Tears of the Ages


Story Summary:
The Colton cousins have been best friends since birth, but at school they were sorted into opposing houses, Gryffindor and Slytherin. They mix with some interesting people and their adventures are numerous. After they've left the school, it's discovered that both cousins have been influenced by their Hogwart's assortment, and it's only a manner of time until they turn on each other. This fic follows the girls after graduation, but there are chapter flashbacks of their school years.

Chapter 02 - Hats and Brooms

Chapter Summary:
Flashback of the Colton's first year at Hogwarts. They get Sorted and meet new friends and there are a few problems during flying lessons.

Every person on the train was jerked violently out of their seats as the Hogwart's Express pulled into the station. The trunk that Aurelia had been pulling out of the storage compartment above had flown over her head and landed right on Frank Longbottom's lap.

"Sorry!" she said helplessly, retrieving her bag from him.

She had chosen the dullest compartment on the entire train for her first ride to school. Longbottom was the only one she'd actually spoken with. The other four first years were silent throughout the whole tip. Lia had asked their names, but honestly didn't care enough to remember them.

The train was abuzz with kids gathering their belongings and shuffling out the doors into the dark and quiet Hogsmeade. Aurelia was among them, being shoved aside by a group of third years. She heard a resounding, strict voice above the muffled conversations of students that called, "First years, this way! Follow me, all first years!"

Aurelia was pushing past the flow of students to find the source of the voice when she collided with someone. Before she could lose her balance, she stepped backwards and brought herself upright. She was about to make another pathetic apology when she realized who it was she had bumped into.

"VIA?" she screeched. The call was met with a shriek which was deciphered as, "LIA?"

The two cousins ran into each other's arms and stood in an embrace for several long moments. When they separated, smiled flashed across their faces, followed by looks of complete confusion. They were two first years that had no idea where they were or where they needed to go and couldn't find anyone who could help them. What did they have to be happy about?

"Do you know--"

"Have you seen--"

The girls answered one another's questions by shaking their heads slightly.

They were doomed.

Fortunately the loud voice that must have been using sonorus, boomed again closer to where the two girls were standing. They turned to each other with smiles on their faces.

"Let's try that way," Aurelia suggested.

"God, this is so confusing. Glad you're here though, Lia." Silvia granted her cousin with a bigger smile as they made their way through the crowd of students trying to find the loud voice.

Aurelia had taken Silvia's hand so they wouldn't get separated. "I thought you were supposed to go to Beauxbatons, Via!"

Silvia looked back and the smirk was evident on her face. "I got dad to talk mum out of it. She settled instead for having me get my wand from some Frenchie guy. I really didn't care, as long as it works the same."

"This is perfect! Maybe we'll get sorted into the same house," Aurelia beamed.

"I don't know if they could handle both of us in the same house," Silvia joked. "Supposedly, we're quite the handful."

They both laughed. "Think: If we got into the same house as Romey, we could annoy him twice as much," Aurelia pointed out.

"Isn't that the truth," Silvia consented, grinning.

The two small girls arrived at the edge of a large crowd at the very front of which was the source of the loud voice. "First years, come this way!" A few more minutes of shouting and it looked as if finally all the eleven-year-olds had shown up. "Alright, we are to go across the lake in boats. No pushing, no shoving, and four to a boat. NO MORE."

Slowly the children made their way to boats and sat down in them, surprised when the boats began moving after four people were inside of them. Aurelia and Silvia opted to go in the same boat. One of the boat's other occupants had a worried expression from the object's self-movement. He looked almost as if he were going to be sick. His friend, on the other hand, was having a marvelous time, even leaning halfway over the boat to get a good look into the dark water.

"It's completely safe, you know," said Aurelia soothingly, settling her eyes on the worried one. "Doubt the headmaster would have nothing to say if he lost a few first years to the lake, don't you think?"

"Thanks. I'm just not used to magic yet. My parents are Muggles," the boy explained. "My name's Davy Gudgeon."

"Nice to meet you. This is Silvia," she replied, motioning at her cousin who raised a hand in response. "And I'm Aurelia. Would you mind...?"

Davy shook his head and moved over on the seat, making room for the two girls. They climbed aboard and the boat began floating through the water as soon as Silvia and Aurelia were sitting. There was not much conversation on the water, mostly because everyone was too busy staring in awe at the castle. The girls did learn that the name of Davy's friend was Emit Jorkins, but he was much too preoccupied with his surroundings to care about what they had to say.

