Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
Humor Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 06/13/2004
Updated: 06/13/2004
Words: 1,380
Chapters: 1
Hits: 686

The Diary of a Slytherin


Story Summary:
Draco keeps a diary into which he pours his secret thoughts and desires - and, oh yeah - evil plots for revenge.

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
Rated for language. Draco keeps a diary into which he pours his secret thoughts and desires - and, oh yeah- evil plots for revenge.
Author's Note:
This is my first attempt at a humorfic, so take it easy :)

12 October

I don't know why I even bother getting out of bed in the mornings on some days. Today started out okay - I went down to the Great Hall and had breakfast. I should have known when I spilled pumpkin juice down the front of my robes that it was only going to go downhill from there. I started to go back to my room to change into a clean robe, but on the way out of the Great Hall, I ran into
her. She was alone. She's never alone. She laughed at me and made some comment about how she thought students needed to be potty trained before they were allowed to come here! Of course I shot back something without thinking about it - I think I said something about her hair - and she hauled off and slapped me! What is it with girls slapping me all of a sudden? Must be something in the water. Anyway, the day proceeded to get worse from that moment. I was late to Transfiguration. I was late to Arithmancy. I was even late to potions. I thought in there it would be okay since I was only three minutes late, but Professor Snape took five points away from Slytherin! I couldn't believe it! Then I managed to be partnered for the rest of the class with the Mudblood, of all people! I can't believe I had to sit next to her the entire time. She did nothing but talk and make goo-goo eyes at the boy Weasel. I thought I was going to be sick all over the table - thank Circe that Snape stopped their interlude by taking ten points away from Gryffindor! Dinner was uneventful. Crabbe and Goyle were morons as per usual - they kept using their mashed potatoes to make perverted sculptures of Millicent Bulstrode. That very nearly made me sick, too. I left dinner early, which made Parkinson pout. Really, I can't believe she still holds out so much hope for us getting together. We tried it once, and I caught her snogging Zabini in an empty classroom, so that was it for me. I will not be with someone who does not know what faithfulness means. After all, who wants to be with a girl who'd make you the laughingstock of the entire school? And I would be, too, if anyone had found out that I'd stayed with her after that. No, it was better that I ended things. Too bad she just can't seem to accept it. If she keeps up the pouting and whining, I'm going to tell the entire house what they did. See how badly she wants to be with me then, eh?

14 October

Since when did I become the bad guy, here? Pansy is the one who cheated on me, not the other way around! It was a merciful thing, I thought, to dump her and keep the reason why quiet. Apparently it's fodder for making me a laughingstock among all of the Slytherin girls, if Tracey Davis is to be believed. She's been spying for me for almost a year now, keeping an eye and ear open to see if any of the other girls talk about me. She's how I found out that Millicent has a secret crush on Harry Potter, of all people (disgusting, I know), and she's the one who told me that apart from Millicent, all of the other girls thought I was cute. (I don't know that I like being referred to as 'cute,' perhaps handsome or dashing or dead sexy would be better.) Well tonight she told me that they were all laughing at me behind my back - apparently Pansy and Zabini have been carrying on for a long time, even before we started dating! I almost flew into a rage and hexed Zabini to hell and back before that damnable Weasley brat happened on us in the middle of the hallway. She stared at us for a while, then threatened to take points away, since she's a prefect. Goody two-shoes! If it had been me stumbling across her and her brother in the middle of a blazing row, I would've summoned some popcorn and watched them go! But no, she had to stop us! And Zabini- that coward- must have just been waiting for a way to get out of it, because he took off running! I turned around and caught her staring at me. At ME! Who the hell does she think she is? All that red hair must have afflicted her brain, or something. I think seeing it every day is starting to afflict my brain, too, because after I went back to the common room, I couldn't stop thinking about her. What the hell is wrong with me? I've been lying here in bed for close to an hour and haven't been able to get her out of my head.

Still 14 October (update)

Have formulated a sweet, sweet revenge plan. I will get revenge on Pansy by dating a golden gryff girl. My choices are limited and it's a dirty task, but it will all be worth it to see the look on her pug face when she sees me and the gryff walking hand in hand through the hallways! I know repercussions from Father could be big (he hates Gryffs, the girl I'm choosing won't make him happy)- but I know that when I explain my reasoning to him, he'll understand. Hell, he might even help, when he finds out I am plotting my big evil revenge!

17 October

I think I've found the perfect time to put my sweet, evil revenge plan into action. Operation: Golden Gryff begins the night of the Halloween feast! Tracey told me that Pansy and Zabini (oh, for fuck's sake, I get tired of writing their names out - from now on, will refer to them only as P. & Z.) have plans to ditch classes all day on the 31st. Tsk tsk, we can't have that now, can we? And what might happen if the prefect on duty just happened to know where they had gone, and just happened to know what time to catch them in the act? Ha Ha!!! Will be able to get in good with brat Weasley and splinch any plans the lovebirds might have at the same time! Oh wait - now I finally get it, that saying about two birds and a rock! Ah, sweet revenge!

24 October

Haven't written in a while because things have been hellishly hectic. (ooh, alliteration! Golden Gryff Girls Give Good - ah, nevermind) Have been following brat Weasley around to try and sneak into her good graces. It's proving more difficult than I thought it would be - she's rarely alone, I think I might have mentioned that before. Anyway, I think she knows I am following her. She keeps giving me these really strange looks - yes, strange even for a Weasley. No one else seems to notice anything, which makes me wonder about her. If she knows I'm following her and I'm her enemy, why hasn't she told one of the Wonder Twits about it yet? I'm sure that the Boy Who Lived to Annoy Me would love to have an excuse to turn me into a puddle of residual slimy goo again (which I haven't forgotten, by the way. Note to self: think of a way to humiliate Harry Poofter in front of the entire student body). P & Z (the Slytherin version of the Twits) have been nearly inseparable for two whole days. It's getting sickening, really it is - the very next time I have to watch them swapping spit, I swear I'll turn them both into kneazles, or something equally as horrible. Yes, kneazles ARE horrible little creatures! One time when I was eight, Mum brought me a cup of chocolate, and the pet kneazle I had nearly gnawed my nose off trying to get to it! You try getting close to one after that and see if you like it! By the way, what is it with me and small, furry animals? First a kneazle, then a ferret. Damn, can't a guy catch a break anymore?