Harry Potter Hermione Granger
Angst Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 07/19/2003
Updated: 10/04/2004
Words: 228,084
Chapters: 15
Hits: 20,549

The Human Condition

CK Talons

Story Summary:
Life was never easy for him. Now, Harry is confronted with the only evil he has ever feared; an enemy he cannot see. For the leader of the treacherous Black Order is as elusive as it is powerful. Residing in secret, withholding power beyond anyone has ever known, and capable of penetrating what we thought once as safe, the leader has but one obstacle in the way. But before Harry Potter can confront and rid our world of treachery once more, he must first battle the weakness of his own mind...

Chapter 12

Chapter Summary:
Life was never easy for him. Now, Harry is confronted with the only evil he has ever feared; an enemy he cannot see. For the leader of the treacherous Black Order is as elusive as it is powerful. Residing in secret, withholding power beyond anyone has ever known, and capable of penetrating what we thought once as safe, the leader has but one obstacle in the way. But before Harry Potter can confront and rid our world of treachery once more, he must first battle the weakness of his own mind...

Chapter Twelve: Shattered Mirrors, Broken Shadows


The spectacular rock crevices, which were home to new growth of strange and exotic flowers, could no longer hypnotize Hermione. They had answered her desperation with consolation and silent promises long enough, and now they could not quench her thirst for freedom.

There were subdued voices from behind, and Hermione whirled to face them. Four men she had previously seen appeared from nowhere and advanced on her. Hermione casually avoided them.

"Leave her alone," Audrey commanded from behind them. The Black Order did as she asked and moved away.

Hermione bit her lip and took a deep breath of the Ithacan air. "I knew it," she said in anger. "I knew it was you."

Audrey smiled kindly and smoothed her hands against her gown. "You are unreasonably clever, Hermione. But that is not why I brought you here months ago."

Hermione narrowed her eyes on Audrey but did not retort.

"You are looking well," Audrey said, pacing around Hermione to examine her. "I trust your stay here has been a pleasant one. You will be going home very soon."

Hermione opened her mouth to inquire, but Dana came running from a hidden room towards her mother.

Audrey beamed and scooped her into her arms. "There's my darling," she said, kissing Dana's cheeks. Dana hugged her mother lovingly and returned the kisses.

"Whewre's daddy?" she asked.

Audrey smiled then eyed Hermione. "He'll be here soon," she told her. She set her on the shiny marble floor and sat on her knees. "Why don't you go play in the garden, Dana? Mummy will be there in a while."

Dana nodded enthusiastically, turned, said a quick hello to Hermione, and ran to the garden where Hermione had just been.

"You're going to use Dana as bait," Hermione said to Audrey once Dana was out of earshot.

"Bait?" Audrey asked as she stood again. Hermione had never realized how tall Audrey was until now. "I don't need bait for Harry. I just couldn't leave her in that house surrounded by violence and death. No, Hermione, I'm not using you or her for bait. I told Harry in May that I would take someone, and that was you. He knows you're alive, and he knows Dana is with me. Knowing Harry, he's trying to figure out a way to get here as I speak. He has it in his mind that he'll rescue you and Dana. But beyond that he's not sure."

Hermione crossed her arms and stared. "He won't stay with you now that he knows the truth," she said viciously.

One eyebrow rose on Audrey's forehead as she smiled pensively. "You don't think so?" she asked with a malicious grin. "You think he'll leave with you? Why, Hermione, why would he do that? Why would Harry leave paradise for hell? You think you can convince him to return with you? To a world that has imprisoned him, that has rejected and persecuted him, that has caused him immense and unbearable suffering, where painful memories plague him?" She laughed to herself. "Harry is right. You hardly know him anymore."

Audrey began to walk up her spiral staircase but Hermione followed.

"Harry knows the difference between right and wrong!" she insisted, but Audrey didn't respond.

"He always does what's right even if it's difficult. He will not join you, Leucosia! Harry's a hero!" she said desperately, though she could hear Audrey's cold words echoing in her mind.

Audrey smirked and paused to face her. "What is right? What is wrong? Is murder wrong, Hermione? Is lying wrong? Is succumbing to your desires wrong?"

Hermione didn't answer.

"I thought you had it all solved," Audrey responded to her silence. "Are there different opinions on what is right and what is wrong? I seem to recall that there are. One man's wrong is acceptable to another. It's funny, Hermione, I pinned you to believe in shades of gray rather than black and white."

"Murder is wrong and you have killed countless and pinned the crimes on Harry!" Hermione said.

Audrey laughed but continued up her staircase, Hermione following at her heels. "Wrong again. I have murdered no one. The Black Order killed on my orders, including the Minister of Magic. But I did not accuse Harry of those crimes. Frankly I'm tired of explaining this. And if murder is wrong, then I suppose Harry is just as 'evil' as I am."

Hermione and Audrey reached the top and began down a hall with Grecian arches leading to hundreds of empty rooms.

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked, her confidence evaporating.

Audrey turned to face her with a knowing grin. "I never entered a competition with you, as you have made this. I rather thought you were above such barbaric displays of sexual competition. You know why Harry chose me instead of you? It's not because of my beauty, it's not because you were too smart, or that I had a child and you did not. I did more than give Harry what he always wanted."

"Hermione, as smart as you are, you know nothing about true love. You have been polluted with romantic ideas from the culture you live in. You don't know what real love is.

"To really love someone, you have to know him. You have to know what drives him. You must know his darkest secrets, his innermost desires, and who he is behind the veil. But more than that, Hermione, he must tell you on his own accord and know you will still love and accept him for who he really is. He needs to feel comfortable being who he is before your eyes. But he must also know about you just as you do with him.

"That is why Harry will return. It is the reason he has stayed with me, the reason he loves me. Audrey is not as special as you are, Hermione. But I accepted him. I accepted Harry's secrets, and I accept what he does. I know who he is behind his mask. But you? You only know what's on the surface because it is all you wish to know."

Hermione took a step back and took comfort from the supportive wall. "Harry's a good man," she told Audrey. She told herself.

Audrey gave Hermione a pitying stare. "I suppose he is. I always thought so, at least. He has a good heart and good intentions. But heroes tire of the rescue. Harry is dark inside. He is frightened and alone. All he ever wanted in life was to be truly loved. But people are scared of what they don't understand and know. He made it difficult for people, even you, to see past his rough exterior. He never allowed anyone to get that close. They thought it was impossible to love someone like Harry, someone as hardened and sharp as he was and still is. But I saw past it. I saw the pain and the want within him. And that was all I needed to do. There is nothing easier in this world than loving him. Once I overcame his demons, his failed attempts of blocking me out, his fear of loss, he was free. He knew I loved him because I accepted his dark. He knows, even now after I have told him everything, that I still love him. You do not know him. You never will. And that is why he will stay with me."

"You're wrong," Hermione mumbled, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Am I?" Audrey asked. "Right now, Harry is ripping the house apart in search of the keys to enter Ithaca. He is covered in the blood of my four Black Order members whom he thrashed, stabbed, and ripped in seconds. He enjoyed killing them. He tore at them like an animal. And he wouldn't kill me."

Hermione stared at her with a stone cold face, trying to maintain her passive expression. But Audrey smiled.

"Now," she said lightly, "I have preparations to make before he arrives. Please excuse me." Audrey nodded politely to Hermione and walked down her hall.

Moisture pooled in Hermione's eyes, but she shut them before the tears flowed.


Agents from the IWBI stormed the secret refuge of the hero the moment the silver firelight extinguished. They scanned each room, assured that it was safe, and then allowed Ashika Narayan to enter. She blocked her nose with a white handkerchief to stifle the smell of rotting flesh and carefully approached a body.

She tilted her head to one side and crouched down. With her free hand, Ashika pulled off a silver mask and saw, to her strange pleasure, the pale and lifeless face of Kim Philby, the man who had tried to kill her twenty-three years earlier.

"Director," one of her agents said urgently. Ashika dropped the mask and turned to him. "He's down here," he said, signaling behind him down the hall.

"Have the bodies examined. Take photos of the walls and of those daggers," she said, pointing to the weapons that lay on the floor beside her. "I want to know exactly what happened." Then she followed an agent into the main bedroom.

Objects were being thrown from the closet into the bedroom. Those objects included clothes, boxes, and eventually drywall. Ashika walked forward and peered into the closet to find Harry thrashing the closet walls in a desperate search.

"Harry?" Ashika said cautiously.

Harry whirled around with wild eyes. Ashika grimaced at his face, which was covered in dried blood, as were his clothes. His entire body was quaking as he watched her and the rest of her agents stare.

"Where are they?" Harry asked with a hoarse voice. He turned around and continued searching through the closet. "Where are they?!"

Ashika noticed that the entire room, in fact the entire house, was in a terrible state of entropy. The mattress had been ripped, the stuffing was pulled from the pillows, there were gaping holes in the walls, carpet was pulled, and objects that had once occupied shelves and drawers were strewn throughout the house.

"Where are what?" Ashika asked calmly.

"Director," one of her agents whispered into her ear, "there is no sign of the other two."

Ashika nodded but kept her focus on Harry. "What are you looking for?" she asked Harry again.

"The keys!" he screamed.

"I have them, remember? I took them back to the Bureau so Dana couldn't access them," Ashika said.

Harry paused and snapped his head around to face her. "I need them now."

"Where are Audrey and Dana, Harry?"

He leapt off the floor and advanced on her with rage. Two agents closed on him and pointed their wands at his chest.


"Did Leucosia take them?" she asked. "Did the Black Order harm them? You have to give me answers, Harry. Try to calm down and give me answers."

Harry eyed the two wizards who held him at bay with their wands. He found himself analyzing their stance, the resolve in their faces, and their physical presence. Neither one of them could take Harry, even on their best day, but what would be the point of fighting them?

Harry dropped his shoulders and took deep breaths to calm himself. He would have to be rational and cooperate with her to get what he needed.

"Good," Ashika said, a note of relief in her voice. "Just tell me what happened."

Harry shut his eyes and focused on his breathing, then glanced at the agents. "You couldn't take me," he told them. "Just leave us alone, all right?"

Ashika nodded to her two agents, and they left at once. Harry placed his hands on his hips, took a few more deep breaths, and then looked her in the eye. "Leucosia disguised herself as Audrey and has been posing as her for over three years. She took Dana with her into Ithaca. Hermione is alive. There," he said shortly, "you know as much as I do."

Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped slightly, which was more emotion than Harry had ever seen in her. "I'm sorry," she said, and it sounded as if she meant it.

"Yeah," Harry said flippantly, "thanks."

She stared at him for several minutes before saying another word. Harry fidgeted and paced occasionally, then stood before her as if waiting for some comment, which didn't come. Five minutes must have passed before Harry made the next move.

"I have to get them out," he said.

Ashika nodded but stared at him intently. "And Leucosia?" she asked.

Harry shrugged.

"She can be---" but she stopped herself. "Leucosia has her weaknesses."

Harry nodded and regarded her with question in his eyes. "I know."

"But she also has enormous strengths. But she is weak in the same place we are," she said gently. "Her blood flows in Audrey."

Harry shut his eyes and massaged his temple with his knuckles. "I know," he said forcefully. "I know."

