Lily Evans
Action Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 03/05/2003
Updated: 03/09/2004
Words: 31,775
Chapters: 7
Hits: 8,980

The Marauders: The Legend Before Harry Potter

Circe Simpleton

Story Summary:
James Potter and his friends Remus, Sirius, and Peter as they begin their years at Hogwarts don't yet know they'll be come the most infamous group of young troublemakers to step foot in Hogwarts. Here lies the entire chronicle of their years at Hogwarts from the first day to the last Halloween night they see each other...a tale of friendship, bravery, love, hate, betrayal, revenge, and magic... Characters include MWPP, Lily Evans, Severus Snape, various Death-eaters-to-be, Bertha Jorkins, Voldemort, Petunia and Vernon, Barty Crouch Sr., and OCs. James/Lily.

The Marauders 01

Chapter Summary:
James Potter and his friends Remus, Sirius, and Peter as they begin their years at Hogwarts don't yet know they'll be come the most infamous group of young troublemakers to step foot in Hogwarts. Here lies the entire chronicle of their years at Hogwarts from the first day to the last Halloween night they see each other...a tale of friendship, bravery, love, hate, betrayal, revenge, and magic... Characters include MWPP, Lily Evans, Severus Snape, various Death-eaters-to-be, Bertha Jorkins, Voldemort, Petunia and Vernon, Barty Crouch Sr., and OCs. James/Lily.
Author's Note:
I'm hoping everyone will enjoy and find this an original story...there will be many hints and characters that will play important parts, so try hard to catch all the clues and irony. It will, indeed, go all the way to the night of the Potter's death, and I will finish it, so please be patient for new chapters. Please enjoy and I would greatly appreciate a review or two. This is just the beginning of what I hope will be a very long and enjoyable read. This chapter is dedicated to Sarah, for being one of the first readers. Also, thanks to Narcissa for beta-reading.


The Marauders: The Legend Before Harry Potter

The First Year

Chapter One

To Hogwarts We Go

September 1st, 1971...

James Potter looked around him. It was just as he had imagined...a red steam engine surrounded by many wonderful looking people chatting and laughing exuberantly in their groups of families and friends. James smiled to himself, his fist around his trunk tightening.

"Better than what Mum and Dad said it was," he said to himself, trying to place the memory of everything he saw into his head so he'd never forget it. He walked closer to the Hogwarts Express, rolling his cart forward, catching pieces of the other wizard and witches conversations.

"Auntie," said one plump boy in a squeaky voice, who looked as though he was about to wet himself from nerves. "Auntie, I think I've lost me ticket!"

"Oh Peter, not again," said an ugly woman standing beside him, clad in a bright pink gown . "Did you look in your pocket?"

"Yes, twice," said the boy about to cry when suddenly he burst out laughing. "Oh, look Auntie. I found it. It was in my other pocket!"

"Oh, you silly boy," said the woman. James walked passed them, looking at a few older girls getting on the train, each of them with a badge on their robes with a shiny 'P' in the middle. Prefects, James concluded.

He walked to the train and stepped up onto the stairs, carrying his big maroon trunk and his barn owl, Sahasa, who slept contentedly in her cage. He, avoiding the older student's eyes, went looking around for a good, empty compartment and soon came to one that looked like it would do--empty, except for one small sandy-haired boy who was asleep, his nose pressed against the window. James laid his trunk on the floor beside him, sat down, and put his hands in his lap, and began to twiddle his thumb. He couldn't wait to see Hogwarts.

James sat in the compartment long after the train began to move, the boy at the window still asleep. James wondered how anyone could sleep at such an exciting time, but he didn't ponder the thought as a young woman with a cart full of wizard food and candy came by the compartment. James quickly bought handfuls of chocolate frogs, his favorite; he could never seem to get enough of them.

"Should I wake him?" James asked the woman with the cart, referring to the sleeping boy.

"Don't worry about that dear," she said, smiling, showing lots of dimples. "I'll be up front if he wants to come get something when he wakes up." She smiled again and then pushed the cart on to the next compartment. James sat back in his seat and began to unwrap his chocolate frogs, hoping the crumbling sound of paper and cardboard would wake the boy--he was beginning to need someone to talk with to take his mind of the anxiety. He looked down at the wizard card he's just unwrapped: Merlin. He had twenty Merlin's now.