In no time at all, they were across the lake, up the stairs and in the entrance hall of the castle, continuing to stare and point. A tall woman in emerald green robes with reading glasses and a tight bun concealed beneath a crooked black hat, stood before them and pursed her lips. She addressed the first years and made it clear that they were to enter the hall orderly behind her. As the doors to the Great Hall opened, the entire group hushed, pursuing the professor awkwardly. Four tables stretched the length of the hall, which was in itself enormous, and hundreds of students followed the procession with their eyes lazily.

Standing before them in the front of the hall was the tall woman, who had introduced herself as Professor McGonagall. Behind her was what looked like an ordinary stool and a rather dirty and ratty old wizard's hat. In sync all the first years turned their attention to the hat, staring at it, wondering what was going to happen. To their amazement one of the seams ripped open near the brim of the hat to form a type of mouth. If that wasn't strange enough, it started singing. The song wasn't any random bar ditty, but one about the school, focusing on the houses. The self proclaimed Sorting Hat.

A few lines stuck out though to all of the students, not really knowing that the Sorting Hat took it upon himself to give the students warnings once in awhile.

Many a head have I sat

Picking, choosing what is best

For I am the Sorting Hat

Though none have I wrongly placed

Inside your mind I find the choice

Putting you on future's path

Expressing thoughts you do not voice

A solemn duty placed unto me

By the founders of this school

Using talents to create each house

None of which was a fool

They knew not the wonder they'd create

But heed this warning here I give

Some things seen have not been heard

Circumstances that affect the way we live

Foul times approach us all

But now is not the time for panic

For one thing will keep harm away

To most it will seem quite basic

Allegiances built and broken

Friendships made in days spent here

Shall help pave the way

And will prove to be most dear

Careful now as new power rises

The rest of the student seemed stunned by this passage and the already nervous first years were bordering on breakdowns. That was until Professor McGonagall took control of the situation again. She stepped forward with a long scroll of parchment in her hand. "When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be Sorted." She gave them all a stern look, clearly saying she wanted no funny business. "Aubrey, Bertram!"

A boy behind Aurelia let out a soft squeak, which startled her. He brushed past her and a few students in the front rows to stand before Professor McGonagall, petrified. She gestured to the stool beside her and watched skeptically as the boy sat clumsily upon it. McGonagall dropped the Sorting Hat unceremoniously on top of his head and all the first years watched anxiously. After about ten seconds of humming, the hat called out, "RAVENCLAW!"

It took the first years by surprise and some of them jumped. The outside right table broke out in applause and the hat was lifted off Aubrey's head as he went to join his new house. McGonagall, however, wasted no time in calling out the next name.

"Avery, Brian!" He was sorted into Slytherin.

"Belby, Marcus!" Ravenclaw.

"Black, Sirius!" Gryffindor.

"Colton, Aurelia!"

Aurelia's eyes popped for a moment and then she straightened her back, looked beside her at Silvia and gave her a nervous smile. She walked up to the stool, turned around and sat down. That same second, she felt the weight of the Sorting Hat on top of her head. Her vision darkened because the hat had slid down her forehead and covered her eyes. Then she heard a voice.

Another Colton, eh?

She tried to look around to see who had said it, but the weight of the hat restricted her movement and it wasn't as if she could see anyway...

Brave, loyal, quite smart, but a knack for making trouble. This isn't too difficult.

"GRYFFINDOR!" she heard the hat yell to the rest of the school and applause broke out to her left. Aurelia smiled as she regained her vision, jumped off the stool and walked toward the hands waving her to empty seats from the Gryffindor table. Passing by the group of remaining first years, she caught Silvia's eye and winked.

"Colton, Silvia!"

Lia slid into a seat between a sixth year prefect and the other Gryffindor first year. She didn't waste time on introductions yet, for she was anxiously awaiting the Sorting Hat's announcement of Silvia's house. But the hat was in no rush. Via's shadowed mouth formed into a frown as the hat hummed upon her head.

Finally, it called out, "SLYTHERIN!"

Applause exploded from the other end of the hall. Aurelia's eyes fell. The Gryffindors around her, however, stayed completely silent, a few casting her cousin dirty looks.

It was rotten that the girls had been sorted into the two houses that despised one another. Aurelia feared their friendship would unravel because of this incident. Maybe even...this mistake? Would she still act the same around Via? Or would the houses sever their friendship? Her pondering was interrupted as the Sorting Hat yelled, "GRYFFINDOR!" and she joined in the applause.

By the time the last first year was sorted, every stomach in the hall was grumbling. The headmaster's speech consisted of nine words.