"It will be hard," she said, "very hard. But you must do it, Harry. What she has done is only the beginning. Her full strength and power hasn't even been realized. You can't give her that power."

Harry dropped his head and stared down at himself, covered in dry blood. "I killed them," he said to her. "I didn't use much magic to do it. She gave me that weapon, and I slaughtered them like the animals they were." He ran his hands down his torso; the hardened blood was rough against his palms. "They deserved what they got," he said to her, searching her eyes. "Didn't they? They deserved death for the death they've caused?"

Ashika considered him for a moment, then nodded intently. "Justice was done," she told him. "And you must continue."

"To murder people? Is that what I am? Am I just a murderer? Or is 'exacting justice' a euphemism for it?" he asked.

Ashika sighed. "I've known evil for a long time, Harry. An evil man, or woman, cannot be reformed. Sure, locking them away is one option, but there are escapes. I don't think of you as a murderer. Think of what those men did. They took life from fathers and sons, brothers and friends. The Black Order is not a glorious rebellion set to change the world. They're nothing more than murderers who take pleasure in killing innocent people. They have been blessed with Leucosia's power, which is beyond this reality, and had you not killed them, they would have continued to prey on innocent victims."

"I'm glorified for killing people," Harry mumbled. "Leucosia knows that. I've killed six. I'm twenty-four years old, and already I've killed six people."

"Six monsters," she corrected him with a cold voice. "They were hardly people. There's no other way, Harry. How else do you fight violence? How do you stop it? There is no other way to stop violence except with it. No just or decent human being wants violence or war, but it is part of humanity. It has been for thousands of years, and it will never cease. You cannot go through life questioning those basic principles. As a species we are capable of such wonderful things: courage, bravery, intellect, and love. But we are also capable of unthinkable evils. To every light there is a dark, and to every good there is an evil. It's the way of the world, and the sooner we accept it, the easier life becomes.

"You and I live in the real world. We see how life really is. We don't have the luxury of idealistic lives or visions of how the world should be. You and I know what it takes to stop evil and terminate it. You have to be a wolf to catch a wolf. You have to be cleverer, faster, and more determined to exact justice than your enemy is to go against it.

"You have been questioned, yes. The public has battled your methods, they've betrayed you, and they've doubted your sanity and character. But you must look past that, Harry. They don't deserve death or a supernatural monarchy for being human. They need you, and you know it. And it's not just Dana and Hermione, but the rest of this sorry and helpless world, which will continue to fail and falter and need rescuing."

Harry watched her determined face and firm stance. "I had the chance," he said to her, and suddenly his knees felt weak. "I had the opportunity to kill her, and I couldn't. How can I kill someone I still love?" he asked.

Ashika shook her head and sealed her eyes shut. "I'm not sure," she admitted. "Leucosia has fooled you. She has used you. She has programmed a woman she knew you would love and lived as her. She took your innocent wish for a family and trapped you. She learned your weaknesses and strengths so she could fight you. She planned this, Harry. You think she did it for love? She's brilliant. She incapacitated you while maintaining her power. She's blinded you, and for that you should be outraged," she told him.

Harry looked down at the blood again, then left the room so quickly that Ashika was taken off guard. He marched into the scene of the crime to examine his actions. There were several Bureau agents snapping photos and writing notes, but they paused to stare at him.

Ashika came and stood beside him. Harry was staring from body to body, a strange expression on his face.

"Who were they?" Ashika asked her agents.

"Kim Philby, Carl Werness, David Peterson, and Ted McVey," one of them answered.

"Get them out of here when you're finished," Ashika said. Then she took Harry by the wrist and pulled him back to his room. "You need to clean up and rest. I don't care what you think," she said to his frown, "because you have to rest before you go back to Ithaca. After you've done that, we'll make arrangements to take you to the location---"

"Hogwarts," he told her. "The closest I can Apparate to it. I have to go on foot the rest of the way. Make sure you bring both daggers to me."

"If you Apparate, the Ministry will know. They'll be on you faster than you can imagine."

"Well there isn't another way, is there?" he asked. "I won't get caught," he assured her.

"Except when you return," she replied.

"With Hermione and four dead Black Order members rotting in this house, I'll be cleared. I'll make up a story about my escape so you can remain confidential. Hermione can attest that Audrey is Leucosia and that I wasn't insane. Don't worry about it. Just bring me those daggers so I can go in."


Ashika Apparated to a small, secluded street in London. A few people passed her on the sidewalk, muttering incoherently and giggling at her attire. She ignored them. She looked up at the run-down building and saw a sign reading "Flat to let" written in red paint. She walked inside the building, ran up the stairs to the second floor, and knocked on number ten.

"Who is it?" came the voice of a man.

"Ashika Narayan. Open the door."

There was a fumbling sound, then the door opened and Ashika slipped inside.

"What is it?" Ron asked. He was dressed in a blue shirt, which was torn and ragged on the sleeves, old blue jeans, and a funny looking sweat band around his forehead. Ashika looked around and noted all the boxes with Ron's belongings thrown inside them.

"You have to help me," she said. She reached into her robes and withdrew a silver dagger.

"What the---?"

"Take it," she said, pushing it into his hands.

"I don't want that thing!" he said, dropping it to the floor. "What's going on?" he asked.

"Ron, you have to go into Ithaca. Harry's preparing to go at any time to save Dana and Hermione. You have to go with him."

Ron's face froze. "Her-Hermione? She's... she's alive?" he asked weakly.

Ashika nodded.

"But you said---"

"I was wrong. It happens occasionally. But that's not why you're going, and you need to understand that right now. You must go to make sure they come home. All three of them."

Ron felt himself smiling. "She's alive," he said. "My Hermione is alive!"

Ashika nodded then retrieved the dagger from the floor. "Make sure they all come home," she said.

In his relief, Ron missed the obvious. Ashika took time to word her proposition in her mind, but found it more difficult than she imagined. By the time Ron sobered, Ashika was biting her lip and staring at him with more determination than she ever had.

"Dana's in Ithaca as well?" he asked.

Ashika nodded. She would let Ron piece the rest of it together.

"What about Audrey?" he asked slowly.

Ashika rolled her lower lip back and bit it with her upper teeth, then widened her eyes.

"Oh God," Ron said suddenly. "Not this," he gasped. He took several steps back and collapsed into an armchair. "Not this," he sighed. "It can't be true. It can't be true!" he said to her.

"It is. And I think you know it is," Ashika said.

Ron looked up at her with a green face. "How's Harry?" he asked.

"As expected," she replied in stride. "He's more confident in himself than I am," she said in a funny way. She walked around an old card table and drummed her fingers along the edge, then prepped herself for a speech. "There are times in our lives when we must take action. Certain things must be done. The Black Order receives its power directly from Leucosia. Leucosia alone is powerless. She needs minions. No," she said, shaking her head, "minions are her leg up. Once she has Harry, she'll abandon the Order. She won't need a small group of men bent on destruction and death. She'll have Harry for that," she mumbled to herself.

Ron swallowed hard and opened his mouth to speak, but found he had nothing to say.

"You have to be a wolf to catch a wolf," she mumbled to herself, her mind working slower than normal. "But who's catching who?"

Ron didn't try speaking, but pointed at the sharp weapon in her hand.

Ashika took a deep breath and came back from her musings. "She must be killed. She's mortal as Audrey. But she'll have to parade as Audrey because Dana is there with her, and Harry hates Leucosia in her own form." Ashika held out the dagger for him to take, but he only stared at it.

"You're telling me to kill her?" Ron asked, pointing at his chest.

"I'm asking more than that," Ashika said. "I am asking you to kill an enemy who is ready to complete herself with a counterpart more dangerous and more powerful than any wizard of the past. I am asking you to kill the object of undying love of your best friend. I am asking you to bring him back home, with Dana and Hermione, so we can pick up the pieces. I'm asking you, not Harry, to win this war."

Ron's face turned from pale green, to ghost white. He closed his dry mouth and remained motionless, as if unaffected by her triumphant and patriotic speech.

"If Harry joins Leucosia," she continued, "if he agrees to her proposal, their union will unleash a power this world has never seen. They are each other, Ron. And if they are allowed to join, the only possible way to stop their destruction would be to kill one of them, which would result in both of their deaths. But it wouldn't be possible. No one could touch them. Who knows what they would do. Ron," she said, leaning forward in his face. "She's already completed the first phase. She's joined to him emotionally and physically as Audrey. He only needs to say yes to her formal offer, and they will be one entity."

Ron unstuck his tongue from the roof of his mouth. "But Harry is good," he said weakly.

Ashika nearly laughed. "Yes. He is good. Buried under all of his hostility, pain, and self-hatred, Harry is full of hope and goodness. I know it's there, and so do you and Hermione. But he can't see that right now. Harry wants to ignore it. He only wants happiness. Being 'good' isn't good enough for him anymore. Ron, we can't lose our strongest warrior to the enemy. You have to kill her. You have to go into Ithaca by his side, as his best friend. You are the link to his past. You must kill Leucosia!" she said.

Ron shook his head. "Harry should be outraged," he said. "Hermione was right all along. Hermione knew Audrey was playing Harry as a fool! Audrey used him; she used Harry. She raped and used him! Why won't he kill her himself, for taking advantage of his trust?" he asked.

"He can't," Ashika responded. "He can't bring himself to do it, so you have to." she insisted. "Stab her through the heart like she had done to Hermione and like she did to Harry," she said, pushing the dagger into his shaking hands. "Take it and plunge it into her and end it all."

"Why me?" he asked, shocking himself with his bravery as he stood to tower over her small frame. "Why can't you send in some agent?"

"Harry loves you," Ashika said, unabashed. "You're his family, Ron. He looks on you like a brother, not a friend. Can't you see that? Can't you see how he treats you? He knows you'll always be around for him, even if he's cruel. Friends aren't that comfortable with each other, family is. You have to help him. He will let you go with him, and then you must do it. You must kill her, Ron. He'll hate you at first, but one day he'll know that what you did was right."

Now Ron stalked around the cluttered flat, breathing and snorting heavily. "You're insane!" he shouted. "You're asking me to murder my friend's wife?"

"I'm asking you to save our world! Harry will agree to her; I saw it in his eyes!"
"Oh," Ron said sardonically, "you saw it in his eyes! That's settled then. No problem, I'll kill the bitch!"

Ashika shut her eyes and crossed her arms. She forced herself to take deep calming breaths. She counted to twenty in a whisper, then looked upon Ron with deep respect and request.

Ron dropped his shoulders. "Why won't he give her up?" he asked. "Why won't he leave her?"

Ashika looked down at the ground as she pondered his question, then smiled when she gazed around his flat. "I never congratulated you," she said with a smile, completely deviating from the subject, which took Ron off balance. She marched over to his counter top, seized a large and formal letter, and walked back to him with a huge grin. "Congratulations, Weasley!" she said.

Ron frowned but managed to blush a little.