Just as he was finishing up his chocolate and was beginning to become a little tired himself, James heard a thud against the compartment door. He waited a few seconds then, after hearing it again, stood up and opened the door. Peering out he saw the back of someone running towards him. Without warning the person ran into him and they both fell over on the floor, the tall boy on top of James.

"Oh, excuse me," said the other boy, standing. He was very tall and thin with pale skin and kind eyes, and his chestnut colored hair fell below his chin, but curling above his shoulders. "Didn't realize you had opened the door." He began to dust himself off before he held out a slender hand to help James stand up. "I was trying to use this spell that I read about that makes you able to walk through a wall. I thought it'd be cool, you know, to be able to scare people by making them think I was a ghost." The boy kept talking, really fast. "But it wasn't really working. I thought it'd scare my cousin with it once I got it perfect. Hopefully she hasn't heard of it before, since she's already in 6th year now. She loves to torture me," he said with a smile. "Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet. Sirius Black at your service." He twirled his hand and bowed, tripping as he bent at his waist, falling over purposely. James laughed as Sirius Black somersaulted and quickly got back on his feet like an acrobat.

"Sorry about that," Sirius murmured. "So..." he clapped his hands together. "Who's that? Your friend?" They looked at the sleeping boy.

"Never seen him before. On his luggage it says...R.J. Lupin," James said, tilting his head, looking at the faded engraving on the boys tattered trunk.

"What kind of a name is that?" Sirius said. "Well, now you know me, and him. But who are you?"

"James Potter, er, at your service," James said bowing, but not tripping.

"Oh, what a boring introduction you have, we'll have to work on that," Sirius said, putting his hands on his hips as if he were some sort of ballet teacher. They laughed.

Sirius and James began to talk about many things. First they talked about Hogwarts, then Quidditch, then what house they wanted to be in. "Gryffindor one hundred percent!" Sirius had said.

"And I agree one hundred percent," James said. "Don't know why any idiot would want to be in Slytherin." Sirius made a 'Phfft' sound as if to say 'What jerks.' "It's terrible putting up with those arrogant fops."

The train rode on and on and James and Sirius talked on, joking and laughing, occasionally stopping and prodding the boy napping, watching to see if he would talk in his sleep. The sun fell down from the top of the sky and in a flash it seemed that the train began to pull to a stop. The two boys stood up and, collecting their trunks and James his bird cage, left the compartment quickly, their hearts pounding. When both of them were gone, the boy who was asleep slowly opened his eyes, yawned, stretched and got up groggily.

As everyone got off the train they heard a voice calling 'First years over here! Over here now! First years!" They turned around and saw an old many with a lantern in his hands, illuminating an ugly face and a squashed nose and countless wrinkles.

"That must be Ogg, the gamekeeper and groundskeeper. I here he's 200 years old," whispered Sirius to James. James's eyes widened. The first years, James and Sirius amongst them, followed Ogg to a group of canoes on a lake. "Three to a boat. Get in, hurry up," yelled Ogg snappily. Sirius and James quickly got into a canoe followed by another boy with an unattractively pale face. When the boats were filled they began to float across the glassy lake and as they rounded a corner a grand stone castle with many turrets and towers came into view.

"Hogwarts!" called some. Everyone stared open-mouthed as they floated closer and closer to the grand castle. When they reached the shore every first year was hopping on the balls of their feet, talking in fast whispers. You could almost taste the excitement.

"Not bad, not bad at all..." Sirius whispered as he gazed up at the majestic castle. James was speechless. Ogg led them up to the castle steps, hunched over, and to the grand oak front doors, upon which he knocked thrice. The door open quickly and a straight face witch peered out.

"Thank you Ogg, I'll take them from here," she said, opening the doors wider. "First years, inside please."

"Must be McGonagall," James whispered, remembering how his mother had talked of her on occasion--'A stern woman whom you'll never see with her hair down'. "What's she teach?"

Sirius shrugged. "Charms I think," he said. McGonagall began leading them upstairs into a little room.

