Astronomy Tower
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 08/18/2001
Updated: 09/01/2001
Words: 38,861
Chapters: 10
Hits: 20,632



Story Summary:
In Summer you'll see: Harry getting to live a little during the summer without interference from the ministry; Hermione learning to loosen up and have some fun; ultimate reversal of the Dursley's way of life (They'll be better off for it... someday)

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
In Summer you'll see: Harry getting to live a little during the summer without interference from the ministry; Hermione learning to loosen up and have some fun; ultimate reversal of the Dursley's way of life (They'll be better off for it... someday)This is very much a fluffy fic, but it has been well-received by reviewers who tell me it's one of their favorite places to come for a happy read that leaves you feeling good. A happy write, a happy read! The romance is light, because IMO to be otherwise at fifteen would be out of character for any of them.

~ Summer * Chapter Five ~

" Plans for Dinner "

"She got out a little pan and started melting the wax in it," Harry continued. Hermione looked puzzled, but ready to attack Petunia later, if she needed to.

"Why did she do that, did she make all of you eat food with wax in it?"

"Oh no, we didn't eat it, Hermione, and I had about the most fun I've ever had in that house. She brought Uncle Vernon in and made him sit at the table. Then we, um, took away some of his hair." Harry was laughing so hard by now, his last words came out in a gasp, and he was rocking on the step, holding his stomach ."You know that frizzy hair? In his ears, and nose? Well, it's........ gone!"

A look of delight replaced the puzzled one on Hermione's face." You mean she used the wax on your uncle? Harry you're not making this up?"

"Oh, no," Harry managed to choke out. "Only I put the wax on, and pulled it off. Petunia not only insisted I do it, she made Dudley hold his arms. She slapped both of them a couple of times when they tried to argue with her, and told Dudley the hair on his head would be next if he didn't quiet down."

"Ooh, Harry I guess your Uncle Vernon was pretty angry when he was able to move! Did he come after you?" Hermione asked with a grin, picturing Vernon with hair and wax being ripped from his skin.

"Oh, no," replied Harry with a grimace. "It would have almost been easier if he had, I'm used to having to get away from him fast. But no, the big, brave man sat there and howled like a baby. He cried and Dudley started whining about......" he reached into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out a folded piece of paper that he handed to Hermione with a smirk. "........this! You seem to have made an impression on Dudley. He wouldn't be quiet until Petunia had written this."

Dear Hermione,

I'd like to invite you to dinner at our home tonight. Dudley has talked about you constantly since he met you yesterday. If you are able to join us, I will pick you up when I come for Harry this afternoon. Dudley will be so disappointed if you can't make it, so I hope you'll try.


Petunia Dursley

Harry watched Hermione read the note with a smirk on his face. "I told Dudley there was no way you'd consider having dinner with a pig like him. Just write a big NO on that and I'll give it back to my aunt. How dumb can a guy get, even Dudley."

He was surprised to see Hermione re-reading the note, with a look of concentration on her face. He couldn't believe it, she seemed to be seriously considering the invitation. Why would someone like Hermione want to be around Dudley.

Before he could speak, Hermione giggled and said,"So Dudley has a crush on me. I never would have expected him to notice anything except what's on his plate." Harry felt himself let out the breath he'd been holding without realizing it.

"So you aren't going to come over. You'd hate it, Hermione. They are the most boring muggles in the world, even since your mom used that Charm."

"Oh I don't know, Harry, I wouldn't have minded being there for that wax thing." Harry laughed at that but was surprised to hear her voice take on a different tone than he'd really heard in Hermione before. "Besides, I would really like to be able to know where you live. You know, so I could kind of, um, imagine where you are when you're not here." Her face had become very pink and he could tell she was trying not to look at him."I guess you think that's pretty silly, Harry?"

Suddenly Harry was aware that they were sitting much closer together than they had been moments before. Her tannned, bare shoulder was touching his arm, and he couldn't help noticing how smooth and soft her skin was. When she leaned over to put the note in his shirt pocket her hair had that wonderful smell he'd noticed before.

He had a brief, wild thought that maybe they could disappear for the day, before Hermione drew away, and said, "We'd better get inside, Harry. Mom and Dad have things for us to do, and I'd better ask them about this invitation. They may not want me to go anyway." She suddenly broke into a grin and said with a laugh," If I go...... you know I'll have to take Crookshanks along. Think your aunt will mind?"

Thinking about his Aunt Petunia's pride in her shiny floors and dust free furniture, Harry felt a great rush of happiness and anticipation come over him.

"Just be sure you don't brush him first, or do anything to make him clean. I'd hate to miss seeing Aunt Petunia's face when those long orange hairs and dusty footprints are all over her floor and furniture!"

He stood up and reached down to pull Hermione to her feet. When he did, they lost their balance slightly, and she fell into his arms. Very briefly, Harry felt his arms tighten around her and she leaned into him, then they broke apart and went into the Grangers' front door to begin the day.


