Astronomy Tower
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 08/18/2001
Updated: 09/01/2001
Words: 38,861
Chapters: 10
Hits: 20,632



Story Summary:
In Summer you'll see: Harry getting to live a little during the summer without interference from the ministry; Hermione learning to loosen up and have some fun; ultimate reversal of the Dursley's way of life (They'll be better off for it... someday)

Chapter 09

Author's Note:
This is very much a fluffy fic, but it has been well-received by reviewers who tell me it's one of their favorite places to come for a happy read that leaves you feeling good. A happy write, a happy read! The romance is light, because IMO to be otherwise at fifteen would be out of character for any of them.

~ Summer- Chapter Nine ~

When the buzzer at the front door rang, Hermione jumped slightly, and began to move away from Harry. He pulled her close again and whispered "Only a couple of days. And try to laugh."

She looked at him closely, and said, "I hope we are laughing in a couple of days. We'd better go meet them, we know Viktor most."

'Yeah,' thought Harry. He knew enough to know he didn't trust the guy. Even though Viktor had said he was glad to see Karkaroff gone, it was going to take more than words to make Harry trust Viktor. But Hermione's kisses, and her words about the closeness with him and Ron lifted Harry's spirits so that he felt he could face even Voldemort. This was a pretty amazing feeling.

Following Hermione out of the room, they met Chris and Ivy in the hall.

"Ready?" asked Chris, looking very much the way Harry felt. He saw Ivy give Hermione a searching look, and Hermione smiled back, a smile that made Harry's heart leap. He knew Hermione was smiling in that way because of their talk, and he felt flooded with contentment.The feeling was even stronger when Ivy smiled at him warmly and nodded.

The front door was opened and the Grangers welcomed the Krum family into the house. Harry stood back a bit, but he saw Viktor's eyes darken when they saw him. Something in that look made him wish he had his wand in his pocket. Fortunately Ivy stepped closer to them at that moment.

"Viktor, I believe you know Harry, but your family-Mr. and Mrs. Krum, this is Harry Potter, Hermione's friend and the son of my closest friend. Harry is visiting us, and has been helping out with our business this summer."

"Vell, Harry ve haff heard a great deal about you," said Mr.Krum. "Ve vere quite disappointed that Viktor did not come avay the Trivizard champion. Our congratulations."

"Thanks" replied Harry. "I didn't, and still don't feel like much of a champion. The um, circumstances were not exactly what anyone expected."

"Exactly vot I haff been telling Viktor," said Mr. Krum enthusiastically, and he saw Mrs. Krum nodding in the background. "Possibly a re -match might be arranged."

"No!" said Ivy sharply. Harry had never heard her speak in that tone, but he saw her looking at Mr. Krum in a very no - nonsense way. "It was decided after the Tournament that nothing would change. If you feel disappointed, think of the Diggorys. Would you care to change places with them?"

There was a long silence, then Chris cleared his throat, "So, you folks must be fairly exhausted. Shall we go in and have a cup of tea? Or perhaps a bit of something stronger? "

The awkward moment passed, and the talk changed to more general subjects , such as the trip over. The Krum's had traveled by Portkey, and Mrs. Krum was still not happy with the shaking up she had received.

"It vas horrible!" she said. "In our country ve do not use such rough vays. I haff told my husband, ve shall return by floo powder. It can be obtained here?"

'She thinks we're a bunch of idiots,' thought Harry. He was happy to see Viktor looking quite embarrassed, and Hermione making no effort to engage him in conversation.

They went into the Grangers' living room, and introductions were made. The conversation was now less awkward, since the subject of Quidditch was one all the group seemed interested in.

Ginny sat by Mrs. Krum, asking her questions about Bulgaria, and Mrs. Weasley was being sure she inserted a question about how warm the house was, and whether they had recently had any visitors from England.

Harry saw Ivy bite her lip to keep back a laugh, and Hermione seemed to have been robbed of the power of speech. Mrs. Krum appeared to be noticing this too, since she suddenly looked hard at Hermione.

"So, Hermy-own-ninny, Viktor has spoken of you often. How is it that you are so quiet? He voss alvays saying you had much to say on many subjects." she asked, in what Harry could only feel was a critical voice. He felt himself moving closer to that side of the room, almost as if he were being pulled.

Though she had turned quite pink, Hermione said in a voice they all knew, "I was just letting the rest of you get to know one another. What exactly did you want to hear me talk about? I'm quite good at Arithmancy, would you care to hear about that? Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to do any magic during the summer, or I could show you how well I've learned a banishing charm."

'Uh-oh' thought Harry. 'someone do something fast!'

Obviously someone, he suspected Ron, had decided to do exactly that. At that moment, Crookshanks shot into the room. His fur had nearly regained its fluffy appearance, but there were still traces of the potion Fred and George had given Ginny for her hair. Try as they did, Molly and Ivy had been unable to come up with an antidote that worked completely.