"You've finally done it. Years of being in someone's shadow, all your life in fact, and you finally did it. Bill the Head Boy, Charlie the Captain; Percy the arrogant prick who drug your name through mud; Fred and George, the entrepreneurs, Ginny the first girl for generations; and Ron the Auror in training. You've wanted this your whole life. You've dreamed of it. Everyone knew Harry could do it, but you were just his sidekick. Just another Weasley. Now it's your turn for glory. You made it in," she said, still beaming at him, making him nervous. "Hermione will be proud. Your father is smitten, more than he has been with his other sons. You're bringing honor and bravery to your family. You won't be in the back of Headquarters. You'll be an Auror."

Ron couldn't help but smile a bit. "Yeah," he said happily, "yeah, I will."

Ashika continued to smile and nod. Then she looked at the letter casually and tossed it to the floor. "Would you give it all up for Draco Malfoy?" she asked.

Ron frowned. "What? What kind of question is that?"

"Answer me straight, Ron. Would you?"

"No," he said instantly. "What a question to ask!"

"But you did," she said darkly. "Tell Harry to give up his wife and family, the people he has wanted his entire life. Tell him to shrug it off. After all, he's only wanted a loving family since he could remember. He's wanted them more than you wanted training or anything else. He finally got them. He finally has a home. To us, certainly it's tainted, but to Harry? It's bliss. Tell him to give it all up for a population which has betrayed him time and again."

An expression of dawning comprehension came over Ron's face.

Ashika smiled confidently as she watched Ron drop his gaze down to the knife in his hands.

"He would never forgive me," Ron mumbled, running his index finger over the silver blade. "Never."

Ashika sucked in a breath and nodded as she looked upon him. "Would you rather lose a friend to Leucosia, who would embrace his own darkness to join with hers, or have him hold a grudge against you for stopping him?"

Ron's eyes started to mist and he began to extend his hand, intending to give the dagger back to her, but she took a step back.

"You think being an Auror is all about glory? You think saving the world, or even a select few, is ever easy? Lives must be sacrificed to save them. Audrey isn't real. She's a mirage for Harry, a disguise to trap him, a Trojan horse. Kill her. Kill her, Ron, or suffer at the hands of a colossal power."

"Harry won't become evil. Harry's good, I remember him when we were boys," he insisted. "It shouldn't have come to this. He knows what's right and wrong!" he cried.

Ashika shook her head in disgust. "Harry has killed six people, Ron. And from my perspective, he's not feeling that sorry about it."

"That Death Eater killed my mother," he said angrily. "I would have killed him myself but Harry beat me to it. And Voldemort ruined Harry's life--- he deserved what he got."

"And the four he killed last night were evil men, just like Leucosia, and you will kill her," she said with such a tone of finality, Ron sealed his lips and held his breath. She took a few steps backwards toward the door, but kept her eyes locked on his. "I'll send you a letter by falcon when I want you," she said, then Apparated away.

Once she was back in the Bureau, Ashika felt she might be sick. She paced around her private office and held her stomach. The lights were dimmed, as usual, and it was quiet. She sat down in her desk and released a tremendous sigh, which did not relieve her or put her mind to rest. Would Ron do what she asked? Did he have the courage, the guts to kill Audrey?

"No," said a voice from behind her.

Ashika stiffened and held her breath.

The voice laughed coldly.

Ashika inched her toes around to face the source of this mysterious, echoing voice.

Before her stood a beautiful woman wearing a shimmering gown. Her skin was so white it seemed to glow. Her silver white hair, hung at the back of her head in curls, was so reflective Ashika could see her wavy reflection.

"Leucosia," Ashika mumbled.

Leucosia smiled eerily and nodded. "Hello, Mrs. Narayan," she said in the most polite of tones.

Ashika swallowed and told herself to breathe again. She couldn't remember the last time anyone had addressed her that way.

"I will not harm you," Leucosia continued. "I only thought I might answer your questions."

Ashika found her legs and stood, though it didn't help intimidate the intruder, as she was quite short.

"Ron does not possess the strength nor the will power to 'plunge' my own weapon into my heart."

Ashika regained her composure. "How did you get in here?" she asked.

"In where?" Leucosia asked. One side of her mouth drew upwards in a cruel smile.

"Here," she responded. "Here, in my office. Only I can Apparate in here."

"Yes," Leucosia said, drawing out her 's' as she began to pace. "I know. You learn from your mistakes. Kim Philby accessed your first office and nearly killed you. You could not let that happen again. But here I stand," she said lightly. "Nothing is impossible."

Ashika looked up at her light on the ceiling, then down to the floor where Leucosia stood. Leucosia didn't cast a shadow.

Leucosia laughed to herself. "You always astounded me with your intelligence. No, I am not physically in your office. I have cast an image in your mind, just as I did with Harry. I can see everything in your mind, in your memories. I know what you have planned, what you have done, what you feel..."

Ashika felt a cold shiver run down her spine.

"That was me," Leucosia whispered, standing behind Ashika. "You have everything solved," she continued in Ashika's ear. "You think you have all the answers. You do not. I know the answers to the unasked questions, the unsolvable riddles, and the future."

"No one knows that," Ashika replied sharply, making an about face to look on her intruder. "You can't have Harry."

"I already have him," she said quickly. "You know I do. Harry only needs to agree to my contract, and he and I will be one, like you have correctly foreseen. Your fear invigorates me, Mrs. Narayan. You have no confidence left in Harry, so you must seek outside assistance. Weasley does not have the power to strike me down. He will always reside in Harry's overbearing shadow. He will not do as you ask. And even if he did attempt it, Harry would stop him."

Ashika kept her moving eyes on Leucosia as she paced the small office. Suddenly a smirk broke out onto Ashika's face.

"Why are you here?" she asked skeptically. "Is this intimidation? Or are you not as confident as you put on?"

Leucosia paused to stare. "If Weasley comes he will be in unnecessary danger. He is not permitted to enter Ithaca and, if he does, I cannot promise his safe return. Harry is allowed to enter, Hermione is ready to depart."

Ashika re-crossed her arms and frowned. "Harry won't go through with it," she said again.

"Reality will not change if you keep repeating your wishes. Why should Harry stay here? Why would he turn me down, me whom he loves?" she said.

"But he doesn't," Ashika hissed. "He hates you. He loves Audrey. You are not the same and he knows the difference."

Leucosia beamed so widely her eyes became slits. "You are mistaken."

"Am I?" Ashika asked curiously.

"I cannot be with Harry in this form, which is our only difference. He will want the physicality, and I will give him that. I will give him what he wants in return for giving me what I want." Leucosia tapped her finger to her own temple. "I know what you are thinking. But that is the real way to gain allies. Give people what they desire most, and they will come running. Harry will not stay here, and neither would you if I could promise you happiness again. That is what is so inescapably wonderful about your allegiance. No one can give you what you really want so you will never falter. But Harry? He has what he wants in me. He could not find it in anyone else."

"We shall see," Ashika said, shaking from nervousness. "Harry is a hero."

Leucosia laughed a ghastly laugh at this pronouncement, sending a painful chill down Ashika's spine.

"Only the insecure must reassure themselves," Leucosia said. "Hermione first, then Weasley, now you. But you really should not worry for too long. I am sure a new... hero, shall rise to replace the old."

And with that Leucosia dissolved before Ashika into nothingness, leaving her with an overbearing feeling of uncertainty.


Not so far away from Narayan's office, Harry was bouncing on the balls of his feet as he systematically pounded the stuffing out of a punching bag. A few agents who thought he needed some therapeutic thrashing had hung the bag for him. Apparently, they were right. He had been beating the bag for several hours while he waited for Narayan to give him the daggers of Ithaca. She had told him to calm down and prepare himself before going, but relaxation was far from his mind.

He flipped around and kicked the bag, which wobbled terribly, then he doubled back and repeated the action.

A shadow crept in through one of the cave entrances. Harry watched from the corner of his eye as he boxed the bag. The shadow belonged to a slender woman, but not Ashika or Leucosia. This was a woman he had never seen.

She stood watching him, leaning against the wall of the cave, as he swung another kick at the bag. She readjusted herself so that light passed over her face and Harry caught a glimpse of her. She was of average height, but had a fascinating face. She had shiny black hair, much like his, only it was smooth and long, falling past her shoulders like a black sheet. Her eyes were crystal blue and sparkled even in the darkness. Her nose was straight and perfect, and her lips were dark and full.

Harry relaxed his hands and arms as he stared into her mesmerizing eyes.

"The Director wanted me to tell you to go to sleep now," she said in a light voice.

"Yeah?" he said. "Well I don't march to her drum like the rest of you lot," he said, but he didn't sound rude like he'd intended.

She took a step forward into the room with him and stood on the other side of the punching bag. "You're so strong," she said, running her long fingers down the bruised bag.

Harry didn't know what to say to her in response. Now that Harry got a better look of her he could tell she had quite a few years on him. But that didn't detract from her intoxicating beauty, which forced him to be calm.

She tried to smile at him but her eyes watered instead. "I'm so sorry," she said to him.

Harry pulled his eyes away from her and began working on the bag again. "Everyone's sorry," he said bitterly.

The woman sighed and nodded in understanding. "You had better than this," she mumbled.

Harry tried not to listen to her. He didn't know who she was, and while she was certainly beautiful to the tenth degree, he didn't care to know her. What did it matter anyway?

She stared at him, in awe perhaps, in admiration and curiosity, as he thrashed and destroyed the bag. She was still there by the time the bag fell free from its chain and collapsed onto the floor in a heap of nylon and stuffing.

"Is there something else?" he asked her. He was sweating, and he knew his face was red with anger and frustration. Her presence didn't help at all.

"I told you," she said, "I have to make sure you sleep."

"I don't follow orders from anyone," he growled.

"Well you're not going to be up to par against Leucosia if you don't rest. You have to sleep for Director Narayan to give you those daggers anyway. I have a room ready for you and some sleeping potion."

"I won't take your orders either," he said to her. He pulled of the tape on his hands and wrists and glared at her from the side of his eye.

"We're only trying to help you," she said.

Harry smirked. "Yeah, I'm sure that's all you want to do."

The woman took a step forward and stared intently at him. Harry stared back, curious as to what she'd do or say.

"You have beautiful eyes," she said. "Really, truly beautiful. There's no other word to describe them. It's a pity they're so tired and sad. I would like to see them as they should be."

Harry felt a lump in his throat as he stared back at her. "I had nothing to do with them," he said, looking away again.

"I know that. But that doesn't change the fact that they are spectacular, by far your best feature. And that's saying something."

"I like older women, but you look old enough to be my mother," he said. "And that's too old for my taste."

"Older," she replied in stride, "and hitting on you is not my intent. I know what you did last night, everyone here does. Everyone has a dark side, Harry. Everyone. But there must always be a counter effect. You're a good man; we all know that. But do you know that?" she asked.

Harry squinted at her and pondered the point of her question.

"I don't know you well enough to have a philosophical discussion with you," he replied, keeping his face indifferent and plain. "In fact, I don't even have your name. But it doesn't matter," he said as he began to walk out of the room and into a torch-lit hallway. "I think I'll have that nap right about now. That should make everyone here thrilled," he said. "Then you can get off my case and do whatever it is that you do here."

"Intelligence," she replied as she walked by his side. "I'm in charge of that sector."

