Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter Lavender Brown Parvati Patil
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 07/24/2002
Updated: 09/12/2002
Words: 9,360
Chapters: 7
Hits: 3,847

More To Life...The Sequel


Story Summary:
The sequel to More To Life...Oliver, Harry, Lavender and Parvati are still going happy-go-lucky but it turns out that someone has a crush on Harry and Oliver. How will Parvati and Lavender react to this?

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
Yes, everyone who has read my fics before know that I suck at writing summaries but...read this chapter...!!!!

More To Life...The Sequel 07

"That has to be funniest thing!" Parvati squealed as they lay in bed.

"Oh my gosh! Yes!" Lavender agreed.

~*~*~The Next Day~*~*~

"So, you got real secret admirer letter?" Ron asked. "Wow...lucky you."

"Lucky? Why lucky? I don't want a secret admirer! I want Parvati!" Harry explained as they entered Potions.

"Good morning!" Snape said cheerfully. (A/N: Yes, I meant to put cheerfully...weird yes, I know. It goes with the story.)

Ron and Harry took their usual seats in the back of the class when Parvati and Lavender came through the door. Parvati smiled sweetly at Harry and they took the seats in front of Harry and Ron.

Later in the lesson, Harry made his cauldron overflow. "Mr. Potter, please try and not overflow your cauldron." Snape rolled his eyes.

Harry stared after him. "How many points from Gryffindor?"

"None..." Snape replied as he went over to Neville.

Harry went pale. 'Bloody hell, the secret admirer letter! Ohhh no...he didn't take any points from Gryffindor...oh no!' Then, Harry knew that he had to be bad so Snape could take points from Gryffindor so everything could go back to normal. Harry stood up on his desk and started singing the national anthem while trying to tap dance.

Snape looked at him. 'Okay, now Snape is going to take points away and it will be okay..."

"Sit down Mr. Potter!" Snape roared. Harry continued to dance.

"Mr. Potter!" Harry imitated.

Ron tugged at Harry's robe and pulled him down back into his seat and whispered, "What's wrong with you? Have you gone mad? This is Snape's class!"

"Ron, I never told you who that other secret admirer letter was from..." Harry trailed off and looked at Snape who was now looking at Harry.

Ron looked where Harry was looking. A horrified look came over Ron's face, "No! Harry...please tell me what I'm thinking is wrong...please!" Ron wailed quietly. "Not...n-not Sn-Sna-Snape."

Harry nodded, looking sick. "He didn't take any points from Gryffindor when I was singing the national anthem and pretending to tap dance-"

"Actually, that was a pretty good tap dancing," Ron grinned.

"Ron!" Harry yelled. He got a look from Snape but he didn't do anything. Then, he continued, "Stick to the subject. Snape-Snape! Sent ME a secret admirer letter! Do you not think that that is sick and twisted?"

"Oh yeah...beyond reason," Ron said with a disgusted look at Snape.

"Oh my God! I can't believe he just did that!" Parvati giggled.

"I want to see what Oliver does if he gets in trouble with Filch...oh that would be so funny!" Lavender replied.

"Class dismissed," they heard Snape say.

They went off to lunch. Harry pulled Oliver out of the Great Hall and explained about Snape. Oliver's eyes were wide with horror. "Oh no...I wonder what Snape has in store for me..."

While the two boys were outside and Ron was eating like he hadn't eaten in six years, Parvati, Lavender and Hermione were talking.

"You brewed that potion?" Hermione asked looking very impressed.

Then, Parvati and Lavender told them about their plan. The fake secret admirer letters that they sent. Hermione burst out laughing.

"Whew..." Hermione said as she gained control and started breathing normally again. "That is a bloody brilliant idea!"

Parvati and Lavender grinned proudly. Then, they saw Harry and Oliver come back into the Great Hall. Oliver looking very scared and disgusted at the same time. (I don't know how but he did.)

That night, Angelina was talking to Oliver and she was asking how he and Lavender were doing. "Oh...uhhh...secret admirer letter nope! None of those!" He smiled. "Okay yeah, I got a secret admirer letter."

"OOO! Lavender must be freaking out," Angelina replied. "Who is it from?"

