Lupin's True Love

Carey Ann Lupin

Story Summary:
The Marauders discover a plot that involves their new friend, Veronica Croft. James and Sirius also discover that Remus is falling in love with Veronica. Does she love him back? Will they ever be happy?

Chapter 42 - Chapter 42 - Animagus Training

Chapter Summary:
A roar echoed around Veronica as she watched a lioness walk toward her. The tawny fur shimmered slightly in the pale light coming from the fog. Its tail whipped from side to side as a large dark brown wolf jumped into the clearing. A small falcon landed on the wolf’s back. The wolf walked toward Veronica, who had knelt onto the ground. The wolf licked Veronica’s cheek as the falcon flew up and landed on Veronica’s shoulder. The falcon nipped lovingly at Veronica’s ear making her giggle. Veronica reached her right hand down to pet the lioness that had laid down to her right side. The wolf was sitting regally at her left side.

November 7, 1973

Veronica hefted her bag onto her shoulder as she started out of the common room. She had fifteen minutes to get down to the Transfiguration classroom without the boys finding out about it. James stepped into the common room as Veronica approached the door.

"Where are you going, Vee?" James dropped his bag next to one of the tables.

"I've been having some trouble with Transfiguration and McGonagall said that she'd tutor me in it." Veronica stepped out the door. "See you later." She let out a sigh of relief as the door closed on James's astonished face. "That was close."

"What was close, Vee?" Sirius watched as Veronica squealed and tossed several papers into the air.

"I hate it when you do that, Sirius." Veronica pulled out her wand and waved it over the scattered papers. The papers flew up into her waiting arms. "If you'll excuse me, McGonagall is waiting for me."

Sirius watched Veronica hurry down the stairs toward the Transfiguration corridor. "That's odd."

Veronica heaved a seep sigh as she hurried along the deserted corridor to Professor McGonagall's office. She knocked once on the door and slowly pushed it open.
"Miss Croft. I'm glad to see that you're on time." Professor McGonagall looked up from the essays stacked neatly in front of her. "We'll begin in a moment. Professor Slughorn was to bring the Animagus Potion but he must have gotten behind." A knock sounded on the door and Professor McGonagall climbed to her feet and opened it. The Potions Professor, Horace Slughorn, stood on the other side of the door. "Professor Slughorn, I'm glad that you finally made it with the potion."

"Of course, Professor McGonagall. Do you need me to remain behind and help?" Professor Slughorn handed a small phial to Professor McGonagall.

"That won't be necessary." Professor McGonagall closed the door before Slughorn could take a step into the office. "That man insists on having his hands in everything around here." She turned to look at Veronica who was trying to keep from giggling. "Have a seat over on that cot, Miss Croft."

"Yes, Professor." Veronica dropped her bag onto the floor and made her way over to the cot. She sat down and looked up at Professor McGonagall pulling the stopper from the phial. "Now what?"

"You'll take this and we'll see what your form is." Professor McGonagall handed the phial to Veronica.

Veronica held the phial to her lips and tilted her head. The potion tasted sweet, like strawberries fresh from the vine. Veronica ran her tongue over her lips to catch any remaining drops of the potion as her eyes started to drift close. Professor McGonagall picked up the phial that had landed on the pillow beside the cot. She gently moved Veronica's legs onto the cot and pulled a thin blanket up to the girl's shoulders.

Veronica felt that she was walking through a fog. She looked to her left and right looking for a way from the fog or even a small light to light her way. A roar echoed around Veronica as she watched a lioness walk toward her. The tawny fur shimmered slightly in the pale light coming from the fog. Its tail whipped from side to side as a large dark brown wolf jumped into the clearing. A small falcon landed on the wolf's back. The wolf walked toward Veronica, who had knelt onto the ground. The wolf licked Veronica's cheek as the falcon flew up and landed on Veronica's shoulder. The falcon nipped lovingly at Veronica's ear making her giggle. Veronica reached her right hand down to pet the lioness that had laid down to her right side. The wolf was sitting regally at her left side. All the animals were watching the fog. Veronica's gaze followed theirs as a fourth animal stepped into the clearing. It was as small as a large dog. Veronica held out her hand and waited. A small golden griffin stepped from the fog and cautiously made its way over to Veronica. She watched in amazement as it snuffled at her extended hand. A man stepped from the fog and the griffin sat beside him. He wore a tunic made from a brilliant deep red fabric. There were golden threads woven through it. At his side was a sword with glittering rubies that looked like they were eggs. His right hand rested on the handle of the sword while his left rubbed the top of the griffin's head.

"This is not one of your forms, milady. It is the form of one of your children. Children that are yet to come." The man knelt before Veronica and clasped her hand before bringing it to his lips and gently kissing it. "There is much that you must do. Take care of your love and family, my heir." The man rose and started to walk back into the fog with the griffin following him.

"Who are you?" Veronica's voice sounded hoarse to her ears. "It's as if I know you from somewhere."

"You will discover who I am soon." The man gave one last bow as the fog swirled around him and swallowed him up.

Veronica looked down at the animals gather around her as the fog slowly disappeared. She jerked herself up on the cot. The blanket pooled around her waist as she looked around Professor McGonagall's office. Professor McGonagall picked up the cup of tea she had ready for Veronica and passed it to her.

"I take it that you have a form."

Veronica nodded slightly as she took a small sip of tea. "A lioness, a falcon, and a wolf."

"Which form would you wish to begin with?" Professor McGonagall picked up a quill and poised it over a piece of parchment.

Veronica swirled the tea around slightly before looking up at her professor. "The lioness. Will I have to register?"

"I'm afraid so. But we will only register one of your forms. It will be better to keep the others hidden for now. Once you have the basics of the Animagus Transformation down, you will be able to work on your other forms." Professor McGonagall glanced at the clock on her desk. "Your first lesson will have to wait until next week. Be here at the same time and I will begin to help you with your transformation."

"Thank you, Professor." Veronica placed the teacup on the small table beside the cot and flipped the blanket from her legs. She rose shakily to her feet. Her eyes drifted over the portraits hanging on the walls around the office. She gasped when she saw the man from the vision. "Professor, who is he?" Veronica watched as the portrait gave a gentle bow. His clothes were the same. A deep red tunic shimmered with the golden threads woven within it. His silver sword glittered brightly in the candlelight.

Professor McGonagall smiled softly, the first time she had done so in many years. "That is Godric Gryffindor. He was the Founder of Gryffindor House."

Veronica gave the portrait a quick curtsy. "Thank you, Professor. I thought I recognized him from my dreams."

"You must hurry. It is almost time for curfew, my dear."

"I will make sure that she arrives back at my House safely, milady." Godric Gryffindor bowed to Professor McGonagall as Veronica hoisted her bag onto her shoulder.

"Thank you, sir." Veronica walked out the door of Professor McGonagall's office while Gryffindor walked through each portrait following after the teen that reminded him so much of his true love.