Diligite Inimicos Vestros


Story Summary:
Five years after Ginny Weasley graduated from Hogwarts she finds herself in a perilous situation. She will have to come up with a plan to save herself, and her heart, from someone from her past. G/D, Au-fic

Chapter 05 - Firmitas, Utilitas, Venustas

Chapter Summary:
Five years after Ginny Weasley graduated from Hogwarts she finds herself in a perilous situation. She will have to come up with a plan to save herself, and her heart from someone from her past. G/D, AU-fic
Author's Note:
This fic is loosely based on the world of Cassandra Claire's Draco Trilogy, especially Draco Dormiens, although some differences do occur. Sorry it took nearly a month to update. Its been a busy month. I want to thank my Beta for sending this back to me so quickly, and to everyone who reviewed. The title of the chapter means Endurance, Practicality and Beauty. I don’t think I need to explain that one…?

Chapter 5: Firmitas, Utilitas, Venustas

Ginny was still mortified a week later.

She still didn't know what could possibly have made Malfoy kiss her. It bothered her even more that she had kissed him right back, like her life had depended on it.

But she had managed to avoid seeing him for the time being. She'd started skipping meals, coaxing Servus or one of the other elves to give her a sandwich or something instead, and when she had braved to show her face in the dining room, she'd found Malfoy not there.

So it's all good, she told herself.

But of course she couldn't avoid him forever.

One morning Ginny woke up just as shaken as she'd been all week. She'd hoped a proper night's sleep would make her feel less confused and scandalised, but no.

As she stood studying her wardrobe she felt the need to wear an outfit to make her feel confident. Since obviously the leather trouser-look had backfired, she'd have to go in a different direction today.

Sticking with black, she picked up her favourite skirt, a pleated mini, complete with a studded and enchained belt. Then she selected a top, which covered everything, but seemed to be made of just strips of flimsy material, floating around her as she moved. She finished the look with black platform stilettos. Ginny did like to wear heels. They made her feel tall and powerful.

At first Ginny had planned on staying in her room that evening also, but then she'd seen a group of young witches and wizards enter the castle, and, hopeful in finding someone to talk to, she'd decided to go downstairs.

Besides, she was starving in a way no sandwich could fix.


The dining room was pretty full when she entered. Ginny didn't realise it at first, but as soon as she'd walked the length of the room she saw that she was, again, the only female in the room. Something strange is going on in here, she thought, but couldn't back out now. All eyes were on her as she sat down. They weren't even trying to hide their stares, and some were muttering in low voices to those near them.

But no one with platinum blonde hair, she realised and felt relieved and at the same time oddly disappointed.

It's odd that Malfoy's not here, she thought as she told her plate what she wanted from the extensive menu. Seems every other Death Eater under the age of thirty is here. Well, all the males, in any case.

And of course she was correct. It wasn't long before Malfoy did arrive.

The air seemed to electrify the second he walked into the room. Ginny couldn't see him because she sat with her back to the door, but she could feel his presence. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up and she shivered slightly. She could tell he wasn't even looking at her, apart from the casual sweeping glance he gave the whole room.

Maybe this was a bad idea after all, she thought, nervously sipping from the steaming mug of hot butterbeer in front of her. I should've stayed in bed. I'm not that hungry, really, she tried to convince herself and stood to leave.

She hadn't taken more than half a dozen steps towards the door when she heard a male voice behind her.

"Leaving us so soon?"

Ginny stopped and slowly turned around, intuitively sensing trouble.

The boy in front of her was tall, dark and rather pleasant-looking, perhaps a couple of years older than she was. The arrogant, patronising look on his face irritated her to no end for some reason. Ginny wasn't afraid of him.

"Got somewhere better to be, do you, Weasley?" he continued mockingly, raising laughs from the crowds of Death Eaters gathering around them.

Ginny stretched herself to her full height, lifted her chin in defiance and shot back.

"Have we met?" she arched a brow in question. "I don't recall seeing your ugly face before. And to answer your question, yes, anywhere is better than here where you are", she finished, putting her hands on her hips in a gesture which always worked for Molly Weasley.

The boy flushed to a rich shade of magenta. "You don't know who I am, wench?" he spat. "Everyone knows me. I am one of the richest wizards in Britain, and my face adorns the pages of the weeklies on a regular basis."