As Harry went through the day at the Granger's, part of his mind was looking toward the evening ahead, but he also dreaded seeing Dudley acting like a fool over Hermione. She was
his friend, wasn't she? Hermione didn't seem the least concerned about the evening, and he wondered what had happened to make her so confident. Sure, she had gotten a lot of attention from Viktor Krum, but he and Ron were the important ones in her life. Weren't they? He remembered, a little embarrassed even in his mind, how he'd acted about Cho. If Hermione remembered that, (and when did Hermione forget anything?) she wouldn't be wrong in completely ignoring him. Maybe he should get used to it.

Chris broke in on these gloomy thoughts by asking him to help clean the X- ray machine. He seemed to notice Harry's mood, and made an extra attempt to explain the workings of the machine. Harry couldn't help wishing Hermione was explaining it to him, even though he did appreciate her dad spending the time. Except for Sirius, briefly, there hadn't been anyone older who might understand how a guy who was almost fifteen might be feeling. Ron, while he was the best friend a person could have, tended to go overboard and wasn't the best for being objective.

Chris finally stopped talking about machinery and sat down. To Harry's surprise he said, " So how do you like the changes in Hermione? " Harry knew his mouth dropped open, he was so shocked. Apparently Hermione's no nonsense attitude came from her dad. So what was he supposed to say? Fortunately Chris didn't seem to really expect an answer, since he just grinned at Harry and went on.

"Being her dad, I always told myself this wouldn't happen, but my daughter has discovered life isn't all inside books. You're one of her best friends, so you'll probably suffer the most. I've been wondering, Harry, this Krum chap, is he a suitable friend for Hermione? You know she's been asked to visit his family this summer, and we haven't consented yet. "

Harry had to fight the impulse to shout "NO!" as loud as he could. Somehow he felt that would be the wrong answer, and he struggled to think of something friendly to say.

"Erm... he's an excellent Seeker. He seems to work pretty hard. I ....... reckon he'd be a good friend, once you got to know him, I mean," he finally answered, sounding very unenthusiastic, even to himself.

"We'll all have the chance to do that next week, Viktor and his family will be in London for a few days. We're thinking of having a small party while they're here, Ivy's idea of course," Chris said with a slightly apologetic look on his face.

"Ivy!" thought Harry. If there was one adult in the world he had trusted besides Dumbledore and Sirius, it was Ivy. Now, even though he knew it was stupid of him, he felt betrayed.

At that moment, Hermione's face appeared in the door.

"Aren't you hungry?" she asked. " Mom and I gave up waiting for you, and had lunch. She's keeping it warm for you now."

"And what do you plan on doing? " Chris asked Hermione, who seemed to be in a hurry.

" Oh, I've got some letters to write, " she answered. "Then I was hoping Harry and I could take Crookshanks outside for a while. You know, let him get some exercise, before he goes with us for his big dinner date." Even though Harry felt a definite annoyance at the mention of Hermione writing letters, the idea of taking Crookshanks outside did make life look a bit brighter. He watched Hermione disappear up the stairs as he followed Chris into the kitchen. When, he wondered, had her legs gotten so long? Those robes! Hermione had really managed to keep a lot of changes to herself over the last few months. When he got into the kitchen, Ivy was preparing to leave to go back to her office.

Chris said," I've been telling Harry we're thinking of having a few people over next week, while Viktor Krum and his family are in town."

On hearing this Ivy stopped and gave Harry a look that made him feel a bit reassured, though not as much as her words did.

"I think it's best we all meet the Krum family together. I'm not at all certain I like the idea of Hermione visiting an unfamiliar country with a family we don't know."

Harry could feel the breath he didn't know he'd been holding ease out, but before he could stop himself he said, " Yeah, but how does Hermione feel?
She wants to go, I guess!"

Ivy smiled at Harry and looked as if she would have reached out and patted his arm, if she hadn't known he'd be embarrassed."

"Hermione doesn't seem at all certain of what she wants to do, Harry. I think she's all for visiting another country, we often do that in the summers. But she's also enjoying having you here, knowing your aunt and uncle aren't spending the summer finding ways to make you miserable. Chris and I thought possibly you'd go with us when we went on our summer holiday. In their present condition, I can't imagine your aunt and uncle objecting."

"Oh, no! They won't mind," Harry practically shouted, then realizing what he'd done, and feeling his face go red, he quickly added, "I.. I mean, it would be great to be able to go on a holiday out of the country."

Ivy had a wistful look on her face when he said this and Harry wondered if she could be thinking back to holidays she and his mom had shared. The look quickly vanished though as she said,"Perhaps we should see whether the Weasleys could come up for a visit next week. I've always felt Molly was a good judge of character. And you and Hermione would like to have Ron and any of the other Weasley kids come along."

As he began to eat his lunch, Harry couldn't help wondering what the next week would bring. Viktor Krum and Ron both visiting, and here was Hermione seeming like a different person from moment to moment. Suddenly the tasks he'd faced during the Triwizard Tournament seemed, even if more dangerous, at least easier to understand than the way things seemed to be going in his life since school had ended for the year. And, unfortunately, he didn't think his wand wasn't going to be of much help this time. . .