"FILCH!!!!!!!!" Oliver screamed.

Angelina started screaming too. "OH MY GOD!!!!!!!"

The two of them started freaking out until Madam Hooch made them go inside, which was about five minutes later. Oliver, who had forgotten to wipe his feet, was tracking mud in the entrance hall. "WOOD!" He heard a very mad person scream.

Oliver turned to see Filch. "Uh oh." He murmured.

"Ohhh...good for nothing student...tracking mud onto my clean floors," Filch murmured as he went up to Oliver. "You! You!" He pointed his finger at Oliver's nose but was looking into Oliver's eyes. (Uh-Oh!) Filch raised his hand. It looked like he was going to hit Oliver on the head. Oliver ducked, but not soon enough, Filch's fingers ran through Oliver's hair.

Oliver screamed, not bothering to look at Filch's expression. He grabbed his head and started running up the stairs.

He burst into the Common Room to find Harry and Ron playing Wizard's Chess and Hermione reading a book on a couch but actually, she was looking over the book. (Hmmm...maybe at Ron?) He grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him up to his deserted dormitory. Oliver explained about his encounter with Filch. By the end of the story, Harry had his mouth open and looked sickened.

Right then, Parvati and Lavender came up looking for them. They could hear Percy screaming, "You're not allowed in there! That is the boys dormitory!" They shut the door and put a silencing charm on it.

They noticed the sickened look on Harry and Oliver's faces. "I think we came at the wrong time..." Parvati said as she and Lavender started to turn around.

"No...it's time we straightened this whole thing out," Oliver said, as he made Lavender sit down.

Harry heaved a sigh as he sat down by Parvati and explained, "At the beginning of the year, we decided to play a joke on you two, by sending ourselves fake love letters, just to see what you two would do."

"Then, we got these real love letters," Oliver continued. Then, Harry and Oliver told them about their encounter with Snape and Filch.

There was silence when Oliver and Harry were expecting the worse when Parvati and Lavender burst out laughing. When they had started to breath normally again, Parvati said, "We know."

"We slipped a special truth potion in your drinks and you wouldn't remember telling us the truth, actually, we slipped it into Angelina and Alicia's but, we figured that they gave theirs to you two."

"So," Lavender continued, "We sent you those two fake love letters to see what you two would do."

There was silence. Harry broke the silence by saying; "You had to sign mine from Snape, didn't you?"

"And MINE from Filch! Do you know how disgusting that is?" Oliver said.

They were laughing; Oliver and Lavender had fallen back onto the bed, laughing as hard as possible while Harry and Parvati were lying on the floor. Then, Percy came barging in through the door yelling, "THIS IS A BOYS DORMITORY! NO GIRLS! WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" Percy had spotted the two couples lying together and obviously Percy thought that they were doing the bad thing, but they weren't. "OUT!" He pointed out the door. The four of them got up. "Not you two." He referred to Oliver and Harry. "I need to talk to you." He looked at Parvati and Lavender and said, "I will deal with you two later. I daresay that Professor McGonagall would like to say something to the four of you also. Honestly..."

The end of the year came too soon for the four of them and soon they were on the scarlet steam engine...heading home. "The Puddlemere United?" Lavender asked Oliver.

"Well, it's not DEFINATE yet, but they said that they would like me to try out." Oliver couldn't help but smile.

They slipped through Platform 9 3/4 into the Muggle world..."Quidditch World Cup this summer!" Oliver yelled over the heads of the crowd to Harry.

Harry smiled. He missed Parvati too much.

As Oliver let himself into his room (painted red and gold...hmmm I wonder why!) and immediately took out his picture of Lavender to put by the picture of the Ireland Quidditch Team...

When Harry got home, the first thing he did was take out the picture of him with makeup on and Parvati laughing at him in the background. He smiled...

A/N: Yes, I know...crappy ending but...it's the best I can come up with...give me a break...it's 10 o'clock and I'm tired...LOL! Well, anyways, I hope you liked it! This is the last chapter! The end! Hope you liked it and PLEASE review!! Thanks! Oh! And a special thanks to all of the reviewers!!!