"Impressive," he said flippantly. "To hold position in this uninspiring location of paranoid wizards who have nothing better to do than spy on others. I tip my hat to you."

The woman made no remark but led him to his own room, which actually appeared quite comfortable. There was a large bed in the center of the room, with a down quilt atop it. The room was dimly lit by a soft glowing torch that hung on one wall.

Harry walked over to the bed and sat down. He noticed that a few of his belongings were scattered randomly on a small table to his left. He felt his eyes sagging with weariness as the day's events stacked up in his mind. He could not bear to think of the task awaiting him in the near future.

The woman drew a small vial from her cloak and put it in his hand.

"I'm sorry," he replied, uncorking the vial. "I shouldn't have said what I said to you."

She smiled. "Get some rest," she said. "It should give you nine solid hours of R.E.M. sleep. Sweet dreams," she said as she left him, pulling a dark curtain across his doorway.

Harry fumbled with the cold vial in his hands, then downed it. It didn't take too long for the potion to take effect. He curled up on top of the bed and snuggled his head to the pillow. As he shut his eyes and took a deep breath, he couldn't help but wish that Audrey was beside him.


He woke up feeling drugged, which was a good feeling admittedly. He felt as if he could simply roll over and nod off again and dream of pink clouds, green grass, and lollipops. But the harsh reality of his life struck him, and he forced himself to open his eyes. It took him a few moments to remember that he was in the Bureau. Out of habit he looked to his left, but Audrey wasn't there. Dana wouldn't run into the room and jump on the bed. In fact, there was no noise at all. He wondered if the Bureau was deserted.

He pulled himself up on his elbows and watched the stationary curtain, which served as his door.

He had to do it. It was time.

Harry rolled out of bed. He noticed fresh clothes on the table. He pulled off the dirty t-shirt and tossed it to the floor, then pulled on a black jumper and new trousers. The clothes were surprisingly comfortable.

Finally he left the room. He wanted to find Narayan and get this over with.

It was she who found him.

"Have a good sleep?" she asked and handed him a steaming cup of coffee. Harry took it and looked at his wavy reflection in the cup.

"Yeah," he mumbled. He took a sip and found her gaze uncomfortable.

"I've stationed agents around the perimeter of Hogwarts for when Ministry Hit Wizards arrive to find you. Now it's up to you and Ron."

Harry nodded then shot her a glance. "What?" he asked.

"Ron," she replied. "I'm sending him with you."

Harry didn't realize he was scowling when he engaged her. "Why?" he asked.

"I want him to go," was all she said.


"Ron is your friend and needs to help you."

"Damnit!" he cried, slamming his fist into the wall, which shattered a few stones. "This isn't between you or Ron! This is between Leucosia and me, no one else. How dare you step over your bounds and enter my realm. I'm not taking Ron with me!" he bellowed.

Ashika appeared unfazed. "I've given Ron the daggers of Ithaca," she said calmly as if he'd never hollered. "The only way you can retrieve them is to have him go with you. He will not hand them over upon request until you are at the site."

Harry was dumbstruck. His mouth dropped incredulously allowing a choked grunt to escape his throat.

"What the hell," Harry groaned. "Why are you pushing him on me? He'll only get in the way! Why are you doing this? Do you not trust me? No," he said shaking his head in anger, "it shouldn't matter. This is none of your fucking business!"

"No?" Ashika asked.


"I seem to remember someone being imprisoned in Vincula with no means of escape. I seem to remember having the photos of the dagger stolen from the Ministry. I seem to remember you figuring out that Hermione was probably alive from those photos. I seem to remember you and your constructed family staying in secret solitude in a home I purchased. None of my business? You need me, Harry. You're about to face Leucosia in the flesh, the only way to kill her, and you're bickering at me like a two year old! Ron is going with you. He's your friend, and he's been with you through thick and thin. If anything you should be thanking me for giving you support from a close friend whom you have estranged over the years. Get over it, Harry, Ron's going."

She crossed her arms and glared at him intently, daring him to continue.

Harry seethed in silence but did not give her the satisfaction of a reply or a show of gratitude.

"I would think," Ashika began, "that you would be grateful for a few things. Mainly that Hermione is alive and that Dana is not an extension of Leucosia's delusional power. In the meantime, you're standing here bitching at me while you could be reunited with them. When you return from Ithaca, you'll need to practice acting like a grown-up instead of a spoiled-rotten brat."

Harry reacted as if he'd been slapped in the face. In fact, he seemed to become so angry by her callous choice of words that he couldn't form sentences of his own.

"Ron is in the main entry way," she said, pointing down the hall. "Good luck to you." And with that she made an about face and walked the other direction. It would seem like years before he saw her again.

Harry made himself take a few deep breaths before he started for the main entry way. Before he got there, however, the woman who'd seen him last night stepped in front of his path and held before him a long, slender, shiny gold box.

He took it and gave her a questioning look.

"It's a new wand. The Director had it constructed especially for you. The Ministry of Magic has yours, and she didn't want to risk stealing it. I daresay you'll need it," she said.

Harry took the box and opened it. Inside was a long, shiny black wand. Harry didn't recognize the material it was made of, but it was special. He lifted it out of the green velvet lining and held it in his right hand. The wand resonated in his grip, like it was ready for action. He couldn't help but smile.

The woman smiled in return. "Good luck," she said.

He nodded nervously. "Thanks..."

"Celeste," she replied, with a hint of laughter. "Celeste Gellar."

"Right," he said.

"Watch your back, Harry," she said, then disappeared down a hall.

Harry looked down at the spectacular wand in his right hand, then stored it on a makeshift wand holster on his outer thigh. He took a deep breath, her words still reverberating in his mind, and went to greet Ron.


Ron was pacing nervously in the entry way. His face changed colors twice as Harry watched him unseen. He had his wand drawn and muttered things to himself. Harry couldn't make out exactly what Ron was saying.

"Hey," Harry said from the shadows.

Ron jumped a little and turned to see him.

"Hi," Ron said with a delicate smile.

Harry emerged from the darkness and walked to him.

Ron looked Harry up and down and nodded at him. "You look good, I suppose." Ron made a funny shape with his lips then sobered. "I'm really sorry about Audrey," he sighed.

His sincerity was so obvious that Harry had to work extra hard to keep his calm, his indifferent façade functioning, instead of breaking down.

Harry shook his head at Ron for a long time, meaning to say something, but couldn't.

"Everything will turn out all right," Ron said unconvincingly. "You'll get through this; you always do. Hermione and I will be with you."

Harry saw that Ron's complexion took on more color when he mentioned Hermione. He knew Ron was just as thrilled with the news as he was. But for reasons he knew, Harry just couldn't jump for joy like Ron probably had.

"Yeah," Harry said, his throat working horribly to keep from crumbling to bits. "Yeah I know. Ron, you really don't need to go with me on this mission. I'm not sure what exactly to expect. The Black Order will be there, no doubt, ready to kill you. You're not invited--- I am."

"I figured you'd say that," he replied. "But it wouldn't be a Harry Potter adventure without Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, now would it?" he said with a smile despite himself. "I want to go with you, Harry. What are friends for if not to go into a dangerous situation with each other and possibly come out dead?"

Harry couldn't give Ron a chuckle. "You got the daggers?" he asked.

Ron nodded.

"Good," Harry said with a sigh. "Well," he started shakily, "this is it, then. Ready?"

Ron turned pale again, but nodded. "Where are we going, mate?" he asked.

"Hogwarts," Harry said. "We'll Apparate into the Forbidden Forest, as close as we can get to the grounds, then sprint through the woods."

"Will we get to the same place?" Ron asked.

Harry shrugged. "I don't know."

"The Ministry will know---"

"Yeah," Harry said. "That I know. Are you sure you want to do this? It'll jeopardize your career at the Ministry, associating with a supposed-to-be incarcerated convicted murderer, that is."

Ron didn't hesitate. "You're innocent, Harry. They'll know that by the end of the day."

Harry let a small sigh go and felt a surge of gratitude towards his oldest friend. "Thanks."

Ron nodded. "Don't mention it. So..."

Harry nodded too. "Ready?"



Even during the day, the Forbidden Forest was blanketed in darkness. The tree canopy was so thick, not even the smallest of sunrays could pierce it. And for that, Harry was thankful.

Ron and Harry popped into existence in close proximity, which was a bit shocking. They were no more than fifty feet from each other before they came together.

"Now what?" Ron asked hastily.

Harry took a quick look around. "I'm not sure which way to go," Harry said, turning around frantically, wondering which direction Hogwarts was in. He pulled his wand from his thigh and held it in his palm. "Hogwarts. Point me," he said.

Normally the wand would've pointed him north, but Harry wasn't in the mood to wonder which direction Hogwarts was, so the wand just pointed toward the castle.

"Okay," he said, glancing over at Ron. "Now we run like hell and don't stop until we see the castle."

"Sounds exhilarating," Ron replied.

Harry didn't reply. He broke out into a sprint and left Ron in the dust. Ron took a deep breath and ran after him.

Harry wouldn't slow for Ron, who was quite a few strides behind him. Harry leapt over large rocks and fallen trees like they were low hurdles, ducked under branches before approaching them, and had a glimpse of a familiar hut when the first wand shot whizzed past his ear.

Harry hit the deck and took cover behind a clump of rocks and looked wildly around. Ron was running as fast as he could, clutching a stitch in his side. Harry worried that Ron would be hit by a sniper who was aiming for Harry.

"Pretend that you're chasing me," Harry mumbled at Ron, who was still a bit far off for him to hear. Miraculously though, Ron could hear Harry as if he was standing beside him. Ron raised his wand in defense. Harry got up from behind his rocks, and sprint again, firing shots at Ron behind him, knowing he'd miss. Perhaps if the Ministry thought Ron was chasing Harry, they wouldn't risk hitting Ron.

But it didn't fool the hidden Ministry Hit Wizards for long. In a few moments there were dozens of red light beams coming from all over the forest, most of them aimed at Harry. But he didn't dare stop, and he was confident Leucosia would ensure his arrival in Ithaca. It was Ron Harry worried about. He had the keys.

Harry could see the Quidditch pitch through a clearing of trees. Harry chanced a look behind him and saw Ron in the distance, slowing his pace. Harry had to come to a screeching halt and help Ron along. He took cover from a tree and aimed his wand at Ron's small body. A short shot of blazing white issued from Harry's wand and struck Ron in the chest. Instantly Ron's speed increased ten fold, as if his legs were moving completely independently from his body.

Suddenly a dark red beam of light hit Harry's shoulder.

"AHHHGRRHHHH" he howled as he crumpled to the ground, clasping his right shoulder, which bled freely.

"Harry!" Ron yelled from behind, but was standing over Harry in seconds.

"The bastards shot me," Harry groaned. "Fix it quick!"

Ron fumbled with his own wand, turning green at the sight of blood, and mumbled a spell under his breath as he pointed the wand at Harry's shoulder.

"Is that the right spell?" Ron asked him.

Harry was still in a great deal of pain, but he looked over and noted that the skin had healed, or at least appeared healed.

"Apparently. Where are Narayan's agents she promised?" he asked. "We're bloody surrounded. You've got the daggers ready? We won't have much time to open the door with these pricks firing at us."