"There's time for formal introduction later. Now, tuck in!"

Silvia sat back in her seat next to her new housemates and thought about what had just happened. She had figured out that the sorting hat could talk and inevitably see into your head from its song at the beginning of the ceremony, but for some reason, the things it had said were unnerving.

Another one of you? Let's see then. Plenty of smarts, not lacking in courage, but ambition to the roof. Easier than I thought, eh?

And then it had shouted out Slytherin. Via had to admit she seemed to fit here. You couldn't have the favorite animal of a snake without wanting to be in the house with that as its emblem. She was staring more at her food then eating it. One of the boys next to her tried to steal her cauldron cake. Without looking up she informed him evenly, "Touch it and I'll burn you to a crisp."

A dark-haired girl to her right let out a chuckle. "I like this one," she commented to the blonde girl sitting next to her. "She'll fit in just fine."

"I'm sure she will," the blonde agreed.

Turning back to Silvia, the dark-haired girl held out a hand. "I'm Bellatrix Black, and that's my sister Narcissa."

Silvia could tell Bella had to be at least a sixth year and Narcissa looked to be maybe half of that. "Silvia Colton." She took Bellatrix's hand, giving it a brief shake.

"Colton? Are you related to the two Gryffs?" Bella asked not bothering to hide her scorn.

"We're cousins," Silvia responded.

Both girls let out an understanding sound. "We know how that is. Did you see the Black that just got sorted into Gryffindor? He's our cousin," Narcissa explained. "First one to do that. His mum will be in a right state when she finds out."

Silvia laughed at that. "I take it most of your family gets into Slytherin."

"All but Sirius," Bella said with a scowl, looking towards the Gryffindor table.

- - - - -

After the feast, Dumbledore warned first years about the Forbidden Forest and that it was named that for a reason (at this, many of the students around Aurelia sniggered) and added a few announcements about Quidditch try-outs, Charms Club and other extracurricular activities. He also warned all the students and staff about a new tree that had been planted on the outskirts of the grounds. Dumbledore called it a Whomping Willow and advised everyone not to come across its path.

When he had finished, the prefects stood up and ushered the first years out of the Great Hall. Aurelia was caught in the mob of confused students who had clustered into the entrance hall, but was unable to find any of the Gryffindor prefects. Before she could get sucked into the masses even further, a red-haired girl tugged gently on the sleeve of her robes and called her name. She turned around and came face to face with one of the first years she had spoken to during dinner. Her name was Lily Evans.

Together, they waded through their fellow first years and finally spotted the retreating Gryffindor group heading for the stairs. They followed at a sprint and when they were shoved carelessly into the back of the group by a couple of third year Slytherins, they looked at each other and smirked, as if saying, "We made it."

About five minutes later, the two prefects who led them stood in front of a portrait of a rather fat and ugly lady and announced, "Felix Felicis." The fat lady smiled and said, "Correct," and the portrait swung open on hinges to reveal the Gryffindor Common Room. Aurelia's first impression of the place was large, red and spacey. There were couches, desks and chairs scattered neatly about the room and a fireplace was to the right. Stairs to the left led to the boy's dormitories and stairs to the right led to the girls'. There were moving portraits all over the walls and hearthrugs across the floor.

A ghost whom Lia had seen from a distance in the Great Hall floated towards them and upon greeting them, grabbing a chunk of his hair with his transparent hand and lifted his head right off his neck. There was only a sliver of skin that kept his head from falling off. Most of the first years let out disgusted noises, but three or four boys in the back simultaneously murmured, "Wicked!"

He introduced himself as Nearly Headless Nick and welcomed them to Gryffindor House. Then he passed through crowd of first years and someone let loose a screech. Aurelia was confused as to why until Nearly Headless Nick passed straight through her. She received the largest set of chills she had ever remembered experiencing; the most uncomfortable feeling she had ever had.

"Please head up to your dormitories and unpack your trunks," said the prefect standing at the foot of the boy's staircase. "Feel free to look around, but know that the curfew is seven o'clock. It is against the rules to wonder the corridors at night."

With that, the group split in two, one veering to the right and the other left. Aurelia followed Lily up the stairs, looking over her shoulder as older students started to flood into the Common Room.

No one was sure where anything was, so the girls searched each room, trying desperately to find their trunks. A few fifth years had filed up the staircase and realized their dilemma. They directed them to their trunks effortlessly and headed to their own rooms.

