostly during meals.

Despite this she often felt lonely.

Since the news of Malfoy's betrayal had reached her, Ginny had been something of a loner, wary of trusting people she didn't know. And she'd been happy like that, more or less. Only now, when she had no choice, did she realise how empty her life had been. She'd shut out almost everyone; her family, people at work, old friends, not to mention boyfriends. Oh, she'd been courteous and friendly enough on the outside, but no one ever broke through the surface she had created to protect herself.

I'd give just about anything to be with my family right now, she sighed to herself. Argue with Ron about the amount of men I've been seen with, listen to mum moan about her lack of grandchildren, and answer questions about Muggles from dad.

She almost wished she would see Malfoy again; anything to see a familiar face, even if it belonged to a treacherous lecher.

And so the days went by, and sooner than she realised, Ginny had been imprisoned there for a whole month.

One morning Ginny decided to go up to her favourite place in the castle. She'd found it by pure accident.

It was up just below the roof. The castle was ancient, and whoever had built it must've had to periodically defend the castle from outside attacks. Ginny had stumbled upon an old, dark walkway on the top of the highest flight of stairs. The wide, cobbled walkway had small locked rooms to the left, which would have been used for storage, probably for ammunition. To the right were six huge window ledges, or rather, a perfect place for a cannon or an archer, and Ginny loved to sit in them, looking down at the ground below.

The view from up there was magnificent. The ledges stuck out of the main wall for about half a metre, and extended to both sides as well. Just big enough for a person to stand on, Ginny thought and shivered at the thought of being in such a precarious place.

She had frequently been up there since she found it. It was the one place she could feel like herself, and forget the situation she was in.

So, Ginny showered, dressed and decided to go up there before breakfast. The summer was at its full height, and everything was in bloom. Really a very pretty surrounding for such a sinister place, she often thought.

She was just about ready to leave when there was a knock on the door.

Ginny tensed, and with long strides went to the door, turned the handle and swung it open.


Author notes: Review, as always! Thanks to all those who've revieved Chaps 1 and 2. Love u guys!