"In just a few moments you will be sorted into four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin. While you live at Hogwarts your house will be like a family to you. For novelties you perform you will be awarded house points, however rule breaking will lead you to loose points. The house with the most points at the end of the year will win the house cup. Now, please wait here for just a moment until I come get you all to be sorted." She stepped out of the room. Every first year was completely silent; the excitement seemed to have been replaced with nerves as everyone wondered what was in store for them during the next few minutes. James was twisting his fingers together and Sirius was taking deep breaths. The room began to get very hot and the only noises heard were the sighs of students and hushed whispers until McGonagall finally got back and said, "We're ready for you to be sorted." So she opened the doors to her left and they walked into the Great Hall, a huge room lined with four house tables with a ceiling bewitched to look like the night sky. Up in the front of the Hall, near the teacher's table which faced the students, was an old stool and perched upon it was an battered old wizards hat. The first years realized that the hat must have been of great importance for McGonagall led them right in front of it and everyone else was watching it in silence. James watched it closely, too, as a large slit at the Bottom of the hat appeared, like a mouth, and the hat suddenly burst into song, a song about sorting and about Gryffindor for the brave, Hufflepuff for the true, Ravenclaw for the intelligent, and Slytherin for the cunning. When the hat was done and had received a fair amount of applause (it had bowed to everyone), McGonagall unrolled a long piece of parchment and began to call out names.

"Anok, Carmen," was first. A plump girl waddled up to the stool, sat down and placed the hat on her head. The room was silent for about four seconds until the hat yelled: "RAVENCLAW!"

"Avery, Lucifer," was a tall and thin boy with big ears and curly brownish-gray hair. He was sorted into Slytherin. James and Sirius exchanged looks.

"Bottle, Ezmerelda," a tall girl with wild black hair, was made the first Gryffindor and she got the loudest round of applause yet.

"Brewster, Arnold," became a Hufflepuff.

"Black, Sirius," called McGonagall, peering down her square spectacles. Sirius swallowed and slowly walked up to the hat, unaware that his mouth was wide open. He sat up on the stool and pushed the hat down over his forehead. "GRYFFINDOR!" yelled the hat boisterously. Sirius ran to the Gryffindor's table, grinning from ear to ear. He winked at James, but James's stomach only got tighter--what if he didn't make it to Gryffindor?

A girl, also with the last name Black became the next Slytherin, then "Dolohov, Antonin," was also a Slytherin. Another girl was then sorted into Ravenclaw.

"Evans, Lily," became another Gryffindor and she went to sit down beside Sirius. Another boy became a Slytherin, then another girl became a Ravenclaw. Two more people became Hufflepuffs before "Lupin, Remus," the boy on the train, who still looked very tired, sat under the hat. It seemed as though he was sitting on the stool for a whole minute before the hat finally yelled: "GRYFFINDOR!"

More people were sorted, mostly into Slytherin and Ravenclaw until "Pettigrew, Peter," was called and sorted into Gryffindor. "Potter, James!" James felt his heart stop beating as he heard his name called and ever so slowly he walked up to the hat, aware that ever eye was upon him.

When the hat was slipped over his head a small voice whispered a few things in his ear. "Potter, eh? Well, I see much bravery, and yet much logic, and a large amount of childish arrogance--you'll do best in...I suppose the best place for you is..." and then the hat exclaimed for the whole school. "GRYFFINDOR!" James took the hat off immediately and sat down across from Sirius at the Gryffindor table grinning broadly.


When everyone had been sorted, Dumbledore gave his annual start-of-term speech. Dumbledore was a very old man--possibly as old as one hundred--but he had a friendly twinkle in his eyes. "A new year at Hogwarts!" he proclaimed, raising his hands above his head. "And a fine one it will be indeed, after I announce these rules." A few people in the Hall groaned. Dumbledore smiled, his blue eyes sparkling. "The forest outside the grounds is again forbidden to all students with no acceptations. To add to that, there is a new guest to our grounds, the grand willow tree by the Forbidden Forest as everyone from second year up may have noticed." There was a rustle of confused talk and agreement as Dumbledore spoke. The headmaster cleared his throat and all went quiet again.

"However daunting or exciting this tree may look I must advise everyone to stay far away from it if you know what is good for you. Anyway, with that said--the feast may begin!" The food had magically appeared and the Gryffindors talked endlessly despite mouthfuls of food. Sirius had already made friends with all the new Gryffindors, including the older ones, and was now talking to Peter Pettigrew, the small boy that had lost his ticket at Kings Cross. James was just listening instead of talking, enjoying the delicious Hogwarts food.

"Both my parent's are pure-blood," said one second-year boy proudly. "Wha' bout you?"