Upon seeing the green and violet cat jump into Hermione's lap, both of the adult Krums gasped, then began to sneeze repeatedly and violently. " I vas not avare your cat came to your home," Viktor said stiffly. "I vas thinking he vould remain at your school."

"Well, you might have asked!" snapped Hermione. "Here, Crookshanks, I'll take you back upstairs, where you can be all comfy." She got up, and left, holding Crookshanks in her arms. Harry could only describe it as sweeping from the room.

In spite of the dead silence that followed her departure, Harry couldn't help feeling proud of Hermione. No whimpering or shrieking for her. The little girl cowering in the corner, shrinking from the troll seemed to be gone forever In her place was a, well, this was one female he hoped he'd know for a long, long time. And in as many ways as possible, as long as that didn't include the way she obviously felt about Viktor and his family.

"Let's see about that tea, shall we?" said Ivy, getting up and pointing into the dining room as if her daughter had not just shown her disapproval of the guests in a most definite manner. "I think Harry and Hermione have put everything in its place."

In the confusion of sitting down, tea being poured and the food being passed around, Fred and George were able to whisper to Harry and Ron "Looks as if we may not even need our little plan, eh?" " Shall we forget it?"

"No, no! Let's do it, just to be sure." Harry muttered back. " Don't you think it's time to let me and Ron in on the details?"

"Not yet," replied George with a wink.

"You'll find out all you need to when it's time." added Fred.


The following day was a busy one at the Granger house. That evening the house would be full of witches and wizards, Harry didn't know how many.When he asked Hermione's dad, Chris wasn't sure either.

"I know there have been lots of owls flying in and out. Ivy has had a time keeping them hidden from the neighbors. I don't mind telling you, Harry, this may become a bit awkward, Ivy returning to the wizarding world."

"After all these years, I can see why," replied Harry." It was quite a shock when I found out the truth about who I am, when Hagrid came for me. Took me a long time to begin to catch onto things most people had known for years."

"Yes, Ivy has often said she wished things could have been different in that way.If she'd been more certain of Hermione's safety, I believe she would have made more of an attempt to persuade Dumbledore to have you with us, some of the time." Chris said regretfully. "We knew it wasn't easy for you there. Having the Dursleys as patients only made that more apparent. It did make Ivy decide it was time to take some action. That, and this past year's events."

Harry laughed mirthlessly."Hermione's safety. She'd have been a lot safer if she hadn't spent so much time with me and Ron. Oops, maybe I'd better not say anything about that."

"I won't say there haven't been sleepless nights around here," Chris answered with a rueful shake of his head. "I was expecting Ivy to make the decision to return to your world from the time Hermione received her first Hogwarts letter. She's shown amazing self-control, knowing as much as she does about the school, and the fact that Hermione will not let things alone, once she's made up her mind."

Harry laughed sincerely this time. "Things would have turned out a lot differently, in every year, if Hermione hadn't had that stubbornness, as we all like to call it. I can't say I've always enjoyed it though."

They both laughed at this, Harry having a strong feeling Chris got the same treatment from Ivy that he'd received from Hermione over the years. A little shiver passed through him,though, as he remembered the feeling of her leaning against him yesterday, after she'd kissed him, and the fire in her eyes when she had told off the Krums. Amazingly, however, she had returned from taking Crookshanks upstairs, completely composed and had been amazingly friendly to Viktor and his family, though a bit formal.

He remembered Ron teasing her after the Krums left, about not being able to make up her mind. She had wasted no time in blasting Ron, the way he'd seen her do since they were eleven.He grinned as he remembered her impassioned speech about not being an ungrateful daughter, that she had no intention of putting her parents to this trouble for nothing. She'd finished by telling Ron that perhaps he'd better work on his own mind a bit, before questioning the workings of hers, and that he'd do well to remember the O.W.L.S. coming up this year for them. Before Ron had had a chance to send a blast back, she had hugged both of them hard, and disappeared in the direction they'd seen Ivy, Ginny and Mrs. Weasley go, leaving Ron standing open- mouthed and Harry chuckling.

Just then Mr. Weasley and the boys appeared, looking a bit harrassed.
"Molly's just threatened to put the Full Body Bind on all of us if there's any mess in the house."

"She's already gone through our stuff three times." George said, looking meaningfully at Harry.

'Uh-oh,' he thought,'There goes our plan,'

"Good thing we'd thought to hide a few things under Hedwig's cage," whispered Fred to Harry."Otherwise we'd be starting over. and we'd be a little too late to help dispose of Viktor."

After that all of them were kept busy by various errands and last minute things that needed to be done for the evening. Harry nearly forgot to get his wrinkled robes out of his trunk. Ron had been surprised that Harry's trunk was here."You really have been spending some time here, haven't you? To have all your Hogwarts stuff here."