After Harry and Hermione had taken Crookshanks out in the Grangers' garden, encouraging him to roam through the bushes, and walk through any patches of bare earth, Hermione shook her head. " I don't know, Harry, what are your aunt and uncle going to think when I bring in a dirty cat?"

Harrry snickered and said " Like we really care what they think. Come on, Hermione , just keep remembering 'shiny floors-dirty feet, perfect furniture - cat hairs and twigs! Me being starved every summer!"

Hermione laughed at this and said " OK, Harry, I'm convinced But I'd better get in and change. Your aunt will be here soon." She looked down at her once white and now orange cat hair covered tank top and grimaced. " I'm a real mess!"

Harry didn't know whether to agree or offer to help her get the cat hairs off. He didn't like the idea of her leaving the house dressed so ... briefly, yet the idea of helping brush off the cat hair was an appealing one.

" Harry! You in there? I asked if you'd mind putting Crookshanks in his basket while I get ready. OK?" he noticed she was giving him an odd look.

"What? Oh, yeah, sure Hermione, go ahead and get ready. Aunt Petunia will be here in a little while, and I'm sure Ivy won't want her hanging around." Harry started off in the direction where he'd seen Crookshanks last, saying over his shoulder," I'll take care of things here!"

Hermione nodded, and went into the house, leaving Harry to begin the struggle to capture Crookshanks, who was definitely not pleased to give up his new freedom. A half hour later ,Harry was panting and sweating, but Crookshanks was safely in his basket.Hermione was just walking into the living room when he walked in through the door that went to the back of the house.

"Got him?" she asked, walking over to take the basket. "He really dug into you, didn't he?" Harry looked down at his arms, where there were two long scratches and nodded.

"Why don't we go into the office and clean that up. Sorry I have to do it the muggle way, unless you want to wait for Mom to do it?"

"No! I mean, we better get it done now, before Aunt Petunia comes. She probably won't let me in her car, with blood on me. You'll do okay cleaning it for me, won't you?" asked Harry, feeling suddenly kind of glad Crookshanks had been so resistant to being caught.

" I'll try," Hermione said with a laugh, as they walked into the office and she began getting out ointment and bandages., and running warm water." Just don't expect the kind of results you get from Madame Pomfrey."

As she cleaned and bandaged the scratches, Harry found himself studying the dress she was wearing. Had she enchanted it? He didn't remember ever seeing any cloth like it before, the different colors of blue faded in and out into different shades, almost seeming to move, and there were things on it that looked as if they might have come from a book on Ancient Runes. He didn't realize he was staring until she shook his arm slightly." OK Harry, I'm finished. Is something wrong with my dress?"

" No ! I love it, but what makes it look that way?" he asked, a little embarrassed at his own enthusiasm, but too curious not to ask. He hoped she wasn't going to be mad, and was relieved to see her smile at him.

"I found this in a box Mom had, and asked if I could have it. It was a pretty color, but Mom put a little Shimmer Charm on it, and now it does look kind of alive, doesn't it? Think I should wear it, or will it scare your family?"

" Go ahead and scare them!" answered Harry, "I think your mom must have known what she was saving it for. The only thing is......don't you think you'll get a little cold, Hermione?" He couldn't help wishing the dress would grow long sleeves and a few inches longer - at least while she wore it at his Aunt and Uncle's house, but then go back to the way it looked now.

Hermione looked a little puzzled, but then she grinned and said," Sure, Harry, I'll take a sweater, if it'll make you feel better." Harry could feel himself go red, but fortunately Ivy and Chris appeared at that moment,saving him from a reply. Ivy was carrying a fairly large box that looked like a bakery box, and had a wonderful smell coming from the edges.

"Ready to go?" asked Ivy. "I've made you some rolls and cakes to take along,Hermione. just be sure you and Harry are very careful not to do more than taste one. And whatever you do, don't let Crookshanks have any."

" No problem there," Harry said with a grimace as he remembered all the food that had come to the Dursley's table that he had barely gotten to taste."When Dudley's around, he doesn't let anyone else get within speaking distance of the food until he has what he wants!" He could feel his stomach rumble at the smell of Ivy's rolls and cakes.

She must have anticipated that, since Chris reached behind him and picked up a tray of the same rolls and cakes along with cups and a pot of tea that he moved to the table in front of the couch. " These are safe, I believe, Ivy?" They all laughed and sat down to help themselves to a snack, discussing possible outcomes for the evening.

"Just be very sure you want them to do anything you mention, after they've eaten what's in that box. I've used a Coaxing Charm, but it's quite a powerful one, so don't say anything jokingly. You may wind up having the Dursleys doing something that could be dangerous to you or to them."

Harry was about to ask how long the cakes could be saved (although he wasn't quite sure w hy he wanted to know) when the doorbell rang. He and Hermione looked at each other with huge grins and Chris went to open the door for Aunt Petunia . Harry's evening of fun was about to begin, and he planned to enjoy every moment of it!

To Be Continued.....