Ginny looked unimpressed. This seemed to infuriate him even further. The ring of Death Eaters thickened and he began to feel like a fool in front of his friends, and he couldn't allow that.

Now Ginny could feel the familiar grey orbs boring a hole into her back. Undeterred, or perhaps because of it, she continued her campaign of humiliation. If nothing else, knowing she had Malfoys attention spurred her on. She knew where to hit men where it hurt; their egos.

"I'm afraid none of that rings a bell. But I never read the small print," she smiled blandly, and gave him her best imitation of Gilderoy Lockhart. "Perhaps someday you'll be as famous as, say, Malfoy over there."

The boy was outraged. He knew Draco was his superior, but he couldn't stand being made to sound like he was inferior to him. Growing angrier by the second he took a firm hold of Ginny's upper arms and yanked her so she nearly lost her balance.

"I will make you know the name of Downey if it is the last thing I do," he promised her.

Ginny thought he was beginning to look quite deranged, and couldn't understand how she'd ever thought he looked pleasant at all.

"That's quite enough, Downey," said a lazy, commanding voice from behind him. He turned to look, still holding Ginny's arms in a death-grip. "Now, unhand Miss Weasley at once. We wouldn't want any harm to come to the Dark Lord's prisoner, now would we," Malfoy insisted, a small smile playing on his lips, as Ginny watched him stride towards them.

He was, as always, wearing a uniformly black outfit, a silk collar shirt and casual trousers, and Ginny could see he had put his hair back in a ponytail, just like she'd thought he could.

The ring of Death Eaters parted like the Red Sea to give way to him.

Downey felt disappointed.

"There's no harm in having a little fun with the prisoner, now is there, Draco?"

"I said," Draco stated slightly too calmly. "Get your hands off her. That is an order, Downey!" he continued in a dangerously low voice. Then he seemed to mentally pull himself together, smirked and drawled: "If there's going to be any fun to be had with this one, it's going to be had by me."

The group of young Death Eaters burst into raucous laughter. The only ones not laughing were Ginny and Draco. She was absolutely livid.

"You fucking piece of filth," she spat at him. "I would rather die than ever let you put your hands on me. Or rather, I would kill you first instead."

Now Draco laughed. "Oh, don't worry, love. I wouldn't touch a Weasley anyway. I have some standards, you know."

Ginny was at two minds. Should she tell everyone what had happened a week ago and reveal him for the liar he is, or should she keep quiet for her own sake?

She was dying to expose him, but self-preservation kept her from doing it. Instead she just resorted to glaring at Malfoy and his Death Eating buddies, and with all the dignity she could muster turned on her heel and walked out of the room, followed by boisterous laughter.

Her face burned.

Malfoy was going to pay.



Slowly Ginny turned around to face the wizard who had apparently exited the dining room right after her.

It seemed all she could do was glare. "What do you want now, Malfoy."

"A word. Follow me," he said curtly, all laughter gone from his face.

With a sigh she let him lead her back to his office, the one she'd been in before. It wasn't far.

It hadn't changed at all, and yet there was something different, but she couldn't put her finger on it. She shut the door behind her and sat down without a word. For once she really wasn't in the mood for an argument.

Malfoy ignored his chair and her, and walked to the window. He drew back the drapes and the bright light of a red sunset hit Ginny's eyes, but she didn't mind. Then with a sharp turn he turned to face her.

"Are you really that stupid? What the hell were you playing at back there?" he shot at her, almost like a parent telling of a child.

"What was I doing?" Ginny shot back, her mood going from bad to worse. "I was minding my own damn business until that bigheaded, drivelling idiot had a go at me," she defended. "And I didn't need assistance."

"What would you have done, huh? In case you didn't notice, you were in a room full of Death Eaters. You don't have a wand, and you certainly wouldn't have been able to Fung Ku your way out of there."

"Kung Fu," she muttered quietly, the tiniest of smiles tugging at the corners of her mouth.

"Whatever," Malfoy ignored her comment. "That's not the point. You really should try and be more careful," he chastised her. "I can't always be there to save you," he scolded, not looking at her, his eyebrows knitted together in concentration.

"I don't need you to save me," Ginny fumed. "I can take care of guys like Downey."

"And who is going to save you from yourself?"

"It is none of your concern, Ferret!" she yelled at him. "Why is it that every guy I meet thinks I need them to protect me? Is it because I'm small? Hey, there's nothing I can do about that."