"Half and half myself, my mum's the muggle of the family, and my brother slightly squib-ish, but he's too old to go to Hogwarts anyway," said the girl named Ezmerelda Bottle, who was quite a talker.

"I'm a muggle born," said the girl named Lily Evans quietly. She had been rather shy through most of the dinner but seemed to be warming up to everything now. "I was really surprised when I got the letter from Hogwarts in the post. But I'm a little scared that I'm not going to be as smart as everyone else. I don't know thing about magic!"

"Don't worry," said one of the prefects in a highly arrogant. "You'll catch on. Why, I'm a muggle born as well, and look at me now!" the prefect puffed out his chest snobbishly.

"Oh, I can't wait to turn out like him," Sirius whispered sarcastically to James. Then to everyone else, "I wish I weren't pureblood--my family won't let me forget it." At this, he scanned the Slytherin table and a girl with pallid skin and stringy black hair looked back at him, sneering. Sirius stuck his tongue out at the girl and then looked back at the Gryffindors as though nothing had happened. "So, what about you James?"

"Both my parents are wizards," said James, shoveling a large spoonful of beets onto his plate. "And you?" he looked at the sandy-haired boy he'd seen on the train, who was still looking exceptionally fatigued.

"Er...I'm not exactly sure. My mum's a witch, but my dad left her when I was only a year old, and she doesn't talk about him much," he answered, staring back at his food. James felt bad about bringing up the subject and didn't talk much for the rest of the meal.

A chubby, older boy with curly blond hair and freckles reached across the table and grabbed a huge spoon-full of mashed potatoes, piling them onto his plate and pouring a river of melted butter on top. "Don't you think you've had enough of that stuff, Frank?" said a girl beside the hefty boy.

"You can never have enough butter," he said. "It's a well know Longbottom family fact." Then he began to eat, all the potatoes and butter soon completely gone. "Whoops! Time for a fourth helping. So, did anyone else see that monster of a tree that Dumbledore was talking about? Fearsome...I think I'll take the headmaster's word for it and stay away."

"I sar' it!" said one acne-covered boy. "And I think it's amazing! Before this year's over I'm gonner be the first te' touch it!"

"Whatever Davey," said many of the Gryffindors around him who apparently had heard many lies from the boy before as they were all shaking their heads.

When dessert had been served and everyone was full, the prefect of each house led everyone to their common rooms. Virgil Seeweed, the arrogant prefect of Gryffindor led them through changing staircases, past moving pictures, through torch-lit corridors to one particularly large picture of a fat woman dressed in a silky pink dress.

"Password?" she said dully.

"Persnickety," said Virgil to her before turning back around to the first years. "Everyone needs to remember this if you want to get into the common room. Don't tell any of the other houses, or we'll have to change it. Well, get in." The portrait had flung open and the first years quickly scurried in. Virgil told them were to find the girls dormitory and the boys dormitory and by the time he had finished everyone was too tired to talk any further. Just before Sirius, James behind him, could walk to the dormitory staircase, however, an older girl with curly brown hair and purple bangs falling in her forehead, jumped in front of them and grabbed Sirius, embracing him in an enormous squeeze.

"Ack! Andromeda, cut it out!" yelled Sirius, pulling away from her, grinning.

"How goes it, cus'? See you've already made friends," she said, nodding at James.

"All's as good as ever...just wish that stupid Bellatrix had gone to Durmstrang..." Sirius scratched his head, frowning. James watched them, curious to know who they were talking of.

"Just damn all those Slytherins!" Andromeda swore loudly. "Don't worry, cus', just pretend you've never seen them before. Oh--Alice is waiting in the dormitory--she's already studying for N.E.W.T.s, poor thing. Well, bye Sirius, bye whoever-you-are!" she said, waving at them before hurrying up to her dormitory.

"Do you have relatives in Slytherin?" James as, eyebrows raised. Sirius, biting his lips, turned around to look at James slowly.

"Well...er..." he muttered and then quickly replied, "I've mentally disowned them, so no, not really. Come on, I beat!" And with that he turned and ran up the spiral staircase and James followed, knowing not to dwell on the subject again. Ever.

Sirius, James, Peter Pettigrew, and Remus Lupin were all in a dormitory. Remus went right to sleep, without even bothering to change from his robes, while Peter, James, and Sirius stayed up for a few more minutes talking as they changed into their night clothes.