"It was pretty much done without my knowing about it." Harry told him. "Ivy just apparated over one morning and brought everything back. Even Hedwig's cage. Think she didn't trust them." Harry grinned, remembering how excited Ivy had been after apparating again after so long.Then he continued "Erm, Ron, the Grangers have mentioned taking me with them when they go on holiday, out of the country. How does that sound to you? I'd really like to go, but...."

"Are you bonkers? Why wouldn't you go? How long have you been stuck at those Muggles' house every summer. Besides, I'd be really surprised if you and Hermione didn't have some pretty nice chances to be alone. Who knows what might happen." Ron winked and Harry felt his face go red.

"This is Hermione we're talking about, Ron. I ... well, she did kiss me last night." He could have kicked himself as soon as the words were out of his mouth.

"She did? Hermione? You do mean like a peck on the cheek, like when you got ready to leave for the summer?" Ron asked eagerly.

As carefully as he could Harry answered," No, it was not that kind of kiss. I , well, I kind of lost the bones out of my knees for a minute. We were pretty close, she was leaning on me and, well, I can't say I don't hope it happens again soon. For longer."

Ron nodded. "It will. You don't see the way she looks at you. I do."He shook his head and added, " I'm glad we had that talk yesterday. Saved me from making a total ass of myself."

Harry laughed. "So instead , you're going to watch your best friend do it.
Gee, thanks.! I don't think there's any going back now though. That boneless feeling wasn't all that bad."

They heard Ginny calling them at that moment. When they found her, she said, " Fred and George have let me in on the plan. And I just have to say, I hope you guys know what you're doing. Hermione could get really mad about this " Then she grinned, and added, "Or, she might be grateful forever that you got rid of the pompous ass. Do you know exactly what they are doing?"

" No, they won't say," answered Ron. "What do you know ?"

"Something is going to happen with a note, and they have some kind of special ink. I just hope it's better than that stuff they gave me for my hair."said Ginny, remembering Crookshanks fur. "They want me to get something Hermione has written on, a blank piece of her note paper, and an envelope."

"And you need us because? " asked Ron. "You're staying in the room."

"I want one or both of you to look out for Hermione, moron boy." replied Ginny. "It would be great for her to walk in on me snooping through her papers.."

"Third drawer on the left hand side of her desk." said Harry, as if automatically.When Ginny and Ron exchanged a look, he quickly added,
"So, I've been in there a couple of times when she was writing. Why shouldn't I notice?"

"I doubt you would have a month or two ago," Ginny said with a quirky look on her face that Harry couldn't quite read. "Okay, you watch and I'll fetch it. Then you can take it down to Fred and George.And make them tell you what they're doing!"


Harry noticed it was one of those days with a feel of very slow movement of time, then a quick speeding up. Though he wasn't expecting to meet any mortal danger this evening, he had to admit to being very tense. He and Ron had finally forced some sort of explanation from Gred and Forge. If things went as planned, he, Harry could come off looking quite the hero. If things didn't go well, Hermione would probably insist her parents send him back to Privet Drive, due to meddling in her life.

At seven o'clock, they all assembled downstairs, and Harry had to admit, Ginny and Hermione had both changed a lot over the past months. Without their loose robes, wearing Muggle dresses, well, they weren't little girls any longer, either of them. He guessed it was a good thing Ginny had stopped blushing every time he was around, but looking at her now, he wondered why he'd been so annoyed before by her attentions. Still, he pitied the poor guy who had the first serious crush on Ginny. Her brothers were bound to nearly kill the poor guy.

Looking at Hermione though, he forgot anyone else was in the room, until Ron poked him, "Stop gawping at her, before she notices. You want to ruin everything?"

"Oh, eh, sorry. Didn't realize.......but look at her!" Harry had the feeling it was going to be a very long evening, if he couldn't manage to find some time alone with Hermione. He didn't know anything about girls' clothes, but someone had to have enchanted that dress. It looked like the night sky, and small sparkling stones that looked like stars seemed to have been thrown across it randomly.He could see the fairies were in her ears again, and he saw his mom's bracelet on her wrist.

Before Harry could make his way across the room that was already crowded, the doorbell rang. Hermione did see him coming toward her, and her eyes smiled so warmly at him, he almost felt she had hugged him!

The feeling didn't leave as he saw who was at the door. It was Professor Dumbledore, followed by Professors MacGonagall and Flitwick. He'd never seen them outside of Hogwarts, and was amazed to see MacGonagall embracing Ivy, with a tear on her cheek. They had apparently met Chris in the past and Harry was relieved to see there didn't seem to be any awkwardness about Chris being a muggle. Next to arrive was Neville with his formidable grandmother. Neville looked no end relieved to be back in the company of wizards and witches his own age and Harry could tell his grandmother was still ordering his every move. Mrs. Weasley quickly took Mrs. Longbottom off for a chat, and Ginny and Neville were soon deep in a conversation about the gardens they had at home over the summer.

