Astronomy Tower
Dean Thomas Seamus Finnigan
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 09/22/2002
Updated: 10/19/2002
Words: 1,636
Chapters: 2
Hits: 1,405

Open and Notorious


Story Summary:
Justin and Seamus are dating, but they haven't exactly told Dean...

Chapter 01

Author's Note:
This story is dedicated to Lady_Nazgul, i.e. Nimloth, who came up with the story. She's also my very important beta. Good job, Nimloth.

Dean glared in the direction of the Hufflepuff table. He could just barely see the outline of Seamus, who seemed to be happily chatting with his new best friend, Justin. Dean felt a surge of jealousy. Ever since Seamus had started hanging about that Huffily git, Dean had become a third wheel. Well, he was going to sit there and scowl until things turned around. Or until the Quidditch game that afternoon. And then he’d have to see Seamus, but, of course, Justin would be there, and so he wouldn’t even talk to Seamus, because Seamus wouldn’t even notice him… Dean lowered his head into his arms, abandoning his usually cheerful personality in favour of a sulky temperament.

"Hey, Dean." Dean jumped at the lately unfamiliar sound of his name. He lifted his head up and turned to see the cruelly cheerful Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "Ready to play some Quidditch?"

Dean tried his best not to scowl at the three friends, in all their happiness, but why the hell couldn’t he have some thing like that? Why couldn’t he and Justin both be best friends with Seamus? Concealing his searing jealousy, he replied in a quite normal tone.

"Yeah, but a little nervous although Hufflepuff should go down pretty easy, eh? And Seamus and I have become pretty good beaters-"

"Seamus isn’t playing, because Justin is chasing. It’s just not fair to make someone play against his own boyfri- Ow!"

Harry’s happy explanation as to the change in starter had been cut off by a jab to the ribs from Ron.

"Whatdidyoudo-?" Harry was hissing, but a look from Ron shut him up. It was clear that there was some thing important that he didn’t know, so he continued cautiously.

"Anyway, he’s been replaced by Trav, he’s a pretty good reserve. And…" Harry trailed off, aware that Dean’s attention had wandered over to the Hufflepuff table, and that he was now glaring at Seamus with a look not unlike murderous rage.

"Oh–" Harry’s tone had become rather sympathetic at the look he saw on the tall boy’s face. "Yeah, it must be hard to find out that you best friend since first year is ga–"

Another elbow hit Harry’s ribs; Hermione’s this time. Cottoning on, Harry abruptly ended the conversation. "So, see you in about an hour, Dean?" Dean did not respond. Harry was just thinking that Dean might not have heard a word he’d said when Ron dragged him all the way into the entrance hall without so much as an explanation.

"God, Harry, are you THICK?!" Hermione’s voice rang through the entrance hall.

"What are you going on about?" Harry asked, surprised.

"Justin-Seamus-Dean!" Hermione hissed. "Dean doesn’t know about Seamus!"

"What, that he’s gay? Why not? What’s the big deal?" Harry was confused. Why couldn’t Dean know about his best mate? And why was Hermione red and hyperventilating?

"Harry! This isn’t our business! If Seamus doesn’t want Dean to know, then there must be some reason. Imagine how Dean would take this if we told him before Seamus!"

"I get that!" Harry was becoming annoyed, "Why won’t Seamus tell?"

"Damn it, Harry!" Ron was having his turn, "We don’t know! Let them work it out, and stop meddling!"

"OK, I wish someone had told me before… oh, shit, what time is it?"

Hermione and Ron watched Harry bolt to the pitch, Ron breathing a sigh of relief. "Well, finally that jock is gone. Want to have a snog, Hermione?"

"OK." Hermione replied. They snuck into the nearest broom closet, all thoughts of Seamus and Dean gone from their minds.

Meanwhile, somewhere between the quidditch pitch and the castle, Seamus watched his tall, dark best friend stalk towards the locker rooms. He was thinking of all the fun he and his friend had had back before things became complicated when a hand slipped over to grasp his own. "Hey, lovely! Ready to watch you team’s first defeat of the season?" Justin was almost glowing with Hufflepuff pride.

"You wish, muffin. Gryffindor will damage some badger skin tonight!"

"Well, we’ll just see about that…" Justin led him towards the pitch and Seamus, while still beaming, couldn’t help but think about Dean and the way his best friend must feel…