
Carmen Black

Story Summary:
On the Hogwarts Express, Lily discovers who has been chosen for Head Boy. Companion piece to Coming Around.(Pre-dating L/J.)

Chapter 01


Lily entered the prefect carriage with a practiced air. Her gold and red prefect badge had been replaced this year by a larger one, reading "Head Girl." She smiled at the handful of prefects already gathered in the carriage, mostly sixth- and seventh-years. Still, none of them wore the Head Boy badge. Lily was about to take a seat when there was a ruckus just down the hall.

"We've barely left the station," a Hufflepuff prefect complained, "and trouble begins."

Lily opened the carriage door and peered into the hall. She should hardly have been surprised at the group responsible for the noise. However, far from the practical jokes she was used to, the scene was less than amusing.

Remus and Peter were clutching Sirius' robes, holding him back from a shorter boy whose back was turned to Lily, but whom she recognized after a moment.

"This is none of your business, Sirius," Regulus shouted at his brother. "You're doing nothing but making allegations!"

"Allegations?" roared Sirius, brandishing his wand. "After that exchange?" He wildly waved in the direction of the platform they'd just departed from. "It's clear Bella's warped you into some Dark Lord worshipper!"

"Even if it's true," Regulus said, "and I'm not saying it is -- you'd hardly have any say. It's not like you were around to be my role model."

"Don't you dare play that card, Regulus," Sirius warned.

Lily was just about to open her mouth when James arrived.

"Oi," he said, pushing his way around Peter. He turned to Sirius and snatched his wand, calmly saying, "I'll take that. Heel, mate."

To Lily's surprise, Sirius relaxed slightly, although his eyes were still fixed on Regulus. James handed the wand to Peter and said to him, "We'll be back in a pip. Try not to kill anyone while I'm gone, Padfoot.

"Alright, Black the Younger, on we go," he said, shifting his attention and ushering a fuming Regulus ahead of him toward Lily. Remus followed behind. It was only then she noticed.

James was sporting the Head Boy badge.

He wasn't.

He couldn't be.

Dumbledore would never...

McGonagall would never...

"Morning, Evans," James said cordially. "I think I'll leave most of the talking to you. Afraid I'm a bit new to this committee."

Lily stopped him and grabbed the badge off his chest. James raised his eyebrows as Lily checked its authenticity. Satisfied, if confused, Lily returned the badge, and James reattached it with a genial smile.

"Is this a joke?" she asked Remus, as James entered the carriage and exchanged jovial greetings with the students inside.

"Sorry?" Remus said politely.

"This is some funny joke," Lily said. "You're the real Head Boy, and James thought it'd be funny to pretend--"

Remus shook his head, laughing quietly. "We were as shocked as you," he said. "But I think Dumbledore knows what he's doing."

"I sure hope so," Lily said faintly.


After sending the prefects out of the carriage, Lily finally turned to face James properly.

"You're Head Boy," she said.

"Yes," James said.

"This isn't a joke."


"This is madness."

"A bit, yeah."

She stared at him for a moment.

"Evans," James said quietly, "I know what you're thinking, and I promise it'll be fine. I know I've kind of ruined my second chance with you. And my third. And my hundredth. But unfortunately, times are changing out there. We all have to grown up, fast. Even me," he added, with a broad grin. "I'd better get back to the Marauders. I'll see you at the castle, Evans."

"James," Lily said, as he was leaving. "I'm sorry I told you to call me 'Evans'. 'Lily' is fine." She offered a small smile.

"Brilliant," James said, grinning back. "Then I'll see you at the castle, Lily."

Lily sat down after James left, sorting through what had just happened. So this wouldn't be a Potter-less year, after all.

And yet, it might be okay.