Aurelia shared a room with Lily Evans, Emily Perkins, Frieda Derkson and Maria Vouldora. They were all friendly, so Lia didn't foresee any problems in living with them for the next seven years. Lily was a kind, intelligent and optimistic. She was Muggle-born, but half the time didn't act like she was new to the wizarding world. She reminded Aurelia faintly of a premature prefect with a touch of style. Emily was quiet and shy, only speaking up when she had something clever or interesting to add to a conversation. Her blonde hair and soft, blue eyes were framed in pale skin, making her look almost ghoulish, but she was far from unsightly. Frieda and Maria were both purebloods who had been friends long before they came to Hogwarts. They laughed and joked about things the others could not understand, but often filled their new roommates in on stories in their past. As Aurelia listened to their chatter, she began thinking about Silvia.

For her part, Silvia had not forgotten about her cousin, but her mind was preoccupied with listening to Bellatrix and Narcissa as they lead her to the Slytherin Common Room. Bella stood in front of a seemingly ordinary stone wall and gave Silvia a grin before saying, "Dura necessitas." Before three pairs of eyes, the wall melted away to reveal a room set in the dungeon of Hogwarts. Stepping over the threshold she felt a bit of cold air from the surrounding stone walls before the blazing fires warmth hit her. The room was filled with green or black chairs and sofas with tables that looked to be made of cherry or walnut. It had a lower ceiling than most of the rooms she'd seen so far in the castle. And yet she liked it here; it felt comfortable to her.

"The password is a little over the top this year. Prefect had to study Latin over the summer. It translates to 'necessary is harsh'. So what do you think?" Narcissa motioned to the room around her.

"It's brilliant. Drafty, but I've always liked the cold," Via commented.

"It's 'cause we're under the lake," Bella explained, lounging on a nearby couch. The other two sat near her. "They keep the fires going all the time though."

Silvia had been about to respond when someone let out a loud curse and walked over towards their group. A pale haired boy sat down flanked by two others that could, at best, be described as meatheads. "I hate first years," he complained, his hand running through his hair.

Silvia looked straight at Bella and raised an eyebrow. A mischievous smile came on Narcissa's face and she winked, causing Silvia to grin.

"Lucius, it is always so nice to hear your voice," Bella sneered, earning a pointed glare from her sister.

"Bellatrix, Narcissa, how was your summer?" Lucius asked.

"Andie's acting up again," Bella's face was indifferent but soon broke into a sly smile. "So what's this about first years?"

"They're always getting in the way."

"You just didn't find the best one that's all." Bellatrix's smile grew larger and Lucius turned to see Silvia for the first time.

"Found a favorite, did you, Bella?" Lucius asked.

"Sure did. She's a firecracker--already threatening the others."

"Firecracker? I prefer the term loose cannon," Silvia remarked, completely relaxed with the situation.

Lucius raised a questioning eyebrow and Bella seemed to grin like a cat. "Told you she was the best."

"Merlin, Bella, when you talk like that I feel like some Kneazle," Via complained.

Needless to say, Silvia had made three more friends, all older than her. Well, that's if you could count the two meatheads as actual people and not muscle mass.

She had gone to her dormitory later in the evening and met some of the girls she shared the room with of her own age. Elizabeth Baddock turned out to have an extremely wicked personality and Silvia knew they would get along perfectly. Amanda Harper was more reserved and seemed to like her personal space and peace and quiet. Silvia had to think that she wouldn't get much of that with her and Elizabeth sharing a dorm. Ivie Davis didn't seem to mind any of what went on as long as it didn't mess up her long blonde hair. And last of all Tabitha Greengrass proved to be the brainiest of the bunch, or at least the one who showed it. She did have the ability to let her brunette hair down though, she just needed gentle reminders.

Silvia lay in her bed late at night after they had all stopped talking like the eleven-year-old girls they were. She had made a horde of new friends today and quite liked her new house, yet her thoughts kept drifting to Aurelia. What was going to happen to their bond?

- - - - -

The next couple of weeks at Hogwarts were murder. Aurelia was flooded with homework, which contained an excessive amount of essays--and in this area, Lia had little experience. None were particularly difficult, but there were plenty of them to keep her occupied most of her free time.

Spells came as easily to Aurelia as snapping her fingers, so naturally Transfiguration and Charms classes were a breeze. Lia was not a brilliant Potions student, however, Professor Slughorn seemed to notice some 'forthcoming potential,' though she knew it had nothing to do with her. Romey was the talent in the family and Slughorn had already set up his pawns in her brother's future.