"You know," he interrupted her, "I think your eyes change colour when you get mad," he commented matter-of-factly. Ginny would swear he was grinning at her, if it weren't for the fact that Malfoys didn't grin.

"What are you on about?" she breathed in exasperation.

Now Draco was definitely grinning. He strutted to her side of the desk and sat on it. "Made you calm down, didn't it?" He was making every effort to look adorable like she remembered him often doing back at Hogwarts.

"Stop that," she muttered from between her teeth. "Stop acting like you're my friend. You and I are not friends. Give me half a chance and I'll prove it." Ginny stood up so their eyes were level, and she smirked wickedly. "You know I'd take you down if I could, Malfoy."

Taking the challenge, Draco gave her an arrogant look and also stood up, towering over her once more, and looked down at her. "Likewise, Weaselette. Likewise."

Neither of them seemed to have anything else to say, but their eyes spoke a thousand words. Ginny relived all the hurt he had caused her in the past, ever regret, every sad memory. She could only imagine what was going through his head.

There was something electric in the air. They both felt it. An explosion long overdue. A bolt of lightning, only this one was not forged by nature.

Slowly he lifted a beautifully manicured finger and ran it slowly down Ginny's face. She couldn't suppress the shiver that ran down her spine.

Ginny felt like she was having an out of body experience. She seemed to be watching herself taking a step towards the desk, standing as tall as she could. Somehow it all seemed to happen in slow motion. She saw him move, and with an uncharacteristically mad gleam in his eyes Draco leaned down, oh, the pace was agonisingly slow. Ginny could almost see the heat of the blue electric current running through him and connecting with hers. There was nothing she could, or at that moment, wanted to do about it.

Like people possessed or hypnotised, they drifted together so slowly, that someone looking on wouldn't have seen either of them move at all.

Ginny could no longer see Draco's face. They were standing so close, and even with heels on she was considerably shorter than him. Instead she stared at his taut chest, covered by an almost sheer layer of the finest silk. She could almost see the rhythmic beat of his heart, and she swallowed hard.

Draco seemed to be in a trance as well. An unreadable look on his face, he cupped her chin almost gently, and lifted her face up. Then he lowered his head until his lips were millimetres away from hers.

What is happening to me? Ginny thought with despair. And what the hell is wrong with Malfoy?

But there was no iota of a chance that either of them would back up now. Even though their lips weren't touching, Ginny could feel both pair pulsating, throbbing as one, yearning to be touched.

So she did.

Having closed the gap between them, Ginny was overcome with the fire she had suppressed within her these past five years. All the anger, the agony, hopelessness and sorrow she'd thought were gone came to the surface and were made corporeal by the sensation of having Draco's lips caress hers.

There was nothing tender about this kiss. Every bit as violent as the first one, the kiss quickly took a rough form, almost like the two of them thought gentle meant weak.

She grabbed his shirt collar hard, almost like she imagined it was Draco's neck and she was wringing it, and he tangled his fingers in her mass of red hair.

So overcome with passion, before she could stop herself, Ginny bit down on his lip. Hard.

This seemed to set Draco off. He used his body to move hers back, closing the space between them and the wall. He roughly pressed her back against the cool stone of the wall. With a sigh Ginny's lips parted, inviting him deeper into the kiss, which he did without hesitation, and they were both lost in it.

It was hungry. It was violent, frustrated, angry and passionate all at the same time. It drove all reason from their heads. The kiss broke down the wall of hatred between them, or ignored it, but regardless neither of them seemed to want to pull away.

Ginny's mind seemed to be running on autopilot. The only thought she had at that moment involved the need to remove the barrier of clothing between her hands and Draco's skin. With a single rip she tore his shirt open, sending all the buttons flying. Draco's only reaction was a moan, emanating from deep within his throat.

Ginny could only marvel at the sensation of feeling his soft, smooth, cool skin at her fingertips. She ran a finger softly down his firm chest, all the way down until it reached his trousers. Then she used both hands to crawl back up. His skin was magnificent! She couldn't see, but she could feel that her touch was bringing his flesh come up in goosebumps, and his nipples hardened.

I knew he was well built, she thought absently, drawing shapes into his skin with her fingers. He was indeed well chiselled. Tight abs and firm pecs had always been her weakness. Ginny liked her men toned but not bulky. She felt like purring.