Soon Dumbledore moved over to the wall where Harry was standing, just smiling at the scene in front of him. "A bit different from your usual summers, Harry?" he asked, laying a hand on Harry's shoulder.

Harry didn't know where to begin, he felt so full of happiness, and was relieved when Dumbledore went on after he had merely replied, "Yes, sir."

" I understand you've found the box with your mother's letters? You enjoyed them, it was not too upsetting?" asked Dumbledore, studying Harry's face carefully.

" Oh no!" Harry answered enthusiastically. "I mean, it did hurt, but it was a good hurt, if you know what I mean. Besides that Ivy gave me an audio tape of my parents' voices. I can almost feel them in the room with me." Then he remembered the bracelet. "I um, asked Hermione to wear the bracelet you gave my mom. It's really beautiful. I hope you don't mind."

To Harry's relief, Dumbledore laughed comfortably." Mind? I certainly do not. The bracelet being worn by your closest friend will replace the protection that was taken the day of the tournament's final task. And not only for you, but for the Weasleys and the Grangers. All I ask is that you let me or Ivy know immediately if anything unusual arises concerning it."

"Ivy told us that too. The most unusual thing so far was Ron being surprised Hermione was wearing any jewelry. Um, Hermione is a little, um, I mean Hermione and I....." He stopped, realizing he had no idea how to explain his feelings to Dumbledore. With relief he saw Dumbledore's eyes crinkle at the corners and twinkle intensely.

"I understand Harry. No surprises there, though I did wonder whether you'd mistake the signs and give it to the Ravenclaw seeker you've been watching this year." Harry felt his face turn scarlet, but Dumbledore went on. "You wouldn't have been the first or the last wizard to mistake a pretty face for something else. Although I see Miss Granger is looking quite attractive these days. Being her mother's daughter, that was inevitable. Ivy always had the looks and talent to do whatever she chose. I expect it will be the same with your Hermione."

'His Hermione,' thought Harry. Well, it was a nice thought, even if he didn't know it was exactly true. At least not yet.

At that moment, Mr. Weasley appeared and was soon in conversation with Dumbledore about recent happenings at the Ministry. Harry noticed several more witches and wizards had appeared while he had been talking to Dumbledore. Some looked vaguely familiar, others were total strangers.

He also noticed the room seemed larger than it had previously. Apparently Ivy had used the same charm she had on the room he was sharing with Ron, George and Fred. He then noticed George beckoning to him, and went over to see what was going on there. Fred, he saw, seemed to be deep in conversation with Hermione.

"Come on Harry, " George said with a smirk. " He can talk to her, can't he? You going to try to keep Hermione in a bottle like she did with that Skeeter woman?"

"No, and thanks for telling me that. Guess I didn't even realize what I was doing . Oh, Hermione would not go along with that." He looked questioningly at George. "So what's up? Besides telling me to wake up?"

"Just wanted to make sure we were all set. We need to move as soon as the Krums get here." Before Harry could reply, the doorbell rang again, and he heard a different note in Ivy's voice though he couldn't hear the words. A moment later though, she appeared in the room followed by - he couldn't believe his eyes! Not only the Krum family but Draco Malfoy and his mom and dad.

Although Ivy was obviously shocked and not happy with the unexpected appearance of the Malfoys, she had quickly recovered and called for the attention of the rest of the room. "Our guests of honor have arrived, please make Mr. and Mrs., Krum and their son Viktor welcome." She paused ever so slightly then continued, "I believe you are all acquainted with Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, and their son, Draco."

There was a moments' silence, then a babble of voices as the rest of the guests came forward to speak to the Krums, and the Malfoys. Harry watched Draco's eyes wander around the room scornfully at first, but with his expression quickly changing to one of surprise. Apparently he was discovering Hermione had nothing to be ashamed of in her home, and in fact probably lived much better than he did. The Grangers light filled, comfortable home, full of beautiful paintings, books and comfortable furnishings was sure to look better than any moldy old mansion.

How was the little slime going to keep the superior look on his face now, given the fact that he could no longer fling the term "mudblood" in Hermione's face?

Harry saw George and Fred beckoning to him, just as he was ready to approach Malfoy. He slowly let out the breath he'd been holding, and unclenched his fists.

Looking around for Ron and Hermione, he saw Hermione in a corner, talking happily to Professor McGonagall. He knew they must have a lot to say, since the revelations about Ivy. He briefly wondered how Hermione must feel, now that she knew what had been known to her professors since she started at Hogwarts and before.