Ron fell to the ground to avoid a curse, which flew over his head, just missing him. "I thought you had super wizard powers, Harry, use them!" Ron said.

"I can't see the wizards!" Harry yelled.

"Just fire everywhere!"
"Shut up and find those daggers!"

Ron fumbled around his pockets as Harry crawled to a more secure location. "If you don't have them I'll strangle you!" Harry hissed.

Harry looked frantically through the woods for his attackers, but to no avail. "Ah sod it," he groaned. He leapt up and fired his wand, as Ron said, everywhere. A great reverberating beam, which ripped through the air in a roar, flew from Harry's wand and whipped across the trees like a shock wave, and hit several people whom Harry hadn't even seen.

Harry pulled the wand to his eyes and grinned. "Wow."

"Harry!" Ron said, showing a dagger in each hand.

He ran over to Ron and picked him up off the ground and ran towards Hogwarts again.

In a few long minutes, they reached the forest's edge. Hogwarts was clearly visible, as were its students. The bell had just rung signaling the break.

"Right," Harry said, looking behind him for the Hit Wizards, who were not chasing them any longer. Ron was buckled over and out of breath. Harry wasn't even sweating.

"Now---what---do---we---do?" Ron gasped.

"Find the doorway," Harry answered. "Come on."

The two walked briskly, (Ron panting) in and out of the forest in search of the doorway. The problem was Harry had no idea what it looked like. Finally he stopped and took the two daggers from Ron and held one in each hand, replicating his short, vague vision.

"Come on," Harry mumbled to himself as he paced around in a circle. "Come on, Leucosia. Let us in."

But nothing happened.

Then Harry heard voices in the distant---voices of the Ministry Hit Wizards. Harry was ready to turn and begin the fight, but at that moment the weapons in his hands grew hot and vibrated.

"What the---" Harry said.

He loosened his grip, and they slipped from his fingers, flew into the air, paused, and merged into one single blade. Ron came up next to Harry and watched.

The voices from the Hit Wizards grew louder.

The now single dagger sliced into the air and slowly dropped to the ground, ripping a fissure into the atmosphere, thereby creating the door into the parallel realm.

Harry turned to Ron. "Go," he said, indicating his head toward the door.

Ron didn't hesitate. He walked right in as if he'd done it hundreds of times before, and Harry leapt in after him. But he did one thing he did not do on his first journey; he pulled the dagger of Ithaca out of the fissure, insuring the Hit Wizards could not come inside after them.

After Harry had the weapon in his hand, he fell into neck high seawater, deeper than he remembered it being before.

"Ron?" he called.

"Harry?" Ron called from beside him.

Harry flipped around and saw his red-haired companion and sighed. They were in. There was no sign of their own dimension behind them, so Harry knew they were safe from the Ministry's wizards.

"Now what?" Ron asked.

Harry stuffed the dagger into his back pocket and started pivoting around in search of Ithaca.

And just as before, the immense palace, carved from a cliff side with an impressive cascading waterfall, greeted Harry from a two hundred meter distance.

"Wow," said Ron, who was staring wide-eyed with a gaping mouth at the palace. "Harry, it's beautiful," he continued.

Harry didn't answer. He began his swim toward Ithaca and he could hear Ron paddling beside him. He watched the palace as it came closer to him. The bright sun struck it in such a way the palace seemed to shine. The rounded pillars with their Corinthian orders, pediments, and statues looked to be made of the finest marble.

Harry's knee hit the surface. He pushed himself up and began walking, the water pulling against his movements making a slosh noise. Once he was out of the water, he waited for Ron who came beside him shortly.

"Harry," he said, tentatively.

Harry turned to see him.

"I know you've heard it from everyone, but I'm sorry for doubting you about this place," Ron said. "It wasn't much, but I did doubt you a little."

Harry wasn't in much of a mood for apologies. "Thanks," he said simply and stared toward the waterfall, searching for the crevice. Ron armed himself and walked behind Harry. They sidestepped past the waterfall and entered the dark cave.

"Lumos" Ron mumbled, giving him a bright blue-white light from his wand. "You know where to go?" he whispered to Harry.

It was hard for Harry to listen to Ron as his ears and heart pounded with an annoyingly loud rhythm. His lips were dry and trembling a bit, but he tried desperately to ignore them.

"Sort of," Harry said.

They came to the cave's end where the spectacular skylights shone down on them. The same sphinx patrolled the main corridor and smiled when she saw Harry, but chose not to notice Ron.

"You may pass," she said to Harry, then sat down and let Harry through, without fanfare. When Ron automatically walked with Harry, the sphinx roared so loudly Ron covered his ears.

"You may not," she said to Ron.

Ron stepped back a bit and threw Harry a look of inquiry.

"Doesn't he get a riddle?" Harry asked the sphinx.

"If you would like," she replied to him, then turned to Ron who now looked as pale as death. He wasn't too good at riddles; that was Hermione's avenue.

The sphinx took a menacing step toward Ron and gave him a riddle to solve.

"An uninvited guest stands here

On his face is apprehension and fear.

Uninvited you are, but present you remain;

If you solve my riddle you will not be slain.

Virtues are many, but valuable are few

This one is quite old, but rarely in use.

It has come to my lady and given her bliss

She has waited long for love's first kiss."

Ron stood waiting to hear the rest of the riddle, but apparently that was all he got. Harry knew the answer immediately, having discussed it with Ashika many times. But Ron was lost.

"Can I ask questions?" Ron asked the sphinx.

"Just wait, Ron, and consider it slowly," Harry told him with raised eyebrows. He wasn't really sure why he was waiting for Ron at all. Hadn't he been angered that Ron was joining him? Harry could just turn and run to find Dana and Hermione, but something was keeping him with Ron.

"Right," Ron said, having received Harry's clue. "A virtue," he mumbled to himself.

"Take your time," Harry said sardonically. He didn't have the virtue just this moment.

"Oh!" Ron said, snapping his fingers together. Harry prayed he knew what it was. "Patience!"

Grudgingly, the sphinx stood aside and allowed him passage. Ron was tickled pink that he solved it. Harry couldn't muster much enthusiasm. The sphinx's riddle was weak, as was her defense of the palace.

Ron had to ignite his wand again as they walked in shadow. Harry didn't bother pulling out his wand; he wasn't in danger. Finally Harry saw the bright stairs. He mounted them and found himself where he first met Leucosia---well, where he'd met her in her real form. The spiral staircase to their right was empty. The hallway to the left was just as bare.

"Okay," Ron said strangely. "Where is everyone?"

Harry shrugged nervously. This was not like Leucosia. Something was off, and he wasn't sure what. "Dunno."

"A bit anticlimactic, eh?" Ron said, his wand still steady in his hand.

Harry nodded. "Yeah. A bit." He walked straight toward the botanical garden and saw thousands of plants but nothing else. Harry rejoined Ron but kept averting his eyes as if Leucosia would suddenly pop into view.

"Now what?" Ron asked.

"We split up and look for Dana and Hermione," Harry said automatically. "Leucosia will find me. And I'm sure she won't hurt you if she knows what's good for her. You search down here, down that hall," Harry said, pointing to his right down a brightly lit hallway. "I'm not sure what's down there, but there must be something. I'll go upstairs."

"And the Black Order?" Ron asked, trying not to sound frightened.

"Well," Harry said, "if there were eight originally, then only four are living. But Leucosia might have more than that. If you find them, run the other way. But, as of now, I'm not sure that you will find them. This is very strange."

"You got that right," Ron said. They would both feel a little more at ease if they encountered some kind of resistance. The sphinx had been a weak barrier, and it made Harry queasy. He knew it would be easy to get in, but it was nerve racking that anything was this easy. Ron wasn't even supposed to be here, but he was. No one seemed to care about it.

"All right," Harry said as he walked to the spiraled staircase. "Oh." He turned around to see Ron. "Be careful and watch out for a weird looking lion prowling around. Good luck."

Ron began down the hallway. Harry watched him for a moment, then jogged up the stairs, which led to a hallway just like the one downstairs. Harry frowned but walked along confidently.

"Dana?" he called out despite his cautious approach. His voice echoed spookily---it gave him the chills. He checked the vacant rooms that lined the peculiar hallway, but there was no sign of her. "Dana?" he called again, louder this time.

He drew out his wand and moistened his lips. "Dana!" The temperature dropped as he walked further into the corridor. His footfalls echoed off the walls, even though he was walking as quietly as he could. If the Black Order was hiding in one of the rooms, they could hear him coming even if he weren't yelling.

"Dana!" he yelled again, this time a little angrily. "Hermione!"

Where were they? Where was anyone? Harry picked up his pace and searched the rooms by just ducking his head inside them. But there was nothing in any of them and it was vexing him.

"Audrey!" he bellowed. "Where the hell are you?"

There were running footsteps up ahead and to the left.

Harry ran after them and came to a 'T' in the corridor. He turned left and ran in search of the owner of those footsteps. But there was no one. Harry sighed and furrowed his brow in frustration. He walked briskly down the corridor and finally came to a very strange circular room with an arched doorway for the entrance. He went inside.

What greeted him was not Leucosia, the Black Order, or Dana and Hermione but a reflection of himself.

He was standing there, staring, looking healthy and rested. His shiny black hair fell down into his eyes a bit, a few strands dangling over the rims of his glasses. He wasn't sure what was mesmerizing about this mirror, but he couldn't pull his eyes from it. He took a few steps closer. He could see, even through the dark jumper, his tensed muscles.

He heard the footsteps running again. Harry snapped his head around and saw a flash disappear from view, as if running around a corner. Harry walked toward it but was encountered by another mirror, this one different from the previous.

This mirror showed Harry wearing the same clothes, but looking quite different. His reflection was smiling. But Harry knew he wasn't smiling. Harry made some gestures to assure it was a mirror, and his reflection duplicated him. But his face was blissful. His reflection wore such a brilliant, happy smile and he was sure he'd never been that happy. It was creepy. He walked away from it.

It was like he was in a hall of mirrors at an amusement park. But he wasn't amused. Everywhere he looked there was a mirror. He grasped his wand and was ready to point it at one of the mirrors to destroy it, but one reflection said otherwise. Harry's mirror image was holding a bloodied knife. Harry held his breath as his line of vision traced up to the face.

This reflection, too, was grinning. But it was a different kind of grin; it was a vengeful grin, the face covered in blood, and the image appeared to be enjoying the sensation of the blood it was covered in.

Harry shook his head at it, but the reflection nodded slowly, his grin widening, his eyes transforming from brilliant green to fire red.

"No," Harry said, raising his wand again. "OBLITERATE!" he yelled, and the mirror shattered. He took a few labored breaths as he stared down at the sharp pieces of the shattered mirror. He didn't want to think of what he just saw, himself smiling at the kill.

Harry forced himself to look away from the reflective fragments and focused on the path that supposedly led out of this mirrored hall. Harry emerged from the hall of mirrors and entered---another hallway.

"Okay," Harry said angrily, "this is tiring." He marched down the hallway, his wand securely in his hand, a pounding in his ears.

But it wasn't tiring for long. He had started examining the vacant rooms again when someone yelled at him from the other end of the hallway.