Defense Against the Dark Arts was Aurelia's preferred subject, enjoying every minute of every lesson and listening intently to explanations and uses of counter jinxes. She never took notes, however, because she could retain very large amounts of information if need be. To add to her delectation of the class, most of her recently attained Gryffindor companions surrounded her. The professor wasn't too strict, so when they were supposed to be writing, Emily and Frieda would turn around in their seats to talk with her.

It was much the same setting in History of Magic, only DADA never bored her to death. The entire class consisted of nothing but constant lecture. Professor Binns babbled on in his monotone drawl until Aurelia finally gave up trying to pay attention altogether. Usually by the end of class, her notebook was strewn with letter and stick figures where her and Benji Toffmore had played five or six games of hangman. The only students actually listening were Lily and a boy Aurelia knew as Remus Lupin. He was rather coy, yet amiable and quite intelligent. Despite his timid presence, he seemed to have stricken up an unlikely friendship with his roommates, who turned out to be the most reckless and troublesome pair of the year.

In the two weeks since their arrival, James Potter and Sirius Black had received three detentions and several warnings. Mostly, they sneaked out of the Common Room at night, without alarming the Fat Lady and roamed the corridors. Mr. Woldrum, the caretaker, had had enough of them after the fifth night, when they tracked mud up the stairs coming in after dark. Professor McGonagall, head of Gryffindor house, believed punishment should play to your fears, so a number of the detentions she assigned took place in the Forbidden Forest. Aurelia, along with the half the student body, laughed at this idea, because James and Sirius were not the least bit afraid to enter those woods. If anything, they enjoyed their little midnight treks, looking for animals with the gamekeeper, Hagrid, or some other odd task. Sirius often joked about how it was a privilege more than a punishment to enter restricted areas when "good kids have to mind the 'keep out' signs."

Flying lessons were Aurelia's heaven. The first class had been difficult, but she was aided by Davy Gudgeon, who had gotten the hang of brooms his first few minutes in contact with one. It was thrilling to be in the air, feeling the wind against her skin as she rode across the field. Everyone around her seemed to be having a good time as well and only one or two students couldn't get their brooms to fly at all. But unlike other classes, flying lessons were merged with separate houses and unbeknownst to either house, Gryffindor and Slytherin had been paired.

For Aurelia, it was the only time during the week that she saw Silvia other than mealtimes. They dared not speak to each other for fear of their new friends finding out that their relationship was beyond just family. Maria Vouldora right down to Benji Toffmore thought very reprovingly of the other Colton, mostly because of the company Silvia kept. The reputations of Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix and Narcissa Black (the last two reinforced by Sirius) were shady, dark and far from clean. At least that's what elder students had to say. Several of the teachers were under the impression the three Slytherins were smart and well behaved. As those professors commented on how pleasant they had been to have in class, Sirius nearly laughed aloud.

Flying lessons did not always go as smoothly as the first one. Tensions had grown almost immediately after the first years were sorted between Slytherin and Gryffindor. The other two houses tended to be mediators but shared in a hatred of the Slytherins. But for some reason it was seen as intelligent to place the houses that hated each other the most in the same lesson where they would learn to fly on brooms high above the ground. To think no small inflictions upon one another would be made was to think Dementors were teddy bears. This particular lesson, though, the tensions were escalated.

Severus Snape was not the most graceful thing on two legs and apparently it was the same case on a broom. While most of his housemates had no problems, being purebloods, he seemed to have difficulty getting the broom off of the ground. Avery and Rosier tried their best to help the greasy haired boy, but it just wasn't to be.

"Come on, Severus, just concentrate," Evan tried, encouragingly.

Once again Snape looked down at his broom and gave it the command to jump into his hand. Only difference was this time, it did. The other Slytherins beamed at Snape, happy for their housemate's success. Severus swung a leg over his broom and carefully kicked off from the ground. He hovered a few feet and seemed to be getting the hang of it. That was until he lurched forward, straight into Davy Gudgeon, who in turn went straight into a wall. The crunch that came from the impact was sickening.

Madam Hooch ran forward and collected Davy carefully, making sure he could walk without hurting himself. She turned back to the other children, commanding, "No one is to leave the ground until I come back. Is this understood?"

"Yes, Madam Hooch," The first years echoed obediently.

Once their instructor was out of sight and hearing, all hell broke loose.

"Way to go, Snivellus! Not only are you an elephant on the ground but you're even worse in the air," Sirius Black taunted. All the Gryffindors around him laughed.

"At least I got off the ground, unlike Lupin," Snape spat back, causing the Slytherins to chortle.