Harry felt a hand grab his arm, and turning, he saw Ron with a look of "Let's go!" on his face. He nodded toward the door as Fred and George disappeared through it.' This is it,' he thought.

"Right, Ron, you take this over to Krum. I'll send Hermione out to the garden. Harry, you be ready at the door after you see them both go out." said Fred, in a tense but excited voice. 'Oh, the twins are loving this,' Harry thought, but they didn't have as much to worry about as he did. There was the wrath of Mrs. Weasley to consider though

. Ron disappeared through the crowded room, and they watched as he handed Viktor the envelope. Ron was quite the actor, Harrry thought, seeing Ron shrug his shoulders as if he was completely clueless about the contents of the envelope.

Viktor Krum, on the other hand, had an eager look that made Harry want to use at least one of the Unforgivable Curses. 'Calm down', he told himself. 'Remember blowing up Aunt Marge? Don't lose control right here in front of Dumbledore, McGonagall and - worst of all, Malfoy's dad.' Another de-e-eep breath, and he watched as Viktor disappeared through the door to the garden.

Watching Fred talk to Hermione was a different matter entirely. He had no idea what he was telling her, but he could tell Hermione wasn't buying it as easily as Krum had. That wasn't surprising, given Fred's reputation for jokes. He wished they could have gotten Ginny to do this part, but she had firmly refused, saying they had thought it up, they could carry it out. Harry tried to tell himself he and Ron knew Hermione better than anyone, but given the events of the past weeks, he wasn't as sure as he'd like to be

. Eventually, whatever Fred was telling Hermione got the desired results, and she walked across the room with him. He could see Fred pointing out the door to the garden and then pointing back toward the corner Malfoy was standing in. Hermione frowned, and at first Harry thought she would go across the room and let Malfoy have a few choice words. Krum, he noticed,was nowhere to be seen.

Fred directed Hermione's attention back out the door, and when he opened it, she went out. Harry walked around the edges of the room, joining Fred by the door. "Okay, you know what to do from here, eh?" asked Fred, "I'm going back to where George is. Won't do to have me seen with you."

"Uh, yeah." answered Harry. He knew Fred was right, but he wouldn't have minded a little physical support. Krum could be as difficult to handle as the bludgers Fred and George had been keeping away from him all these years.

He listened intently at the door, and a few moments later he could hear sounds of an argument, or something similar. Opening the door as little as possible, Harry slipped out. He heard Hermione's voice saying "You're bonkers! I would never suggest anything like that. Why I never... I mean..."

"Ah, but Hermy-own-ninny, I haf seen it written. You sent me the note, saying you vished to haf the romantic time vith me in the garden." Viktor was saying in what he apparently thought was an enticing voice. To Harry, it sounded more like a frog croaking. He heard Hermione gasp and sounds of a slight scuffle, and knew it was time to move.

Pulling out a flashlight he had stuck in his pocket, and wishing it was his wand, he shone it out into the garden. Now this was too much! There was Hermione, the beautiful blue dress rumpled, and pulled down on one shoulder. She had a look of mingled anger, relief and he didn't know what else. Krum looked slightly embarrassed, but still determined.

"Vot are you doing out here, Harry?" Viktor asked coldly."This is betveen Hermy-own-ninny and me. You did tell me she is not your girlfriend. So vhy do you interfere. She has sent me the letter to tell me she vishes us to have the romantic time ."

Simultaneously, Harry hissed "That was last year. She is my girlfriend!" and Hermione said furiously, "I have never written any thing remotely like that to you, Viktor Krum!" Realizing what he had said at the same time Hermione really focused on what she had heard, they stared at each other. wide-eyed.

Viktor Krum, however, was not finished. "Girlfriend! Hermy-own-ninny is no girlfriend of yours, Harry Potter. She vill be visiting my family shortly, Perhaps she vill even change to Durmstrang. It vas written in her love letter."

"How many times do I have to say this- I DID NOT WRITE ANY LETTER!" Hermione was really furious now. She was shouting her words, apparently no longer concerned about being heard. They heard a door open, light flooded the garden ,and Ivy, Dumbledore, Chris and Krum's parents came out.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?<" shouted Chris, as angry as any father would be whose daughter had been found in the dark with two teen-aged wizards and a rumpled dress. Hermione was not embarrassed for once though. Harry was pleased to see his friend, who had once turned magenta every time she was embarrassed now only looking coldly furious.

"HE..." she pointed to Viktor, "...has this crazy idea I've written him some love note. I still haven't seen it. Conveniently managed to lose it, I suppose!"

"I haf not, Hermy-own-ninny. And even without the note, I am sure you vish to be closer to me. Are you not coming to my home?" Viktor looked at Hermione with an expression that made Harry want to throw up, and pulled out an envelope, and a sheet of note paper.