"I wonder why he sleeps all the time?" Sirius asked, eyeing Remus who had begun snoring. Sirius had a sour expression on his face.

"Maybe he has a sleeping disorder," said Peter in a loud, squeaky voice.

"Oh, well, maybe he'll be more awake tomorrow," James said, yawning. At the moment he didn't blame the boy for sleeping--he was just about to drift of into dream land himself. "What is our first class anyway?"

"Transfiguration, I think, with McGonagall," Peter said. "I heard McGonagall was strict!" Peter screwed up his face as if this were a most horrible thought.

"She looks pretty good for a lady of her age though!" Sirius said, grinning and raising his eyebrows. James and Peter stared at him for a while until he finally started laughing and Sirius was choking back laughter. "As if! But speaking of good-looking girls, did you get a close look at that Lily Evans? She's got something worth while going there." They laughed some more, even though Sirius wasn't joking this time. When they had talked until they got too bored and tired to carry on, the three boys went to sleep, and they all slept soundly, their stomachs still full of food.

In the morning they had a large breakfast and were rushed to Transfiguration. McGonagall was sitting at her desk, tapping her pencil on her hand, peering at them all over her spectacles as the first years sat down silently.

"Good morning," McGonagall said dryly when every desk was filled. "I hope you all had a pleasant night's sleep and are ready to get to work." With that she gave them a quick introduction to the subject of Transfiguration, and told them how, if they practiced and behaved the class would be very fun. No one really believed her.

The rest of the class they spent listening to McGonagall go over rules and talk about what to expect in Transfiguration and what they would be expected to learn in their first year, and how it would help them through many magical careers. Most students felt like going back to sleep asleep.

The first day went by slowly until Defense Against the Dark Arts right before dinner when the teacher, Mrs. Yen, told them she would bring in a vampire for the next class. Mr. Yen looked Asian but she had a heavy English accent. She was extremely petite with dark hair speckled with gray and she, like Dumbledore, wore half-moon glasses rimmed with a glimmering turquoise. Everyone's first impression of her was that she was quite...odd and the end of the lesson proved the fact.

The class got very loud during the class as they had woken up since lunch and all of them started talking furiously while Yen was scribbling things on the blackboard. Suddenly she turned around in a flash, eyes flaming with anger and she started to levitate in mid air, screaming bloody murder, failing her arms about. The class was completely silent for the next hour while Mrs. Yen smiled sweetly at them, acting as though nothing had happened at all.

"Bet you she's part vampire," Sirius said when the class was over. "Only a vampire would get so mad for no reason like that and only a vampire would scream that loud. And did you see those shining white teeth of hers!"

"Maybe she's part banshee!" exclaimed Peter, and, though they didn't admit it, they believed him.

"I don't think Dumbledore would hire a woman with vampire or banshee blood guys," James said, shaking his head as they marched down a flight of moving stairs.

"He hired McGonagall!" yelled Sirius, though he started laughing soon after. "Come on lets get to dinner." The three of them ran off to put their book up as Remus Lupin walked behind them alone, carrying all his books on his back, and bending from the weight, trying to imagine he wasn't being ignored.

After the first week at Hogwarts, James, Sirius, and Peter had gone to every class that first years attended--except for Flying Class--and their favorite was Defense Against the Dark Arts by far. However scary Mrs. Yen was, she was as interesting as a Quidditch Match. Instead of teaching by a book she gave examples by acting things out. No one knew whether she had vampire blood, or banshee blood, or any other kind of blood in her; they didn't even know if she was completely human, but they didn't care, because she was an amazing and hilarious teacher.

History of Magic was the most boring subject of all, without a doubt. An ancient man called Professor Binns taught it, though all he did was sit at his desk, his eyes half closed, talking about the History of warlocks. No one listened. Sirius used it as a naptime, Peter as a time to knit sweaters--his favorite hobby, much to Sirius' disgust--and James to stare out the window, though he usually fell asleep as well. Some days he caught glimpses of a large man waking across the grounds by a little hut near the forbidden forest. Other times he saw tentacles of a giant squid coming from the lake, and other times nothing but stillness, the branches of the willow tree blowly peacefully in the wind.

Transfiguration had not improved much, however they did get to use their wands, and McGonagall said they were going to start transfiguring small objects next week. Despite how he didn't enjoy it much, James felt by the time they started the transfigurations that he was the best in the class--in all humility, of course.

