A Passbook of Sorts


Story Summary:
Hermione, Lavender, and Parvati start a Passbook: a journal for three. They write about normal things at Hogwarts. Like Hermione's crush on a secret some someone, Lavender's obsession of Seamus, and Parvati trying to overcome her pessimistic tendencies. Some (hopefully) witty comments, and a sarcastic(!) Draco.

Chapter 01

Author's Note:
Suggestions are very welcome, i hope you liked it! I'm pretty open to most ships, so you can tell what you like, and i'll consider it. This story is basically a blank canvas, i need idea's!

A Passbook of Sorts.

"Okay girls," Hermione trilled one late Tuesday night in the Gryffindor common room.

"I have the book, like you told me, I already filled in my schedule, now you guys fill in yours!"

Parvati and Lavender came slowly walking over. Grabbing ink and quills from Seamus and heading over to the table Hermione was sitting at. Hermione handed them the book the held in her hand and sucked in her breath nervously.

"I couldn't find anything else, I hope it's okay." Hermione was obviously worried at how her friends' reaction would be.

Lavender nodded, 'it'll do' she thought. And proceeded to fill in her schedule on the inside cover, as Hermione had done. Parvati was a little bit harder to convince.

"But you guys, I wanted a really cool book, not this plain old one," Parvati whined.

Hermione was about to explain how this book was not as likely to be noticed as a flashy, colorful book would be, but Lavender said quickly "Well, this way, no-one will be likely to break into it, and find out what we're writing!"

Parvati nodded solemnly, and wrote her schedule in the front cover, below Lavenders and Hermione's.

"So, we've gone over all the rule's, we've reviewed the code of honor, all we need to do is say the code, and we'll all be able to start writing in our book." Hermione said this proudly, she had written the code of honor herself.

"Number one!" Hermione said loudly. "Our book must be kept only to ourselves, you cannot show it to anyone but us three!"

"Aye!" Lavender and Parvati chorused.

Hermione took a big breath.

"Number two, all things written in the book, must be never spoken aloud to anyone, except in privacy, where no-one can hear us. Number three, No lying is allowed in the book, if you are caught lying, you will be kicked out of our group!"

"Aye, Aye"

Lavender jumped up. "So who gets to write in it first?" Then she answered her own question with a loud "I will!"

"Okay, and remember, you write in journal form, as if you were writing a diary, you don't have to keep any secrets from us. We won't tell anyone, anything!" Hermione wanted this passbook to work really badly. She had gotten the idea of a "passbook" from a Muggle novel she had read over the summer before her 5th year, and it had taken till the middle of November to find a suitable book to use. She had found the book in a storage closet in one of the dungeons where she was taking advanced potions along with a few other fifth years. No one had noticed her pick up the book, and hide it under her cloak. She had gone through the rest of the day without showing how excited she was. It was quite hard not to show how happy she was during the rest of her day!


Hermione's schedule:






Defense Against The Dark Arts


Lavender's Schedule


Medical Magic




Defense Against The Dark Arts


Parvati's Schedule






Defense Against The Dark Arts



Okay girls, here it is, the first entry in our book! This was such a great idea, thank you Hermione. Now, let's see. We are supposed to use this a journal, so I guess I'll write about my day.

Charms was funny, especially when Neville messed up his Hover Charm on Justin-Finch Fletchey, and Justin was sent flying across the room right on top of Hannah Abbot. I don't think she minded though, everyone knows she secretly has a crush on him. Wait! When you think about it, it can't be a secret crush if everyone knows about it. So guess it could be called a not so secret crush on Justin.

In Medical Magic Madame Pomfrey taught us what kind of chocolate is best for reviving people. It was quite fun, as we got to sample the different kinds of chocolate. Yum.

The rest of the day was pretty boring, well, Neville did melt yet another cauldron on Potions! Snape old boy was very mad!

I think that's it for today, I'm off to bed after I finish with my go-to-bed ritual.


Lavender and Parvati! You have to clean the dorm. Bloody Hell look at it! There's even more clothes and makeup strewn across the floor than usual. Something is up here, and you guys need to tell me. No secrets lease! And I promise I won't tell a soul anything you tell me!

Oh, I think I have crush on someone...I'm so nervous around him, is this a sign that I like him?


Hermione paused outside the Gryffindor boy's dorm. She had told Ron that she would help him study for a Potions test. She smoothed her hair back with her hand once again, and knocked on the door, which was immediately opened by Harry, who stepped aside to let Ron out of the dorm. She flashed Harry a smile and led Ron to the library.

'He's acting so weird' thought Hermione when Ron had ceased to talk and just stared at her. Hermione turned her head. She didn't want to look at him, he was acting like a lovesick puppy.

Hermione got tired of Ron only looking at her, he wasn't listening while she described the aging potion, in fact, and she knew he missed her entire lecture. Hermione stood up in a huff, "Ron Weasley, if you think I'm going to waste my time helping you, whenn you don't even listen, think again!" And with that, she ran off to write in the passbook:


I can't believe I wasted so much time helping Ron. He missed my entire lecture. He just kept staring at me and not listening, I got so mad and stormed off. Now I feel mad, I just lose my temper sometimes when I feel like I'm wasting my time.

Better days...