"I'll take that," said Ivy, calmly. "I'm sure there is some language misunderstanding." Her eyes widened as she looked at the paper. "Where did you get the idea Hermione wanted to meet you. One of these papers is completely blank, and the other is, well, mostly a list of books Hermione wants to buy."

"Mostly? And vot is the other part? Viktor vould not make such a mistake." blustered Mr. Krum. "He has been taking English lessons since before the TriWizard Tournament."

"Then he needs to switch teachers," said Harry, with a grin. "If he thinks a book list is a love note. Besides that, when I came out there he was grabbing Hermione's dress. If she had wanted him to be out here with her, why would she have been trying to get away."

"Perhaps Herm-own-ninny is a something of the teaser," answered Viktor, now really looking angry. "I know vot I saw. She vanted me to kiss her and... "

Without thinking, Harry made a lunge for Viktor, and for a few moments no one seemed to know who was doing what. Somehow, Harry found himself sitting on top of Viktor, saying "Take it back or I'll......' but then Hermione came over and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Come on Harry, it's not worth it. Let him go." Then she bent over whispering,"Anyway, we both know who I really want to kiss." and he was sure, although it was very quick, he felt her fingers trail across his scar. A shiver went through Harry that was so much the opposite of the feeling in his scar when Voldemort was near, his head began to spin.

Getting up, Harry backed away from Krum and muttered, "Just stay away from her, that's all I can tell you."

"Would everyone like to try and forget what happened here? There is nothing on this paper to lead anyone to think Hermione wanted a secret meeting. You can surely see that, Mr.Krum." Ivy handed the note across, and Mr. and Mrs., Krum studied it, then looked furiously at Viktor.

"She is correct, Viktor.Apologize at once." said Mrs. Krum. "Ve haf not ever expected this sort of behavior in a son of ours."

"But ...." began Viktor. "Looking around at the circle of faces studying him with various degrees of anger and disgust, Viktor apparently decided it was best to give in. "All right, I am sorry if I made a mistake. Your feelings do not match mine. Perhaps vhen you haf matured you vill...."

"Hermione is very mature, Viktor. And very capable of making her own decisions. I do hope in this case, though, that she decides to spend her holiday with her family," Chris said, putting an arm around Hermione's shoulders. "The weather in Paris should be a bit more pleasant than in Bulgaria."

Dumbledore spoke then, and Harry jumped slightly. He had nearly forgotten the headmaster was there."And I believe it's time Harry had a chance to see something new. Harry, the Grangers would like you to go along. This may not be the best time to bring this up, but I suggest you take them up on their invitation."

Harry knew his grin was as huge as the frown on Krum's face as he looked from Chris to Ivy. "I really can come along?"

"You really can, Harry," said Ivy, who had a pretty large grin herself. "We were only waiting for the okay from Albus. Now, Hermione, this should be enough to help you decide."

"Oh, I don't know," replied Hermione, her eyes twinkling ."Maybe Harry would rather just have you two all to himself. " Harry shook his head furiously, and she continued, "No? Then I'll have to formally decline your invitation to visit your home, Viktor, Mr. and Mrs. Krum. As much as I appreciate your offer of hospitality, my presence in Paris seems to be required." Hermione threw her arms around her parents and hugged them, whispering something to her mother.

"Let's not let this ruin the evening," Ivy said, turning to the Krums. "Viktor has apologized, we can treat this as a misunderstanding, and still have a pleasant evening." Harry noticed Ivy giving him a look and a wink that said 'forgive me for this' as she took Viktor's arm, and continued."I'd like to hear more about your career in Quidditch, Victor. I enjoyed playing so much when I was at Hogwarts."

Leading the way, Ivy and Viktor went back into the house, followed by Chris, Mr. and Mrs. Krum and Dumbledore.. As he was about to go in, the headmaster turned back to Hermione and Harry.

"Come in soon, you two. Even though some of the company may not be to your liking, we should all attempt to get along. Even with the Malfoys. Also, I'll be making something of an announcement shortly. The two of you and all the Weasleys should be close by."

Harry and Hermione nodded and Dunmbledore went through the door. Hermione turned to Harry and said, "We seem to have quite a bit to talk about, Harry Potter. Our trip, and your sudden announcement..."

"Oh, er, I guess I should have talked to you before I went popping off about you being my girlfriend. Sorry." He forced himself to look at her, and saw that she was looking at him in a way he couldn't decipher. "Are you angry?"

"No, Of course not. And I hope it's true, in a way . But you know, we have a lot facing us Harry, and we aren't even fifteen. 'Girlfriend ' doesn't seem to be quite right." she moved a bit closer to him as she said that.

"Best friend doesn't seem to quite fit either, anymore. But, hey, Hermione, when have we ever been like other people? Who else our age has been in the kind of danger we've been in every year since we started Hogwarts? And Ron of course," Harry added.