Harry flipped around and saw, to his great astonishment and relief, Hermione. She was walking toward him slowly, as if surprised and caught off guard at the sight of him. But Harry could see, even from the distance, that she was beaming and her eyes were sparkling with tears of happiness.

A strange sensation took residence deep down in his gut. He knew what it meant, but ignored it for the time being. He holstered his wand and started for her, his brisk walk becoming a jog, which in turn became a run.

"Harry," she mumbled, running for him though her legs felt weak. When she was within feet of him, she threw herself into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and her legs around his waist and immediately burst into tears and sobs.

For a while neither of them said a word. Harry held her as tightly as she held him. He could feel her warm tears trickling down his neck, but he wouldn't dare mention it.

"I thought I'd lost you," he finally managed. "We thought you were gone."

Hermione, sniffing, but happy, pulled back to look into his eyes. Her face was streaked with tears, but she was grinning at him.

"I knew you would find me," she said. "I knew you would." She ran her hands through his soft hair, then planted kisses all over his face, glad that he didn't resist her.

"Hermione!" came another male voice from down the hall, where she had just run from.

Hermione released Harry and slid down, then turned to see Ron coming at her.

"Ron!" she cried, and embraced him tightly when he got to her. "I missed you so much," she sobbed into Ron's shoulder.

Ron was beyond words, like Harry had been, and held her for several moments.

"We thought you were dead. We thought you were dead, Hermione," Ron muttered shakily, a few tears falling down his own face.

Harry began to smile at Hermione when he saw, over Ron's hunched shoulders, Audrey, dressed beautifully with a shining silver laurel crown on her head. His growing smile faded away.

Ron saw Harry's expression and released Hermione.

"What is it?" Ron asked Harry. Hermione whipped around to stare at him, then they both followed his gaze to Audrey.

Audrey walked toward them; her footfall didn't leave an echo behind her. She smiled lovingly at Harry and came to a stop just before she reached the three of them.

"You came back," she said.

Hermione stiffened and moved in front of Harry in a protective fashion. "Get away from us."

Audrey ignored her. "You're later than I expected, Harry. Did you have trouble finding the way in? Did the Ministry wizards hinder you at all?"

Harry took a deep breath and held it. "No," he replied.

Audrey cocked her head to one side and smiled again. "I'm glad to hear that. Dana has been asking for you. She's been wondering where you were and what was taking you so long. I told her you were on your way. She's safe," she said, noting the apprehension on his face. "She's playing in her room as we speak. It'll give us time to talk things over."

Harry cleared his throat. "Talk what over?" he asked.

"You know what," she replied, dropping her head a little. "Our future."

Hermione took a brave step forward. "He won't join you." she replied angrily. "He can see right through you!"

But Audrey didn't take notice of her. She was staring so intently at Harry it was as if Hermione and Ron didn't exist---that it was only her and Harry standing in the palace of Ithaca. Her gaze never broke from his. He found that he couldn't look away from her. He could hear, only vaguely, Hermione protesting and perhaps even tugging at his arm. But Audrey's warm brown eyes were intoxicating him.

Audrey's eyes crinkled into a beaming grin; she walked closer to him.

"Stay away!" Hermione said.

Audrey glanced down at her as if she were a slug. "Quiet," Audrey said to her.

When Hermione tried to yell back at her, she found she couldn't. She clasped her throat and stared at Audrey in amazement.

"Let the adults handle this, Hermione," Audrey said then turned her attention back to Harry. "I see you brought a guest," she said, flickering her eyes momentarily to Ron, then back again to Harry. "Narayan pushed him on you. And I know what his mission is. It's a pity that you feel telepathy is a curse. It only takes a steady gaze into Ron's eyes," she said, turning her full attention to Ron's nervous face, "to realize what he really intends to do to me. Even if you had the courage to do it, Ron, you would not have the strength. You do not possess that kind of determination, I'm afraid," she said. She lifted her palm toward him and a silver dagger flew out of his robe pocket and into her hand.

Harry scowled at the weapon then turned to Ron to give him an incredulous stare. Ron broke his eyes away from Harry.

"Narayan sent him to kill me," Audrey said as if amused. She rubbed her hands on the dagger and it vanished into thin air. "Harry won't let you do that, Ron."

"Is it true?" Harry asked Ron, though he wasn't sure why he asked. Audrey was being very truthful. Ron slowly looked back to Harry and nodded.

"This has nothing to do with you!" Harry yelled at him.

Audrey smirked and took a few steps backward.

"She doesn't believe you'll kill Leucosia!" Ron fired back. "You're blinded, Harry! Audrey's a killer!"

Hermione was nodding, clearly siding with Ron, but Harry didn't want to listen. He moved away from them.

"Hermione," Audrey said kindly, "you have something to add?"

"Harry," she said, her voice functioning properly again, "she's trapped you. Just walk away from her. She killed the Minister of Magic, Harry, and countless others who had nothing to do with her. They weren't even in her way. They died for nothing! You can't ally yourself with her just because she's tricked you into loving her!"

Audrey moved to Harry and ran her hand across his shoulders and back. "Tricked?" she whispered as she stood beside him and laced her fingers in his. "Do you think I tricked you, Harry?" she asked, leaning her chin on his shoulder.

He turned his head to look at her. Those soft brown eyes gazed adoringly into his. A wonderful squirm moved in his stomach as he stared at her.

Her full lips drew up into a smile. "You know I didn't trick you," she whispered. She walked to stand in front of him and ran her hands up his chest. "You know I love you," she said, staring intently into his eyes. "You have known it for years."

Harry said nothing but looked back at her, his throat working.

"You prayed for me," she continued, wrapping her soft arms around his neck. Her whisper dropped even lower. "You cried into the night because you were so alone. They moved on with their own lives, Harry," she said and Harry knew she was speaking of Ron and Hermione. "You didn't blame them, and you still don't. But you couldn't stand it any longer, remember?" she asked delicately. "Remember how you would go to your flat in London and huddle in a dark corner and cry?"

Harry swallowed and felt his eyes burning.

"No one noticed," she continued. "No one saw how miserable you really were. Hermione had her family to go to during the holidays, and Ron did as well. So you were left alone, again. You had saved them, Harry," she whispered, pulling herself closer to him and speaking so softly he could barely hear her. "You were the hero of the world. But you were twenty years old and completely and totally alone in the world, the world you saved. That's when you tried something you hadn't attempted in many years. You prayed, Harry," she said with a growing smile. "You didn't even know that's what you did. You pleaded into the night to be happy. You prayed for me."

Audrey smiled up at him making Harry feel warm again.

"You knew who and what I was," Audrey whispered. "You knew all along but you wouldn't allow it to bother you. Nobody is perfect, you told yourself. But I was somebody. I loved you and you knew it. You knew it because you didn't recognize that feeling I was giving off. You didn't know what it was, but you knew it was wonderful. It had to be love. You knew it. It was that feeling people sang about, devoted poems to. You knew you would do anything for me, and that I would do anything for you. Nothing's changed, Harry," she grinned. She inclined her head towards his and brushed her lips against his. "I will always love you. You're sure of that."

Hermione's vision began to blur and a queasy feeling in her stomach made her feel faint. She turned to Ron, who looked concerned, and grabbed his hand. He ripped his eyes away from Harry and Audrey and turned to her.

"We're losing him," she mouthed.

Ron said nothing.

"Harry," Hermione said weakly. "Harry think about this."

But Harry wasn't paying her any attention.

"This isn't right, Harry," she continued. "Audrey isn't real. She's Leucosia in a fitting disguise. She's seducing you so she can get what she wants from you. She wants to take you away from us, Harry!" she was yelling now, hoping she'd capture his attention. "We love you! Don't you know that? We've known each other for most of our lives. We've been through so much together! You can't abandon us, Harry. Ron and I are real. That woman standing in front of you is an illusion. She's given you everything you want but for a terrible price!"

Audrey smirked but remained focused on Harry.

Finally Harry looked over Audrey's head to Hermione, whose face was streaming with tears.

"Harry," she said. "Harry please! You can't do this! She's not real, Harry. You're so much better than she is! She's just a cold-blooded killer out to take over the world, like Voldemort was! But she doesn't want you dead; she wants your body and your power for herself! Don't you see that?" she cried. "Can't you see that she's been using you, playing you for a fool?"

He dropped his head back to Audrey and looked skeptically on her.

"Cold-blooded killer?" Audrey whispered to him. "She doesn't know what you've done and enjoyed doing, does she? You're a killer, just like me. I can see it in your eyes, Harry. I can see your thirst for power."

"She's evil, Harry," Ron said this time. "You're not like that. She had people killed to trick them into thinking that you did it. She had you stabbed and nearly killed you. She killed the Minister of Magic. She's evil."

Audrey turned around and laughed at Ron. "Evil, am I?" she asked.

"Yes," Hermione replied sternly, balling her hands into fists.

"You think Harry doesn't know who I le='mso-pagination:none;mso-layout-grid-align:none; text-autospace:none'> Harry took back his hands and ran them through her soft hair. His thumbs caressed her pink cheeks, then her full smiling lips. Audrey covered his hands with her own and closed her eyes.

"Come with me," she whispered. "We'll be one forever."

Harry shut his eyes once more and leaned his head on hers. He felt her smiling. He heard her happiness. He saw himself through her eyes. His steady breathing matched hers. "Thank you," he whispered to her. "Thank you for loving me."

Audrey clasped her hands around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. She grinned; Harry felt it. He matched her passion as he kissed her with a hungry desperation. Her warmth and tenderness, though he'd experienced it for years, still seemed foreign to him. Her touch made him feel alive again, made him feel as if he had some sort of purpose, like he was needed.

Audrey pulled back on his lips then released him with a short exhale of perfumed breath. "Harry we'll be so happy together," she mumbled.

Hermione, meanwhile, stood aghast with Ron holding her up. She continued to shake her head and her breathing labored under the image she saw. "No," she whispered to herself. "No."

Harry lifted his head and kissed Audrey's forehead, then the bridge of her nose; finally he planted a last kiss on her lips. His lips quavered as he opened his eyes to look in hers. "I love you," he said, his fingers massaging her scalp.

She grinned knowingly and kissed him once more and embraced him, holding him so tight he thought she'd never release him. He heard Hermione's mantra and felt Ron's disbelieving glance.

"Our life has opened up," Audrey said to Harry, as she held onto his face. "We'll be forever!" she cried happily.

Harry took her hands from his face and pulled them down. A corner of his lips drew up into a sad smile. "No," he mumbled so quietly he barely heard it himself.

Audrey's grin flickered. "What?" she asked.

Harry screwed his eyes shut and took a few deep breaths before facing her again. "I can't," he mumbled.

There was a momentarily silence.

"You can't?" she repeated, her warmth evaporating.

Harry opened his moist eyes to face her and began shaking his head. "I," he started but choked himself. He had to concentrate on his breathing as he looked back at her. "I have to-" he managed, though he started to tremble. "I have to go."

Audrey took a few steps backward and scowled viciously at him. "You can do whatever you want to do, Harry," she said darkly.

Harry stiffened himself and shook his head at her. "No I can't," he said, his eyes misty. "That's not the way it works."