She didn't think she could help but dig her nails into his skin. So she did.

This did bring out a more drastic reaction from Draco. He made a sound, which to Ginny sounded like a growl, and at last he broke lip contact. Ginny felt oddly disappointed, but his lips didn't stray far, attacking her neck and throat instead.

The feeling of his tongue and lips mapping the whole of her exposed flesh made Ginny weak in the knees. She was glad she was pinned against the wall. She was sure she'd collapse on the floor if she weren't. The waves of pleasure washed over her and she threw her head back, closing her eyes and moaning lightly.

Draco's hands had been on the wall on either side of her torso, but now he took the opportunity and let his fingers explore Ginny's curves, using his hips to keep her against the wall. He started with her shoulders, working his way down to her sides and quickly to her hips, like he was drawing her outline. Ginny quivered at the feel of his touch. She was nearly panting. Without hesitation Draco slid his hands down her buttocks and then suddenly stopped.

Ginny whipped her head back up and opened her eyes. He was looking intently at her. Their eyes locked for a moment. His eyes looked almost black with desire, and Ginny knew her eyes portrayed the same. Somehow she seemed to understand his silent question and without quite realising why, she tangled her fingers in his soft, silvery hair, pulled his face to hers and kissed him with abandon.

This seemed to melt away the last dregs of his reserve. Without a word he removed her underwear, undid his trousers, lifted her up and thrust into her.

It was over almost as soon as it had begun. They were both highly excited, impatient and ready to receive the other.

Ginny had never felt such a rush. She'd enjoyed sex before, but it had never felt like this. She admitted she was not easy to please. She was demanding and easily put off. But this...it seemed all Malfoy had to do to arouse her was kiss her. She'd never enjoyed a quickie before. This had been...breathtaking.


Now that it was over she wasn't sure what to think or where to look. She was no prude, but this was an alien situation for her.

Malfoy seemed to be struggling with the same problem. He kept his eyes shut for a minute, breathing heavily, and still crushing her against the wall. Ginny could see a vein on his temple throbbing, and she knew from old that he was fighting himself from within.

Then he sighed, seeming to had made up his mind and breathed: - Oh fuck it!

His eyes opened with a snap and he looked deep into her eyes, looking for answers to unasked questions.

Then he took a step back, making both of them gasp. Draco lifted his hand once, and muttered: "Hold on."

Ginny took a hold of his shirt, looking at the mess she'd made with the buttons, and in a flash he Apparated both of them away.

They'd Apparated into a bedroom. But it wasn't like any other bedroom she's seen before. The bed seemed to be made purely of black satin, and there was a gorgeously roaring fire, which was the only source of light in the room.

I guess this must be Malfoy's room, she thought hazily. Not bad.

She released the hold on his shirt, and Draco waved his hand again. Reinstating the anti-apparition wards, she thought automatically, her attention focused on other things. Particularly the triangular area of Malfoy's exposed chest inches away from her. His pale, creamy, perfect skin moving as he inhaled and exhaled...

"Ginny," he said, snapping her attention back to his face. She was thrown by the look on his face. Malfoy's ever-freezing eyes burned with the fire she could feel burning inside her. He seemed to want to say something else, but not a word came out of his mouth. Instead they both just stood there, staring at each other, hungrily devouring the sight of each other.

Without another word Draco scooped her up in his arms and practically threw her onto the enormous bed in the middle of the room, throwing himself on top of her.

Thinking that he looked more like a graceful feline than the usual serpent, he twisted himself into a seated position, and then Ginny felt his fingers working on removing her shoes, her stockings...


His head snapped up and she saw a strange look in his eyes. "Yes?"

"Too slow," she smirked and tore the remainder of his shirt off his back and set to work on his trousers.

Not one to be outdone, Draco quickly kicked off his shoes and then removed her skirt and top, until she lay beneath him again, clad only in her black, lacy underwear.

Ginny gasped. She'd managed to undo his trousers. He didn't have anything on underneath.

I really shouldn't be surprised. And besides, it's not like I don't know what's inside his trousers by now, she giggled inside her head.

"Mmm, that's better," Draco muttered. Ginny couldn't see his eyes. His neat ponytail had come undone at some stage and his hair was now hanging over his face.