"Ron! What will Ron say about all this? No doubt he'll laugh us out of Hogwarts, or be so angry that he might be excluded that he stops speaking." Hermione shook her head. "Do you think we can keep things from changing?"

"No, things have already changed," Harry replied , grinning. "I've discovered the bones in my knees disappear when we kiss, and that I like it. And maybe you can't tell it, but I think your fairies are trying to tell you something." He led her over to a dark window, and showed her the way the fairies were dancing and twinkling furiously. "These might not be normal times we'll be having Hermione. Fifteen or fifty, you know we should be together. Ron knows it too, and he knows we won't Iet him feel ignored. I won't push though, we'll take it slowly. You can always trust me you know."

"Maybe it isn't you I don't trust, Harry, as much as it is myself. Do you really think you're the only one who's discovered how good the no bones feeling is? " Hermione put one hand behind Harry's neck, and he felt that wonderful shiver again. "I think, in fact, it might just feel good right now."

Harry looked deeply into Hermione's brown eyes, and slipped both arms around her waist, bringing them closer than they'd ever been. Their kiss was more intense, and Harry felt if they hadn't been leaning into each other, they'd have wound up on the ground. As he lifted his lips from hers and lowered them to the softness of her neck, he wondered if that might not be a very nice thing. The feeling of Hermione's neck, the scent of her hair and skin, and the soft sounds he heard made him wonder how much longer he could remain on his feet.

"Oh, Harry, I don't want to be the sensible one," Hermione said in a trembling voice. "But I also don't want someone to come out and ruin this for us." She moved away from him very slightly, but still held her arms around his shoulders.

Looking at her intently, Harry saw Hermione's eyes begin to twinkle again, and she went on,"Besides Dumbledore's announcement, I think you and I, and then all of the Weasleys under twenty need to have little a talk. Could it be possible Viktor has been the victim of one or two of Weasley's Wheezes?"

Harry laughed a bit sheepishly and answered, " I... have a feeling you're right. It'll have to wait till we're all together though. Fred and George wouldn't tell any of us the whole story." He wasn't sure he really wanted to hear the answer, but Harry couldn't help asking,"So, are you sorry you gave up Bulgaria for a holiday with your family , and boring old me? "

"There you go again, trying to flirt. I could tell you I'm just going to Paris so you won't be alone with the 'rents, and that I'll be pining for Viktor."

"And I could remind you that Fleur Delacour might not mind me sending an owl to let her know I'll be in the area." Harry answered, trying very hard to frown at Hermione, and failing miserably. His arms tightened around her waist as he spun her around in a wide circle until they were both breathless from laughter.

"As...much...as I hate to say this, let's go in. my curiosity about Dumbledore's announcement is almost letting me stop thinking how great it will be to kiss you again. Although..."

"No, Let's go in.I'm the same way, I just have to find out." Hermione said, backing away from him."Besides think of what we have to look forward to."

"Yeah" sighed Harry. " I am thinking about it!"

"Paris, Harry, Paris," Hermione said in a mock scolding voice, pulling him toward the door.

"Oh, uh, yeah, that too," he answered, feeling the familiar redness slide over his face. Hermione just laughed though, and hugged him as they went into the house.

Once they were inside, Harry saw Ron grinning across the room and saw him raise his hand in a victory sign. "Should we go ahead and talk to Fred and George about their part in the 'downfall'?" Harry asked. He had to admit, he was probably more curious than Hermione about what Fred and George had done.

"Oh, I think Professor Dumbledore is ready to say something! Look, he seems to be moving toward the middle of the room." exclaimed Hermione, excitedly. "D' you suppose there'll be another tournament?"

Before Harry could answer, he saw the headmaster stop in the exact center of the room, clear his throat, and say in a carrying voice, "If I could have your attention for a few moments....."

Immediately the room became quiet, although Harry could see Lucius Malfoy stopped the conversation he was having with Chris reluctantly. Chris, however, seemed more than relieved to see it end. He supposed Malfoy, senior had been regaling Chris with tales of his importance in the wizarding world.

Seeing that he had the attention of the room, Professor Dumbledore went on in a somber tone. "You're all aware of the events of the past year at Hogwarts. The students had to face the loss of one of their own, and we do not know what faces us in the coming year, even more so than normally. I anticipate many of the students having anxieties that we will need to help them through."

Harry wasn't sure but he thought he heard Lucius Malfoy mutter "weaklings". If the headmaster heard anything though,he chose to ignore it. Looking around the room, his eyes took on their customary twinkle. "Coincidentally, there is a person who has the training and talent to help us through this difficult time at Hogwarts - so may I present our newest staff member, Ivy Granger!"

