The Rise and The Fall

Chica Inglesa

Story Summary:
In a world where Voldemort has assumed a dictatorship across Wizarding Britain and Harry has died, his remaining allies struggle to survive. Five years later, Ginny Weasley finds herself facing new struggles in the form of an exiled Draco Malfoy. What she doesn't realise is these struggles could lead to something so much more...

Chapter 01

In a world where Voldemort has assumed a dictatorship across Wizarding Britain and Harry has died, his remaining allies struggle to survive. Five years later, Ginny Weasley finds herself facing new struggles in the form of an exiled Draco Malfoy. What she doesn't realise is these struggles could lead to something so much more...

Words: 3,778
Hits: 28

Without her wand and no one able to save her, Ginny is completely helpless in the face of Lord Voldemort and his terrifying followers.

Words: 3,355
Hits: 12

After a night in the dungeons of Malfoy Manor, Ginny finds herself being taken through the vast expanses of the Manor and learns that she has been given a House Elf. After all this, Ginny's sentence is finally delivered.

Words: 5,310
Hits: 0