"Wow, how did you do that so quickly?" Lily Evans asked him once when he had transfigured a matchbox to a marble. James looked at her, grinning.

"Oh, I'm just naturally more talented than everyone," he said, not realizing at the time how arrogant he sounded and Lily looked away from him, frowning, leaving James feeling rather stupid.

Potions was taught by a bald man who looked like a monk with a split personality--Professor Quirt. It was always a challenge to please him, for one person might get complimented, the other might get a boil on his nose from the strange man. Herbology was taught by Professor Sprout, a very young and stout woman, who looked as though she was fresh out of Hogwarts herself. Sprout had a cheery disposition and was very smart and very kind. Charms was taught by Dumbledore himself, who said he was just filling in since they couldn't get another teacher in time.

"Our Charms teacher is taking a little travel-the-world vacation--I'll be teaching just this year," he informed them, pleasantly, leaning back in his chair, smiling as always.

On Monday of the second week James and Sirius went out onto the grounds when they were in-between classes to see who the big man that kept walking around his hut was. They walked out the oak door and around the lake to the cute little hut just outside the Forbidden Forest. Outside in a garden was a huge man, much larger than a normal human, with a mane of dark fuzzy hair, wearing a thick balaclava, shoveling dirt over a patch of seeds. His hands looked as though they could fit around a small tree trunk. When he looked up he saw Sirius and James coming towards him he smiled and waved happily.

"Oh, 'ello there! Didn' know I had comp'ney," he said, walking from his garden to meet them. James and Sirius walked on up to his fence and he let them in.

"Do you teach here?" asked James.

"Oh, 'eavens no," said the man. "I'm just Hagrid."

"I'm Sirius."

"I'm James."

"Pleased ter meet yer Sirius. James. I'm just helpin' out Ogg right now. Dumbldore's lettin' me be the next gamekeeper and keeper of the keys when Ogg retires. Great man, Dumbledore."

"When's he gonna retire?" Sirius asked excitedly. "Please, please, please say soon."

"Next year I think, possibly in two years," said Hagrid and the two boys smiled. "But don' get excited. I'm only taking over his gamekeeper job. His nephew Argus is gonner be the new groundskeeper I hear. I also 'ear he's got a nasty temper. But don' listen ter me. I don' wanna' go spreadin' rumors. Say, why don' you two come in for a cuppa' with me. I don' get company much." The two boys gladly excepted.

Hagrid's hut was small and very messy but cozy all the same. The large man made tea quickly and gave each boy a big brown cookie-like...thing...which James tried to bite into it but couldn't even get his teeth in the crust. He hit it against the table when Hagrid had turned around to check on the tea but the food didn't even crumble.

"So Hagrid, how long have you been at Hogwarts?" James asked trying to make conversation so he wouldn't have to eat the thing Hagrid had offered. Seeing what looked like a dog snoring underneath the table, he quickly dodged under the table and placed the cookie-like thing in front of the animal's drooping snout.

"Since me first year as a student, a long time ago. Must have been twenty or so years ago. But that's not important. So--you two first years?" he asked, pouring them some tea.

"Yep, feel like we've been here forever though," Sirius said. "I bet we already know how to get everywhere," he lied.

"Ha! I doubt that. Not even Dumbldore knows 'ow to get around everywhere. Neither do I, and I've been 'ere a long time." They drank tea for a few more minutes as Hagrid asked them many questions about how they liked Hogwarts and the teachers and if they played Quidditch.

"I love Quidditch! Can't wait to try out for the team," James said as soon as the topic of Quidditch came up. "I've always wanted to play chaser for Gryffindor. I used to play little games with the other kids in our neighborhood until they left to come to Hogwarts. Too bad we have to wait a whole other year."

"A really old rule that is, made before Dumbldore was here o' course, but I suppose someday they'll be someone good enough to bend the rules a little. Oh well, they'll be plenty of other things to do this year. You'll be busy enough what with classes an' all. It's the second week when the homework starts arriving'." Hagrid drank his mug of tea in one gulp and poured himself a second cup.

"Fun, fun, fun," Sirius said drearily. He looked at his watch. "Gotta' get to class! Bye Hagrid, thanks for the tea."

"Come back again. I'll be seeing you around the castle o' course." Hagrid showed them out the door and went back to tending his garden as James and Sirius walked--ran actually, as they were already five minutes late--back to the castle.