"It can be!" Audrey yelled, the first time she ever had yelled.

Harry took a deep breath and sighed. "If only you were right," he replied. He was making a point of breathing steadily and forcing himself to look at Ron and Hermione, who were giving him encouraging expressions.

"I'm always right," Audrey insisted. "Don't you want to stay here?" she asked with a note of hostility.

"Yes," Harry admitted. "But I can't. I cannot agree to what you propose, no matter how badly I want to stay with you."

Audrey's satisfied grin crept back to her lips. "But you do want to be with me," she said.

"Yes," he replied, trying to remain indifferent, which was becoming impossible. "But I won't. This is not how it will be, and I think you know that. You said you'd only extend your offer twice, and so you have. I've turned it down twice. So I guess the ball's in your court now. If I won't join you, what is left for you?" he asked. He kept a stiff lip and a firm glance, but Hermione could tell his wall was breaking.

Audrey's grin faded and she looked back at Hermione and Ron.

"You can't hurt them," Harry said. "You know I won't let you."

She nodded then slowly turned away from him and began walking. "You're right," she said as she continued on her way. "I will not harm any of you. But they will."

Ron turned his head to Harry, but Harry was watching Audrey go without fuss.

"Harry?" Ron said, but Harry didn't listen. He followed Audrey with his eyes until she came to a corner and turned down one of her countless hallways. But before she entered it, she looked back and gave Harry a sad smile and a wave. It took a refined resolve for Harry not to run after her.

"Harry?" Ron repeated.

"What?" Harry asked, his eyes on the spot where Audrey had just been.

"What did she mean by 'they'?"

Harry shrugged, not really caring what she'd meant. "I don't know. There are only four of her minion left and three of us, so that won't be too threatening."

There was a rattling sound behind them. All three of them whirled around. Harry and Ron raised their wands.

"Okay," Hermione said tentatively. "So how does one leave this place?"

Again, Harry shrugged. "That's the thing, actually. Last time I went to hit Leucosia but then I was at the Burrow, hitting you thinking you were her."

"Oh," Hermione said in a would-be casual voice. "So we have no idea?"

"Right," he said.

"That's great," she said in a high-pitched voice.

Harry continued to scan the corridor for that mysterious something which lurked just out of his visual range.

"We're not leaving yet anyway," he said, looking back at them.

"And why is that?" Ron asked, his hand shaking.

"Dana. I'm not leaving without her. If Audrey thinks she's keeping my little girl, she's severely mistaken," he said, though he didn't sound very angry with Audrey, as he wanted to be.

"Yes, Harry, but we have no idea where she---"

Harry covered Hermione's mouth with his free hand as he heard someone, or more precisely, something approaching. That something was followed by more somethings, but the sounds came from all around them.

"Those rooms were all empty," Harry told himself, though the banging and pounding told him otherwise.

Finally, emerging from the darkness ahead of them came the silver lion which had haunted his dreams just months ago. It slinked toward them with a menacing gaze, and Harry could hear the beast snarling at them.

"Impedimenta!" Harry yelled at once, but the lion was unaffected and appeared angered by the action.

"Nice kitty," Ron said.

"Ron, that never works, haven't you seen movies?" he retorted.

Instinctively, Harry began backing away, Hermione and Ron mimicking him. But then figures, draped in cloaks of black, adorned with eerie masks, filed out of the once empty rooms that aligned the corridor. And there weren't just four.

They mass of black surrounded them. Harry couldn't believe the Black Order was this expansive, but he quickly got over his shock.

"Harry," Hermione whimpered, grabbing his arm with her two hands.

"It's okay," he said, scanning for a quick exit while Ron did the same.

"There have to be fifty of them," she said.

"Yeah, I could've guessed that," he snapped. The cloaked men made a circular wall around them and remained solid. The lion paced around the three of them, glaring hungrily at them.

"Ideas, Harry?" Ron said from behind him.

Harry racked his brain for a spell that could subdue all of them, but Hermione would have to be armed for the spell to be effective, and she was without a wand.

"Harry!" Ron said as the Order closed in on them.

Harry whipped his wand across the space in front of him---it made a low roar as the curse slapped a third of the Order down to the floor. Harry grabbed Hermione's hand and ran toward the gap. Ron quickly followed but the Order was chasing after them. Their running left a thundering echo as they raced through the halls. Spells whizzed past them and some blasted pillars and left gaping holes in the walls. Harry released Hermione and shoved her into Ron, then held himself back.

"Vacuolar!" Harry yelled, jabbing his wand forward at the group of men charging them. The blast from his wand was so powerful it knocked Harry back several feet. But it worked. The Black Order had been struck with the spell and were tossed meters away, landing hard on the marble floor. Harry whirled around and ran to catch up with Hermione and Ron.

"Look for Dana!" he commanded them when he caught up with them. Soon Harry heard the banging footfall of the running Order. He glanced at them over his shoulder but didn't slow down. "Hurry!" he yelled at Ron and Hermione, who didn't run as quickly as he could.

"Where is she?" Hermione asked.

Harry whipped himself around to fire another spell. "Cornibus confodere!" he yelled. A static crimson beam shot out of his wand and hit the fifteen men charging them. Instantly they were struck down, but not all of them as whole beings. Blood splattered on the clean walls and limbs flew on all directions.

Hermione screamed.

"Harry!" she said, once they were running again, "that was dark magic!"

"Now is not the time to lecture me on morality!" he said as they came into a junction of the corridors. It was an octagonal room that broke off into eight different directions. The three of them froze.

"Which way?" Ron asked.

Harry turned and saw a handful of men coming at them.

Harry raised his hand toward them and said, "Tranquilte," and a clear barrier blocked the hallway. "They'll bust through it in no time," he said, watching the Order work together like a hive. Harry lay his wand flat in his palm and said, "Dana, point me." He wasn't sure if it would work, but he could at least try it.

Strangely enough, the wand pointed him down the hallway to his immediate right. He broke into a run and heard Ron and Hermione follow him. This hallway was different than the others, mainly because it was dark but also carpeted. "Dana!" Harry called.

He slowed to a jog and ducked his head in the doors after his wand. "Dana!" Still no response. He told himself that Audrey wouldn't harm her, that she wouldn't use Dana against him, but something made him wonder...

"Dana?" he called. Ron and Hermione flanked his sides and helped in the search. But they didn't have to.

"Daddy!" Dana yelled from the other end of the hall. A huge wave of relief flooded Harry's veins as he ran toward her and sank to his knees to grab her and hug her tight.

"Thank God," he groaned as he squeezed her. "Are you all right?" he asked her, setting her down on the ground but not releasing her.

She giggled and nodded, then spun around for him. She wore a pretty silver dress with a ton of frills around the bottom. Harry also noticed a tiara in her hair.

"I'm uh pwincess!" she giggled, then hugged him again. Harry took her in his arms and stood up, glancing down the hall from which he came. The Order hadn't come after them, and Harry suspected that the Black Order was not permitted to come near Dana and frighten her.

"Hewrminee!" Dana yelled excitedly when she saw Hermione.

Hermione smiled but turned to Harry. "Now what?"

"We get out of here," Harry said as if it were obvious. But he noticed that Hermione and Ron were thinking of something else. "What?" he asked them.

Ron and Hermione exchanged looks then turned to Harry. Hermione was the one who spoke. "It's just that Leucosia has the Black Order still. While she's alive they can... you know..." she said, nodding at Dana for an explanation. Harry knew she wanted to say "kill" but she didn't for Dana's sake.

"What are you suggesting?" he asked, his eyebrows forming a crease.

"You know exactly what I'm suggesting," Hermione pushed. "Now is the only chance you have, Harry, and you know it! She'll lash out at everyone for this, so you have to stop her."

Harry snorted in disgust and turned away from her to walk down the hall. Ron and Hermione followed him. "Harry you know she's the enemy. You turned her down, for Christ's sake! You can't just leave her to formulate another destructive plan. You have to take action!"

Harry whirled around but kept his cool because of Dana. "Those are tall words coming from someone who's never done such a thing. You have no idea what it's like, Hermione. Can you even comprehend what it is you're asking me to do? You think 'playing the hero' is that simple?"

"No," Hermione responded. "I'm thinking about everyone else. Leucosia will form another plan, Harry. She won't stop because she's lost you."

"No kidding?" he asked her mockingly. "Look, right now I'm just trying to get us all out of here before that Order back there," he said, pointing in the direction from which they came, "tears us to shreds. Let me worry about Leucosia in the future." He turned and began walking again.

"You won't have the opportunity in the future," Hermione said quietly. "You only have it right now because she has to be in her corporeal form."

Harry paused.

"It's the only way, Harry," Hermione continued. "Leucosia will not be mortal once we leave here. If anything is to be done, it must be now."

Harry's head sagged a little.

"It isn't fair," she went on. "And I wish I could help you."

"Come on," Harry said to them without making an about face. "Let's find a way out of here."

Hermione rolled her eyes and looked to Ron for some kind of support, but he didn't look as though he was good for it. She gave up momentarily and followed Harry.

Finally the four of them came to yet another octagonal junction. Harry stood in its center and gazed down each corridor wondering where to turn. But leaving Ithaca was not a choice made by the individual, and he knew that. Leucosia would have to provide a doorway and Harry couldn't possibly see her doing that.

"Now what?" Hermione asked as she stood beside him. Harry wished she'd keep her mouth shut and stop pestering him.

"I'm not sure," he admitted.

Dana was also impatient. She started to squirm in Harry's arms, as if wanting down, but Harry wouldn't let go of her, lest she run off and bump into the Order.

"Is anyone else wondering where Audrey disappeared to?" Ron asked.

Harry frowned then turned to Ron, who had a very good point. Where was Audrey?

"Right here," she said suddenly from Ron's left side.

He jumped and scuttled away from her, bumping into Hermione, who in turn bumped into Harry. Harry was so shocked at seeing Audrey appear that he didn't notice Hermione fumbling behind him.

"You can run but you can't hide," Audrey sang playfully. "There's no way to leave this palace but through me. You should know that, Harry."

"Mummy!" Dana called. She struggled a little, but Harry kept a firm grip on her.

"Are you going to take my daughter from me?" she asked Harry. "You think I'll allow that without a fight?"

And right by her side there suddenly appeared ten Black Order members. Hermione grasped the solid object in Harry's back pocket and lift it so gently he didn't even notice. She took a few steps back allowing Harry to shield her.

Ron made his way forward to stand next to Harry, his wand raised.

Dana, however, became tense in Harry's arms then buried her face in his shoulders.

"Not in front of her," Harry said, covering Dana's head with his free hand, which still grasped his wand. "And I'm tired of fighting the cloaks. They're too easy."

Audrey grinned. "You're right. How about your guest? Let him fight for you."

Ron's face turned pale again.

Harry shook his head violently. "No, this is between me and you," he insisted. "Leave Ron out of this!"

"If it was between me and you, then Weasley has no business here," Audrey replied. "So here's how it'll play out. Behind me, down that hall, is your way out of Ithaca. You just have to get there. Use whatever means you have available, but know that so will they. This is not a game of logic, Weasley, it's a battle. The only way out is through me. Literally. If you fail, Harry and Hermione remain here forever. I suspect after a time Harry will see the error of his ways, but Hermione's fate is unknown. It's time to step into the spotlight, Ron, and see what you can accomplish without Harry's aid. Any questions?"