With a swift move he banished his trousers.

For the first time Ginny now saw Draco the way he was born. Naked, vulnerable, so beautiful...

Draco didn't seem to be in a hurry. It looked to Ginny like he was trying to memorise every inch of her body. Then he smiled crookedly, and slowly, so agonisingly slowly he bent down, until his lips reached her navel. Wickedness in his eyes Draco began tracing a line on Ginny's skin with his tongue. Circling, exploring, bringing her to the verge of a meltdown, he worked his way up and effortlessly removed her bra, casually casting it aside.

With the tip of his left index finger Draco teased her now exposed breasts, flicking the nipples until they were erect and anticipating. He cupped the full roundness of her breasts, admiring their perfection for a while before he bent down again to softly kiss her swollen nipples, letting his tongue suckle them, until Ginny moaned with pleasure.

It seemed to please Draco. He quickly got rid of the last offending garment, and then proceeded to prove his sex-god status to Ginny. He teased her, excited her, drove her to the point of ecstasy and then teased her again, until she'd had enough.

With a confident move she flipped him onto his back, and straddled him instead.

A wicked look in her eyes, Ginny threw her head back and flipped her hair, allowing him the perfect view of all of her. Then she decided to tease him in return, and introduced her wandering tongue to his soft, salty skin, almost purring with pleasure, intent on driving Draco crazy.

Ginny at long last found a valve to pour her anxiety into. It had been long overdue, and her inborn passion swallowed them whole.

Even the last dregs of sense went out of their heads. Losing themselves in each others' arms, time and place forgotten, they explored each other, pleasuring, tormenting, until they could stand it no longer.

Ginny looked at him, and her eyes widened with surprise, before she was rolled over yet again and Draco pinned her down.

He looked down at her flushed face and her darkened eyes, and then for the second time that day he claimed her.

Unlike the first time, this was slow, lingering and sensual. It was like nothing Ginny had ever felt before. It was...magical.

Both pushed to their limits, they looked at each other for one more time before they climaxed together with a groan.

Neither of them moved for a moment, each breathing heavily. Then Draco rolled off her, making her sigh.

Sighing with contentment Ginny curled up to a ball, wrapping her legs around half of the duvet, leaving most of her body exposed. The roaring fire in the fireplace made the usually chilly room so warm that she was very comfortable, and promptly fell into an exhausted sleep.

Draco was looking at her sleep, and a look of determination set on his face. It spoke of hard lessons, unpleasant duties and do or die causes. He watched her for a minute, then stretched with no sense of modesty, like a cat, and allowed himself to fall asleep next to her.


Ginny woke up with a start.

It was dark outside, and only the fireplace illuminated the room.

For a moment she couldn't remember where she was, but then she rolled over and saw Draco, looking so young and innocent in his sleep, his lashes casting shadows on his face.

Appearances can be so deceiving, she lamented and sat up. There was a light coming from the crack of the door near the bed. She guessed it to be the bathroom and got up wearily and went to look. It was indeed the bathroom. A very luxurious bathroom at that. Ginny rinsed her face.

What am I doing? A voice inside her asked. Sleeping with the enemy, that's what, she replied to herself.

But no matter how much she hated herself for it, she couldn't bring herself to regret it. It had been amazing!

When she went back to the bedroom, she avoided looking at the bed and the man in it. Even so, she could feel he was awake now, and crossed to the foot of the bed to retrieve her clothing.

For the first time since she'd been Apparated there Ginny looked around the room. There were two doors leading away from the room, one of which was to the bathroom she'd just been in. The other, she imagined, must lead to the rest of his personal quarters. Not really that curious she decided it was time she returned to her own room, before anyone noticed her leaving Malfoy's room. Done dressing she walked to the door.

Draco surveyed her lazily from underneath his half-closed eyelids. The fire she had seen in his eyes only hours before was gone, replaced by the usual iron curtain, which concealed every emotion or expression.

Ginny turned to look at him before she turned the doorknob. "You know this doesn't mean I won't take you down, given half a chance, right?"

"Likewise, Weasley, likewise," Draco refrained, a smirk spreading across his face.

Ginny nodded curtly, opened the door, and then she was gone.


Thanks guys. This story will be 10 chapters in all, so we're halfway thru! I'm not sure if its a good or a bad thing. Also my chaps seem to be getting longer every time...odd that