"I wonder why he's been here ever since he finished Hogwarts?" Sirius said. "But do I hope Ogg does retire so Hagrid'll have more stuff to do than take care of a garden. Plus Ogg's so old I can't stand to look at him much longer."

At dinner James sat beside Remus, hoping to talk to him. Remus had been really quiet everyday, and each night he had gone straight to bed without a word. "So," James said to him. "Do you like Quidditch?"

"Well, I've never really played. My mother doesn't want to spend money on a broomstick, so I've never ridden." He shrugged.

"Oh..." James was beginning to run out of things to say.

"I like to watch Quidditch though!" said Remus sounding more enthusiastic. "I've gone to lots of tournaments. I think it's a shame though that the Canons aren't making it to the World Cup this year, even though I didn't think they'd make it. But the Whimborne Wasps definitely worked hard to get where they are now. If they do win the world cup it'll be their 19th time. I just hope they can beat the Quiberon Quafflepunchers of France, cause they're good and they've got an excellent seeker now."

"I know!" James said, glad they finally could talk about something. "LeBlanc is good, but I think that the Wasps have got a better team now."

"Really?" said one girl in third year. "Good to hear it. Maybe we'll finally have a victory over France. The French always seem to win. And if it's not the French, it's the Polish."

"Ughh! I know," said a boy in sixth year. "Those darn Polish always make it. I was so glad when they finally lost on the third tournament."

"The Polish have a very good team though," said someone from the Ravenclaw table who had joined in the conversation. "I know that it's stinks how they always win, but they definitely have one of the best seekers of all time."

"That's true! Wronski's unbeatable," said someone. "No one's ever going to be better than him."

"Ahem!" coughed someone. James looked over and saw a short thin boy who looked about fifteen.

"Oh, shut-up Greg, you're the worst seeker Gryffindor's had in a decade, ain't no way you'll ever make it professionally," said the girl sitting beside him. Many people laughed, including the seeker, Greg.

"So--" said one guy. "Which one of you first year's are going to be on our team next year?"

"I am!" exclaimed James quickly. A few people clapped.

"Definitely..." said Ezmerelda. "Quidditch is my life." Apart from the two, no one else spoke.

"Come on cowards!" said the boy named Greg. "We've got the best team at Hogwarts."

"Yeah, right!" yelled some one from the Slytherin table sarcastically. Greg the Seeker got an angry look on his face and turned around to the table of green and silver badges.

"Oh yeah, Turnip?" yelled Greg across the hall. "Think your team will win the Quidditch Cup this year?"

"You bet, Conway!" Turnip yelled back. "Your team'll be the first to loose! I'll bet you twenty galleons that Slytherin takes home the cup!"

"Make it thirty!" Greg Conway yelled back.


James and Remus looked at each other. "I didn't mean to turn the conversation into a group discussion!" James said.

"Yeah!" Remus said laughing.


The four boys--James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter--walked back to their common rooms together, behind the other people of Gryffindor. "Some dinner!" yelled Sirius putting his hands on his stomach. "I'm stuffed!"

"Me too," said Peter, who was picking food from his teeth.

"Cut that out, Peter," Sirius said, smacking him the boy on the back of the head and Peter kept his hands in his pockets the rest of the way back.

"Well, I'll sleep well tonight," James said yawning.

"Yeah, er, me too," added Remus. "What day is it?"

"Monday," Sirius said, looking at his watch, his eyes blinking furiously from sleep. "It'll be Tuesday in three hours though, why?" But before Remus said anything someone came walking up to them from a dark passageway. It was a woman, who looked like a teacher, yet they hadn't seen her before.

"Hello. I'm Madam Pomfrey," she said. "Which one of you four is Remus Lupin?"

"I am," said Remus curiously, stepping forward into the torchlight.

"Would you come with me for one moment? I need to ask you a few questions," she said, taking Remus' hand and leading him up the stairs and out of sight, the clicking of their footsteps finally dieing out.

"What was that all about?" thought Peter out loud. Sirius shrugged, yawning like dog. "Let's go," he said. They made there where to their dormitories and said good-night, falling asleep in their dormitory before Remus come back up.


A/N: Thanks for reading, and I hope you leave a review and continue to chapter two. Also, if anyone has some good prank ideas, please tell me in your reviews and I will credit you if I use them!

Cheers and Peace,