Ron looked uneasily back at Harry, who stared at him with a face of resolve. Hermione, however, slowly nodded, her hands behind her back. Ron furrowed his brow at her. But she didn't waver. Something in her eyes urged Ron to go forward.

Ron turned back to Audrey. "I can use anything?" he asked her.

"Yes," she replied. "Are you ready?" she asked him.

Ron took a deep breath, ignored his stomach and feeling of nausea, and nodded.

Audrey's face broke out into a grin. "Very good," she said with relish. "You may begin."

Ron didn't move until he had an idea of what to do. There were ten of them and only one of him. Harry might be able to take all of them at once, but he sure as hell couldn't. If only he could borrow Harry's powers, just for a few moments.

From behind him, Harry shut his eyes and concentrated on just that idea. He hadn't had too much practice with the idea, but just enough to make it work for a little while. Harry willed himself to enter Ron's mind, but for this too work completely, Ron had to be willing to host Harry.

Ron readied his wand when he heard whispers, not in his ear, but in his mind. He almost thought it was himself speaking to...himself. Only that wasn't his voice. It sounded like Harry's voice, only much softer and calmer. Relax it told him, even as the Black Order, growing impatient with Ron's inaction, came toward him. Do you see the three men on the far left? Ron wanted to say yes but just as he was about to tell the voice that, it continued on its own. Good. They will protect Audrey; don't worry about them right now. You should be most concerned with the two directly in front of her, the ones who are not moving toward you. As quickly as you can, run toward them and ignore the three men who are coming at you. Do it now.

Ron didn't move.

You have to trust yourself. You have the power to protect yourself as long as you obey me, Ron. Now fight them.

Three men advanced on Ron, but he somehow managed to skirt past them and as he did, they flew away from him, as if they'd been two negative charges from a magnet. Ron, astounded with the action, felt much more confident and grinned as he charged the two men directly in front of Audrey.


Ron did as Harry commanded, just as one of the men swung a sword at Ron. Ron dropped to the ground and swung his leg out and clipped both men (astounding himself again) in the back of their legs, knocking them to the floor.

Then things became rather dicey.

The remaining Order standing attacked Ron with all they had. Panicking, Ron began to retreat, but Harry forced him to stand his ground.

Ron, having little control over his actions, found himself throwing hexes he had never learned, curses he'd never heard of, and he kicked as if he held a black belt in Kung Fu. In a few short moments, all ten men lay on the ground motionless. Ron grinned at himself and looked daringly at Audrey.

Audrey frowned and with the flick of her wrist Ron was knocked to the floor, just as Harry fell back into the wall.

Ron struggled to get to his feet. Audrey walked to him and towered over him. "Pity you can't defend yourself alone. But I did say you could use whatever means were available. So you won fair and square, thanks to Harry. Now get the hell out of here." She reached down and pulled Ron to his feet, then pushed him behind her, toward the exit out of Ithaca.

Hermione stood strong as Audrey advanced on her. "You may leave, I have no use for you," she said, and grabbed Hermione by the shoulders and flung her into Ron. Hermione looked down the hall and could see, to her delight, a glowing vertical ray of light; a small fissure waiting to be opened...

"Well, Harry," Audrey said as she glanced down at him on the ground, Dana still in his arms. "Not as strong as you think you are, now that you've put your abilities on loan? I knew you would. You're always doing what's right."

Dana struggled to get away and succeeded, as Harry was momentarily weakened by the complex and draining spell he'd just preformed. Dana stood crying at the violent scene before her. Audrey ignored her and bent down to tend to Harry instead.

"They are so weak, Harry. They're not like me. They're not like us," she whispered, taking his hand. "They can't ever hope or aspire to be as powerful as we are. The only way you could save them was to insert yourself into your friend's weak brain. How can you live with them? They're beneath you, Harry. You're a strong warrior, and they are merely dust."

Harry's raspy breathing made it hard to hear what she was saying. He was fighting to keep his eyes open, to keep himself concentrated on her, while his strength slowly returned to him.

"You're nothing without me, Harry, and I'm nothing without you. You're my other. Don't you know that?" she said.

His eyes closed for a while. Her hand was so small and soft in his own large and rough hands. Hands that had killed so many already. Hands that loved to touch her. She was caressing his face now, as he lay there on the cold floor. She was gentle with him, gentle when he was not.

"Do you really want to leave me?" she whispered sweetly. "Will you go? Will you go with them and never see me again?"

Harry opened his eyes. Dana, it appeared, had made her way across the room and into Ron's arms. Harry was finding it harder to breathe, even though it had been several moments since Audrey had knocked him out of Ron's mind.

"You would be so happy with me, you know," Audrey continued, now rubbing his arm with her hand. "I'll take care of you."

Harry looked up into her adoring eyes and tried to remain calm so he could breathe again. She rested one hand on either side of his head, then bent down to kiss him. The simple touch of her lips electrified him, and once she drew back he could breathe easily.

"Please stay with me," she whispered to him. "Stay," she said seductively, kissing him again.

Audrey pulled herself off the floor then lifted him up just as easily. "They can go home," she said, grinning. "Hermione and Ron will be safe, I promise you that."

She took up his hands and he found that he didn't resist her, nor did he want to. "But I--"

"What I'm doing is right," Audrey interrupted him. "Just stay with me. Just stay..." she murmured.

Harry shut his eyes and began shaking his head when a freezing sensation wriggled in his gut. He opened his eyes to stare at Audrey, but she was so immersed in him that she didn't notice his alarm.

"Wait," he muttered.

"I love you," Audrey continued, clearly not hearing him. "Come and stay with me."

Harry dropped her hands and looked behind him, then felt his back pocket, which was empty. He spun back around but it seemed to take him ages to come full circle. When he did, Audrey was still smiling at him, adoringly. Then she turned around suddenly...

Hermione had tapped her shoulder and stood just behind her...

"Hermione," Harry said weakly, for though Audrey had lifted him off the ground, he still felt winded. "Hermione, NO!" he bellowed.

Audrey's eyes widened in alarm, but she was unable to react quickly enough to match Hermione's violent action. Hermione, her eyes set with determination, whipped her hand up in the air and brought down the dagger, which had allowed Ron and Harry to enter Ithaca, straight into Audrey's beating heart.

Audrey's mouth opened so wide her jaw cracked, and she released a horrible, painful howl. Hermione's hand was still on the dagger, though her face revealed her fear and disgust at her own action.

"NO!" Harry yelled, lunging forward, pushing Hermione back as he collected and cradled Audrey. Her eyes flashed from brown to gray and back again. Her breathing was labored and raspy, as Harry's had been moments before. The color in her face evaporated slowly. Harry sank to the floor under her weight and stared into her changing eyes.

Her loud breathing slowed. Harry felt her body heat ebbing away.

"It's okay," Harry said to her, looking down at her chest, where the golden handle protruded from her heart---around it a pool of blood. "You'll be okay," he said numbly, holding her head in his hands as he cradled her. "It'll be okay," he said, his chest constricting and his eyes watering painfully. "You'll be fine. You'll be fine. You'll be fine..." he said shakily, his lips trembling terribly. "You'll be fine," he whispered.

Audrey's eyelids sagged slightly. She kept eye contact with him and mustered the tiniest of smiles. "Harry..." she breathed, blood gurgling out of her mouth.

He simply stared down at her, even when she tried lifting her hand to his face. "I love you," she exhaled, still trying to smile through her pain.

Harry didn't say anything. He rocked her back and forth and hummed to her. "You'll be fine," he whispered again.

Audrey's flickering eyes glazed over and her head lulled to one side.

Hermione looked around and saw the once paralyzed Black Order, stirring into life. While their powers were limited, she didn't want to find out what they could do on their own. She dashed forward, seized the dagger embedded in Audrey's heart, and yanked it out.

"Harry!" she yelled.

He didn't move.

She grabbed his elbow and pulled him away from Audrey's form. But he wouldn't get up. Hermione tried pulling him away, but he was still grasping Audrey and didn't let her go. She pried his hands off of her and tried again. His legs drug behind him and Hermione knew she couldn't drag him all the way to the exit.

"Ron!" she yelled. Ron, with Dana in his arms, ran from the empty room where the exit was clearly marked and hurried toward Harry and took his other arm. Harry still grasped his black wand.

"Daddy!" Dana cried, but Harry still didn't budge.

"Hermione, what the hell did you---"

"Saved us," Hermione answered then walked to the gleaming line in the air and thrust the blood stained dagger into the top of the fissure and drug it down to the bottom. A loud rip roared through the air. She and Ron could plainly see Hogwarts on the other side.

"Go!" Hermione told Ron and pushed him with Dana into the fissure.

"Harry!" Hermione yelled, turning him around to face her. But his eyes were strangely blank and out of focus, his mouth was opened partially, and he was pale. "Harry?" she said.

He didn't answer. He didn't even look up at her.

The ground began to quake and Hermione saw, to her dismay, a few men coming at them, wands raised. Hermione grabbed Harry around the chest and heaved him backwards through the fissure. She hit the grassy yet hard ground, Harry right on top of her, still not moving.

"There he is!" she heard someone bellow, and in a second two dozen witches and wizards surrounded them, wands pointing at Harry.

"He's innocent!" she heard Ron yell, pushing his way through the crowd, while Dana cried loudly. Hermione pushed Harry off of her and stood, looking around for the leader of the ambush.

"Hermione!" she heard Arthur Weasley shriek. Hermione flipped around and saw him standing behind a few Hit Wizards. "Hermione, you're alive!"

"Of course I am," she yelled. "Leucosia was real, Harry is innocent, and he went after me to save Dana and me! Now would you please back off!" she yelled.

But no one did. In fact several wizards grabbed her and pulled her away from Harry, who lay motionless on the ground, while two Aurors took Harry and bound him.

"No!" she yelled, fighting to free herself. "Leave him alone! He's innocent! Harry!" she yelled. "Harry!" She thrashed and struggled to break free, but the men holding her back were too strong.

But Harry still wasn't moving. He didn't resist the two Aurors who bound his limbs together and hoisted him up to drag him away.

"Arthur!" Hermione yelled, "He needs help. He's innocent, we can prove it. You just saw us come out of---"

"Calm down," he said, coming over to her and resting his hands on her shoulders. "We have to take him to the Ministry. He's not going back to Vincula. But there's so much that needs explaining. You and Ron will have to come back with us so we can sort all of this out. And Hermione," he said, with a grin, "it's great to have you back."

Hermione wanted to muster a smile, but all she could see was Harry's limp form, held up by two Aurors who led him back to the Ministry.

Author notes: Thank You to my team of Betas: Elizabeth, Mina, and Apryl, who had a tedious job. You’re all wonderful!
Notes: the line “You have to be a wolf to catch a wolf” is from the movie “Training Day”

The spells that you did not recognize are not real spells, but latin words I used from my Latin/English Dictionary.

And there are still two chapters left (possible three) this is not, I repeat, not the last chapter!