Looking around the room, Harry could see almost every emotion on the faces surrounding him. Naturally, there was extreme disgust and contempt on the faces of Draco and his father, puzzled looks on the faces of all the Krums, and varying degrees of pride, bewilderment and excitement on the faces of the rest.

"In addition to assisting Madame Pomfrey in our infirmary, where she will specialize in the more complicated ailments, those involving physical and emotional pain and illness, Ivy will be working side by side with Madame Hooch as our Quidditch co-coach. Some of you may not realize Ivy was one of the best chasers Hogwarts has seen in recent years."

At this announcement, the room broke into an excited babble, but one voice broke through the babble. "A muggle at Hogwart? Never!!!" and Harry knew Lucius Malfoy had been quiet as long as he would.

He had not counted on the unity of the wizarding world though, in supporting Albus Dumbledore. Upon hearing the derisive words, Harry saw Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Professors McGonagall and Flitwick and other witches and wizards he didn't recognize move protectively toward Chris and Ivy.

They need not have worried though, since Dumbledore continued in the same clear, calm and assured voice that had always given Harry such a feeling of safety, " It is perhaps unprecedented to have one with no inborn magical powers in residence at Hogwarts. However, Chris Granger, by virtue of his own abilities, and by his successful marriage to a witch, has been given permission by the Hogwarts governors to reside there. Having a daughter who has been consistently at the head of her year also was a deciding factor, so Miss Granger, may I offer my congratulations. Your father will no doubt benefit from your help this term as he undertakes a form of the Kwikspell Course. Upon completion of that, the governors will meet again, to decide how Dr. Granger will be placed in the wizarding world. Now, I'm sure you'll all want to congratulate Chris and Ivy."

That was putting it mildly, thought Harry, as the Grangers were surrounded by hugs and good wishes.He couldn't see Hermione so he knew she had been included in the happy circle. Feeling a bit left out, things became even worse as he heard a familiar sneering drawl behind him.

"So, it isn't enough for the great Potter to have won the Triwizard Tournament, and be the Headmaster's favorite. Now he's got to have someone to help him with his feelings and with Quidditch. Too bad it has to be his girlfriend's mum. You'll find it hard to get a moment alone with her now, mummy and daddy will be watching your every move." Draco snorted derisively as he continued, "Pretty tough for you, since the old bushy haired beaver has finally shown signs of becoming human. No doubt you're enjoying the blossoming."

Here it came, thought Harry. He wasn't going to be able to stop it this time. Just when things were looking good, he knew he was losing control, and would wind up expelled or worse. Just as he feeling both hands come up, and the familiar feeling in his head, George stepped between him and Draco. "Heh, I was looking for you two. Here have a tart, it'll make both of you feel better."

"And why would I take anything from a Weasel? And what would make me want a banana tart, of all things?" Draco asked in his snottiest voice.

" Well, your dad,t he great Malfoy senior seems to be enjoying his," replied George innocently. Sure enough Lucius Malfoy was eating a tart from a tray Hermione was passing, and beckoning for Draco to come over.

" Good, Father has decided it's time to leave this sad little gathering. So long, losers!" Without a backward glance Draco went to where his father stood. His mother, surprisingly, was talking to Ivy, and looked quite pleasant.

When Draco reached his father's side, Harry saw both Draco and Lucius drop their shoulders, and for some reason begin to walk bent over toward the door. Looking over his shoulder Mr. Malfoy called out ,"Narcissa-time to go, ooh-ooh-ooh." As they went out the door, both of the male Malfoys could be seen scratching themselves and making the same sound.

Mrs. Malfoy looked horrified, but everyone could hear her as she apologized to Ivy. "I never know what will happen. Lucius insists on being involved in things that are dangerous, so I have to be prepared for anything!" She and Ivy gave each other a hug, Harry was shocked to see, and Mrs. Malfoy disappeared after her son and husband.

There was a moment of uncomfortable silence, and Harry saw Mrs. Weasley looking around suspiciously around for Fred and George. She sighed in relief as she saw them talking casually and innocently with Chris about his Kwikspell Course. Ginny and Hermione, on the other hand, were giggling quietly in a corner, and Ron, he found was standing beside him.

"So....mission accomplished? Did the hero get the girl? " asked Ron with a smirk. "And how about those banana tarts?"

"Hero, I dunno. But, yeah, I guess I'd have to give an affirmative to both questions. Two things though: the "girl", and I'd be careful saying that around Hermione, seems very concerned about her other best friend's feelings in the whole thing. Think you and Hermione need to have a talk? Maybe you can actually manage not to fight for once."

"Maybe," said Ron. "I wouldn't count on it though. Too much history there." His eyes softened though, and he added,"Good of her to think about me too. Most girls wouldn't have, though Hermione has never been most girls, has she? But what's the other thing?"

"We all need to have a talk about our "plan". Hermione has some questions, and I have a few myself."

To be completed..........