"Why you little--"

"--stupid prat."

Sirius and James were both red and fuming, unable to start or finish a complete sentence.

"What's the matter, Potter? Are you embarrassed by your friend?"

"Oh, that's it!" James shouted and leapt on top of Snape, wands completely forgotten.

Potter leaping on Snape caused Avery to leap on him, which brought in Black and it went from there until all the Gryffindor and Slytherin males were punching and kicking each other on the ground. The girls weren't left out; they settle more for catfights and spewing volatile words at one another.

"Stupid cow!"




The only two not joining were Silvia and Aurelia Colton. They just turned their heads in sync and looked at each other, rolling their eyes. They let out a collective sigh, knowing what they'd have to do. The girls they left alone, since it was more lashing out with words then fists, so they confronted the boys instead.

Both Colton girls attempted to pull people out from the pile of limbs but were kicked out of the way in return. After several unsuccessful attempts they looked at one another again and pulled out their wands with scowls on their faces.


Aurelia and Silvia kept this up until no one in the pile was moving. Slowly Silvia dragged the Slytherin boys to one side while Aurelia dragged the Gryffindor boys to another. When they had them all settled, they went to work reviving with 'rennervate'. When they woke up, they were met with stern glares from the Colton girls.

"Just what--"

"--do you think--"

"--you were doing?"

Both groups of boys were completely stunned to see two girls had just put a stop of the dog pile they had created. All the boys were lying on the ground until Remus stood up and walked back to his broom. Sirius and James followed suit, glaring back at the pile of Slytherin boys in the grass ten feet away. Seeing as how the classmates' mess had been cleaned up, the Colton girls turned to look at each other, nodded, and went back to their brooms. The girls had stopped shouting at each other after a little while, realizing the boys were no longer going at it. Once Madam Hooch returned with a sour look on her face, as was expected because of Davy's injury, everything was exactly how it had been when she'd left. The only difference was that the Slytherins and Gryffindors were giving each other even dirtier looks than they had been before.

Aurelia planted her feet firmly on the ground, straddled her broom and gripped the wood tightly. Madam Hooch passed by her to observe her posture, then offered her a curt nod before moving on to the next student down the line.

She stepped sideways a few feet as Remus came up next to her, broom in hand, looking very determined. At first, she thought he might have wanted to ask for her help on flying, but instead he asked, "Where did you learn that spell?"

Lia smirked. "I'm a pureblood--well, for the most part--and my parents taught me a few things before I started school. Nothing big, just a few minor spells."

"You didn't have a wand, then, did you?" he asked casually.

"No, of course not. I borrowed my dad's."

"Is it hard to stun someone?"

Aurelia had opened her mouth to answer his question, but before any words came out, Madam Hooch had swept upon them and was advising Remus how to sit on his broom properly.

Silvia was receiving some glares from the Slytherins but they stopped once they received her glare. Elizabeth took the time while Madam Hooch was concerned with some Gryffindors to walk her broom next to Silvia's.

"Why did you stop it?" Elizabeth asked bluntly.

Silvia raised an eyebrow but answered, nonetheless. "Simply 'cause we don't need the rest of the house mad for losing points in a wandless fight."

"I guess that makes sense." Lizzie looked down for a second chewing on her bottom lip before looking back up at Silvia. "Where'd you learn to stun someone so well?"

"My dad's in law enforcement. He insisted on teaching me basic spells once I was old enough to hold a wand. Well, his wand at least."

"Merlin, you're lucky! My parents wouldn't let me anywhere near their wands. Said I'd blow up something. As if!" Both girls started laughing and Madam Hooch came over.

"Having a good time, hmm? Well, lets see how you're doing?" the flying instructor commanded.

Silvia obediently called her broom up and straddled it like she had been taught. She received a nod before her gaze turned to Elizabeth who did the same easily. Madam Hooch walked on and the pair of Slytherin girls had smirks on their faces.

"Where'd you learn magic like that, Lia?" Emily asked her enthusiastically while they were walking back to the school from lessons fifteen minutes later.

Aurelia was getting sick of relaying her spoiled childhood memories to her peers. She had been asked how she'd learned the spell, where her father worked and how hard doing a spell like that actually was. By and large, the questions came from the boys she had used the spell on. They were fascinated by how two girls had broken up their scrabble. Others were embarrassed that two girls had broken them up. As they passed a group of Slytherin boys, they glared at her and walked away. Aurelia sniggered and looked back to Emily.

"You know, steal a wand here, break an antique vase there," she said mischievously.