Astronomy Tower
Remus Lupin Sirius Black Severus Snape
Romance Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 08/04/2004
Updated: 07/16/2007
Words: 102,770
Chapters: 19
Hits: 10,846

The Everlasting Day


Story Summary:
AU - What if Sirius hadn't been content just to go on the run after PoA? What if he decided to seek help from one of the most unlikely of sources in order to build a new life for himself and Harry in the face of the ever-present threat from Voldemort? The consequences of the choices we make, and the family and friendships that carry us through....

Chapter 01

AU - What if Sirius hadn't been content just to go on the run after PoA? What if he decided to seek help from one of the most unlikely of sources in order to build a new life for himself and Harry in the face of the ever-present threat from Voldemort? The consequences of the choices we make, and the family and friendships that carry us through....

Words: 1,499
Hits: 2,042
Chapter 02

Sirius returns to an old friend, hoping that she can help him get his life back. Sometimes, you have to return to the past to be able to move on to the future....

Words: 5,900
Hits: 724
Chapter 03

Sirius and Ariadne discover that old love never truly dies and decide that the time has come for action if they want to taste freedom again....

Words: 4,376
Hits: 789
Chapter 04

Ariadne goes to meet with someone who might just be able to help Sirius to clear his name. But what will the consequences be for her? And the people she cares about...

Words: 2,944
Hits: 595
Chapter 05

Ariadne walks into the lions den at last...is she strong enough to make it out again?

Words: 6,182
Hits: 590
Chapter 06

Sirius finds that the wait for news from Malfoy is a new agony quite different from Azkaban as doubts begin to surface over the certainty of Ariadne and Harry's safety. Have they done the right thing?

Words: 1,982
Hits: 558
Chapter 07

Sirius gets the news he and Ariadne have been waiting for while his doubts about whether or not they've done the right thing are beginning to make him edgy. Will Malfoy and the other Death Eaters believe him?

Words: 4,854
Hits: 324
Chapter 08

The time has come...will Sirius and Ariadne pass the test? Will the consequences of their actions prove too much for them to deal with? Who will pay the ultimate price in the end? The path to freedom never did run smooth....

Words: 4,722
Hits: 298
Chapter 09

With things escalating beyond Sirius and Ariadne's control, they turn to their only hope - Dumbledore. But does he have the power to save Snape's life?

Words: 6,396
Hits: 324
Chapter 10

Ariadne and Severus Snape find that some old wounds need more than time to heal.

Words: 7,476
Hits: 471
Chapter 11

A temporary calm has fallen the morning after....but will it last? Snape tries to explain the actions of his past to Ariadne, Sirius recognises their need for time to heal and the final plans that could save them all begin to take shape....

Words: 5,967
Hits: 580
Chapter 12

Leaving Ariadne and Snape to get to know each other again, Sirius finally gets to do some catching up of his own. Firewhisky, photographs and memories as Sirius and Lupin rediscover their friendship after twelve years. And come to realise that the past doesn't matter quite so much as the future.

Words: 8,019
Hits: 479
Chapter 13

Ariadne and Severus rediscover their past - and find that everyone has their own cross of secrets to bear....Finally, it becomes clear....

Words: 8,069
Hits: 404
Chapter 14

Old prejudices run deep....to be expected in enemies. But surely not in friends? Sirius and Lupin discover that time isn't always a healer.

Words: 5,220
Hits: 371
Chapter 15

Making up, catching up... and setting up. It seems as though Sirius and Ariadne and not the only ones with hidden agendas....

Words: 5,520
Hits: 468
Chapter 16

Sirius and Snape put their plan into action, but it looks as though Malfoy has already figured them out...and an innocent looks likely to pay....

Words: 6,316
Hits: 420
Chapter 17

Sirius and Lucius finally face each other...only one can emerge standing....

Words: 6,812
Hits: 438
Chapter 18 - 18

"Erytheia Snape had been staying at Hogwarts for just over two weeks when it first happened......."

Words: 4,756
Hits: 438

AU - What if Sirius hadn't been content just to go on the run after PoA? What if he decided to seek help from one of the most unlikely of sources in order to build a new life for himself and Harry in the face of the ever-present threat from Voldemort? The consequences of the choices we make, and the family and friendships that carry us through....

Words: 5,760
Hits: 158